Poseidon gets athena pregnant fanfiction. " Athena looked at him and said .
Poseidon gets athena pregnant fanfiction Nico decides to do something nice for his husband, so he gets their rascal kids out of the house and brings the girls over. I know, I know. "Maybe we can use this opportunity to control the prophecy. But both Zeus and Hera agreed that Poseidon had made (or would make) a grave mistake of denying this demigod from her rights. But then again, the demigod was talking about Poseidon in the future, not present Poseidon. Prologue Part 2. They still argued, but it was like they were a couple already. Not just any goddess, but his godly rival Athena a. "You will not touch my son! Or his child!" "Poseidon," Athena tried to point out calmly. There was only one problem: some of the guy gods had other ideas. "I have all the gods' phone numbers. Despite the rivalry between your mother and I, I am always quite surprised to see how well you two get along. "Hey, honey. '' Poseidon looked around and saw no one objecting, '' Now, onto the part, a lot of you were waiting for how should we distribute the Divine powers that I possess. She was thinking the worst and thinking that this was the end to their relationship. as I was laying against Poseidon I knew I had to go get the vow removed I just had to and I sat up and looked at his sea green eyes "hey I should probably get going " I said "yea you should" Poseidon said as I went to stand up I pecked Poseidon on the lips and took off to find Zeus. The Poseidon Cabin. Ares, being her rival and patron god of Sparta, also the main rival city of her patron city Athens, chuckled when he saw her 6 months pregnant and wondering if this was a prank by Zeus was pale and shocked. " Percy shrugged Goodness, I wasn't expecting two, but it is just a double blessing. "It's a tie," she said grudgingly. But this enraged Athena even more and she fought with renewed vigor. Athena POV During the year we have been married, Poseidon has taken an interest in football. "Then Troezen, now this. The last Cronus/Rhea couple I have is Cronus and Rhea. "Does this mean I don't get to laugh at Poseidon?" Was it just Annabeth's eyes or was Athena pouting? "No, at least not for that reason. She shoved it into Poseidon's hands, then put on her gear. Hades has some sort of fetish for violence, not sure what kind, I'm guessing it comes with the job. Zeus gets pissed off really fast so don't mess with him. The bubbles around her were obvious, and the trident shaving was burning. I gave a quick nod of greeting to my rival, which he returned with a barely discernible nod in response. Apollo and Hermes both snickered. Poseidon kept looking at Hestia and thinking, Hey, she's kind of pretty. All his life Percy Jackson has been told he isn't normal what with his ability to breathe under water longer than anyone else and weird things happening all the time but when a creature of half bull and half man attacks his foster family while on vacation things might get weirder. "–Just let me go. I race into Cabin # 3, Poseidon, at Camp Half-Blood. Aphrodite chuckled. "Is that supposed to be sarcastic?" Athena shot back. Zeus was pale and shocked. Athena was pregnant. " Athena, unnoticed by the mortals, appeared next to him. "I've said cheesier. Yeah, we're back to the whole brother-marrying-sister thing. Once Athena left, Poseidon looked down at his patient. In fact, Athena was forced to admit that the two tapestries were exactly equal in quality. Poseidon smiled, 'She's a sweetheart. Now he wasn't a stupid man, so when he looked at Palutena's belly and then added that to her nervousness he was able to Raising my daughter to the heavens, Chiron makes up a baptismal ritual on the spot: "Descended from Poseidon: Earthshaker, Stormbringer, Father of Horses. Since this was Athena's first pregnancy, she had a pregnancy like a mortal, nine months. "Maybe we can make this work to our advantage," he looked to Athena who nodded eagerly. / "And that was the crux of it," Ata Discordia Eric, the goddess of Strife, told her niece, Clarissa La Rue. "What did you do?" "Nothing. I've waited for thousands of years just to date her, let alone marry her. " Poseidon eyed Zeus warily, "What are you talking Athena's POV "Aphrodite, stop watching Thalia!" I said. They would hold the final rounds for races later tomorrow, it turned out - people would get bored of watching the same thing happen, and the winners of their various rounds needed to have a rest. "C'mon, let's get some dinner. " Amphitrite shrugged. Percy wrapped his legs around Poseidon's waist, letting the god carry him over to the big, blue bed. " "Yes well I didn't hide my children in the mortal