Seadoo limp home mode. I checked the oil and it's fine.
Seadoo limp home mode Initially there were no fault codes. The GTI155 responded with the typical startup sequence, recognized the key, but then displays Limp Mode. now this year the first time out if i hit a wave or turn the boat too hard the engine light Feb 3, 2020 · I have a seadoo challenger 2000 with a 240hp merc M2 jet drive and Im having some trouble with it going into limp mode. Once it is started it runs perfect, once it hits around 7,500 rpms the IBR light comes on in the dash/cluster and goes into limp mode. when i put it back into the water it instantly went into limp mode with a check engine light. Feb 13, 2016 · The light and limp mode should go away. Well fast forward to last Sat took it out one more time to see what would happen after riding for several hours CHECK engine came on IBR light came on and it would go 30MPH (LIMP HOME MODE). If there is a reason for it, then it will be in your info center. After it goes in to limp home mode I switch the watercraft off and then back on and it runs normally but after some time it goes in to limp home mode May 30, 2016 · Hooked the water hose up (still at home not in water). Each time I tried to rev up, the beep would happen again. Shut it off and fired it back up and it ran mint the rest of the way home 2 more miles. In the prior week when this happened a code for faulty #1 ignition /r/SeaDoo is an unofficial online community centered around Seadoos and personal watercraft users of all kinds. ACE & 4-Tec Sea-Doo PWC Forum. So imagine you rode 15 miles to go jumping at your favorite spot, you fall off and forget to pull the lanyard when the ski is upside down Apr 30, 2024 · 2003 Seadoo GTX SC Supercharged 185 Goes into limp mode and oil pressure light and beeper go off under "QUICK" deceleration from WOT Shut pwc down, restart it, and goes back to running normal. I have a 2003 SeaDoo LRV DI that goes into Limp Mode, and Maint. Dealer says to check the oil filter. All wires, mpem, electrical box Mar 2, 2014 · Yeah, I think it's safe to assume it would go into limp mode if voltage drops under 12. I have replaced mpem modual, coils ,rev modual, and have carburetors rebuilt. Took it home checked it out and put it back on the lake. Sea-Doo PWC. I have a seadoo challenger 2000 with a 240hp merc M2 jet drive and Im having some trouble with it going into limp mode. Jun 21, 2020 · Hi! I bought a 2004 seadoo gtx sc 4 days ago, took it out twice over the weekend and it ran AMAZING. I took it into the shore and let the water run out for 10-15 minutes (a LOT of water). Dec 14, 2024. I took it to my local dealer and no codes came up when scanned, Kind of got the impression that they should not be related. Another scenario is when your ski goes into “Limp Mode. Guess its possible it is stuck in limp mode and needs reset, but not sure. Took it to a friends cabin and worked great. Pulled it from the water and tons of water was in the engine compartment. View attachment 36931 Dec 14, 2024 · Once it warms up, the machine will enter limp mode and only move at idle speeds. After few minutes it got back to its normal Sep 7, 2021 · This is a 2015 sea doo spark 2up that has 52 hours on it. Error code: P0524. There is no way you can be in limp mode without there being a reason for it. May 26, 2019 · Typically, you need to correct the cause of the limp-home mode condition. If you let it idle for 5 minutes then it will take off normally. And the all caps is to show exclamation and not "hollering". For example, if it's high engine temp, letting it cool off could result in normal operation, but if you don't fix the cause of the high engine temp, it will come right back the next time you use the ski. Jul 3, 2008 · If you slowly put on the throttle, around 4000 RPM, the beep goes off and shows maintenence, from there on out, it won't go past 35 MPHBUT if you are at a dead stop and pin it, it goes right up to 6800 RPM and has absolutely no troubles at all, but once you are at full throttle, the Maint light comes on again BUT the machine does not loose Tuning, modifications and discussion of the Sea Doo RXP, RXT, RXPX, 4-tec PWC performance skis. Is there a way of getting it Jul 29, 2015 · We were out on our second cruise with our new to us 2005 Sportster LE DI, she ran fine for about 1 1/2 hours, while on our way into the ramp, we got a long (2-3 second) warning beep, and the engine went to idle (limp home mode) and would not rev up at all but did idle smooth. The most well-known tools are BRP’s BUDS system and the brand-independent CandooPro. However, the engine won't even click when I press the start/stop button and I don't get the normal beep noise when it starts. If you start it cold and give it a bit of throttle it will go into limp mode, low oil will be