Ldr losing interest reddit. I actually started missing her when I did it.

Ldr losing interest reddit She has grown tremendously because of it, but with time, and needing less help from me, she started to lose interest in talking as much and was indifferent when plans got cancelled because things got in the way. Look for new ways to keep things fresh. Hi everyone, this is my first time actually seeking any advice. She may not have taken the relationship as seriously as you either it's alot easier to talk to men online than in person and some women are just like this I would know I was someone who had a long distance relationship and it's easier to be a certain way online but in person u might lose attraction or the interest to be with the person. He is my first love, my first for everything. Yes it's normal and can come in waves. 1. This is one of the major reasons why long distance relationships don’t work out. We also both confessed our feelings fairly early on, I would say around the 2- r/LongDistance is a subreddit for and about long distance relationships. Whenever we don't talk for hours, or if he doesn't respond to my message right away, I worry that he's losing interest. try to introduce new things everyday despite the distance, like online dates or Whenever he reassures me, I take that as him not being as into as I am because he's so calm and sure and I'm the one freaking out. And these changes can cause them to lose interest in each other. Jan 25, 2025 · Here are 16 signs that it might be time to say goodbye to your long-distance relationship (or time to fix these problems before it all comes crashing down): 1. Now up until this happened we talked all the time through the phone and on Facebook. 3 months? is this related to moving away for college? either way, transition to ldr is way harder than starting out as ldr. Everyday, I am crying because I am so confused. Feb 4, 2021 · These common problems indicate you need to work on — or potentially end — your LDR. I’ve done all I can to work with her and get on the same page but nothing seems to be working. if he’s busy but is at home and just not texting you, he might be losing interest if it starts to be consistent or is getting worse. I'm the first LDR she's ever had, with about 4-5 of all her past exes being physical. Things were great at first, but as soon this spring semester started, I’ve been so focused on school and work to get my mind off the fact that my boyfriend She's my second gf ever, last one being another LDR for 5 years. I explained it to her in a kind of roundabout way, basically saying I get that she loves me and her words: I'm on a completely different level to other guys, but even if I'm a 100 if there's a 7 in the room then that might be preferable. Moving to another country is really complicated. It's like the other person'a energy fills those empty places within us, and every time you are in their aura, it's like a quick top-up. Maybe she isn't losing interest in you but perhaps in time it becomes more challenging to keep the conversations fresh. And I get that I said some really lame stuff to her when our relationship was already stressed. A healthy relationship really depends on good communication. what you’re going through is fairly common but keep in mind starting college is a whole new experience in itself and that might heavily influence his mindset, so it’s not your fault. This made me chase after her for several months, trying my hardest to make that spark come back. My SO [19F] and I [20M] have been in a relationship for just over 2 1/2 years, one year and a half of which has been in an LDR (I came to study in the UK, then half a year ago she started college in the US). That feeling. I was in an LDR with my then-boyfriend (now-husband) for 8 years before we got married. Apart from personal preference concerning viewpoints (LGBTQI+ among other things, obviously) I would definitely lose interest if the person is CONSTANTLY harrassing me and/or asking why am I not replying fast enough. 62K subscribers in the LDR community. No one is sure about it. LEAVE!! And 2. He’s what I’ve been looking for for so long. First off, there’s two types of LDR’s (long-distance relationships): 1. NEED HELP!! Okay so I’m a 19 year old (M) in a relationship since 3 years with my girlfriend (18 years old) So basically I live in a different country because of my studies, I visit her 2 times a year. My answer is going to be a little long so I apologize in advance. So I always felt important and we both always engaged in our everyday lives and made time for each other. I’ve been in an ldr for about a month and so far all our convos have either been “wyd, how was your day, or how much we can’t wait to see each other” lol when I try to bring up random things the convo usually gets cut short cause he’s busy or going to sleep and I have a kid so I get distracted and lose interest in the conversation. We've gotten into the intracasies of our relationship so many times that it seems like we talked more about the relationship than fun stuff for a while. There have been ZERO problems with me and my LDR gf (I live in America and her in Germany). Me and my long distance girlfriend talk every single day, maybe skipping one or two. But now, I'm losing interest to the point she is instead starting to repulse me. Not the same energy. I (28F) been in this long distance relationship with my partner (31M) for just over a month. every time we get on the phone we never have anything talk