world. Poseidon and Athena were dressed for war and waiting to be picked up by Hades' contact. " She said. She hates me. With Kronos. And that's when I had my first wave of morning sickness and threw-up. And I don't mean mean with a brain-child, I mean the kind of pregnancy every woman is supposed to have. " Poseidon eyed Zeus warily, "What are you talking They weren't worried about Poseidon or Hades because while Poseidon would be protective of Rhea he wouldn't do anything too reckless, Hades on the other hand would most likely trust that Rhea knew what she was doing but keep an eye on things from a distance. Poseidon would get back to her clit. Mar 3, 2025 · Inspired by MrsEDarcy’s 2012 fanfic. Owlhead. And kill young Jackson and its fetus immediately!" Athena commanded. " "Thats just a fancier way of saying, can I marry your daughter?" "Yeah, but it's a nicer way of saying it. When Zeus finally gets enough of Poseidon and Athena's bickering he sends them to Earth as teenagers where they have to learn to work together in order to get back to Olympus. Poseidon was about to reluctantly answer before Aphrodite yelped "Yes!" The Sea God turned to look at Aphrodite and she gave him a look that Athena interpreted as a 'you're getting what you deserve' look. " "I…I can't!" Poseidon raised an eyebrow at the way Palutena was acting. Hades, even he himself was seething with that thought of the Sea God rejecting his own flesh and blood. If you enjoy Percy Jackson characters, this is for you. Christina Perry's A Thousand Years is the first song I want to slow dance to with Athena. Zeus looked like he had a lot to think about but, finally he spoke, in a more controlled manner this time. I don't own Percy Jackson And The Olympians unfortunately but then again I'd would have been to much work XD. "We will hunt them down at your order, O Goddess of Wisdom. " "And me, son of Poseidon. Besides from being held hostage by Ares and Hera. It's not exactly a bridal gown; she and her Athena siblings had to work with what they had, and under duress at that. "I swear, she's more like Athena than Poseidon," Hermes mutters to Apollo. Let's get it out of our systems—all together, One, two, three: "GROSS!" "One The way Athena and Poseidon ruled over mortals and gods was unprecedented. "Poseidon, how was your day ruling the seas and all?" "It was—OW, MY FACE! Athena looked back and forth between the tapestries, trying to judge which one was better. She waved her hand over it and his features changed so it looked like Poseidon's child. The teen's shorts easily slid off his waist and floated down to the floor. "Dionysus, please continue reading!" Hermes says in a high pitched voice. Poseidon was already sitting on his throne, looking very worn out for some reason. Nov 18, 2024 · Poseidon looks at Percy and decides " no you don't get to die" and focuses on turning Percy into a god. "Percy and Annabeth asked me to be here. There were: Hestia, Aphrodite, Athena (twins), and Hephaestus. Occasionally he would stop to tease her, licking her slit. The two read quietly, until the annoying voice broke it. "I will visit whenever I can. I still don't fully understand the game of football. The Lightning Thief. Mostly Athena's. Chapter 1: Annabeth Pregnant. "With Annabeth, Percy, Aphrodite, and Zeus' help. "We did good. About who of their children is best, about Percabeth and about the question if Percy could ever like Athena. He sighed, and wondered how in Hades he had managed to get himself into this situation. I see jealousy flash through Athena's, my eyes widen Athena likes Poseidon well that explains why they always act like an old married couple. "Okay, a huge asshole. Finally, Athena returned to her throne. I think Apollo is still soft from his time as a mortal," Athena confessed. Percy crossed his arms defensively over his stomach. Oct 14, 2013 · Poseidon leaned back in his throne, running a hand through his raven-black hair. They didn't know that he knew they were eavesdropping. I can't wait to be married. A collection of both canon divergent and alternate universe stories. I just wanted to say… I'm sorry. With one quick movement, Poseidon sprang, trident at the ready. She was in a bad shape still, but the presence of Poseidon in her temple did call forth her Greek side enough for her to talk and take notice of the statue. '''Ready?''' "Ready!'' Poseidon liked at least one bull sacrificed in his honor per ship. The Lighting Thief. Artemis and her hunters stood to attention. " Annabeth informed her. 3 Athena's family and Poseidon's family are NOT directly related. And Poseidon is sitting on another couch with me, stroking my hair. At Poseidon's sudden quiet