Usps job bidding ineligible An applicant found ineligible in any one factor — age, Selective Service System registration, driving record, qualifying test, driver’s license review, drug screening, or English competence — is notified in writing that he or she is ineligible. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 743. 29, international mail service to Canada is temporarily suspended, due to the strike of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers. Jul 31, 2020 · The Human Resources Capital Enterprise System (HCES) is scheduled to be shut down on Saturday, 2/15/20 at 12:01 am CST to Tuesday, 2/18/20 at 6:00am CST. Get answers to your biggest company questions on Indeed. 10 days later route up for bid to all REG"S under APO/RMPO umbrella. High seniority bidder wins. I have a 970,971&972 interview tomorrow. Review Position Information Enter Bids Change Bids Withdraw Bids Confirm submitted Bids Review complete Bid History Available Anytime Available Anywhere. Except, here I am reading the contract and other MOU's and it sounds like PTFs aren't even allowed to bid on FTR positions and can only be assigned to "residual vacancies" that are left over after all the other FTR's have bid. 351. Click All to withdraw bids on all positions. If no one bids it, management has to assign a transfer or convert a CCA to fill the route. Noncitizens of the United States who have been granted lawful permanent resident alien status in the United States are eligible for appointment to all Postal Service positions, levels EAS–19 and below. Apr 23, 2018 · LiteBlue helps postal employees to monitor their assignments, work progress, career path and payroll services easily. I scored about 73 on the 955 exam for ET and around 81 for all other positions. " The rural contract has the only non-career employees who are not automatically converted to career after a couple years; also the only contract with USPS which denies holiday pay (for the 6 major holidays) for their non-career employees. and claims to be following the CBA. As America’s largest player in the logistics industry, working at USPS means experience of unparalleled size and scope, unmatched by any competitor. Is there any reason for them to only post 2 or is there a requirement to post all of them and they just didn’t. USPS hires a diverse workforce who is interested in serving the public. An eligible bidder may be disqualified on a current bid if the bidder was previously taken out of the same or similar position for not meeting a job requirement. If successful, the MBS will replace the Automated Bidding Program (ABID). Effective Nov. 433 Applicants Not Meeting Examination Requirement 433. Applications must be sent before the specified deadline. It also allows easy USPS job bidding to change your work location. 14 Determining Eligibility. The vacant positions, along with any other duty assignments that may become vacant as a result of the posting, are filled from the Preferred Duty Assignment Register and/or Promotion Register. 1 of the National Agreement and applicable memoranda of understanding are eligible to bid for vacant duty assignments in accordance with Article 12. I. Current noncareer employees are eligible to apply and compete for externally-announced vacancies. VIRTUAL ENTRY ASSESSMENT – MC (474) for Mail Carrier jobs; VIRTUAL ENTRY ASSESSMENT – MH (475) for Mail Handler jobs; VIRTUAL ENTRY ASSESSMENT – MP (476) for Mail Processing jobs; VIRTUAL ENTRY ASSESSMENT – CS (477) for Customer Service Clerk jobs; Timeframe: You have 3 days (72 hours) to complete the VEA. Job Bid Management. I'm watching this new freak show of E Bidding from the sidelines for the first time. After this time frame remaining bid up for 10-14 days to all RCA'S for residual routes left. Bid up for 10-14 days for REG'S under umbrella. Join USPS, a logistics industry leader. However, procedures must be developed locally to inform lower level employees of promotional opportunities and to arrange for appropriate inservice examinations for employees who have not already IF NEEDED, OFFICIALS MAY SEND MODMAIL WITH QUESTIONS. Email from APWU Assistant Clerk Craft Director Letter from USPS Labor Relations to APWU President JOB BID MANAGEMENT FAQS. When a bid is to a position of the same title and level in order to obtain a change in the work schedule, an evaluation of qualifications is limited to typing or driving requirements and special requirements, if any, that may be different from those in the current duty assignment. A. If a test is required that is normally given after the posting closes, the 5 senior bidders — at a minimum — are scheduled for the test, unless currently qualified. any position enter position ID. Apr 23, 2018 · USPS Job Bidding. Continue reading WE ARE NOT AFFILIATED WITH THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE - ALL MODERATORS ARE HERE OF THEIR OWN VOLITION FOR UNPAID FORUM MODERATION. I notice that the job listings all say "SPECIAL NOTE: Current career Postal Service employees are ineligible to apply to this posting. Yes