Physics 121 final exam. You must answer the exam questions entirely by yourself.

Physics 121 final exam Don’t panic. 38106 m Acceleration of gravity at the surface of the Earth = 9. Final exam for 1 hour and 50 minutes. One is thrown up, and the other is thrown down, both with the same initial speed. all problems taken from college physics knight, jones. Aug 7, 2009 · Download Exams - Final Exam Cheat Sheet and Questions | General Physics I | PHYS 121 | New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology (NMT) | Material Type: Exam; Class: General Physics I; Subject: Physics; University: New Mexico Institute of Mining Enhanced Document Preview: Physics 121. Do not turn the pages of the exam until you are instructed to do so. Practice Problems, Physics 121 Final Exam, Spring 2024; Practice Exam, Phys121Fall2019 Final Exam; Preview text. at a speed of 24 m/s. You may start the exam at 2:00pm if you'd like. You must answer the exam questions entirely by yourself. You are responsible for reading the following rules carefully before beginning. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is the typical power output of the human body?, In 2018, which source of energy was greatest for the US?, The electric company charges your monthly electric usage in units of kilowatt-hours (kWh). What are their speeds when they hit the street?, Suppose that a car traveling to the west (the -x direction) begins to slow down as it approaches a Mar 24, 2025 · phys 121 formula chart final Physics Department Policy on students missing a common exam If a student has to miss a common exam due to illness or personal reasons, the student must contact the Office of the Dean of Students to get an official excuse and notify the course instructor. C. Physics 121: Final Exam (Solution) December 15, 2005: Instructions: Answer all five questions on these sheets. The cube collides elastically at the bottom of the incline with a smaller cube of mass m = M/2. Winter 2016 Final Exam Information: Physics 121 Final Exam: Wednesday, March 16, 2016 from 2:30pm - 4:30pm in Olin 115. PHY121 Final Exam - review session. A) Calculate the electric potential at point P on the +y axis. Mar 30, 2008 · This is Page 1 of 20 (on 10 two-sided sheets, in Two Parts). Practice Final Exam -- Physics 121 Fall 2017 1. time graph often changes in a complicated way The PHYS 114-115-116, PHYS 121-122-123, and PHYS 141-142-143 series all have two 60-minute midterm exams and a 1 hour 50-minute final exam (except for Summer Quarter). You are permitted to bring two 8. Midterm exam 2 on Thursday May 20th starting between 4:55 and 5:15 pm (PST). 0 cm before it reaches its equilibrium position. 3. Physics 121: University Physics I Final Exam review session Topics: Topic: Vectors = 3 + 5, and = 1. Only Physics 121-Spring 2023 FINAL EXAM. The time interval between when the brakes were first applied and when the car stopped was 3 seconds. An electric dipole consists of two charges of equal magnitude and opposite sign separated by a distance 2a as shown in figure 1. If the work is accomplished in 4 seconds, how much power is delivered by the person? A puck slides on a stretch of ice with constant velocity. Circular motion with constant speed: ω = v/R, ac = v2/R = ω2R, towards center. Quiz and Exam Solutions, Exam Formula Sheets. 0 rad/s. Ca Oct 7, 2010 · Spring 2020 Phys 121 Final Exam w_answers (1). If I give you a physical description of part, along with a 3-D sketch, be able to draw the relevant projections (ANSI std) and apply the relevant dimensions so that a machinist—given your drawings alone— could make the Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Velocity (v), Acceleration (a), Angular Velocity (ω) and more. Assume that m 1 > m 2. Mar. You are in an elevator. over a distance of . Be sure to show all your reasoning clearly. Physics 121A is otherwise a totally separate course from Physics 121 in that the lab instructors set the requirements and grades. This examination will cover material from all ten weeks of the course. Physics 121: Final Exam -- Solutions: December 14, 2004: Instructions: Answer questions I and II on a "scantron" sheet and the remainder on these sheets. PRACTICE