For task 3 evidence you must submit student work samples for how many students , lesson plans, clips from your videorecording, assessment materials, instructional materials, student work samples), as well as commentaries that you have written to explain and reflect on the Planning, Instruction, and Assessment For most handbooks, you are going to be choosing work samples that illustrate a learning pattern. 3) Score of 1 Score of 2 Score of 3 Score of 4 A response at the 1 level samples of student work and, for Task 3, a fifteen-minute video recording of you interacting with Students can be found directly on the . This assessment should be an assessment that you included in Part D of Task 1 and is used for the whole class. Use evidence found in the 3 student work samples and the whole class summary to analyze the patterns of learning for the whole class and the learning segment. The evidence you submit must address and will be scored according to the following. a student work sample from any student in the class other than the two Focus Students (maximum of one page) 3. selected language function, vocabulary and/or symbols, AND The Basics of Assessing Student Learning Task 3 INTRODUCTION Task 3 of the edTPA focuses on assessment. Written Commentary of a maximum of 25,500 characters (equivalent to eight pages typed) that Representative page of student work ; 1 . Submit the clip in Literacy Assessment Task 3, Part B. permission for recording students. ) o Planning Commentary Provide citations for the source of all materials that you did not create (e. Analyze your students’ use of academic language and how it reflects their understanding of the content. Upon completion of the three tasks, you will submit artifacts . The following InTASC Model Core Teaching Standards represent the focus of this task. Textbox 2. Identification of two Focus Students who reflect different learning needs 3. The teacher-candidate must submit two recorded clips totaling no more than 20 must have a specific learning need—documenting the feedback provided to each of these students, and providing evidence of student understanding of targeted academic language. Each set of work samples was produced by students working at a particular level of the Victorian Curriculum Mathematics. Standard 3, Indicators a, c, d, e Submit the clip in Assessment Task 3, Part B. You may provide evidence of students’ language use from ONE, TWO, OR ALL THREE of the following sources: 1. In analyzing the three student work samples, student self-reflections, and the whole class For this task, you must submit the following evidence. ) ¡ Written directly on work samples or in separate documents that were provided to the focus students If a video or audio clip of feedback occurs in a group context (e. 2, and 4. Ask students to clarify responses either in writing or verbally. 1. Upon completion of the three tasks, you will submit artifacts from the tasks (e. All of my feedback is written directly on work samples and is ideally returned to the students the following class Below are two of the previous examples of students' open mind portraits. to develop If you submit a student work sample or feedback as a video or Evidence from the clip(s) may focus on one or more students. , lesson plans, clips from your videorecording, assessment materials, instructional materials, student work samples), as well as commentaries that you . Evidence of Language Understanding and Use When responding to the prompt below, use concrete examples from the video clip(s) and/or student work samples as evidence. )! Written directly on work samples or in a separate document b. For Task 3, you must submit the following evidence: 2. , chat file, IM). Evidence from the clips a. The Standards for the English Language Arts (2012) can be found at instructional materials, student work samples), as well as commentaries that you have written to explain and reflect on the Planning, Instruction, and Assessment The three tasks and the evidence you provide foreach b. Three different artifacts (maximum of seven pages) for this task including Documentation of feedback you received from students, teachers, and/or administrators . Explain how feedback provided to the 3 Within Task 3, work samples, feedback and evidence of student language use may come from synchronous or asynchronous lessons. In partnership with Bank Street College of Education and key stakeholder groups, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education began development of PAL in 2012 after regulations passed in 2011 requiring candidates must demonstrate that they are meeting the Professional Standards for Administrative Leadership by completing a Evidence of Teaching Competence; Tasks. For more about artifacts and how to determine the best artifacts to use as evidence, review the “Thinking About Evidence” section of the Handbook . the learning segment. Use the student work samples analyzed in Task 3 and cite language use. Use evidence found in the 3 student work samples and student self-reflections, and the whole class summary to analyze the patterns of learning for the whole class and Select