exclamation, Athena paused in her reading and returned her attention to Poseidon, as did the other gods, Poseidon's exclamation not having been quiet enough. She was pregnant. Time was short, Poseidon could come to Olympus at any time. He had realised his mistake when he ate what he thought was Métis pregnant with his son was actually Métis pregnant with his daughter- FAIL! Poseidon was glaring at the girl. This could lead to a power struggle among the gods as they fear the implications of a child born from such a union. Athena & Poseidon-10 years old. I check the time. " Poseidon said "I mean Poseidon and Athena, Seaweed Brain. She didn't say anything though, just changed the channel to where we could see Poseidon. She is assaulted. Perhaps in a fanfiction, there could be a magical curse that causes Athena to become pregnant by Poseidon. "POSEIDON!" said a dizzy Athena Poseidon decided sparing her and licked her clit. "Then go get the correct one," snarled Poseidon. And I am glad that it is you that Percy picked rather than your siblings. Mount Olympus Athena's room: Athena looked down at Baby Percy who was wearing owl decorated pajamas Poseidon walked over in Athena's direction so she ran upward. "Triton, how was fish school today?" Amphitrite asked. Birth: Athena is born in a unique way. Then she added, "You especially won't do this when Athena is with child!" We all screamed, "WHAT CHILD!" Including me and Poseidon. This girl was the daughter of the women he loved and his brother –FAIL! Don't get me wrong I felt sorry for both of them. 1 day later. Athena's POV "Aphrodite, stop watching Thalia!" I said. " Poseidon said to his niece, summoning his trident. "Every step of the way,"Annabeth beams, adding to her beauty in the simple white dress she wears. There's no one continuity. Meet me, Percy Poseidon Jackson, age I said with a tinge of nervousness that only Aphrodite recognized. "Poseidon," I whisper, scraping part of my meal into the fireplace. " Poseidon said annoyed. "Young lady, I know when you're not telling the truth. To be honest, I imagine them as Poseidon and Athena; not the actors that portrayed them in the movies. There was strength in portraying a powerful image, powerful enough to make the enemies falter and yet there was wisdom in making them underestimate you. His tongue gently massaged Athena, eliciting moans and sighs of pleasure from her. Percy's POV. "Good," Triton said in a monotone. Athena's spear flew into her grip and blocked Poseidon's attack. Or Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom. . Although that's because we made Khione leave, my nerves aren't the only ones she gets on. No doubt that she was thinking about the same thing I was. Poseidon's game just ended, and he will be home soon. "I'm sorry about that indiscretion with Medusa a few Millennia ago. "I have never been mortal, I will never quite understand that, as much as I am thrilled to know. " Poseidon looks down, guilty. "Hello, Poseidon. Midnight. She's just lucky that Artemis left for a bathroom break, and that there aren't any big tattle-tails in here. The order is: Hades, Demeter, Poseidon, Artemis, and Hermes. Athena liked this, but not as much. a. Wow. You gods are so horribly horny. When they were finished, they quickly left the building We all turn to see the most adorable baby crawling over to Poseidon, Poseidon smiles like he is the luckiest father in the world and picks him up and Percy snuggles into his chest. Aphrodite and Athena quickly hid next to the doors. In light of recent developments I am rewriting this story. A knife whizzes by Hermes's ear. " "You really are a strange Child of Athena. She asked Poseidon, shocked at seeing her rival here. He has always wanted children. The Son Of Athena And Poseidon. " No reply from her. Athena remembered when she first found out that she was pregnant, with the other Olympians having varying opinions on the former virgin goddess of warfare and wisdom. "Pink? Pink? Out of all colours you suggest pink?" Athena said pink the same way Artemis said men. There were a few conflicts between Poseidon and Athena but there are no proofs that Poseidon and Athena have a big rivalry. " Said Dakota, playfully "I haven't had Red Bull but it seems good. It was my idea because, well honestly I wanted to propose to her, and I wanted to get the official seal of approval. " "Percy, she doesn't hate you, she just hates your dad. "I'm afraid my gift does not work that way uncle. "I will train the child Athena. Poseidon and Athena hesitated once they were inside, looking unsure. Poseidon's face went white at the suggestion, it was obvious that Hestia also knew about his latest mortal episode. "First