Working out is pointless reddit However, working out over and over and over, as well as adjusting your entire life around "gains" and "following that pump" for aesthetic purposes is just ridiculous. A popular youtuber's wife is paralyzed from the waist down because she had a gymnastics accident at 18. I don’t want to kill myself, and I wouldn’t, but sometimes I think it would be a relief dying in a car accident on my way into work. Dialogue is important to fill out scene. If you're fasting longer than 24 hours, resistance training should be exceptionally light. What is the point of complaining at work, it doesn't get things done faster and just brings everyone down. I’m still working on my own life, house, and future. Beyond that, if you would like to have your journal serve a larger purpose, write with the idea that someone in the future will be able to get a vivid idea of common life in a time past. Same thing for school and higher education. And now I’m dating a great guy. The "Let's sync up to go over this". Ok. Take some baby steps, replace some soylent calories with something simple like hardboiled eggs, and work your way up from there. I am yeeting this thing. I work out to stay fit and to be healthy, and I think everyone should do this. 9 times out of 10, it is you who is the problem, and not school. Look into that feeling. i have gotten comments or joked about in the gym from other teens, about how i look like a man, and girls say that my legs are so skinny but that They have all the machines for a full body HIIT work-out laid out in a circle and you do 1 minute at each machine and then move on to the next and 1 minute later you do 1 minute on the next machine and so on. Working out improves your health and amplifies your weight loss results. Do not buy Razer products when there are so many companies that make quality products out there. Gym/fitness is relevant to your goals, and you don't have to go every day and calorie count strictly if you don't want to. Add to your days a PB sandwich, 500 calories and 30g protein to help you fitness wise and to his your calories. It doesn‘t change a single thing about my relationship. It also depends on your personality. Shit happens get over it and do what you can. Think of it like living art. You work to acquire money, and in return, society gets what you provide. Most people require a decently stable relationship with them to fully lay out their issues and work at resolving them - it just takes time. Professional Development, Training, "Continual Learning", etc. EDIT: Thanks for the advice guys. Firmware update wont work. The most inexpensive foods: Stock up on peanut butter and bread if you can. Not everyone is the same. Jan 12, 2022 路 Studies overall show that doing moderate-intensity aerobic exercise such as walking for 30 minutes a day, five days a week—the amount recommended for good health—typically produces little or no Aug 31, 2022 路 Failing to live up to our internal expectations of a good life can cause despair. Yes I exercise but the idea of having to pay to work out my own body is stupid and overrated. ever notice you become winded just doing lunges and squats? If you want to be in business a long time SEO is not pointless. Thats just working on yourself. Im gonna go back to old fashioned way of asking women out and taking the outright rejections If what I said seems like hard work, consider that at this point that the random approach is getting pretty damn close to being considered sexual harassment. Starting a new one is harder. ) and I have had a lot of jobs. Yes, of course they manipulated the system to give themselves structural advantages, and yes that makes voting them out more difficult, but it's still not pointless. The problem is that many people (including myself) look to job hop mainly for compensation, but we aren’t supposed to say that. Yes this! I do 10 minutes of yoga before work, 15 minutes of Pilates at lunch, and a 15-20 minute run after work. But let’s forget about the obvious health benefits and just look at the process. It’s easy to stay up for an extra episode of entertainment and sleep during the work out time to feel just as rested for work. Work towards a sustainable diet and lifestyle and you can be healthy instead of just thin. Your followers on TikTok have virtually no value. I hate software development and I want to do something more meaty with my life. I work from home and wear work out clothes all day though which helps. and as I said, Life is hard. Then, I plan a trip that can allow me to aesthetically actualize the fruits of my work. The reach on most of my posts is less than 200, which for an app with 1 billion users is, again, total shit. If you want all people to do just as well on one assessment that they don't even all care equally about, then you could just have a computer doing the work and it would get the same success rate based on false premises. 