ONE assessment from your learning segment you will use to evaluate your students' developing knowledge and skills. ) ¡ Written directly on work samples or in separate documents that were provided to the focus students [Feedback was written directly on the students’ work samples. Task 4 Implementing and Analyzing Instruction to Promote Student Learning . This may be in the form of a constructed response, problem solving, or performance. Intended to be viewed after part of this series. Conference with individual students to explain their feedback. Written Commentary of a maximum of 28,500 characters Representative page of an assignment given to teachers and/or students . When selecting a class or group of students, please note that you will be selecting work samples that show students who have a common struggle related to the essential literacy strategy and related Submission of TASK 1: Knowledge of Students and the Learning Environment (Be sure to save a student work sample to upload) = 2 prompts Textbox 1. 4 . Identify the format in which you submitted your evidence of feedback for the 3 focus students. Try to focus on what the students’ actually write (i. Q 3c. Explain and provide concrete examples for the extent to which your students were able to use or struggled to use the . In what form did you submit the 3 students’ work samples from the reengagement - thana semester or year to plan, implement, and embed. Use the student work samples analyzed in Assessment Task 3 and cite language use. Use This lesson may be taught with the 3 focus students one-on-one, in a small group, or with the whole class. For Task 3, candidates will analyze one individually completed assessment of student learning from their learning •Student Work Samples (the actual assessment that the students completed) • Evidence of Feedback (you must provide evidence of your feedback) • Evaluation Criteria (how you Refer to specific evidence from the work samples. file. Submit the clip in Assessment Task 3, Part B. Note: California candidates must include one focus student who is an English language learner. For uploading to Pearson you must follow the Evidence Chart specifications found in each content TASK 3 Part A: Student Work Sample 1 Student Work Sample 2 Student Work Sample 3 Part B completion of the three tasks, you will submit artifactsfrom the tasks (e. Students may use only two prompts from each Essential Skill area (e. student work samples as evidence. 5 Analysis of Student Learning with Examples of Student Work (approximately 1-2+ pages, plus student work samples and any charts/graphs/tables created to support your analysis) In this section of your Teacher Work Sample, you must provide a narrative summary, examples of student work, and graphs or charts to describe the The work you submit as part of your response to each task must be yours and yours alone. Rubric for Step 1: Planning (textboxes 4. , what you observe) 3. 1 Representative page from a feedback survey* completed after the professional Select 3 student work samples that represent the struggles in this area. Examples of evidence that demonstrate teacher mastery of instruction-related standards include: • Student work samples demonstrating progress over time, including written assignments, assessment results, artwork, audio recordings, and/or videotaped performances • For you to be assessed as competent, you must successfully complete two assessment tasks: Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions – You must answer all questions correctly. This chart provides a list of all required work products for PAL Task 3, as well as a description of supported file types for submission. Choose one of the following: Written directly on work samples or in separate documents that were provided to the . Q 2b. These pages do not count toward your page total. Differentiated assessments need to result in evidence of student learning according to the evaluation criteria you describe. Your PAL work products must conform to the artifact, category document, and commentary specifications for each task. 14. Collect and submit the work samples from the lesson for the 3 focus students. List all citations by lesson number at the end of the Planning Commentary. A. Use the student work samples analyzed in Assessment Task 3 and For Assessment Task 3, you will choose work samples from 3 focus students. Student work should be compared to the scoring rubric to determine point in time performance level. 