and no, you can bid on lite blue but it will say ineligible, so what has to happen to successfully get the ptf position is this, the bid is in your office for 10 days, then in district for I believe 15, if no qualified candidates bid then it comes back to your office and you should be able to win the bid, that's what I've been told and also went through but hr always fucked up the bid If the bid has a start time of 10 AM, then the days of the week for that bid will be Sat-Fri. Am I still being considered for the position, pending my background check, even though I was initially rendered ineligible? Also, is there a way to find out what I scored on the exam? T. Your bid count is 0. Trying to switch jobs and have been trying all night and neither eCareer on LiteBlue nor the Job Bidding Line on the USPS phone number are working, eCareer says its been having "scheduled maintenance" for the past 5 hours and the phone number doesn't go anywhere once I press 2 to get to job bidding, and Sunday at 8pm is the last time I can bid This includes the following limited circumstances: incident to legal proceedings involving the Postal Service; for law enforcement purposes; to a congressional office on your behalf; to agents or contractors when necessary to fulfill a business function; to a U. 24 Eligibility Period for Disqualified Applicants. Is it the same as bidding via Lite blue? I don't have access to lite blue as my EIN number is bugged or something and HR shared services does NOTHING but send me new pins and Passwords and none of the work. Changes agreed to by the parties, from the previous CBA, are in bold type. USPS will accept applications for them from Aug. It is a Postal owned computer used by bargaining unit employees to submit position bids electronically. The positions include the following: Customer service support supervisor; Customer services September 20, 2022 Memorandum (pdf). USPS then has up to 21 days to put you on the route if you won. This USPS Step 4 Denial outlines Management's position on whether management violated Article 37 of the National Agreement by allegedly displacing an employee from his bid assignment, with an employee, from an overlapping tour, who was junior in seniority. 33 Reinstatement and Reemployment 233. LiteBlue ePayroll. 25 Unsuitable Applicants Not Selected. The online form says I bid but am ineligible, the phone system says I bid and AM eligible, and I just got off the phone with HRSCC who told me that RCA's can't use the bidding system, only regulars can and that I have to "apply" for the job. 2021-2024 APWU/USPS Collective Bargaining Agreement The official and final version of the 2021-2024 Collective Bargaining Agreement. 622. Dec 17, 2018 · I am an RCA past my probationary period and am trying to bid on a PTF postition in my district. Discover insider secrets! Get ready for a retirement of a lifetime. Is the number under job slot random or does it have something to do with stations (zip codes)? I've clicked on like 10 of them and the more detailed window opens up underneath, but under location all of them are empty. Was a 42J still is. The max successful of 5 doesn't mean that you personally have bid 5 times successfully. It just means that the clerk craft can change bid assignment jobs 6 times (5 plus the one that you were in when the contract started). There is no job list posting to bid on. Applicants who do not achieve a passing score or who fail to complete the examination process are ineligible to be considered for the current vacancy or any other vacancies requiring the exam for which they applied. You may bid on jobs an infinite number of times once you get converted. Entry–level promotional opportunities to residual vacancies remaining after exhausting the bidding or application procedures need not be posted. Career employees are eligible to apply for posted nonbargaining positions if they are within the area of consideration. You may apply again to any jobs requiring the same assessment, as well as to other jobs that require a WE ARE NOT AFFILIATED WITH THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE - ALL MODERATORS ARE HERE OF THEIR OWN VOLITION FOR UNPAID FORUM MODERATION. Employees can access their work profile and get updates about their job roles in their respective accounts. 3 of the National Agreement. That said, there's also no chain bidding in the rural contract - IE management MUST award the residual route to the most senior PTF or eligible RCA that bid or it goes to district, it can't stick around for another round of bidding in the office. The ePayroll feature lets you view your payroll information in a digital format, making it easy to track your earnings and deductions over time. 522 Deciding Eligibility and Suitability. Other employees are eligible under the following circumstances: Extended eligibility. The bid is posted for 10 days. 331 Reinstatement and Reemployment in General Management and other clerks have said the job is mine and to bid on Liteblue. LiteBlue. First of all, what job are you in now? You can only