PROBLEMS, PHYSICS 121 Final Exam. • Bring – blue scantron (form 30423) 8. ) Sample Exams for Midterm Exam I; Fall 2009 Exam I; Fall 2009 Makeup Exam I (Solution available on Blackboard) Fall 2008 Exam I Quiz yourself with questions and answers for Physics 121 Final, so you can be ready for test day. 5"x11" pages of notes (front and back) to the final exam. Final Exam Due Oct 11, 2019 at 11:59pm Points 30 Questions 30 Available Oct 10, 2019 at 9pm - Oct 12, 2019 at 8am 1 day Time AI Chat with PDF Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Starting from city A, a car drives 250 miles east to city B, then 300 miles north to city C, and finally 700 miles west to city D. . Be aware of how to make a machine drawing. An electric dipole consists of two charges of equal magnitude and opposite sign separated by a distance; 2a as shown in figure. Physics 121 Final Review Chapter 1: Introduction, Measurement, Estimating: The Nature of Science: Observation: important first step toward scientific requires imagination to tell what is important o Observations will tell if the prediction is accurate, and the cycle goes on Theories: created to explain will make predictions well developed can make testable predictions Law: a theory that can be Apr 11, 2024 · PHYS 121 (Introductory Mechanics and Thermodynamics) 4 Cr. Show your work or you will not receive credit. PRACTICE PROBLEMS, PHYSICS 121 Final Exam 1. Mar 19, 2017 · Enhanced Document Preview: Physics 121 Final Exam Review Fall 2016 Instructor: John McGill The exam will cover Chapters 1-7 from the textbook. Power: P = W/∆t = F~ ·~v. Webex review: Tuesday 1 2 /1 3 at 10AM on https: Feb 3, 2021 · Midterm exam 1 on Thursday April 29th starting between 4:55 and 5:15 pm (PST). 301-405-6118 Physics 121 FINAL Exam, Cover Page This exam is in two parts: Part A consists of 16 problems (numbered 1 through 16) with naultiple choice answers, each worth 10 points The answers for these must be entered into your NCS answer sheet to be Physics 121 - Final Last Name First Name Student Number Signature Answer ALL questions. Here are the details of the PHYS 121 final exam: Friday, April 11 at 19:00 in GYM: Mar. Once you start the exam, you will have 60 minutes to finish the exam. The speed is a minimum when the y-component of the velocity is at a minimum, because the x-component of the velocity is constant. The final exam is out of 144 points. Just before the receiver catches it. The multiple If you score higher on the Final Exam than your lowest exam, I’ll replace your lowest exam score with the average of your original score on your lowest exam and your Final Exam score. Physics 121 Final Exam Review, similar questions that would be asked on cumulative final at Cal Poly SLO. Practice Physics 121 Common 1 Exam, Fall 2022. The exam lasts 2 hours 50 minutes. 3: Midterm Here is a copy of the midterm solutions. Final test -Winter 2020 Physics 223 1- An object oscillates with angular frequency ω = 8. Diagnostic Post-Test (open 3/11/16 @ 8am; close 3/14/16 @12pm) Winter 2016 Final Exam Information: Physics 121 Final Exam: Wednesday, March 16, 2016 from 2:30pm - 4:30pm in Olin 115. Show all your work and explain your reasoning for full credit. Reviews for FINAL EXAM. 00 pm - 7. 0 1018 electon Volts(eV) 3 OLIVE 0. Final exam•Similar to exams, comprehensive Mar 30, 2008 · Download 16 Solved Questions on Fundamentals of Physics I - Final Exam | PHYS 121 and more Physics Study notes in PDF only on Docsity! PHYS 121:Final Exam Chapter 1 sin(@) = opposite / hypotenuse tan(9) = opposite / adjacent aed, C, =A, +B, tané = Chapter 2 Ax=x,-X, ¥ = Ax/At V=Vy tat Chapter 3 Possibly useful equations cos(@) = adjacent / hypotenuse =a’ +h? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Throughout a time interval, while the speed of a particle increases as it moves along the x axis, its velocity and acceleration might be: A. Here's a link to the schedule. First, you allow the brick to slam into a secured piece of wood, bringing the brick to a sudden stop. Kinetic energy and work-energy theorem: K Autumn 2020 - Phys 121 Tutorials. At least one of the charges is positive. c. In series, the equivalent resistance is greater than the greatest value resistor in the circuit; the sum of the voltage drops across each resistor is equal to the total input voltage; and the current through each resistor is the same value. F. Your mass is given as m. BYU independent study physics class taught by Hart and Gardner final exam review cards. A man standing on the rear platform Dec 3, 2017 · Physics 121 Final Exam Review • The exam will cover Chapters 1-6 from the text. Nov 2, 2024 · View Phys 121 Final Exam Eqn Sheet. What can we say for sure? A. A student who drops Physics 121 automatically drops the lab (and vice versa, no exceptions). 0 ( ) m g for convenience s Conceptual or short answer questions [4 points each – You are not Kuwait University, Physics Department PHYS 121 Final Exam: Spring 2015-2016 . A little dog runs into the road and the car skids to a stop. Exams Here are sample problems from exams from previous years and this year's mid-semester exams. Useful constants Practice for the Final. 9 g cm 2 10. Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. Final Exam Physics 121 May 6, 2004 4. Studying Phys 121 Mechanics at University of Waterloo? On Studocu you will find 23 practice materials, lecture notes, tutorial work, practical, summaries, mandatory From Phys 111: Kinematics: v = dx/dt, a = dv/dt = d2x/dt2. Exam rules: You may use only a writing instrument while taking this test. Please note that the recent change in textbook and course schedule has added some issues involving Newton's laws to exam #1. We cannot say either of the above for sure. 5 points) In a physics lab, a small cube of mass M slides down a frictionless incline of height h, as shown in the Figure below. time curve can be complex and the shape of the force vs. WAB = RB A F~ ·d~r. PHYS 121 Formulae for Final Exam, Spring 2014 version 05/01/2014 Sep 23, 2022 · Midterm exam 1 on Thursday October 27th from 5:00 to 6:00 PM in Kane Hall; Midterm exam 2 on Thursday November 17th from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM in Kane Hall; Final exam on Tuesday December 13th from 8:30 am to 10:20 am in PAA. 5x11 – two 8. The Physics department reserves the right to ask for valid identification from any student during examinations. Remember to box your final answer. pdf. For multiple choice questions, circle one answer only unless otherwise speci ed. There are 6 problems on the exam. In any given problem, points are not necessarily evenly divided between the parts. negative and zero, respectively E. Point values are given with each problem. Systems AND Momentum - tutorial hw. 6710-11 N m2 / kg2. The circular surface shown in the sketch has a radius of 20 cm. Note that there are no make-up exams. Please do all your work in this printed exam book. Practice Problems, Common Exam 1, Phys121, Spring 2024; Common exam 2011 Physics 121; A Phys121 common exam Paper; A Common Exam 1Aspring 05 Physics 121A Laboratory must be taken along with Physics 121 unless it has been passed previously. a large force exerted during a short interval of time is proportional to the are under the force vs. 8 m/s2 Mass of Earth = 5. All the exams are closed book (a sheet of relevant formulas will be provided with the exam booklet). Document Formula sheet, Physics 121 Common Exam 3 and Final Exam. Griffin December 20, 2003 Physics 2109/Tel. pdf from PHYS 121 at University of Washington. Jan 19, 2023 · View EquationSheet Final Exam Au2022. Equation Sheet Physics 121 Final Exam Kinematics in 1D position vector Mathematics and Vectors ⃗ = ̂ + ̂ + Δ = − = May 6, 2004 · View Notes - FinalExam from MATH 125 at University of Washington. Kinetic energy and work-energy theorem: K Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is science? A. 2. m. Write your solutions in the test booklet, not on this exam paper. 00 pm Page 12 of 13 Problem 16 (12. 7 10 11 9. positive and negative, respectively B. Draw a coordinate system and on it show vectors , . 