99. I know, working out is good for you in lots of ways and I am not saying it is a complete waste of time but I start to think that if you want to look really good you should just jump on gear because you will never be happy with your achievements. To address this, it's important to create structure in your life, which brings balance and purpose. Some people will work 50-60hrs constantly whereas some may only work 35hrs or less depending on the field and if they can afford to do part time/ reduced hours. Other than that, I'm A subreddit for those who want to end work, are curious about ending work, want to get the most out of a work-free life, want more information on anti-work ideas and want personal help with their own jobs/work-related struggles. Personally I work hard so I can eventually have kids. In the meantime, do some soul searching. It's given me a better understanding of why the Israelites suffered as they had in the OT. Work out what your aims are and do what is right for you; become a land whale that eats garbage and has a heart attack at 56 with blown out knees and a mobility scooter for the decade before that if that's more your bag. When I was working on a publication during my masters, I felt like quitting at multiple points in the year long process, but that publication is something I’m still proud of today because at least I started it and felt that there was meaning in the work. It lead me to think how many young children join this sport at such tender ages and destroy their entire life (sometimes fatally) over something as pointless as 'flexibility'. I have to laugh that now standing desks are coming with “floor desk” options, whole bunch of programmers are about to learn the hard way why people invented chairs. Next time you're out study the type of people and how they interact. However, after you've been going hard for, say, 10 years you will have gotten to the point where you'll have to put in a ridiculous amount of effort for very miniscule gains. Overtime seo's roi can be absurd. I think working on your emotional maturity isn't really spirituality. " Things in Egypt didn't work out perfect. They're not designed to teach, they are designed to filter out people and waste everyone's time with busywork. Yah, it’s hard to dedicate an hour of every day to something and make it a priority. This presenter opened the meeting by saying "I'm a huge supporter of having the students back in school You won't run out of glycogen or severely stress your body by skipping a couple meals - the stomach's protests notwithstanding. So I get my 45 minute work out but spaced out throughout the day but some days I do jack shit. It's always good for your body to eat healthy, regardless of whether you work out. On one level work isn't pointless. Now I go work out because it’s fun and I like how I feel after. Okay, so per usual you're getting a super cynical nialistic pov from reddit when you're reaching out for help. Or go to the gym even when you have a tough assignment. I've played in every elo, from bronze to challenger and i can tell you that in under 100 games, i can get one account stuck in platinum, one account stuck in diamond and one in low grandmaster, depending on my luck while playing the You get complacent. You can't really effectively lose weight and build muscles if you just do exercises but don't know the mechanisms and goals (about diet and physiology), nor does it work if you just know but don't do. Any good looking physique - he is not natty. I have spent the last 20 years working to the point of breaking. The "life is pointless" rut is a clear song being sung by your inner being to say that you are not engaged in anything of meaning. Working out just doesn't fire off dopamine for me. Of course we were thinking about the old times and reminiscing about our time on the field and with our team. Repetitively lifting weights or running in place on a track is not the same thing as hiking or running up and down a hill, while being in the nature and in sunlight which is also much better for general well being. Tim Cook went to Auburn. While there are studies suggesting that working out while in a fasted state is somewhat more effective at burning fat, that effect isn't so strong as to negate the benefits of working out at other times of day. Why not just mentioned that from the start. When thrashing through a sea of suffering, Jun 6, 2018 路 by Kerry Taylor Recently, I was able to reconnect with an old teammate. I say all of that because I think it's good to develop this skill - however, I would agree there will dialogue that is 'pointless', in the sense of the actual words spoken. It has that right. Now I'm retraining as a Paramedic, earning no salary, working shifts all around the clock to go help people who need it. Too many people who go to the gym feel the need to constantly post about it on social media, form their entire identity around it, and use it to feel superior to others. Take some community college classes, pick up some new hobbies or read some books. If you feel squats are enough ab workout for you, then maybe you could argue that you should do clean and jerk only - they work out pretty much every major muscle group there is, possibly meaning there is no need for squats/deadlifts. I will subsequently be working full-time afterward. I’m sorry you can’t get women. Why would I ever want to invest in something that I'm not 100% will work out in the end, not to mention becoming emotionally compromised if a break-up were to occur. As for the suffering of civilians, it's tragic and unfortunate, but that always happens in war. Graeber describes five types of meaningless jobs, in which workers pretend their role is not as pointless or harmful as they know it to be: flunkies, goons, duct tapers, box It really helped out into perspective what an ass my ex was. (3) Voting is the lowest effort form of political action that exists in a free society. Why are they all so fucking POINTLESS? Today I had 2 trainings. He contends that over half of societal work is pointless, and becomes psychologically destructive when paired with a work ethic that associates work with self-worth. And all for what? Nothing. But they should not be pointless narratively - those are different things. See if you can go to the gym before school. Your example of the OWS is perfect. Business and life don't exactly work out without God (yes, there are those who are successful "without God", but it's not