2. Step 2: Developing a Plan to Improve Instruction, Student Learning, and the School Culture the learning segment. These pages If you submit a student work sample or feedback as a video or audio clip and you or your focus students cannot be clearly heard, attach a transcription of the inaudible comments a. Written Commentary of a maximum of 15,000 characters (equivalent to You may use work from the previous two years. that you will use with your students in this task. Students were able to use oral language to identify the main and supporting details with in a text. Why Analyze Student Work? Engaging in a collaborative process of looking at student work allows a group of educators to c. , lesson plans, clips from your videorecording, assessment materials, instructional materials, student work samples), as well as commentaries that you have written to explainand reflect on the Planning, Instruction, and Assessment For this task, you must submit the following evidence. materials, instructional materials, student work samples), as well as commentaries . Explain and provide concrete examples for the extent to which your students were able to use or struggled to use the. Written Commentary of a maximum of . What evidence of student learning will you collect from this assessment? How will you If you submit a student work sample or feedback as a video or audio clip and you or your focus students cannot be clearly in Assessment Task 3, Part D. ) How will these responses be integrated into the lesson plan? b. ) ! Written directly on work samples or in separate documents that were provided to the focus students. discourse or syntax. Written Commentary of a maximum of data from both the whole class and the two Focus Students, work samples from the Focus Students, and a fifteen- minute video. When responding to the prompt below, use concrete examples from the video clips (using time-stamp references) and/or student work samples as evidence. A focus on important trends in student performance, supported by examples from the work samples. (e. Graded student work samples and products comprise the bulk of assessment evidence. Explain how feedback provided to the 3 focus students addresses their individual For this task, you must submit the following evidence. All consent forms must be collected before a students will be your focus students for this task. It also clearly shows areas of strength and correction for the student. Written Commentary of a maximum of 28,500 characters (approximately nine typed pages) that • responds to all parts of the guiding prompts; • references your artifacts to support your written placement includes more than one class, select only one class for this task. Use the student work samples analyzed in Assessment Task 3 and If you submit a student work sample or feedback as a video or audio clip and you or your focus students cannot be clearly heard, attach a transcription of the inaudible comments a. Written Commentary of a maximum Refer to specific evidence of submitted feedback to support your explanations. Students used identifying by creating a symbol, Select student work samples (3 focus students for most handbooks) and analyze them in-depth. Give students a specific strategy to use on a future assignment. 1 representative page of a differentiated lesson plan for Focus Student 2 1 3. If you submit a student work sample or feedback as a video or audio clip and you or your focus students cannot be clearly heard, attach a transcription of the inaudible comments a. You will submit 3 files - one for each focus student. , evidence is limited to a student survey, self-assessment, peer assessment, or work completed by a group). ] d. 1: Reflecting on the Assessment for the Whole Class Task 3: Assessment Commentary c. Please remember that feedback can be included in audio, video, or written form for Task 3 and all must include the same pieces. Focus student work samples that represent a range of performance on the chosen assessment(s) A focus on important trends in student performance, supported by examples from focus students’ work samples Explanation of any modifications made to a chosen assessment in order to address student learning needs (i. Use the student work samples analyzed in 13. For this task, you must submit the following evidence. Answer: Your evidence of feedback will depend on what work samples you uploaded for Task 3, Part A. Use evidence found in the 3 student work samples and the whole class summary to analyze the patterns of learning for the whole class and differences for groups or individual learners relative to conceptual understanding Your written commentaries and the student work and other artifacts you submit must all feature facilitation that you did and work that you supervised. Focus student 2, (see Student 2 Work Sample, Task 3A), regularly meets literacy standards and had the requisite skills needed to complete the essential literacy strategy. 1, 4. (Delete choices that do not apply. ) As you plan, keep in mind such things as fostering student interactions, using technology, and gathering evidence of student learning. , lesson plans, clips from your videorecording, assessmentmaterials, instructional materials, student work samples), as well as commentaries that you have written to explain and reflect on the Planning, Instruction, and Assessment components of the tasks. Give the students an opportunity to ask clarifying questions regarding feedback. , what individuals or groups generally understood and what a number of students were still struggling to understand) you identified in your assessment analysis. Note: Applies to Task 3's work sample evidence and Task 4’s formative and re The work sample must be the actual student work analyzed. and student learning. Give students an opportunity to make corrections or For this task, you must submit the following evidence. These work samples will be Part A from your Evidence Chart. 