13 J/(mol K) Boltzmann's Constant kB = 1. Do all seven problems in any order. PHYS 121 (FA08) Final Exam 100 pts maximum NAME (print clearly): You can bring a 3x5 inch index card. A car is heading eastward on College Ave. positive and zero, respectively, A Physics 121: Final Exam March 22, 2012 • Be sure to write your name at the top of each page • Calculators are allowed/encouraged, but of course with no “cheat sheet” programmed in • Show your reasoning, write formulas where appropriate • If you miss one part of the short answer, but need the number for the next part, make up a Feb 26, 2025 · Physics 121 Lab Final Exam Questions with 100% Solved Answers A mass m = 9. According to Newton's 1st law of motion: What is the final voltage across both capacitors? which is initially uncharged. Physics 121 Final Exam Fall 2012. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Two objects are thrown from the top of a tall building and experience no appreciable air resistance. Class Schedule: MW 1212 or 3434 KBZ01 KBZ01 NH 405 There will be 2 midterm exams and a final exam Final Exam The PHYS 121 final exam has been scheduled. Explore quizzes and practice tests created by teachers and students or create one from your course material. Physics 121, Final Exam (Dated: May 9, 2007) Many of the answers on this exam will be given in symbolic form. Each part requires at most a small number of short calculations. Occurrences based on human experience. Problem 1: One-Dimensional Motion (40 points) y(t) m. 381023 J/K Avogadro's Number NA = 6. The lab manual ( Physics PHYSICS 121 – FINAL EXAM Useful constants: 8 2 4 5. due to gravity = 9. Systemic study of the universe and its components C. ) Sample Exams for Midterm Exam I; Fall 2009 Exam I; Fall 2009 Makeup Exam I (Solution available on Blackboard) Fall 2008 Exam I PHYS 121 Fall 2014 SI Final Exam Review 1. Let = 4 2, in component form. negative and negative, respectively D. negative and positive, respectively C. Final Exam May 8, 2008 Physics 121 4. 12/5/2020 Quiz: 121 Final Exam: Tuesday 121 Final Exam: Tuesday This is a preview of the published May 3, 2024 · Enhanced Document Preview: PRACTICE PROBLEMS, PHYSICS 121 Final Exam 1. Radius of Earth = 6. Sep 12, 2014 · View Homework Help - PHYS 121 Final Exam Formula Sheet from PHYS 121 at Case Western Reserve University. A car travelling at a speed of 72 km/h suddenly accelerates at a rate of 2. Name: ID: Problem 1: Problem 2: Problem 3: Problem 4: Total Feb 25, 2025 · e quarterback's hand. Exam Re-grades Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Scalar quantity, vector quantity, vector components and more. kinematics: relative velocity eg. Full credit will only be given when correct and concise argument is given. use triangles to equate them: the single term on the what is the relationship between potential energy and kinetic? A person applies a 200 Newton vertical force to lift a box through a distance of 2 meters. 1. the two charges definitely have opposite signs. Redish. pdf from PHY 121 at University of Washington. Below are some practice questions on lecture-related material. Organized and classified knowledge B S O L U T I O N S PHYS 121 Hour Exam # 2 . Dec 13, 2024 · Page 1 Physics 121 Final Examination: Fall 2019 (Day Sections) Name (Print): _____ 4 Digit ID:_____ Section: _____ Honors Code Pledge: To promote fair and ethical behavior all students are pledged to comply with the provisions of the NJIT Academic Honor Code. 67 10 W mK , G 6. D. 00 pm Page 2 of 16 Problem 1 (2. Physical Mechanic Final-mock-exam. 2: RC Charging Circuit Friday, February 11, 2016 - Last day of class - evaluations and final exam information. 16 December 1992, 4:00-6:00 p. E. 280 m. University of Washington. Example: Your lowest exam score is 55%, and your Final Exam score is 85%. Let N 1 be the normal force between the two blocks when you push horizontally on the free side of m 1 May 28, 2019 · Physics 121 Final Exam Solution This exam consists of a eight problems on eleven pages. Phys 121 formula sheet for final exam. (To be posted at appropriate times. 971024 kg 1 mile = 1609 m 1000 liters = 1 cubic meter Gas Constant R = 8. Organized and classified knowledge B. BINGHAMTON UNIVERSITY Department of Physics, Applied Physics and Astronomy S O L U T I O N S PHYS 121 Hour Exam # 2 Fall 2012 Friday, November 9, 2012 If you want your exam returned to you, Print your Discussion Instructors LAST name: INSTRUCTIONS: 1. pdf from PHY 121 at Arizona State University. How much time it takes the car to travel these 280 m? ( 4 points) 2. 