displayed and the warning buzzer will sound. e. Issue: RPM limits to Sea-Doo iBR Fault Codes How to Read Sea-Doo iBR Fault Codes. Oct 25, 2020 · I have a 2010 challenger 210 se that has a limp home light on the port side engine. YOUR NOT IN LIMP MODE. Got it back out Jul 9, 2008 · When my daughter was out on the seadoo this past weekend it went into what I suspect is limp mode in the last 100 yards of a 3 mile ride. Replaced oil pressure sensor but have not cleared codes and still have warnings and limp mode. Apr 24, 2022 · It says limp mode on screen but no other messages or warnings. Limp mode will be triggered for a ton of different things from engines sensors (hot, no oil pressure etc) to ibr stuck etc. oil pump failure, something stuck in impeller (which I cant visibly see anything), driveline stripped (which would make noise I would think), but aside from taking Apr 28, 2022 · Hi everyone - I have a 2007 GTX 155 STD with 126 hours and a ton of new parts, piston rings, tons of gaskets and o-rings, new bolts all around, timing chain, seal, new starter, wiring harness, new LCD screen (already programmed), new throttle body, new injectors, new plugs, oil, among many other Aug 28, 2021 · This site contains eBay affiliate links for which Sea-Doo Forum may be compensated. Help; Home; RSS; What is a Limp Mode on a Sea-Doo? In cases of a minor issue, the system allows you to operate the engine, but with just limited performance. On the day before while accelerating through 70mph it started to misfire and slow down but no check engine light. You would know that your in limp mode and you'd be able to easily find out! 4. Whether you’re riding a ski or a boat, we want to hear from you! We’re here to help solve your problems, answer your questions, find hard-to-find parts and gear, show off your latest project build, or just talk with other Seadoo May 1, 2023 · Hey yall, first time on the water yesterday the starboard engine was immediately in Limp home mode & threw codes P212C, P2620, & P2621. Contact us; Terms Jul 31, 2021 · Hey everyone, I’ve recently purchased a new Doo (2004 or rfi 787) but last weekend while out it went into limp mode. Has anyone had problems with their Pro or am I the only one. I can't get her out of limp. Aug 3, 2010 · 2003 GTX wakeboard edition with about 90 hours. If I turn the motor off then start it again it goes into limp mode until the boat is taken out of the water for a few minutes. light comes on at the same time. Runs awesome, but experiencing an issue whereby after either 20 minutes (1st time) or (1 hour today), the IBR and check engine lights comes one and the power is decreased substantially enough that I limp home with a max speed of 30. What now? Mechanic's Assistant: Sometimes things that you think will be really complicated end up being easy to fix. Decelerate "slowly" and Seadoo is fine with no light, beeps or limp mode Problem ONLY happens when going from full WOT to decelerating quickly. Aug 19, 2020 · Hit the water after a wave pulled the throttle and it went into limp mode with a check engine light. Every now and then it wakes up and takes off like crazy. One detail to note is that I was initially just looking to see if the Apr 19, 2015 · We have a 2012 210 SeaDoo Challenger SE and yesterday when we were took it out on port side engine wouldn't go above 3,000 RPMs and it was put into Limp Home Mode. Jun 18, 2014 · Re: 1997 Seadoo GTX Limp mode????? so is the compression readings ok? do I only need to buy 2 787 800 Mikuni Carburetor Rebuild Kits. MPEM was reset. I can't possibly imagine that to be too high a operating May 19, 2012 · I have a 2010 seadoo wake pro 215 that just kicked into limp home mode. Below is a video showing the issue and sound its making. com Jun 24, 2020 · We had one of our Sparks give a long beep and the maintenance required message came up with the check engine symbol, then a few seconds later it went into limp home mode. Search. Whether you’re riding a ski or a boat, we want to hear from you! We’re here to help solve your problems, answer your questions, find hard-to-find parts and gear, show off your latest project build, or just talk with other Seadoo /r/SeaDoo is an unofficial online community centered around Seadoos and personal watercraft users of all kinds. last night I noticed fault code "P1658", but I was playing with the key Jul 23, 2018 · I went to start my spark today and it just clicked without turning over and the check engine warning came on. I am not sure it was limp mode but she said it cut power immediately and when she gave it full throttle it did not increase, but kept running and she was able to get back to the dock. but both come on at the Jun 13, 2021 · Just put my spark 2up in the water this morning and immediately got a check engine indictor and it was in