1. g. Feedback to Guide Further Learning Refer to specific evidence of submitted feedback to support your explanations. At least one of these students must have a specified learning need. If there is also a written component to the assessment, the written evidence can be submitted in Part B: Evidence of Feedback if feedback is written on the actual student work, in Part C: Assessment Commentary at the end, or in Part Task!3:!Assessment!Commentary! If you submit evidence of learning, a student work sample, or feedback as a video or audio clip and you or your focus students cannot be clearly heard, attach a transcription of the inaudible comments (no more than 2 additional pages) to the o The work sample evidence for one or more focus students does not demonstrate what the student(s) knows and/or is able to do (e. 4. Use the student work samples analyzed in Assessment Task 3 and standard for Questions 7 and 8. This collection must include student participation in selection of portfolio content; the guidelines for selection; the criteria for artifacts, samples of student work, and for Task 4, a fifteen-minute video recording of the teacher candidate teaching a lesson. 3 How will you communicate its use to your students? d. a. Provide evidence of the feedback provided to these students. Standards and Indicators Measured in This Task . Also, the blank assessment given to students; do not submit student work samples for this task. For this task, you will also select three participants with different levels of experience, Upon completion of the three tasks, you will submit . If student voices cannot be heard, the candidate must submit additional evidence showing student engagement in the lessons (e. artifacts, samples of student work, and for Task 4, a fifteen-minute video recording of the Task 1: Knowledge of Students and the Learning Environment In this task, you will demonstrate the knowledge and skills that pertain to your understanding of For this task, you must submit the following evidence. Note: Music students are to submit two edTPA flash drives. Try not to focus on what you think the students should know or be able to do 5. , published texts, websites, and material from other educators). TPA Task 1. This information is very clear to see in the 3 Student Work Samples. Feedback is provided for each one to model how appropriate feedback can be completed for both a positive and negative work sample. Six different artifacts (maximum of seven pages), including a work sample from Focus Student This video discusses the analysis that you must do as part of Task 3 of the edTPA. evidence of language use. students actually did not learn as much as the 90% suggests. Task – refers to any assignment that requires a response from students. Use evidence found in the 3 student work samples and the whole class summary to analyze the patterns of learning for the whole class and differences for groups or for individual learners relative to their abilities to create, present, or a. evidence from the work samples in relation to mathematical errors, confusions, and partial understandings. Task 1: Adult Learning and the Collaborative Culture; Task 2: Research for the Improvement of Practice; Task 3: Professional Learning If you submit a video or audio clip of feedback or a work sample and you or the focus students are occasionally inaudible, Use evidence found in the 3 student work samples, student self-reflections, submitted in Task 3A. Representative page of a student work sample from one student . In what form did you submit your evidence of feedback for the 3 focus students? (Delete choices that do not apply. Written Commentary of a maximum of 22,500 characters (approximately seven typed pages) that Student work sample from Focus Student 1 1 2. Part A: Student Work Samples; Part B: Evidence of 3. When responding to the prompt below, use concrete examples from the clips (using time-stamp references) and/or student work samples as evidence. Task 3: Assessment •You will submit: •Commentary •Student Work Samples (the actual assessment that the students completed)* •Evidence of Feedback (you must provide evidence You will choose ONE assessment from your learning segment to analyze closely in a written commentary, provide samples of student work, and provide evidence of feedback for three Provide evidence of students' understanding and use of target academic language function and other language demands - this can be video clips and/or student work samples (videos should Task 3 INTRODUCTION Task 3 of the edTPA focuses on assessment. Work with your cooperating teacher to identify your strengths and priority areas for growth and possible types of professional development The EQuIP Student Work Protocol allows teachers to consider: • quality of task (alignment, clarity) • quality of student understanding (student mastery, level of student ownership) The protocol focuses on the quality of a single task within a lesson or unit. I don’t understand why I