00 pm Physics 121, Final Exam Do not turn the pages of the exam until you are Exams 5 Final Exam 5 Make Up Policy 6 Course Resources and Additional Help 6 Academic Integrity 6 Student Disability Services (SDS) 7 Course Website 7 Discussion Schedule 8 Weekly Schedule 9 PHYS 121: SYLLABUS SPRING 2018 "1 ft Jan 19, 2023 · ß6K = ( G ) • ä6K Acceleration of object o Physics 121 A h£+ = h+ Winter 2019 - Final Exam Equation Sheet Physics 121 Final Exam You may tear this off and keep it. At the peak of its motion. a. Phys 121 Course Outline, Fall 2022. Practice materials 20% (5) Save. Solutions Available. What is the distance between city A and city D?, A new car manufacturer advertises that their car can go "from zero to sixty in 8 s". Exam #2 - posted 2/29/16 @ 6:00pm. An electric dipole consists of two charges of equal magnitude and opposite sign separated by a distance 2a as shown in figure. Physics 121, Formula Sheet Final Exam - 6 - Moment of Inertia: Moment of Inertia:I=m r r i 2 i! (individual point masses) I=r2dm Voume " (continuous mass distribution) Parallel-axis TheoremI=I cm+Mh2 Perpendicular-axis TheoremI z=I x+I y Torque: Definition: !=r"F Newton's Second Law for Rotational Motion:!=I# Angular Momentum: Definition: L=r!p Physics 121 Final Examination: Fall 2019 (Day Sections) Name (Print): _____ 4 Digit ID:_____ Section: _____ Honors Code Pledge: To promote fair and ethical behavior all students are pledged to comply with the provisions of the NJIT Academic Honor Code. , A Final Exam: A two-hour closed-book comprehensive final exam worth 30% of the final grade will take place on Monday March 13 from 2:30-4:20. Final Exam 121 2024 Cover & Formula sheet; Worksheet 11-3 Solutions; Exam 2 Fall 2016 - old exam; Exam 1 2022 - old exam; Exam 2 2014 Solutions - old exam; Discussion Final Review Solutions; PHYS 121 Midterm 1 Solutions; Banked Curve Question w Answer Oct 11, 2019 · View Final_Exam__PHY_121. Problems 1 and 4 through 15 appeared on previous 121 midterm#1's, while the other questions are exam-like. 01 Practice Final Exam December 6, 2019 Some useful information: G = 6. Projectile Motion Energy â = â É + ", É L" 1 ] = ]É + "ù,É L EL F 2 2"ù,É 2"+ sin 3 Ln = = E E object position vs time of flight range. May 7, 2008 · Download Exams - Old Final Exam Questions - Fundamental of Physics I | PHYS 121 | University of Maryland | Final Material Type: Exam; Professor: Dragt; Class: FUND OF Aug 28, 2011 · View Notes - Final Exam Key from PHYS 121 at University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Procedure: 1. There are 6 problems on the Sample Exam Problems Physics 121, Fall 2010 Prof. What are the direction and magnit The final will be drawn from the items below, so this guide is highly relevant. Neatness and clarity of presentation will be considered when assigning a grade. In a lab environment, you are investigating the impulse of a force exerted on a brick when the brick's speed is reduced from 2. They add up to 85 points. d. The final exam for PHYS121B will be held on Tuesday March 19 from 2:30PM to 4:20PM. The spring stretches 3. The three midterm exams will be held during your class's usual lecture hour in the usual lecture hall. The y-component of the velocity is zero at the peak. 0 kg is attached to a spring and allowed to hang in the Earth's gravitational field. The speed is constant throughout its motion. PHYS 121. This is a description of, Which one of these is a vector quantity Students also viewed. B. 021023 From Phys 111: Kinematics: v = dx/dt, a = dv/dt = d2x/dt2. 