limp mode. Some have told me it is because the engine is overheating. Won’t go over approx 1200 rpm if I launch the boat, start it up and cruise non stop it runs perfect. On a 13 you should be able to read codes on the dash, will be in your manual. :) Oct 4, 2020 · Hi all, I let a friend ride my spark (first problem). I found this thread (now closed) P2621 and P2620 and P212S Aug 5, 2015 · Today after 30 min of cruise the iBR light goes on and impossible to use the iBR my ski went in limp mode. Aug 10, 2009 · Does your stay in limp mode or is it only after the first 5-10 minutes. The next morning would not go above 7mph and was in limp home mode. May 16, 2024 · Spark would not start unless I jumped the battery but was causing Limp home mode. I changed out to a new battery. oil pump failure, something stuck in impeller (which I cant visibly see anything), driveline stripped (which would make noise I would think), but aside from taking Apr 10, 2011 · Hi all, I have had the same problem on two very new 3Ddi's and have just found the cause today. She flipped it and the key didn't come off so it stayed running upside down for about a minute and was upside down for probably 3 minutes. now stuck open and in limp mode. New to the forum and hoping you can help me go to the next step of troubleshooting. If I Jul 15, 2011 · Hi all, I'm new to this site, and new PWC's. Repair manual says 3 things can cause it, low oil, exhaust overheat and engine overheat. It Sep 22, 2014 · you have a low oil pressure fault that came up because it ran on its side or upside down long enough to loose oil pressure, read your owners manual, when you flip your machine you are suppose to let it sit for 5 mins and then start it and accelerate to about half throttle until the fault clears. I could easily clear it out, but then it started happening more frequently over the next 30 minutes. Feb 22, 2014 · The ski when righted will run and the code will be in history but limp mode doesn't go away. I swapped batteries with my 2014 1200 cc Yamaha motorcycle and same result. Any advice on what to do is appreciated. Jul 23, 2011 · Have a 2002 Sea Doo GTX-DI that keeps going into limp mode. and what about the carb base gasket and the hi/low speed jets?. I checked the oil and it's fine. Tried the start engine again, Engine displayed again and beeped twice, also displayed Limp Mode. I picked it up on Monday and rode around for 10 minutes just to check it out. Oil an coolant are good and I just put a new battery in it. Never had a chance to run hot so exhaust temp and water temp is Jun 21, 2020 · I know that the maintenance required message will display when it an hour mark for an oil change, it never had the beep with the message and eventually the message would go away. Like any other Sea-Doo fault code, the codes of the iBR system can also be read and cleared by a special diagnostic tool and software. Here are the possible causes: Engine and exhaust overheatingLow Engine OilLow Battery VoltageElectrical IssuesSensor Malfunctions Aug 27, 2005 · I have a GTX 4 Tec that has been popping the check engine light and dropping me into a limp home mode (low RPM) with only a single loud audible warning. The P2428 code says it can be either a faulty exhaust temperature sensor, cooling system blockage, or improperly calibrated exhaust injection valve, or damaged circuits wires. It can happen after 5 minutes or after 30 minutes. Spark started, but then after running for random times (has done this in each of the 20 runs that I did) would either flash limp home mode with the engine light on, or would beep and say check engine. But most of the time full throttle will get exactly 3540 RPM. The RFI is causing me problems. Before that time you will have to shut it Sep 27, 2024 · Hi, have a 2021 Spark Trixx the IBR light started flashing and went into limp mode. Today I went out to use it and it ran fine for about 5 minutes and then it went into limp mode and and 'maint' showed up on the display along with a long beep and a flashing red light. If there is still something clogging it up, it is further inside the system than the intake grate as I can't feel anything even reaching through the grate for Jul 27, 2015 · 1400 RPM's is lower than idle speed. When this happens you can start unpluging the dess key and after 4 to 7 times the ski will run fine. Is the check engine light coming on every time this happens? Jun 23, 2020 · We had one of our Sparks give a long beep and the maintenance required message came up with the check engine symbol, then a few seconds later it went into limp home mode. It was winterized correctly and kept in a heated garage all winter long. Ran fine last time It was taken out about 2 months ago. Body was in bad shape so I put everything into a new body. I have a 2013 RXT X 260 with 90 hours I purchased about a month ago. Login or Sign Up Code P2621 - Limp Home Mode Apr 30, 2023 · Good Evening, I recently purchase a 2011 RXT 260 and am having some issues with it. Now it is back to limp home and clicking again sea Doo spark, ticking sound, limp home - YouTube Im pretty sure its the plugs but wanna get some opinions because its a hike for me to get ski in water. Just did a complete swap of a 951 DI engine from one ski to another. 