received a 0 when I answered all the guiding prompts The work you submit as part of your response to each task must be yours and yours alone. from the tasks (e. When identifying learning needs (step 3), help the BT start to see what they can REASONABLY do This is an example of strong feedback because it is written directly on a work sample from the student. This artifact can have a Submit the clip in Assessment Task 3, Part B. I provided students with feedback directly on their work. Concrete evidence of feedback for each focus student. Focus student whose work samples repeat a range of performance on the assessment. ” This gives you a benchmark by which to analyze the other papers. , discussion), clearly o The work sample evidence for one or more focus students does not demonstrate what the student(s) knows and/or is able to do (e. I also gave additional qualitative written feedback on the rubric. , position, physical description) whose work is portrayed. Analyzing Teaching Cite evidence from the 3 focus students’ work samples from the re-engagement lesson to support your response to prompt 4b. : Communication with Your Students Families (Upload a one -page For this task, you must submit the following evidence. c. Performance Assessment for School Leaders. Standard 2, Indicators a, c, d, and f . Student 3 can explain that he understands how to reason through a difficult problem and demonstrate his understanding. You should have one for each lesson you taught. 1 2. Note: Applies to Task 3's work sample evidence and Task 4’s formative and re-engagement work sample evidence. , differentiated versions of the Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like This format for alternate assessments is a purposeful and systematic collection of student work, and is probably the closest design to revealing what ongoing instruction looks like for students taking the AA-AAS. Task 1: Planning for Instruction and Assessment: In Task 1 you will plan a learning segment of 3-5 consecutive lessons or 3-5 hours of connected instruction. ] b. Be aware of your biases Norms for Evaluating Work Together 3. ] 2. 1: Required Artifacts 21. 5/ Concrete evidence of academic language use (video clip/ student work samples) students9 language use). Attach the assessment you used to evaluate student performance (no more than 5 additional pages) to the end of this file. You can write directly on the student work or on a sticky note attached to the work. Using the supporting glossary of terms, explain what "generalize" and "maintain" mean with regard to the communication skill as referenced on page 36 in the section PASL Task 3 – Creating a Collaborative Culture 2 What Do You Have to Do for This Task? For this task, you must submit the following evidence. )! Written directly on Rubric – Implementing and Analyzing Instruction to Promote Student Learning – Task 4 1 . selected language function, vocabulary or key phrases, AND. ) 3. Your written commentaries, the student work and other artifacts you submit, and your video recordings must all feature teaching that you did and work that you supervised. 2 *A sample template is provided, but candidates can submit a These examples of high school work sample tasks are aligned to the 2011-12 Mathematics Problem Solving Scoring Guide and to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Q 4 # correct # incorrect] d. Part A: Context for Learning Information; Part B: Lesson Plans for Learning Segment; Part C: Instructional Materials; Part D: Assessments; Part E: Planning Commentary; TPA Task 2. , lesson plans, clips from your videorecording, assessment . Describe how you will monitor student learning during the course of the lesson. 2: The Focus Students = 3 prompts Textbox . Task Examples. Guiding Prompt for Task 3, Textbox 3. Write a lesson that develops student understanding of the targeted learning Implement the lesson with the 3 focus students individually, in a small group, or with the whole class. Identify the format in which you submitted your evidence of feedback for the 3 focus students. Then you will name the work samples Focus Student 1, Focus Student 2, and Focus Student 3. Be sure to summarize student learning for all evaluation criteria submitted in Literacy Assessment Task 3, Part D. •Focus students learning (see handbooks for the number of focus students) •You will submit: •Commentary •Student Work Samples (the actual assessment that the students completed) •Evidence of Feedback (you must provide evidence of your feedback) •Evaluation Criteria (how you determined student mastery (rubric etc. Analyzing Student Learning; a. Task 3 requires candidates to submit a professional learning plan. Choose your task from the list below. Rather, this portion of the assessment invited too much interpretation, and thus, it was a precarious task determining which students effectively analyzed the expert and which students did not. Use the student work samples analyzed in Literacy Assessment Task 3 and cite language To analyze student work from a task within a lesson or unit to establish evidence of task alignment with the targeted CCSS or state’s CCR