it was Athens," Poseidon growled. I'm going to need you to come to Athena's temple. I think he will be really happy. "Poseidon. " "NO!" Poseidon bellowed, and he rounded on Athena. The only thing that would not change are the stormy grey eyes which stubbornly stayed put. "Athena!" Poseidon roared. May 8, 2017 · "Zeus! Get your ass off the floor and act like adult for once because you emparessing yourself to everyone. o. She then neglected to tell any of us. Descended from Athena: Artist Master, Crafts Inspirer, Mother of Battle Strategy. " Percy said. "ATHENA!" bellowed Poseidon aiming his trident, but it was too late, Athena was in the sky. I have it like that because I wanted to make it seem more realistic than godly. Just as planned. " "Maybe. " Athena looked at him and said Poseidon is the son of Oceanus and Tethys, another Cronus/Rhea couple. "What in Hades name are you talking about?" Rhode asked. I hope Grandpa is pleased with my sacrifice. "How can I be six months pregnant if I haven't hooked up with anyone?" "I'm pretty sure you have, Percy," Poseidon spoke kindly. "Oh my gods, Annabeth" Percy said breathlessly Percy's making cookies with Aphrodite and Hephaestus. "Well," Athena said, still miffed about being duped, "you're just full of surprises tonight, aren't you?" "You were ranting, and I couldn't get your attention. Medusa watched as a trident materialized into his hands. And apparently, as the ceremony begins, the first step involves…. "Annul the marriage. Mar 15, 2020 · When Apollo is in his quest Artemis has been through hell. Zeus had four children with Hera. ". He was excited to be a father once more. Also, I should mention, this is a Pothena fic. "Athena," Poseidon whispered. Metis was the goddess of wisdom at that time. A tuft of dark hair on a tiny head that held a dainty nose and pink lips. " Poseidon said, all serious Athena thought about getting Apollo to check on him. "Apollo tried to invoke the power of the oracle and at first nothing seemed to happen. Zeus had been particularly hard to convince to get him to speak to during his time on Olympus. mmmm, skittles…. This got Poseidon going ironically. '''It was just to get you agitated''' Athena said and ran towards their house. I go to every game to support Poseidon, and it usually isn't such a big deal. " Rhea said calmly. " As the smith god swung his mighty hammer, getting revenge for being thrown from the heavens, Apollo looked up to Athena and shot her a look that demanded explanation. "Dad, I swear I–" Then Percy paused, a vivid memory coming to mind. Where did you get that?" After that Zeus married Hera. k. "The ones who bet for draw whooped. He, in an ultimate moment of stupidity had managed to get a goddess pregnant. I then made my way over to my throne and took a seat, growing to my godly height as I did so. So I believe that's it. Athena was starting to get tired and to my surprise, Claire hadn't even broken a sweat yet. Zeus did listen get off the floor with a red face and he is very frighten of Bloom because of what happen 6,000 years ago of his own mistakes. "Wow Percy. I should marry her. Oh and of course what Athena does when she finds out! Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Family/Romance - Chapters: 27 - Words: 127,750 - Reviews: 900 - Favs: 404 - Follows: 273 - Updated: 3/16/2012 - Published: 11/22 "Thank you, Lord Poseidon," Annabeth replied, the tears coming down her cheeks. She was garbed in those silk pajamas that were a present from Mom last Christmas. They backed away, watching the king's shadow as the trident's golden light lit the room again and again and again. "Nephew is there anything you can tell me about the future of my son?" Poseidon looked at Apollo who was surprised to be called. Besides, like you said, we're through the worst of it. Once upon a time, these two Olympians were in love Athena trailed off. Ares, Hebe, Eileithia and Hephaestus. " said Hestia, Athena, and Artemis at the same time. Hail, Hillary Georgia Jackson-Chase, granddaughter of the Sea God and Wisdom Goddess!" Silence. Language: English Words: 3,924 Chapters: 4/? Kudos: 2 Hits: 291 Athena, at almost seven months pregnant, began to feel more and more uncomfortable with each and every passing day. "Hello, Athena," Poseidon said. "The big three have the most power. "Uh, as I was saying. Aphrodite's also pregnant now, but not with a demigod, with Hephaestus' child. So now, she has to spend seven days with Percy Poseidon's POV. depressed. " Annabeth replied, eyes closed, leaning on the plushy pillow. " "We only try to match you", grunted Triton, biting Percy's neck. " Poseidon said as he and Athena left, the door shut with an echoing thump. It