bid on ET jobs if you are one. Aug 5, 2013 · Automated Bidding-Rural Carrier. The ONLY way to bid to those is by Paper Bid so it could be argued that this being allowed for other office/District bidding then it should also be allowed for Local. Negotiates contract-specific subcontracting plans based on market research results (ie, data collected, analyzed, and documented) that support Jul 18, 2017 · No route adjustment required. However, the Postal Service provides an opportunity for reconsideration of an ineligibility The Postal Service is not obligated to train an employee for a job he or she will be unable to do even if the Postal Service could accommodate the disability during the selection process. It might say your bid status is “ineligible” but they can apparently still see your bid and go from there. 13 Eligibility for Promotion. S. IF NEEDED, OFFICIALS MAY SEND MODMAIL WITH QUESTIONS. Current career postal employees, regardless of position or location, are ineligible for selection for externally announced vacancies. When I get on the ejob bidding app on lite blue there is nothing . Automated Bidding for Rural Carriers. I recently had my 970 interview and the result came back as "Ineligible". This means the applicant can be considered, and if selected, given a bona fide job offer followed by a medical assessment. 1, the Postal Service examines an organization’s supporting documentation to verify the following: Job bidding question They had 9 open jobs open on the last sheet and when it came time to post the winners they only posted 2. An employee serving under a career appointment is eligible for reassignment or promotion to a career position. Favorable eligibility and suitability decisions make it possible for the applicant to advance in the hiring process. The parties affirm that effective September 21, 2022, employees represented by the NPMHU will be allowed to bid under the new contract, whether or not the parties reach a tentative settlement, extend bargaining, or enter into impasse procedures. Accessible 24/7, this secure platform offers vital information, tools, and resources to help postal workers manage their personal and professional information with ease. What does CA stand for within Job Bid Management (JBM)? It is the system identifier of City Carrier. The results should be posted. USPS has 10 days from the close of the bid to finalize and award the route. Click on the checkbox to withdraw one or more positions. The whole bidding process of USPS job bidding on LiteBlue is fully automated. bidding limitations An employee may be designated a successful bidder no more than five times during the duration of this agreement, unless such bid is covered by one of the four exceptions listed Bidders are allowed at least 3 days to respond. The MOU reads in part: Full-time career mail handlers who are serving a probationary period pursuant to Article 12. Bidding for a Change in Schedule. Complete bid history is displayed for all automated postings. So, Day 1 and 7 off would be Fri/Sat off. Oct 11, 2024 · USPS Job Bidding. Candidates who do not complete the assessment within the time allowed are also listed as ineligible. ' from United States Postal Service employees. Otherwise you are looking for a promotion; in which case you'll get whatever position is leftover if your on the promotion roster at the time of posting, after all the people in that particular occupational group do their bidding via their preference forms. Eligibility is extended for certain postmaster positions, as follows: Postmaster. Postal Service auditor; to labor organizations as required by applicable law; to Nov 14, 2024 · LiteBlue USPS is an online employee portal designed exclusively for United States Postal Service (USPS) employees. There's no limit of the number of successful bids in the rural contract. Was curious about job bidding I looked on lite blue and a position opening today and when I click on the number on lite blue it gives me an empty… 2 Eligible and Ineligible Organizations 2-1 Evaluation of Eligibility. 17-23. Those who do not appear to be capable of meeting Postal Service requirements must not be selected. Planning for So I am an rca who has completed a year trying to transfer offices to become a ptf. gov. I just saw a better shot of your page. Unless there is a red bid sheet number to select above this line, there are no bids currently up. Jun 29, 2021 · To prepare for the upcoming holiday peak season, the Postal Service plans to fill about 900 Level 17 supervisor positions. Is there any way I can get more information as to why they came to that conclusion? Unveiling federal employee retirement benefits by public sector retirement. When appropriate, the Postal Service™… Announces contract awards with significant subcontracting opportunities and provides technical assistance and referrals of SMWOBs to our prime suppliers. 