standards To provide suggestions for improving the task and related instructional materials. Submit an additional video file named <Language Use= of no more than 5 minutes in length and cite language use (this can be footage of one or more students’ language use). Explain your planning process as you respond to the guiding prompts below. ] b. Use evidence found in the 3 student work samples and the whole class summary to Student A: Explain the extent to which your students were able to use language (selected function, vocabulary, symbols, academic language, and additional identified demands) to develop content understandings. Use evidence found in the 3 student work samples and the whole class summary to analyze the patterns of learning for the whole class and differences for groups or individual learners relative to! the essential literacy strategy! related skills. "Use evidence found in the 3 student work samples and the whole class summary to analyze the patterns of learning for The work you submit as part of your response to each task must be yours and yours alone. ) As you plan, ke ep • a student work sample from any member of the class other than the two Focus Students (maximum of one page) scored. Part A: Video Clips; Part B: Instruction Commentary; TPA Task 3. The artifacts and Student use of language will also be used in the analysis of student learning. This step allows you to reflect on the assessment by providing evidence of student learning that resulted from the baseline data and the results of the administered assessment. Evidence from the clips may focus on one or more students. The work you submit as part of your response to each task must be yours and yours alone. As a result, students like student 3 and student 1 who did not adequately analyze the passage PAL. For each task, you’ll submit a written response along with other types of evidence or artifacts, such as student work samples, a professional development plan, and quotes from colleagues. In what form did you submit the 3 students’ work samples from the re- engagement lesson? Student Work – the student’s response to the task. Select three student work samples that provide evidence of this specific struggle (e. Standard 1, Indicators b and c . Scored Student Work Samples - High School Purpose. PPAT® Assessment . In this 31% are focus students 2 and 3. You will develop a central focus for your learning segment and align all your standards, learning objectives, learning tasks, and assessments for it based on what you know about your students. 1 a work sample from Focus Student 1 1 3. . Evidence from the clip(s) may focus on one or more students. Written Commentary of a maximum of 28,500 characters (equivalent to nine pages typed) that • responds to all guiding prompts; • references your artifacts to support your written evidence; and misunderstanding) that the whole class or a group of students have. Analyzing Children’s Identify the format in which you submitted your evidence of feedback for the 3 focus students. For more about artifacts and how to determine the best artifacts to use as evidence, review the “Thinking About Evidence” section of the Handbook. In some cases, you won’t need to upload any additional files for evidence of feedback. To what extent did the task provide opportunities for students to think : • What strengths and areas for growth do you see across student work samples? Share evidence from student samples, aligned to the rubric, criteria for success, and standards-aligned exemplars. Prior academic learning and prerequisite skills related to the central focus—Cite evidence of what Do you need help writing Task Three of the edTPA? Maybe you don't even know where to start! It happens! This playlist has everything you need to know. 1 . The essential literacy strategy involves students interpreting facts and illustrating them. Step 3: Analyzing Three Participants ’ Responses Implementing and Analyzing Instruction to Promote Student Learning – Task 4 2 What Do You Have to Do for This Task? For this task, you must submit the following evidence. ). student work samples central to Task 3, or other score report for Task 2, Step 1, shows a score of “2”, but I received a zero for Task 4, Step 3. Performance Assessment for School Leaders For this task, you must submit the following evidence. Focus student 3, (see Student 3 Work Sample, Task 3A), is my gifted student, who regularly needs a challenge in literacy If you submit a student work sample or feedback as a video or audio clip and you or your focus students cannot be clearly heard, attach a transcription of the inaudible comments a. If you submit a video or audio clip of feedback or a work sample and you or the focus students are occasionally inaudible, attach a transcription (no more than 2 additional pages) to the end of this file. For this task, you must submit the following evidence. Explain and provide concrete examples for the extent to which Now you can describe your students’ use of academic language and support your description with evidence from your Task 2 video clip, a separate video clip, or student work samples. [ SLO- Student Learning Objective SLO 1- 3 short response, 1 multiple choice (25%) c. You can upload a PDF or Word document with written feedback, or you can upload a video or audio file with oral feedback. )! Written directly on work samples or in a separate document; [I wrote directly on work samples and used a rubric for quantitative assessment. Use Assessment for Section 8. 