seemed like Poseidon had to interfere a little. I furrowed my brow, and the other Goddesses got questioning looks on their faces. " They cautiously walked closer, Poseidon on Percy's side and Athena on Annabeth's, and looked down at the tiny person in the bundle. She had been crying as if she was the sixteen year old who got dumped by the jock for the cheerleader. "So…if I were to choose between the two of you, you would be my first choice of a person I'd wanna hang out with. Poseidon's I don't know, really. In no time Athena had come. Athena sprang from Zeus head fully grown. By DetectiveKid95. Poseidon waited patiently while the girl tried to collect herself. Percy turned to Athena because his girlfriend's statement, Poseidon bit his lip. Some important people, such as the only Elder who spoke to Poseidon when he recreated Greece, had already died. " "It doesn't matter how I say it, Grover Athena will still say no. The flames briefly glow sea-green, and the smells of the ocean fill my nostrils. Poseidon bets Athena will like Percy when she actually spends time with him to get to know him. He entered soon after and closed the door. Zeus and Phoebe another Cronus/Rhea couple also had children. " Poseidon shouted "YES!" and whirled around, while still clutching at Athena. "But it's so interesting. Athena forced herself not to smile. " Annabeth said "WHAT!" Athena shouted standing up and summoning a spear pointed at Percy. Look- I know- just get here now!" She hung up frustrated and glanced at Athena. They weren't worried about Poseidon or Hades because while Poseidon would be protective of Rhea he wouldn't do anything too reckless, Hades on the other hand would most likely trust that Rhea knew what she was doing but keep an eye on things from a distance. Now I have to break the news to Poseidon. Athena stood up to left but it was a false movement. Athena sat down at the sand where the water would hit. "Come on," Annabeth ushered, "Meet your granddaughter. "Poseidon my love, trap him" I commanded. The god of the sea had frozen in his task and was staring at the book in Athena's hands wide eyed. Percy asked. "He really doesn't like you. It'd be nice for Percy to have an evening with adults again. After that day her crush became love and she made sure of one thing… he would NEVER find out: that Athena, goddess of wisdom and battle strategy loved Poseidon, lord of the seas. Regardless of his current location, Poseidon was still aware of everything happening in his domain. I'm incredibly busy during the weekdays due I laughed a little. " Athena laughed and pulled me out of the throne room. It was weird Jan 25, 2025 · Athena/Poseidon (Percy Jackson) Medusa/Poseidon (Percy Jackson) Athena (Percy Jackson) Poseidon (Percy Jackson) Medusa (Percy Jackson) Athena's Rage; Poseidon is an Idiot; Cheating; Revenge; Athena is Heart Broken; Summary. Athena was ten years old. " She took out her phone and dialed Poseidon. At that time, Zeus has his first wife, Metis. "Athena did recover – 30 years isn't a lot of time for an Olympian – but neither did she forgive Poseidon for this trick. See the story about Athens below. (Which was a wedding present from Poseidon. Their arguing ends with a bet this time. Her mouth still opened and her eyes still fixed on the god's hard and erected dick the daughter of Athena could only nod, unable to voice her thoughts. I think I'm the only dude who can say that and not get made fun of by other guys. Though you are free to have a relationship with a mortal, if you make a mortal pregnant, inform me or Athena about it. Athena smiled. Athena sighed and made a psychic connection to Apollo. Right now, Poseidon's team, the Tiger Sharks are playing against their arch enemies, the Phoenixes. The rest of us found a stack of books and sat on those, I was forced to sit on Percy's lap. ;) Tune in! And also, if you're wondering: I decided to update every Saturdays instead of Wednesdays. I said with a tinge of nervousness that only Aphrodite recognized. Easy to get along with. In which everyone gets to admire each other in a manly fashion, Odysseus makes new friends, and renews "Get out! All of you get out!" "Poseidon!" "Get out!" Poseidon yelled at the top of his lungs. Annabeth noticed her distended belly on Athena's stomach. " The blond-haired girl's eyes traveled down his frame and her mouth opened in awe when her gaze reached his groin, where it sticked. Athena looked scared. " Poseidon sighed in defeat. "What?!" Athena exploded, but it was too late, and the rest of her collapsed into water – and Poseidon was gone. Apr 23, 2013 · "Looks like you admit your defeat…" Poseidon whispered on Athena's ear, in which resulted for the latter to shiver for a sec. What happens when she wakes up the next morning a realizing she made a big mistake. So she just let her face slumped and sighed "Yes… I admit defeat. Y-Y-you-you're s-s-so pr-pree-pretty. The author would like to thank you for your continued support. 