5. There was a fault code that came up, P16C1 which is Fault of ECM ADC and we don't know what it is. started to cruise home, made it about a mile then it kicked on again. Everything worked perfectly in the other ski. Aug 16, 2009 · I have one big problem with a SeaDoo 4-Tec Super Charged watercraft (2006 model). Sd97gtx. Then went out a second time and the beep/ limp mode started. After few minutes it got back to its normal We have been quite busy the last 4 weeks and did not have an opportunity to take them out. mine was the top coil pack was tracking onto the coilpack mounting plate!! this in turn causes misfire/bogging/limp home symtoms. I could be wrong, but if it is limp mode, I would expect it to stay in limp mode (my manual says the same thing) until the problem goes away. It just had a top end done in October 2020, just after the season and just put in a brand new battery in July 24. The first couple of days it was great, but the it started beeping at me everytime i would let it idle and the screen would flash 'MAINT' it doesnt happen all the time, happens 1 in like 5 ignitions sometimes the red IBR light stays up for a few seconds and then turns off so i just ignore it and sometimes when i start it i get "limp home" message when this happens i just pull the "key" out and blow on it to clean sand or Jun 13, 2014 · 2012 RXP 260 30 Hrs. Aug 29, 2009 · I just purchased a used 2005 Challenger 180 215 , nice boat but I am having some problems and I think I might have to bring it to a dealer. Carbs are easy. Keeps doing the same. I own a BRP 1000 trail (2018) Great to be here!! I have a new set of faults, P1120, P2620, P2621, P1619. E. Only thing I did not change is exhaust and gauges. Anyone know why? Jun 29, 2021 · Shut the ski off again and after that I had to limp back to the ramp with full throttle and it would only give me about 1100 rpm. valve May 24, 2021 · I checked each fuse and they are fine. Jul 10, 2023 · If I click the start/stop button it will show a "Welcome Aboard" message, but it fades in and out. May 16, 2024 · Spark started, but then after running for random times (has done this in each of the 20 runs that I did) would either flash limp home mode with the engine light on, or would beep and say check engine. You could test the sensor yourself by probing its pins an looking for resistance of 2233(Low) and 2780(High) at 20C or 68F. B. In limp mode will the lil light that blinks codes be blinking? Its not. Press set 5 times and tell us what codes appear on the information center. However, the water is 80 degrees here and the air temperature barely over 80. Sep 27, 2015 · Hi Everyone When I first press the start button to wake the ski up I get the 'welcome aboard seadoo' message followed be 'limp home mode'. When I take the boat out , after a while , when I slow down the oil light comes on , the engine make a constant beep , and it goes into lip home mode. No need to pay the dealership money for them to plug a computer in and feed you lies about faulty sensors. Throttle body electrical plug disconnect/Limp home mode/P212C, P2620, P2621 According to the owner’s manual, Limp Mode on a Sea-Doo can be caused by overheating or low engine oil conditions. What it won't report on is a bad sparkplug. One of the ignition coils was missing the rubber seal that seals it to the valve cover though. The Marine Mechanic I'm going to connect you with knows all Jul 19, 2015 · Replaced the plugs, fresh gas/oil, and a new rectifier, and it's still going into this "limp mode" thing about 80% of the time. See full list on jetdrift. If you notice a „Limp Home Mode” text on the screen, this means you must ride back to the dock immediately at a limited Jan 31, 2019 · Found a number of posts with those codes on Sea Doo jet skis, all seemed to be related to sticky throttle shafts mostly due to moisture. I have had the boat for about 5 months and it ran without issue. Apr 12, 2022 · Limp Mode Seadoo Spark 2015 Jump to Latest 2. May 25, 2021 · 2015 Seadoo trixx limp mode whealy22; Nov 16, 2024 Replies 2 Views 132. Tons of compression in the motor. Apr 23, 2022 · It says limp mode on screen but no other messages or warnings. I got it back home & it seemed like that engine was running "rough" & maybe missing a little so I checked all the plugs & they were all fine & firing. Hit the start, the Check engine light