28,500 characters (approximately . Task 3 is something that might very well require more time in order for candidates to produce a significant professional learningexperience. collect student work samples and feedback to students as evidence for Task 3 Assessment. physical education), students must be seen. [ N/A – students are not identifiable in the clips. As student work samples are uploaded to the online platform, it is imperative that teachers ensure that the standards and student work samples match across the differentiated groups and between point A and point B within a collection. 3. Use the student work samples analyzed in Assessment Task 3 and For Task 3, you must analyze all of your students' assessments and draw some conclusions about learning. At least one of the focus students must have specific learning needs, for example, a student with an IEP (Individualized Education Program) or 504 plan, an English language learner, a struggling reader or writer, an underperforming student or a student with gaps in academic knowledge, and/or a gifted • one representative page of a student work sample from one student • one representative page from a feedback survey completed after the professional development (A sample template is provided, but candidates can submit a form of their own. To help students, teachers For Task 3 , you must submit the following evidence: 1. The response supports for the assessment commentary will assist in the planning, writing When analyzing the four student work samples to describe student performance (step 2), start by discussing the student work sample that “meets standard. a differentiated lesson plan for Focus Student 1 1 3. Evidence from the clips may a. b. Provide a graphic (table or chart) or narrative that summarizes student learning for your whole class. 2. Student 1, 2, and 3 Work Samples all provide good examples for students meeting the standard for Questions 1-6 (with the exception of Student 2 If you submit a student work sample or feedback as a video or audio clip and you or your focus students cannot be clearly heard, attach a transcription of the inaudible comments a. that you have written to explain and reflect on the Planning, Instruction, and Assessment PAL Evidence Chart . and both. Q 2c. Task 3: Assessment Commentary c. Assignment Review Protocols (TNTP, 2018) Similar to EQuIP, this protocol focuses on Evidence to Consider for Inclusion in Student Portfolios . The . What student work samples will you require the students to submit as part of your assessment of student learning a. For example, 3 lessons = 3 completed Task G or 4 lessons = 4 completed Task G. , lesson plans, clips from your videorecording, assessment materials, instructional materials, student work samples), as well as commentaries that you have written to explain and reflect on the Planning, Instruction, and Assessment • The videotaped lesson and student work samples are two major components in the candidates’ edTPA portfolio that require parent permissions. Explain and provide concrete examples for the extent to which For each task, you’ll submit a written response along with other types of evidence or artifacts, such as student work samples, a professional development plan and quotes from colleagues. a purposeful collection of student work that tells the story of the student's efforts, progress, or achievement in (a) given area(s). In turn, these students who produced the selected work samples become the focus student(s) for the task. (You may use the template provided. Step 4: Reflecting on the Collaborative Team and the School Culture If you submit a student work sample or feedback as a video or audio clip and you or your focus students cannot be clearly heard, You may provide evidence of students’ language use from ONE, Submit the clip in Literacy Assessment Task 3, Part B. 2 . 3 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Q 1 Q 2a. Teacher candidates are required to obtain and retain, in their possession, a signed permission form for every student and adult whose work is submitted and/or who appears in the video recording or photographs. Candidates are required to submit all that you will use with your students in this task. Q 3a. Define and submit evaluation criteria (rubrics, checklist, etc. 1 a work sample from any class member other than the two Focus Students 1 3. Each focus student must have video work samples as well as up to two other samples and evidence of feedback. Q 3b. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like How many focus students do you need for Task 3 ?, When selecting your 3 focus students, what is important for the student work to show or demonstrate?, When you select student work from the class how will you label the work ? and more. The student work samples and feedback can be in written, audio, or video formats. focus students . through how you will foster students’ ability to use feedback as a truly teachable moment, and include it footage of one or more students ˇ language use). Evidence of Language Understanding and Use When responding to the prompt below, use concrete examples from the video clips and/or student work samples as evidence. TASK 3. Submit an additional video file named “Language Use” of no more than 5 minutes in length and cite language use (this can be footage of one or more students’ language use). The Task The task for which student work samples are collected should come from a CCSS-aligned or samples of student work and, for Task 3, a fifteen-minute video recording of you interacting with Students can be found directly on the . Contextual (Placement d. 2 : reason through the solution. You will upload a picture of each of the focus students’ For Task 3 student work samples, video or audio clips should be uploaded for Task 3 Part A: Student Work Samples. Evidence of student achievement has been annotated, including evidence of both knowledge and skills addressed in the relevant achievement standard and some common misconceptions in student learning in Mathematics For Task 3 , you must submit the following evidence: 1. Assessment Task 2: Project – You must work through If you submit a student work sample or feedback as a video or audio clip and you or your focus students cannot be clearly heard, attach a transcription of the inaudible comments (no more than 2 additional pages) to the end of this file. What student work samples will you require the students to submit as part of your assessment of student learning resulting from the lesson? (The work can be created either during or after the lesson. Complete Task G no later than 2 days after each taught lesson. The three tasks and the evidence you provide for each are framed by your understandings The work you submit as part of your response to each task must be yours and yours alone. 2 a work sample from For this task, you must submit the following evidence. Use evidence found in the 3 student work samples, student self-reflections, and the whole class summary to analyze the patterns of learning for the whole class and dif-ferences for groups or individual learners relative to 䡧 conceptual understanding 䡧 procedural fluency AND 䡧 mathematical reasoning or problem-solving skills Class The following InTASC Model Core Teaching Standards represent the focus of this task. , Math, Reading, Writing). e. Select 3 student work samples that represent the patterns of learning (i. Use video clips from samples of student work and, for Task 3, a fifteen-minute video recording of you interacting with Students can be found directly on the . , mathematical errors, confusions, partial understandings), and these three students will be your focus students. Appropriate for most handb Analyze 3 focus work samples to identify the targeted learning for the lesson. You may work with the whole class or a group of at least 4 students. Use . Task 3 really isn't about the students - only For each focus student, a video or audio work sample must be no more than 5 minutes in total running time. These students will be your focus students for this task. One will be retained in the School of Education archives and the other in the College of Music. Use evidence found in the 3 student work samples and the whole class summary to In what form did you submit your evidence of feedback for the 3 focus students? (Delete choices that do not apply. ) Use the student work In Task 3: Assessment, candidates are instructed to select student work samples that represent the patterns of learning identified in the assessment analysis. Identification of two Focus evidence is limited to a student survey, self-assessment, peer assessment, or work completed by a group). Written Commentary of a maximum of Develop a lesson plan that you will use with your students in this task. Try not to focus on what you might infer from the students’ writing 4. If you submit evidence of learning, a student work sample, or feedback as a video or audio clip and you or your focus students cannot be clearly heard, attach a transcription of the inaudible comments (no more than 2 additional pages) to the end of this file. For Task Candidates will submit work samples and associated feedback for the three focus students. Written Commentary of a maximum of 25,500 characters (approximately eight typed pages) that . Submit the clip in Task 3, Part B. Now, let’s focus on the artifact requirementsfor Task 3. Guiding Prompts a. the standard. ) How will these responses be integrated into the lesson plan? The work you submit as part of your response to each task must be yours and yours alone. Collect and analyze student work - qualitative and quantitative patterns of of one or more students’ language use). Watch the video below for assistance with the logistics and all of the options for Task 3. 3. Select 2-3 assessments from the learning segment for this analysis. utlvhn mpm jbtqw zvpj nlmr dhjd kxcv ktnfqf gpbmkecs dsi