2 The ages in Athena's and Poseidon's family are messed up. Athena, the child Zeus had with his first wife, also joined the Council. Poseidon was doing the same, for Athena was literally breaking his bones and her nails were making holes in his flesh- ichor poling out of the wounds. I need to get me some of those…I think there's a vending machine by Apollo's-FOUCUS ANNABETH! CHAPTER 5: POSEIDON GETS A SQUIRT GUN. Her students had been on her nerves much more. You'll get cold," Aphrodite said, pulling Athena towards the throne room. She pushed him back with her spear and held her shield in front of her. "You're pregnant dear. No offence. Poseidon was reading a book that upon further examination, seemed to be a self-help book about love. If you don't know what that is it's Poseidon and Athena. '' Poseidon crossed his arms over his chest and gave his niece a stern look. My mother looked like a red skittle…. "I don't think they have rule book for gods…" Percy says slowly. "Well, Apollo convinced his father. Unfortunately for him, Styx noticed. Athena Claire turned around and saw Athena and spun at the last second. "Agreed. So the next item was javelin throwing. "And it gets you more desperate if I leave you alone for a few hours. I've been a bit of an ass…" He trailed off, gulping as he saw Artemis' narrowed eyes. But of course she couldn't do anything, especially not right now. I'm pregnant. ) "Mmm. "Poseidon, do you have something to say to me?" "Okay, I've been seeing a mortal, but I didn't get her pregnant! Her name is Sally Jackson from New York. "Anyway," Athena continued, ignoring Aphrodite, though the goddess of love saw a small flicker of One day Athena gets drunk at decides to go visit Poseidon. The two siblings sat in silence for a few seconds before the younger brother remembered what he came there for. Poseidon sat beside her and smiled then he spoke saying "H- Hey A-Athe-Athena. At once, I become concerned that she looks almost…. Athena got crankier, Poseidon could sense her ego get in the way. as soon as I found zeus it had already been a few "I would say, Athena I, Percy Jackson, wishes to marry your daughter Annabeth. He is the third child of five. As I reach the front of the line, I decide to go with the former. :-) Anyways, enjoy the chapter! Next chapter: We finally get to see the baby! And fluff and all. Poseidon, Amphitrite, and Triton were all having dinner as a family, when something happened. "Athena calm down. But to Poseidon that option was not available because the God of the Sea wanted to avoid anything that could cause his daughter any harm or pain, physically or emotionally. Her faced changed as well as Ares, he knew what was coming. As well as Sally's! The aftermath of her Lord Father's games were unexpected to many, but not to her. That would be Poseidon. " Luke's face betrayed the steel in his tone. Poseidon's jaw dropped he looked at her as she passed by and her scent of fresh bloomed flowers. Annabeth gets pregnant and this is about her and Percy growing with the child, taking care of it and such. Ares and Hephaestus joined the Olympian Council, Hephaestus a bit later, because Hera had thrown him off of Olympus. " I said. Poseidon wrapped his arms around her. "Mom you're pregnant!" Athena's face became red from embarrassment. "Still, the baby will be safe from the scent. " Poseidon said "Mom, there's something really important I need to tell you. "Thank you, Captain Obvious!" Morgan snaps. It's just a somewhat poetic three-shot (is that a thing?). Knowing that the God-king will eventually release Odysseus, all she can do is sigh relieved. The Son of Athena And Poseidon. He did I as I said, then we all turned our gaze to Athena. " Said Bloom with an grin on her face and saw everyone was laughing at Zeus for his foolishness. With each flash, the golden glow began to Amphitrite whipped around to face him, "My fault? I didn't get pregnant by myself Poseidon. "Why not? It would look good on you. Jun 12, 2020 · Athena pov. "Mother hid Percy and Ariel in the mortal world so uncle would not kill them. Some stories will tell you that Athena won the contest, but that's not true. "Grover…. Athena gripped his arm like it was a life-line while she paled and hold back groans, screams and curses. I can only hope to get a glimpse in his future if the fates allow it. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Drama - Words: 12,798 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 1 - Follows: 2 - Published: 11/28/2019 - id: 13442019 He frowned and then suddenly started to smirk evilly. " "Everyone has something that gets them off on, right?" Aphrodite teased, causing the grey-eyed goddess to glare daggers at her. Now out with it. "Thank you so much. " So I had this idea and I decided to write it. Yet June 2027, while Percy is highly pregnant. Maybe at one point Poseidon had told the Greeks, Just pour me a Red Bull and we'll call it even, and the Greeks thought he wanted an actual red bull. Inside, I find my girlfriend, Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena, sitting on my bunk. We can live peacefully here, Annabeth. Athena couldn't help but smile in satisfaction at the drama, knowing Poseidon would now get what was coming to him. " "Thanks, Lord Poseidon. I don't own PJO. Civilization advanced greatly, with their numbers reaching 500,000 people, leaving plenty of room for progression. "I'm not!" Athena lied, "Yes you are! If not then what is that?! Are you became fat or During Athena's pregnancy, Poseidon stayed by her side and they got to know each other more. A Percy Jackson And The Olympians Fan Fiction. Never get pregnant. " She warned him, making her twin brother laugh. Poseidon shrugged, Athena clenched her jaw. "No. Triton saw the cecaelian and several mermaids and mermen abruptly flee through the curtain. " He said. Flashback "WE ARE NOT NAMING HER ATHENA!" I screamed. Good personality. The story could then focus on how Poseidon and Athena try to protect their unborn child from the scheming of other deities. " Poseidon suggested. Her gray eyes sparkling in the light. How would she know of my daughter? "Athena, with the power of the Gods I command you to tell me what truly happened to you before the fall!" I demanded. Especially to be the father of a child form Athena. There wasn't always such hatred and anger between Poseidon and Athena. How are you? Good? That's great. ' Poseidon followed Athena and saw her entering the house. Soon we went on a long chain of dates, and eventually when we got extremely serious we decided to tell our children. Huh. Yes, I know that in mythology, they're rivals, but I'm a dork and not the only one who ships this. I thank Apollo, and Hestia walks me back to mine and Poseidon's rooms. Artemis had ran towards them by now as well and was muttering encouragements. He walked towards Poseidon and Athena and removed Athena's night gown and Poseidon's pants, leaving both of them in their underwear. "Now speak" I demanded, and she did. My mother has become pregnant again Athena said, looking down, abashed. That poor kid has no idea what they're getting into. told me you wanted to speak with me?" "Well that is our grandchild in their right? I will send my best from Atlantic to help you with this pregnancy in the next week so celebrate because you never know how much time you have left . " Athena came back in with the chart. a kiddie pool. Zeus got a prophecy that Metis' son can overthrow him. As they went inside, two gods were talking. Ares, being her rival and patron god of Sparta, also the main rival city of her patron city Athens, chuckled when he saw her 6 months pregnant and wondering if this was a prank by The words that left Athena's lips shocked Poseidon. Athena and Poseidon shared a glance, well a glare really, then took the seats they were just sitting in. Monsters will hunt the baby out if they find out Poseidon has a grandchild though. Jan 29, 2019 · Athena and Poseidon are arguing again. Don't ask me why. Alone in her chambers, Athena made the potion. Poseidon is the more sensible one when it comes to regular stuff but he's middle ground for both of them. Athena and Poseidon were in for a surprise when they woke up. "You don't give yourself enough credit. I am bored out of my mind. These stories are not connected in any capacity, although some may build on each other. When she gets free she finds herself pregnant. " "Good. "Athena. But they're also going to have the best, most badass parents ever and I personally believe that makes up for it. Say goodbye and I will be off. Finding a couple of interesting ones, she took them in her arms, carrying it to one of the many tables. She summoned her sword and they fought and parried each other's attacks before returning with their own. Poseidon was already sitting there, a book in his hands. " Athena looked down at the child. Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon. Athena didn't respond, and kept reading, checking the mistake and failures in that book. ficueqwrysnlikovwccfjynhaofgtfmufyuhwgjnoqawxsgwfvthsnlhqsqgtwymzhzkidrevwmvl