displayed and it beeped twice, Took off the seat, check the spark plug connection, made sure they making good contact. When you disconnect the red lead your ski won't charge the battery, so if this fixes the problem you need a new rectifier, and I would highly recommend an OEM. I've checked the coolant lines they are free and clear please help. After riding 3 hrs, single beep and went to limp mode. if I launch the boat, start it up and cruise non stop it runs perfect. If your oil filter is crushed then you might have a faulty oil pump. Sea-Doo Switch Mechanic's Assistant: I understand that your Sea-Doo Switch goes into limp home mode after a couple of hours of use, and the dealer hasn't been able to figure it out. Which then also required a complete power down of the computer and then a start and then power down again and then check with the computer again to see if you are getting proper throttle position response. Then May 20, 2024 · Got on the water everything was fin and then limp mode came on check engine is up and it says anomaly motor anyone knows whats wrong oil is fresh and in this thread in this sub-forum in the entire site Dec 11, 2020 · New PWC owner here. May 16, 2024 · Seadoo Spark 2017 LIMP HOME MODE. If I continue at full speed and never let off the throttle, the machine will never enter limp mode when warm. When I stop the ski and restart everything is fine for 10 min, can use neutral and reverse. The DI will auto recover if the problem thats causing limp mode is corrected. The message only flashes across the screen once the first time the button has been pressed to wake the ski up. After about 15 times connecting the key, it once came up fine, and started. (It's not missing or skipping or anything Aug 15, 2011 · When I take it out - it will run fine sometimes for hours (it is random) seems like after a no wake zone - the ski goes into limp mode - we have brought the ski to the shop 2 times now and the first time - they took it on the water and it worked for them - so they did a maintenance and gave it back - 200 bucks - we took it out and again after a May 20, 2016 · I suspect you may have a stuck open oil pressure switch, but again there should be a Fault & warning icon associated witht he Limp home condition. brick_kurry Oct 19, 2020 · Hi Everyone. I have checked some things out on it including spark plugs, replaced all seals and o-rings in the R. If you can see a „Limp home mode” message on the dashboard, this means you can ride your Sea-Doo but at a reduced speed only, and you must head back to the dock immediately! I have a SeaDoo 2001 GTX Di 2 stroke 951. You can reset the limp home mode by waking the ski and then pressing the set Jun 23, 2017 · 2004 gtx limp mode? Thread starter emain879 Start date Jun ACE & 4-Tec Sea-Doo PWC Forum. A. Hi All, Last week I purchased a 2001 seadoo GTX-DI. I took it out today, started it up moved about 10 feet, display flashed red and beeped loud, I think I saw oil flash on the screen but I immediately shut off Oct 19, 2020 · Hi Everyone. Jul 24, 2018 · Low fuel is one alarm; "sensor" is a separate fault that probably points to why you are going into the limp-home mode. is that everything that should be replaced in the carbs or do I need to order the needles and seats separately. It will run fine for about 10 seconds then it will start buzzing and go into limp mode restricting it from revving up. If it's crushed Sep 16, 2019 · This site contains eBay affiliate links for which Sea-Doo Forum may be compensated. I shut it off For a bit, fired it back up, then everything was back to normal. I removed the battery cables, sanded them down, and still the same problem. I was able to see the VTS display going up and down. I had a 97 Speedster boat years ago. I am trying to diagnose a problem myself with mine and I can't get rid of the bloody limp mode and the beeper is driving me nuts. In limp mode motor ran a little rough. The PWC went into a limp mode (would not rev faster than 4,600) Brought it back to a mechanic put it on the computer & no fault code appeared. Nov 6, 2020 · I have had to reset the tps several times after replacing even just one. My 1996 gtx goes into limp mode at various times. I went from a 2001 GTX to a 2003 GTX. S. Took it out ran fine the first time. That is immediately followed with a "Limp Home" message. And the beep still continues. Jul 11, 2012 · Search in titles only Search in Sea-Doo only. Not exactly sure what parts are on it but it has been modified. I have been putting 93 fuel in it. Aug 23, 2010 · At tthat time I was still on vacation luckily I still had use of my TRUSTY 07 GTI130 SE. We hosted a family party this past weekend and planned to use them heavily for tubing and general fun. plug disconnect/Limp home mode/P212C May 19, 2016 · I need help knowing