about. We are in different castes but have the same goals intents etc. For anyone considering(but not seeking), currently in, or who used to be, this is the community for you! We are here for support, advice, and community who can relate to your experiences. I feel like she's staying positive about maybe regaining interest when we see each other again but I'm not sure. I’m losing interest in my long-distance relationship and a guy I recently met isn’t making it easier My boyfriend (20m) and I (19f) have been doing long-distance since early August. Ive been in a ldr for over 4 years with this guy, we've met twice and about to meet again this winter. Posted by u/mranonymous5000 - No votes and 8 comments At start we used to have so much fun together, but we're approaching the one-year mark and I find myself just avoiding her and losing interest lately. g. FaceTime every weekend. So my experience in how a relationship feels like is prettymuch non-existing. Which is why I feel so bad for feeling like I’m “losing interest”. We talk everyday, but he feels so distant. But I don't get how at 10 months we can get to this point with only 2 weeks till we're together. Maybe we are not compatible? Thanks all. In this article, we’ll give you an overview of the most common long-distance relationship problems. We are not super different socially, but my partner spends a lot of time with their new friends, particularly at night (they are studying during the day), while I do not, I stay at home as I have struggled to find friends at uni. Without those top-ups, that energy eventually drains and This community was created to be a welcoming space for couples in Long Distance Relationships. But fortunately I know if things won’t work out by the 2nd or 3rd date, so I hope no major feelings are hurt. For example, if they used to say ''Goodnight, I love you!" and it turns into something dry like ''Gn ily'' they're either losing feelings or are just too lazy to respond to you. I know it's a common dating strategy to withhold texts for example for fear of lovebombing or coming across as clingy. How do I cope? Today I came home to FL from spending two weeks with my LDR boyfriend in NY. In a long distance relationship and my boyfriend 19M has exams and he said he won’t be done until 2 more weeks. Edit: I’m thinking of breaking up with her. Here's something that I've learned: You don't have to fill the silences. I just wonder how I should approach this and if he’s losing interest in me. My LDR (3 months in person, 3 months distance) has been quite the challenge for me and my girl, where we see each other roughly every month. This has happened to me from both sides and it really feels bad. Too toxic. I have a re-occurring issue where I attract guys who are really into me to start with, then they lose interest. 441K subscribers in the askgaybros community. If they don't want to hang out. Even though they might not count, the only two serious ldr i had ended because of impulses i had. This has been a common trend in my relationships ever since i could remember, everytime i get into a relationship no matter how much i thought i was attracted or how long i talked to them, i just lose interest. Oh I love telling this knowing he will stalk my Reddit. my boyfriend and i go off and do our own things once in a while, but were always in communication with eo somehow like just having eo on facetime, texting eo updates, etc. Members Online Feel like she’s (22F) slowly losing interest in me (24M) Just fucking leave. am I losing interest I 22m her 22f we are in a Ldr relationship and have been for 8-9 months now. Archived post. Ours worked out because he is very faithful and honest. With that being said: Don't start a long distance relationship unless you have realistic, rational plans of being able to close the distance. Without the benefit of face-to-face time together, long-distance couples may find it harder to discern where the relationship stands. I just wish he initiated more, missed me the way I missed him. Honey, you’re never sure if you want to leave a relationship with someone you’re in love with. Flashback to our 10th month of dating – when he told me he's losing interest. I'm scared of long distance relationships because that physical, cuddling aspect is not there. My partner (19nb) and I (18f) have been in an LDR for about a month now. Okay so I’m a 19 year old (M) in a relationship since 3 years with my girlfriend (18 years old) So basically I live in a different country because of… How do I (18F) know if my LDR (7 months) boyfriend (19M) is losing interest in me or is telling the truth when he says he loves me? CONTEXT: He and I met through an online game at the start of the year and have been talking since then. It depends on your culture, modern dating has a lot of non committed people just dipping 1 foot in while keeping the other one for options. Act now! Long-distance relationships come with their own set of unique challenges that couples need to overcome to survive. going on a trip to see him then faking it the entire time only to breakup with him over text/call this sub is for advice about specific dating situations not general debates. Jul 7, 2023 · Reignite the spark in your LDR with our guide on what to do when you start losing interest. Posted by u/Mr___Procrastinator - 1 vote and 2 comments Go to LDR r/LDR • by View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. We broke up because when we were nearing the… My current relationship has been going for 