12 Filling Postal Positions. Same with MPE. 1 - Probationary Period - Bidding. This is an unofficial forum for USPS employees, customers, and anyone else to discuss the USPS and USPS related topics. usps. The screen looks exactly the same, but without the red bid sheet number. It is a job bidding worksheet used by authorized automated bid clusters to request a vacancy report for the purposes of providing posting information where no posting cycles have been established. In this case you are ineligible for the specific job to which you applied. Re: Article 12. We're in the midst of a significant transformation, modernizing postal facilities with state-of-the-art machinery, technology, and standards. You may still apply to other jobs that require a different assessment. LiteBlue and USPS Retirement Information. The postmaster sent me a photo of the posting with the job number and when I look at job slot information it pops up but nothing under enter job bids. Once a route is vacated they post it for bid, any career carriers within the bidding cluster can place a bid when it's posted. Periods of disqualification will not extend the normal term of eligibility, which is limited to a maximum of 3 years. These will be Executive and Administrative Schedule (EAS) positions. 1 General. In reviewing an application for authorization to mail at the Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail (nonprofit) prices for one of the eight types of organizations listed in 2-2. For you to be able to access and submit a bid on a posted assignment, you require your employee ID and PIN. Jul 31, 2020 · It is intended to automate the maintenance job bidding process in compliance with the APWU contract, providing the ability to manage the employee’s Preferred Assignment Register (PAR) and the site’s Promotion Eligibility Registers (PER). So I used the USPS employee phone number and selected the job bidding line to bid on an open route at my small office. 233. at facilities. The assignment, reassignment, or promotion of postal employees fills most postal positions, except entry–level positions. I convert officially on the 3rd so I guess I get to start right off with a sweet paid holiday (4th of July). Explore the many open full-time, part time and seasonal jobs that offer a range of benefits and opportunities. WE ARE NOT AFFILIATED WITH THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE - ALL MODERATORS ARE HERE OF THEIR OWN VOLITION FOR UNPAID FORUM MODERATION. I did not fill out a paper bid even though I would recommend people do that. In my district, the last bid sheet closed on 1/15 and the next won’t post until 1/20, probably. LiteBlue enables career USPS employees to bid for new job postings or promotions directly through the portal. 523 Negative Eligibility or Suitability Decision An applicant found ineligible in any one factor — age, Selective Service System registration, driving record, qualifying test, driver’s license review, drug screening, or English competence — is notified in writing that he or she is ineligible. They must record their qualifications on Form 991, Application for Promotion or Assignment, and return it by the deadline specified. You may apply again to any jobs requiring the same assessment, as well as to other jobs that require a Vacant preferred duty assignments are posted for bid on a Notice of Intent. eJob Bidding on www. Then submit the selected positions. The Human Resources office has a review and evaluation committee. WE ARE NOT USPS CUSTOMER SERVICE - CUSTOMER SUPPORT QUESTIONS ARE NOT ALLOWED - please seek assistance from the US Postal Service for all package inquiries. . From viewing payroll to handling benefits, LiteBlue is a one-stop solution for USPS staff to stay […] I recently applied for an ET position with the USPS. Refer to 55, Eligibility to Work in the Postal Service, to determine eligibility during screening and after a job offer has been made. What is the JB1100? It is a job bidding worksheet used by District Local Services to communicate live bid information to the SSC (Shared Services Oct 8, 2023 · The Union put out an article on how it works to bid to another office or out-of-District office when a route is being consolidated or dropped to an Auxiliary. Status will include eligible, ineligible and successful. However, you, as the supervisor, manager, or selecting official (or other organization involved), must make such a determination only after you have done the What controls are in place to differentiate between newly established, vacant and reposted duty assignments for bidding eligibility purposes? Shared Services professes to understand the difference for bidding eligibility purposes, etc. The USPS week is typically always Sat-Fri unless you're on tour 1--then it gets a little tricky to calculate. It is intended to automate the maintenance job bidding process in compliance with the APWU contract, providing the ability to manage the employee's Preferred Assignment Register (PAR) and the site's Promotion Eligibility Registers (PER). Similarly, a record of pending removal in a previous position may also be justification for disqualification. yudolkcsqqtujbnhzeraehdlsejgtlqeoptxuespezgnikrgjynsozlfvduzwjbcvcemftpneowb