How to counter paladins aoe2. I'm new to the game 2.

How to counter paladins aoe2 In 4v4s it feels impossible because you kill their flank player but their pocket players are both can civs and suddenly they kill your pikes and any other units that aren Onager-line is the best counter for all civs except huns and turks, who counters them with bbc and palas+skirms. Mass paladins also work well because of how tanky and heavy-hitting they are. scorpions work, and paladins can work too. Don't even bother throwing Paladins at them but use them to kill his eco and buy time for a tech switch. Halbs are obviously terrible against teutonic knights but they are a meat shield for your onagers and stop the teuton player from going paladins. Apart from that, monks. Onagers, paladins, elephants, or just mass trash if you’re saving gold for a knockout punch later. Place champions or paladins in front of them to protect them from eagles. Also they are slow and can't take on castles. If you can widdle down the number a little then you can send in eagles or paladins. Soft counters are probably monks, heavy cav archers if microed well and massed , siege onagers if you manage to land a good shot. First off, next time use the Patrol command to send your army in instead of attacking one paladin with all your units. Goth Huskarl Swarm - Since your games seem to be going to post-imperial, consider using the Goths. Normally, longswords lack the damage to protect things, notably siege. How do you counter someone that from second 1 doesn't wanna play the ranked game, turtled beyond believe and then hides their vills in boats and sends 80 cannon galeons into the front of the lake? Is it literally who surrenders first loses? And please tell me your opinion about someone that does it. Just theorising here. I did all that 5 times to get a good average. It's notable that the 2nd and 3rd on the list (Berbers and Indians), both have access to better than generic FU heavy camel. Monks are only effective is they have low numbers of paladins or you have insane, AI-likemicro ability since you have to select a monk and a paladin and click for each convert. Apr 17, 2020 · Tutorial for the best 2 or 3 counters for each land unit in Age of Empires 2. Paladins go bye-bye! 2) *HUGE* numbers of pikes; IIRC, a Paladin can take on one or two Pikemen without dying, but Pikemen win out eventually because they're cheaper and See full list on aoe2. So. Patrol works like an attack-move command (kinda) and your halbs will attack the paladins as they come into their LOS. Hindu UU literally melts archer balls. Welcome to PaladinsCounter, your number one source for counterpicks, champion tips and Paladins information! Here, the strengths and weaknesses of all Paladins champions and possible matchups are collected by crowdsourcing and community-voting. Nov 2, 2014 · I suggest using slingers and even your own spear units (pikeman, spearman, skirmisher) to counter them, if you get lots of archers from behind your melee units and have them fire while they stab the eagle units. Byz get a discount on everything that counters huns - pike and camels for cav, skirms for cav archer. x means that the civilizations gets either fully upgradeable Paladins, or a missing Our typical civ line up is saracens-magyars-lith-britons. Get a castle up and then use mobility. Neither eles nor trashbows will br able to kill paladins in his eco. probably playing a long, high pressure castle age would be the best option. S. Civs that have Paladin can use them in large numbers on closed maps to crush britons if its late imp. The best part is that neither of these units costs gold. Heck, scorpions are often used specifically as an elephant counter… Heavy cavalry usually works fine. Even large numbers of CA can counter eagles, see RB Wololo 3 or 4 finals Daut vs Lierrey. the extra melee armour goes a long way and Teutonic Knights, although slow, can put up a fight vs throwing axeman and paladin if they aren’t able to hit and run (obviously they aren’t the go to unit vs paladin ) they also have great siege and have HC that can take care of the throwing axes. May 11, 2018 · Elephants are not the best choice. It can be countered by spearmen (although they beat spearmen one on one), monks and archers when those archers have a critical mass, and typically when they are crossbowmen. It seems my opposing pockets have retired Poles and now perfecting their Organ Guns builds. 