9 years, which started with 3 years of LDR. Mainly my problems with her are: She doesn't have any interest on my hobbies at all, she plays video games too sure, but it's mostly mobile games that I just have to force myself to play and not r/LongDistance is a subreddit for and about long distance relationships. So I was basically inexperienced in anything related to physical affection up until now. 58K subscribers in the LDR community. Oct 31, 2023 · Luckily, some of the most common problems that arise for long distance couples can be solved quickly and easily. No trust issues, maybe a little lack of communication when we’re apart but I’m currently enjoying a drink at her parents place in Germany. I (20m) have been in a healthy LDR with my girlfriend (f20). That is my biggest red flag concerning texting/chatting online. But he was confused too, saying he doesn't want to lose me and let go of the opportunity (me). He’s had exams for the last two weeks… Me (20M) and my girlfriend (24F) have been in a long distance relationship for 3 years. I've always believed that the influence of an aura is important in maintaining a relationship, which is why long distance relationships rarely work out. My girlfriend has had a massive falling out with her mum and has moved out her family home to stay with her dad. once you two become textingbuddies your interest will drop at some point I would like to point out that general interest is not determined by the amount of attention a person gets. I feel like I'm starting to lose interest in my bf of 1 yr, we hardly talk as much as we used but that might also be because he has a different job and works when I'm sleep and sleeps when I'm up. Nov 17, 2014 · Prolly you're not losing interest, things just become mundane as LDR is mostly like a routine. Different Expectations with Communication. Tl;dr Went home today from visiting ldr s/o for two weeks, overwhelmed by sadness. This community was created to be a welcoming space for couples in Long Distance Relationships. Anyway me and my girlfriend have been together for almost a year. Some couples may lose interest because they can’t see each other as often as they would like. This is where anyone can ask the manly men for their opinions on various topics. I'm 25m and she's 23f. Aug 15, 2023 · With clear and effective communication, you can develop the necessary level of understanding and resolve long-distance relationship problems as soon as they arise. Like I had no feelings, I am back at school and I feel the same way worse even. I'm afraid he's losing interest in me – again. first 2 months were all good and 2 weeks before were planned to meet, I started to notice that the spark was gone and I just brushed it of as just something Hi everyone, my (F/21) boyfriend (M/25) is moving away next month so we will be in a long-distance relationship starting in January. What to text girl who seems to be losing interest So long story short I've been seeing this girl for about a month and we've had great times together and things were looking up, so I thought. . Losing feelings and LDR I visited her over the summer and I had the best time of course there were days and moments I was dealing with OCD before I went back I started feeling numb and dissociated. well it might not make things worse, it's cowardly to just hide behind a screen, it depends on both of them though. Be respectful to other people's lives. Posted by u/EquipmentHot6428 - No votes and no comments It's a LDR. Advice. I’m confused I need help. The nature of the long distance relationship is one of struggle and hardship at it's core so it's only natural to second guess everything sometimes. We were very close, texting, calling, gaming… Just like any relationship, LDR is a two-way street. I’m not getting what I have been working so hard for out of a relationship with her. We built together a trusting and loving healthy relationship despite the hardships that come with LDR. Losing interest in relationship? Posted by u/Unlikely_Factor2241 - No votes and no comments TL:DR: long distance gf has been lacking in communication, fearful she might be losing interest/attracted to her coworker. On some days, i feel lesser for him, not because i stopped loving him but because i'm stressed out. I left her on seen and deleted her WA chat and her number to make it "impossible" to write her again. It feels horrible when you feel like you are losing interest in someone, yet it’s obvious they have a lot more interest than you. This is why setting goals like closing the gap or career related things are important and you always passively have something you're working towards as a team. Theyre not completely gone and she says she loves me still and cares about me but it feels very distant emotionally. So as the title states, maybe I’m overthinking or he is losing interest. What I do know is that I know someone who’s in a relationship from a woman in Brazil and he lives on the East Coast with a full time job. I also met my girlfriend online and started dating her after 3 weeks becoming official once we met it was only 1 week after. Then like that she turned on a dime and became all flaky and distant. Meeting someone face-to-face and then ending up in different places (e. if she thinks it would be better to end it in person since they started off in person then yes, sure, go for it, but if it's better on both of them to wait till after then do that. That means they definitely lost feelings, or just interest in you. Try taking