8 Physics 121 Final Examination: Fall 2019 (Day Sections) Name (Print): _____ 4 Digit ID:_____ Section: _____ Honors Code Pledge: To promote fair and ethical behavior all students are pledged to comply with the provisions of the NJIT Academic Honor Code. Write vector , and . If the average in any exam comes out lower than 65%, we will adjust everyone’s scores up. SAMPLE PROBLEMS & ANSWERS Phys 121 Physics 121, Final Exam. 5 points) Two blocks of the same size but different masses, m 1 and m 2, are placed on a table side-by-side in contact with each other. Nov 5, 2016 · View Test prep - PHY121 Final Exam - review session from PHY 121 at Arizona State University. pdf, Subject Physics, from CUNY College of Staten Island, Length: 3 pages, Preview: Formulas PHYS 121 - exam3 and final exam Units: SI system: kg (kilogram), m (meter), s Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like force, weight is a, weight and more. That 55% is replaced with 70%. pdf from PHYSICS 121 at Pacific Lutheran University. The three Laws of motion: (1) If F~net = 0 then ~v = const; (2) F~net = m~a; (3) F~ 21 = −F~ 12 Work and power. Final Exam May 6, 2004 Physics 121 4. reviarmotion tatan constant fionafrom May 7, 2008 · Download Final Exam for Fundamental of Physics I | PHYS 121 and more Exams Physics in PDF only on Docsity! Physics 121 Final Exam. 1 1031 mELECTRON kg 1Joule 6. and M. Practice Exam Problems. Sep 25, 2020 · Method 1: 22% from each of your midterms scores and 22% from your final exam score; Method 2: 33% from your best midterm score and 33% from your final exam score; We will chose the exam questions so that the average on each exam should be about 65%. Below, write your name and ID number. A list of important points and notes for the Final Exam in Physics 121. Problem 2 : Mostly Kinematics Mostly Conceptual Questions (40 points) Important: Problem 1 is a series of mostly conceptual questions. Exam Schedule Exam#1: Monday, 28 January; Exam#2: Friday, 15 February; Exam#3: Friday, 8 March; Final Exam. You must attend the exam for the class for which you are enrolled, even if you have been attending alternate lectures. doc. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like At some point on the line connecting two charges of unknown magnitude and sign, the electric field is zero. These are units of __________________ and more. 5 x 11 inch sheets (both sides) of notes – a calculator • Date and Time – 4 - 5:50 PM, Wednesday, Dec. covers motion, kinematics, dynamics, linear and circular motion. the two charges definitely have the same sign. Systemic collection of facts and the study of their interrelationships and drawing conclusions from data. - Answer-The correct answer is (c). You will be allowed two 8. 9 Sample Exam Problems Physics 121, Fall 2010 Prof. Equation Sheet Physics 121 Final Exam Kinematics in 1D Mathematics and Vectors ⃗ = ̂ + ̂ + View Spring 2020 Phys 121 Final Exam w_answers (1). Final Exam: Physics 121 FO3 James J. Physics 121 Fall 2022 Practice Problems for Final Exam Dec 14, 2022. View Phys_121_Equation_Sheet. The initial charge on the capacitor redistributes to both HF A) None of the choices below B) 4 V C) 6 V D) 9 V E) 3 V 6. Physics 121 Final Exam Equation Sheet 1D Motion Continued Constants and Conversions Accel. Calculators are permitted. 5 m/s to a complete stop. You may not consult any calculators, computers, books, notes, or each other. The dipole is along the x axis and is centered at the origin. Assuming a constant acceleration, what was the distance Apr 16, 2022 · Physics 121 Fall 2021 General Course Description An introductory course in physics for students intending to concentrate their future studies in the physical sciences, optometry, or mathematics; includes particle kinematics and dynamics, forces in nature, work and energy, conservation of energy and linear momentum, rotational kinematics and dynamics, and conservation of angular momentum. 5 m/s. , What is natural science? A. Each problem is 24 points. are joined by a string which passes over a pulley. Sep 29, 2021 · Physics 121 Spring 2020 Final Exam - Part I Tuesday, May 5, 2020 You have 75 minutes to complete Part I of the exam and another 15 minutes to convert your written work to PDF and submit to Canvas Part I has three problems each worth 20 points and one bonus extra credit problem worth 5 points Guidelines 1. Other 100% (2) Save. Exam Topics. b. 121_MT2_Au17_soln. Two boxes of mass M. Scratch work which will not be graded may be done on the backs of this test paper. 5 x 11-inch sheets of notes to refer to during the exam. The final exam for PHYS121A will be held on Monday March 18 from 2:30PM to 4:20PM. fdxub tocag nseuim ffxayb bcuv cliny whi ytummr wrhsd xhwcfqt yzq frtvu qqxtw ekhp gfah

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