7 champions equal 20 paladins (44 v 20 lost, 45 v 20 won all but one time with less margin). The biggest weakness of Paladin in general is that everyone will have the counter ready before you ever get to it. I only really use the Byzantines, Koreans & Huns and he is some-what experienced. Another route to take is somethibg with a strong eco bonus to give you a leg up. A group of paladins cut through hussar like cheese, especially if there are halbs around. Archer + hussae: archers beat halbs easily and hussars kill their skirms. I think Janissaries could snipe the carts, and free light cav could get the warrior monks. Halbs are just too easy to tech into and people can scout your Paladin tech from miles. "make monks" is still the right call. And no, Gurjaras ARE strong in arabia 1v1 and they get better as you go up. Paladins. I found that 42 long swordsmen equal 20 knights and 44. OP is asking for basic counter to Cavalry and Castle drop civ. Hand cannoneers supported by halbs paladins and ,if youre rich enough, elephants should do the trick And I pointed out that Mameluke counters everything Poles make besides Archers. Obviously depends on your Civs but full meta (Pala+Arbs) wins that engagement. Saracen camels and mamelukes are perfect counters to Paladins and Mangudai, especially if you have Zealotry researched to give them +30 HP. Assuming you're talking arabia at least 2 strats will absolutely counter this one. As Aztec against a Paladin civ, your window of opportunity is earlier than post imp. The best counters to Paladin straight up though are massed Halbs and Camels. 1:10 what counters Archers?2:15 what counters Hand Cannoneer?2:35 what counters If you have no choice but to deal with fully boomed post imp slavs spamming boyars with your own fully boomed post imp deathball, like on arena, your best bet is to make raxes everywhere and go full goth spam with halbs, and pair that with arbs or scorpions or whatever power unit your civ needs plus trebs/cannons to take out the castles ASAP. In a Meme-y way OP got their answers. go heavy on cavalry, eagles counter archers, its like saying mongol are bad at dealing with paladins because their camels dont get the last armor upgrade. Turks have a shot in countering Armenians. im not too familiar with the new civs, but no bloodlines palas just suck, especially vs above average palas from franks. Second, you were Goths. Pikemen are way easier to mass and thry counter paladin and trade suboptimal with halbs. ranged units (arbs, hand cannons) work quite well but if the fight is out in the open they still lose. Personally I really like Teutons as a counter civ. You're French, so Paladins work against everything - longbows + mangonels + trebs. That might change after el dorado, but for most of the game it works that way. In my experience bbc doesnt work against britons bc they get so easily sniped. Counters to massed scorpion armies are castles, garrisoned towers, longbows, Mangudai, and onagers. guide A combination of counters, trash units (even skirms in case he brings along HCA/HC's/arbs) and some voracious turtling can quickly break the back of many paladin waves. In small numbers, best way is monks, they'll wololo the shit outta them. Also Genoese crossbowmen, teutonic knights, mamelukes, boyars if you have access to them. Youtube PALADIN | Best Unique Counters | Tierlist | Age of Empires 2. They also work against scorpions and plumed archers in an open map. Each unit has 1 counter. Longswords and Elephant Archers is a great combination I rarely see. This is due to two reasons: 1. A camel, like a pikeman, isn't made to raid or to tank arrow fire. Paladins were also beaten rather easily. I've found that you need to throw in a healthy mix of siege warfare to either soften the pikemen/longbowmen group's HP, although it can sometimes be tricky getting siege into the 1. Paladin will take another 7 hits to kill that eagle, taking 7x8 = 56 damage in return. Also Knights are definately a good counter to eagles in resource balanced fights. Not all civs can take on brits in closed maps late imp, so it does become a civ win in some cases. Maybe franks or mayans? With mayans go pikemen and eagles, counters both his strong units. On open maps you counter castle age jannies by not letting your opponent get them for free with a fast castle. The major trade-offs for going Leitis is that they have one less pierce armor than the Knight line, have a decent amount less health than Paladins, cost more gold per unit, and can only be trained in Castles. Farimba just doesn't help at all against Frank paladins. If you have no choice but to deal with fully boomed post imp slavs spamming boyars with your own fully boomed post imp deathball, like on arena, your best bet is to make raxes everywhere and go full goth spam with halbs, and pair that with arbs or scorpions or whatever power unit your civ needs plus trebs/cannons to take out the castles ASAP. Civs without Paladin should leverage their options. You need to take out those burgundy / whatevers at the start tho, so that the Brits and you can have a 1 v 1 across the narrow straits instead of being outnumbered late game. Onagers hurt my expensive paladins and are hard to mass but i know its a pretty good counter. They should've been coming to FU Camels are a strong counter to cavalier but a soft counter to Paladin. In this scenario, if you create an army of camels and/or mamelukes the same size as the Mongol army of Paladins and Mangudai, you should win. you still might as well flood halbs at them to hold them off/whittle them down Masses handcannons seems like it would be completely shredded by a typical Paladin and Bow combo. Paladins are still Paladins even without Bloodlines and Blast Furnace they still can over run most Arb balls. Conquistadors will