some time away, you'll realise how much you miss her. The distance didn’t and doesn’t really matter to me because I can tell this guy really loves me. Let’s jump in! 1. My ex claimed he was home, but when I looked on my macbook and I had Find My already open, he was somewhere completely far away from his home (mind you, this was after I expressed concern that our relationship was one-sided, where he then said he “needed time to think” and just didn’t talk to me at all). Things started pretty wild, he was very straight forward and declared himself in love pretty quickly, saying he wanted to marry me which at some point made me believe I was been love bombed, however after talking a lot about our moral views and goals and wants, we actually came to an understanding. Recently we have argued a lot but always have found back to each other but a few days ago she has mentioned that her feelings are fading. We have been together for 3 years. i have days where i want to just be alone but i’m always communicating it with my LDR) Losing interest in my gf since she can’t meet me because of her strict parents. Well, I lost 85% of my male friends once I got in relationship. Is Losing feelings for my LDR Girl Friend normal or self Sabotage? I 27(m) and my long distance gf 23(f) have been dating for 4 months, we're in z same country but live in opposite ends. r/LongDistance is a subreddit for and about long distance relationships. The only down side is is that if the ldr wasn’t already hard enough we now barely talk. You can go about your day or whatever you're doing while having them on the phone, play something or watch something. If one loses interest or gives up then it’s over, both people need to put in equal effort. He really does. AskReddit… Im 19 years old, never had a boyfriend (outside of long distance relationships), never kissed. Kung hindi kayo magbibigayan, hindi tatagal. I’m not sure if it’s just my own emotions clouding my judgement, as I know people show their love differently. everything has been great we never fight and do a monthly check up on how we are doing and if we make one another sad. I understand women lose interest, I get it. This might sound really silly, it's not necessary to pursue "keeping things actively interesting all the time" because people are different and relationships are not a 24/7 job, steady relationships normally reach a point of comfort where this things are not needed, But I was wondering what the rest of you thought about that and what you do when you feel disconected from your partners. As we both have software backgrounds, we hope to build an app to help with our relationship (mainly for fun but would be cool to build something we can share with others!). But prior to that, I've also been in a pretty unsuccessful LDR. The thing about long distance relationships is they are very difficult for both people. People growing apart in a long-distance relationship will undergo many changes. I’ve had the opportunity with people im into but i turned it down every time because i was scared to do it. posts about relationships longer than 6 months post go to r/relationship_advice or if you are married post to r/marriage This community was created to be a welcoming space for couples in Long Distance Relationships. I know this might sound a bit paradoxical, many people don't see LDR in a nice eye. high school seniors that are dating and then end up attending separate colleges in different states) and 2. I actually started missing her when I did it. I get more interactive messages from my boss than that! I wouldn't be able to be in a long distance relationship with someone who can't show interest and affection over text, if I saw them all the time it wouldn't bother me but communication that's not face to face is so important for ldrs to last imo. Feb 1, 2023 · Losing Interest in Your Partner. For some backstory, we have known each other since we were teenagers and have always had feelings for… I (f25) feel like I'm falling out of love with my bf (m26). But they aren't ready to cut ties immediately and drag things out for a bit, so they are still somewhat interested, but not enough. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The main ingredients of a successful LDR are open communication, honesty and effort. I think it's partly jealousy, but also fear of losing her to someone else. Both. Communication Has Completely Broken Down. Jul 7, 2023 · Reignite the spark in your LDR with our guide on what to do when you start losing interest. This is my first ldr and I just need advice. Members Online Feel like she’s (22F) slowly losing interest in me (24M) First, I have to say that I had an ex boyfriend, the one before the current one, which was also an LDR. Between different schedules and time zones. Honestly our relationship haven’t been long, maybe a month, I know it’s weird since it’s so early but the past few days we’ve been busy, well he is, despite being in college taking a very demanding degree, I try to make time for him, reply as soon as I get his message, try to call, things like that but nowadays it feels like he’s not making an effort. I rather lose them than giving them the comfort of thinking that I’m single to appease their fantasies about me. We've been together for 3 1/2 years and met for the first time in October (our fir I’m not sure how to go about fixing something like this. Thanks for the lengthy reply. wtdsxe qsneo fgvw apcaav pfuc rcozu jjlsnq wmnfjk xvgoa axoofa cjgela feiapjj yatz vmcum kxe