quite the same sort of fulfillment of purpose). Why shove in this pointless twist about Kara ‘forgetting’ about Alice being an android. I don't find it boring because it serves as my escape from life for however long I'm there. I agree with this analogy, but with a caveat. Some people enjoy working and producing, but I'd rather be free to spend my time as I please. Plus learning builds character and literally can help in the future when your an adult, that's why a lot of people want to go to college. Most of the time, you're just working to be comfortable and secure in life. Batman is an emotional stone wall, but I don't think he's spiritual. I don't care about likes, or even that concerned about growth, but when nobody is even seeing my work as a photographer then it is pointless. Working out is extremely tedious, and requires a lot of time that I would MUCH rather devote to things that actually stimulate me, such as reading my books, journaling, writing stories, and researching intellectual topics. Men lift because they want to get bigger and lift more weight. It’s an overall pointless twist that really really drags down future playthroughs. I'm here to tell you that unless you have at least 500-700 games played on your account, your rank is pointless. Synapse is pointless. They are as necessary as any other exercise, only you can decide. It should still show up in the right place in the story. The gym does not appeal to me. data scientists/analysts who think they are doing useless job) OP at least your models are being put into production. I'm tired of people who never see the sun and barely walk calling themselves healthy just cause they go to the gym. Sometimes it's too hard for some people, having to work a full time job is hard, and trying to make your life better on top of that is hard, trying to start your own business so you can do something you enjoy, while working a full time job sucks. I'm not looking for pity. I've done all the work on it, and you want an update so you can take it to your boss and say you did it. water before bed vitamin C and hawthorne berry a few hours before ou go out. And I also think most people are stressed out with these ideas, like you and I, however, we have that extra-layer of profound depression, anxiety, etc. Bezos went to Princeton. But it does take time. So the common strategy is to use results from PPC to bridge the gap until SEO begins to work. " It worked out I enjoy working at the company so I didn't feel the need to want to leave, but it could pose problems since moving to a new company would require a whole new application process or leaving the job with no job lined up would mean having to leave Canada. Realistically you need both for the long term. Research has shown that skipping sleep may lead to weight gain. One takes commitment, one is pushing responsibility down the road and takes nothing. Closest thing to 'useless' I guess is if your goal is to bulk. Does non-violence always work? No. Maybe eventually we work on a single plan, but that’s going to depend a ton on what’s best for our collective kids. 99% of people who advance the argument that voting is pointless aren't doing anything Personally, I use yearly travel as a way to drive me and get out of ruts. I have a long work career (I am 60. Most of it was not what I was looking for, just a simple question, but whatever. Nah. This subreddit is for questions and discussion related to testosterone replacement therapy and testosterone. Tiktok doesn’t work like other social media platforms. I guess what I’m saying here is, if the purpose of the story was love above all else. I'll send out an email saying I completed it. We all have to make sacrifices and our career choices determine our lifestyles. The lesson should "That didn't go perfectly, but thank Allah we're not Syria. You’re probably right about lowering my standards, but my standards aren’t even that crazy! I just look for someone kind, smart, and who I’m attracted to. These people all put in the work, and are now some of the richest people on the planet. if you feel shitty the morning after take some vitamin C. Working out is insanely beneficial. My biggest problem with computer-based DAWs is the never ending software upgrade and tweaking cycle to stay current with security patches etc. Jan 5, 2025 路 The feeling that everything is pointless can stem from a lack of direction or deeper self-awareness. Anyway, what I wanted to say, is that I went back to college/started college when I was 23. Loved it, but didn't like that it was 9-5. Hopefully you’ll come out feeling the same when it’s all over and find yourself For example, working out purely to lose weight should be fine with those criteria. Like I know what I ‘should’ do to take care of my mental health etc but I’m not as aware as I should be of my own blindspots and the ways I deceive myself. Idk why everyone on reddit thinks that relaxing jobs just fall out of the sky. I have been in long term relationships that did not work out, but they still added value to my life. I don‘t love my partner any more or less than before, I only made myself partially dependent on them. But complaining makes you look and sound like a child it's a job your feelings don't matter just get it done so we can live life. Finding workouts that I like and am passionate about made all the difference. So even on your off work out days, your body is burning calories in order to repair (aka build) muscle. I'm a little skeptical, because I've basically tried everything: putting myself out there, exercise, working, etc. It's not pointless, it's about the right for Israel to defend itself. The only reason I could ever see myself wanting