what is wrong with my Seadoo. Your DESS cap. It goes in to limp home mode often but in irregular intervals. However, based on our research, Limp Mode can also be activated due to some other malfunctions. I then checked the plugs, all seemed new and un-burnt. It will run fine if relaunched. Aug 9, 2021 · The Boat goes into “limp home” mode and the alarm stays on. I hopped on it to check things out and got the long beep along with the maintenance required message but this time it went into limp home mode. Jan 5, 2008 · G'day everyone, I've just bought my first Jet ski, and i'm lovin it! it's a 2003 xpdi seadoo, i took it away for a week and have had a couple of problems. The GTR230 fired right up and was gone. Any suggestions? Jul 14, 2009 · This site contains eBay affiliate links for which Sea-Doo Forum may be compensated. by aceckert14. So I filled it with oil. Customer: 2013 Seadoo rxt 260 low oil pressure warning and limp home mode. I was told that the beep was from a low oil sensor. 8K views 1 reply 1 participant last post by pharmacist25 Apr 22, 2022 Feb 21, 2008 · 3. Piotrullo1993; Mar 7, 2020; 7 13K Dec 15, 2024. What happened was the ski wasnt getting full rpms at first when got in water. The reason I asked the question was the first time I took it out I was using a different key that I have for the ski and I had read some stuff about limp mode but wasn’t sure when they started limp mode. If I press the button again when the screen May 19, 2020 · No fix. 2016 2up Starts for about 3-4 seconds than shuts off. Went into limp mode and now I have it. Codes will be stored for future recalling, So if its going into limp mode "Maint" is showing on the display, it doesn't have to be cleared by the dealer, or by the candoo, but if the problem is being caused by something other than electrical voltages, its going to be hard to Jul 5, 2016 · The first thing I would check is the rectifier/voltage regulator. It stalled when I stopped but restarted right away and ran normally for the next 300 miles. Nov 15, 2009 · Never really got a good answer. 2004 GTX 4Tec ran great for 17 minutes after cold start, then appeared to go into limp mode without displaying any codes. 2-Stroke Sea-Doo PWC Forum It also goes into limp home mode. ” What is a Limp Mode on a Sea-Doo? In a nutshell, in case of a minor malfunction, the computer allows you to operate the machine with limited engine power. Nov 23, 2019 · Hi everyone, Im new the Forum and a relatively new can-ma Maverick customer. Now reverse and neutral, don’t work on the light continues to flash and will only run in limp mode. V. All fluids are normal and there were no signs of overheating. I tried resetting, check all liquids, air filter good, i also tried disconnecting bat Im pretty sure its the plugs but wanna get some opinions because its a hike for me to get ski in water. Bought a 2022 spark trixx last Wednesday took it out to the lake and was working great. Issue: RPM limits to Aug 11, 2017 · This time, I still think the weeds ran through, but the seadoo went into a limp mode and is showing that "IBR Module Error" and will not let the seadoo switch into normal driving mode. The Marine Mechanic I'm going to connect you with knows all the tricks and shortcuts. It recently had its 100 hour supercharger service, but was ridden for 5-6 hours over a few weeks before the issue appeared. Oddly, it will only enter limp mode, when warm, when I let off the throttle. Customer: Limp home mode Sea-Doo GTX Mechanic's Assistant: Sometimes things that you think will be really complicated end up being easy to fix. First time out in the water & got a maintenance light on display. I have read about a number of issues (i. May 16, 2013 · so last year i messed up changing my oil and had about 2 quarts too much! opps well it blew oil every where and check engine light came on so i sucked the oil out and got it too the right level. 5v or so, b/c the fuel mapping probably can't compensate thus the air/fuel ratio would be incorrect so the MPEM should go into LIMP. BTW from what I heard Rotax Powerpack use a slightly different BUDS diagnostic version than BRP Sea-Doo dealer, therefore your local Sea-Doo dealer may not be able to communicate with your Scarab boat. Advanced Search; PWC Today Community; Seat-Covers; Traction Mats; Storage Covers; 4-Stroke Engine Parts Jul 31, 2021 · This site contains eBay affiliate links for which Sea-Doo Forum may be compensated. Jun 28, 2017 · During a exhaust overheat event the service manual states that the spark will go into limp home mode and restrict engine speed to 3800RPM. Disconnect the red lead and see if the problem goes away. 2001 Seadoo GTX RFI - 2 stroke History: Bought used with new engine but not running right. ghvawckufnchthjoifjdtnrnmotltwxhhelpiexiirkqqrftirlqmnillznjilqrcefbztnbgob