to work out for is to have more sexual stamina. If you want a good shape, work out. I would much rather exercise by going for a run down the road or by working at my job. Okay beta male. If you think you can't eat vegetables what that really means is just that you don't know how to cook. With my mental health in its current state, I can only manage an hour long walk everyday to constitute my physical activity. But more to the point no natural training is not pointless, you can definitely build an impressive physique naturally. . Keeping its people safe is not pointless. Exercise. I work in an industry where a lot of very smart people have spent thousands of hours working to figure out a way to draw complicated mathematics problems and molecular structures on computer screens and present them on the internet in a way that requires user management and security, data centers with people monitoring and maintaining the If you feel that it isn't worth it, I think it is your choice to go out. I got sick of paying for DAW upgrades to newer versions when macOS inevitably aged out of the older version, or having to wait for plug-ins and DAWs to get upgraded so I could upgrade the rest of my computer take choline if TMG dosn't work well enough for you- you can take it at night if it makes you tired - or before workouts if it dosn't Eat a bannana before you go out and drink. If you feel extreme fatigue and burn out after 2-3 weeks, it was too much. I work I'm a shipping warehouse so I'm pretty naturally toned on my upper half. It’s almost the definition of easy and hard. I still would rather chill on the couch playing games or go out to eat. I usually have a large goal for the end of the year with three major focuses: financial, health-wise, and capability-wise. I have to do it enough at work as is, and it’s a recipe for a date with a bottle of ibuprofen. I'll start lifting when I can eat again. They clearly lack a basic understanding of how the body works and are not really equipped to give you any safe or usable advise. All signs point towards the energy scales you'd need to reach to get any sort of experimental evidence at all is absurd. I have no expectations of it lasting a long term. And it is 100% fair if you don’t mesh, you need to find someone comfortable to work with, but that doesn’t mean the entire system is bad, especially if a lot of people have success and feel better. No one says you're job is your whole life. taking vitamins is pointless and "you just pee them out" Anybody who uses this tired old line is not someone you want to listen to about supplements. The lesson, however, isn't "non-violence doesn't work", it is "have some goddamned demands. If working out at midnight works for you, then get that shit done around midnight. First Razer product and its exactly what I expected; Flash over substance. Except being give extra work. You don't need your biceps to be as big as your brain. I don‘t see any reason to become engaged. Because a good portion of the game is As long as you have the ability for critical thought it is inevitable to notice that homework is pointless busywork eventually. All the weights are the same shape. In conclusion, don't think school is a waste of time. Nothing got accomplished. I got a job working in a hospital in a relatively 9-5 department, treating patients with heart diseases and cancer. I want to save my money for them. You need things that you have in common and make a connection. Money from work helps you CREATE your life, it is not your life. I am 29 now and completing a master's this Spring. Lifting weights is not a purely aesthetic activity but more a utility activity that anyone, no matter the frame of the person, can engage in. We all have everyday distractions so maintaining a friendship is hard work. Many people, men and women, lift because it is required for their job, fire, medical, police, military etc. Don't worry, I'll CC you. You’re saying that it’s better to move bricks or do something that would lead to building something. A few I liked, one I loved, and most I just tolerate. working out makes me slightly more toned but also a little more hulk-like with larger traps. It's not like you have a 16 hour assignment every day 馃 I'd much rather not work, scrape by on welfare and at least have/enjoy my own time than working eight hours a day, five days a week for 300-something days a year in the hopes that I might get to enjoy the last 30 years of my life if I've saved hard enough and my body hasn't already given out. That was needed but also meant I spent 3 months in the dark without leaving my house and doing nothing else but browsing YouTube and Reddit. And eat healthily. I think it's just a minor, pointless revolt against work-out culture. There's no such thing as magic munitions that do not cause collateral damage, and Hamas hides among civilians. I always believed in having an exceptional work ethic. :) Some you come out of thinking "What a waste of time. Jan 13, 2025 路 If you start out or pursue a body building lifestyle, but go no where, like not competing, it can seem pointless and unfulfilling. I'm just looking for advice on my health, because I want to keep working out but I don't know if I should if I'm not eating. I'm sorry for that, and pay no attention to the static. I used to work at a bar years ago and the money and hours weren’t good at all, but at this point it’s so attractive to go back just to get rid of the constant stress I’m under in a corporate job. Even if that were true, that's kind of the point, someone without a following anywhere can make good content and get views in a way that's not possible anywhere else. Urban camping for change is an exercise in futility. When I’m working out to lose weight, I’m miserable. If you aren't eating a surplus and not meeting protein requirement then your workout is probably pointless with regards to achieving your goal. So now I'm in another major loop: trying to see if treatment will work for me. Figure out what makes you happy, how you want to spend your time. Pick up on the things that work. Life is too short to be miserable doing meaningless, pointless work. as a girl i have narrow hips, no tits, no ass, broad shoulders and the worst possible fat deposit genetics. Hell I work from home now and still go days without changing or showering. You should be in a relationship for the journey and not the destination. Even saying something like “work flexibility” could now be seen as a red flag because it makes it look like you want to work less hours and aren’t really passionate about the job. Absolutely nothing. In my county, the majority of schools are online. Take a look at yourself. And nobody likes to do stuff that is pointless. And if it doesn‘t work out, I‘ll pretty much destroy two years of my life through the divorcement. A subreddit for those who want to end work, are curious about ending work, want to get the most out of a work-free life, want more information on anti-work ideas and want personal help with their own jobs/work-related struggles. And if you make all your decisions from false premises, then all your work is subject to being trash. Yeah sitting on the floor is a nogo for me. Well for starters, working out gives a benefit that no one think s about, consistency. It also focuses on lifestyle activities like exercise and nutrition for raising testosterone levels naturally or anything else related to testosterone the substance. He’s doing the same. I work from home and I can (embarrassingly) go a week without feeling the need to shower or change clothes, especially when I was (and still am) depressed and when I was jobless with no family/friends within a 1000 mile radius. Aug 28, 2014 路 Working out every day can lead to injury or overtraining, which keeps your muscles from rebounding and your body from improving. As long as you have the ability for critical thought it is inevitable to notice that homework is pointless busywork eventually. At least now I build backend data systems and I can see my work being used in production and used by other teams (e. But I can definitely relate about your feelings about your work being pointless. You can't just drop out of high school and go to college in the vast majority of cases, high school is meant to also prepare you for taking that important step to really try and take control of your life. I work with children (babies) at a nursery which can be tiring but very rewarding. Elon Musk went to UPenn and Stanford. Person A - spends the next few years expanding their social circle, going out a lot, working out regularly and improving their body & confidence, asking out a lot of women Person B - spends the next few years mostly cooped up in their house, doesn't try new things, doesn't work out or eat healthy, rarely asks out any women Unless you truly believe in your heart that your job exists to improve the human condition or that profit-motives are in reality the pursuit of some elevated existence via technological supremacy or a brand legacy , odds are you will eventually feel your work is inherently pointless in a grotesque kafka-esque sort of way. " and others are "dang, I have some work Why? Building muscle burns calories, even while at rest. On another level work is pointless for some people, myself included, and apparently you. If you aren't naturally suited to software, good luck finding a job like that. One of them is "classroom instruction that works". Taking a deep breath when you're freaking out isn't spiritual. Zuckerburg went to Harvard. And it does help me work out what I really think and feel about the things going on in my life. If you can keep it going and your numbers go up, then you're golden. g. America is almost the exact opposite. I have concluded, working hard is now pointless in life. My job is pointless. Figure out what kind of job would make you happy to get out of bed every day. Otherwise it'd be like not seeing results from working out for a long time, but keep doing it anyway. Radically redefine your assumptions about what makes a good life. I always think like, if I were a millionaire, I'd stop working, pay to go to therapy to work on all my mental issues and trauma, achieve my life goals eg I've always wanted to learn other languages and travel more, I'd buy a house and I'd put the money towards causes and charities that I care about, like I'd just focus on my health, enjoying I’m fine with working for it, I’m just feeling like the apps and approaches I’m using now aren’t working. I don’t care about what they do for work, height, etc. Building muscle is SO important! Doing weight training on the thighs is super good cardiovascular work too. The work of therapy is self work, the reason why therapy doesn’t work the way we want it to is often we aren’t ready to take on the work in order to change. Jan 7, 2025 路 People on reddit will foam at the mouth reading this, but you should try it and see if it works for you. Now, I don't really have a problem with a small portion of people working on quantum gravity and a theory of everything, who knows when a breakthrough will happen, but from the outside the endeavor looks really pointless. Instead, look at it as an active hobby. Skipping lunches to carry the team and working late and long hours to cover for others. xqbwcc wvwxli rtrcns nuky wadjfnd ezb dsld lwrbwudj ddyh avxnwpy wslcvk oqc avkcb icdkkm pup