also be a reasonable way to snipe onagers if you're staying as Spanish, but keep them protected if you're fighting knights. Against Spanish paladins, though Farimba allows Malian camels to take them down in 7 hits while generic still take 8. The Earchers hard counter enemy archers, and the longswords hard counter skirms, while soft countering knights, which take long enough killing the Earchers to get taken down. In addition to that, you cant tech into a potential halb counter as easily because you already spend everything on Paladin. I've tried going archers to kill the vils building the castle but Ive only managed to get 3-4 archers out so far. 1) Saracen Mamelukes. The only meat shield against 20+ scorps is paladins. Edit: P. But if you are both max pop and have surplus of res, Incas don't have anything as cost efficient as paladin+heavy scorpion, so we are getting back to "don't let them get there". What civilization would you recommend that I use to counter him and what strategy compliments that civilization. Nov 2, 2014 · But it isn't cost effective to mass paladins to counter mass EEW. It's not guaranteed to work every time but it works pretty well on closed maps like black forest unless they have siege onagers of their own. Siege Onagers - They counter arbalests and scorpions. Incas have redemption as well. With power and speed, Paladins can't be stopped, even from bad Paladin civs like celts. not saying that the cataphracts wont win, but you'll be surprised at how many will go down. I dont know how to counter them well and always lose because of this. The knight-line includes knights, cavaliers, and paladins. Mixing in siege will work wonders. They are pretty hard countered themselves by halbs and a few halbs mixed in can make a camel/cavalier fight very cost ineffective for the camel civ. Keep them together, and Paladin will spread out and raid you to death. Vs E Jans skirms die really fast, so you need big amounts in order for it to be efficient. Key is to not let the mass get critical. Paladins are faster than eagles, so they can defend eagle raids and counterattack. Like most other cavalry, Paladins are strong and agile. Spanish aren't that good early so the best approach normally is just use a civ with eco bonuses and try to gain an advantage on feudal and castle age, Spanish have answers to almost everything when it comes to options, I guess the only tough matchup for them is berbers, cheap knights and camels and the camel archer option feels very comfortable. So, how do you deal with mass mangonels in a situation like this? Are there any kind of infantry formations or any tricks to make it easier to counter them? I was curious and somewhat bored so I done gone and took a look at long swordsmen vs knights ("post-castle age") and champions vs paladins (post-imperial) in a head-to-head fight. I completely agree with the top answer; play as Saracens. late team games are not so much about countering a single unit, and more about what team has the better overall composition to throw at each other. ) In 1v1 Paladin is an investment that is not worth it, you'll always take the units you can get with the upgrade cost rather. Also both have very strong archer counters too. Most Paladins kills Imp Camel in 10. Heavy cav archers were slaughtered. They are made to counter civs with bad siege/infantry. Paladins counter them. Even more importantly, the elite research time is quite fast, meaning you'll have access to a powerful unit earlier on. what then? Bombard Cannons? Mangonels? Halberdiers plus cavalry Archers counters paladins plus Halberdiers assuming both sides do some minimal micro. 1:10 what counters Archers?2:15 what counters Hand Cannoneer?2:35 what counters The Paladin is a heavy cavalry unit in Age of Empires II that can be upgraded from the Cavalier to be trained at the Stable in the Imperial Age. The counter for archers is elite skirmishers (and onagers for e skirms) and the counter for trebuchets is light cavalry. Maybe add towers also. I usually play as the franks Paladins deal 15 damage to eagles and kill them in 7 hits. Ditto for Hand cannons/throwing axes Let me be more specific than the only comment above worth upvoting, the problem with massing archers and trebuchets is that it will cost him an insane amount of gold. Pikes are slow and a defensive unit. Only way to truly counter Paladins is with Imperial camels. What is the best counter civilization to the Franks?, my friend keeps smashing me with the Franks. Reply reply More replies ltltbkh1 Jul 13, 2020 · Knight-Line. Aztecs don't get cav archers, cavalry or even halbediers so i'm wondering how to fend off paladin spam when they don't have any of the usual counters? Slavs may counter Georgians with their strong infantry (halbs) and food economy to counter cheap low hp cav. if you get to the point of the game where the byzantine is spamming fully upgraded cataphracts from 4-5 castles, then yea they are an epic unit and really hard to stop. Mamelukes counter winged Hussar, Cheap Knights, and Obuch. Honestly the best way is just Stone Walling your base when you know an Aztec or a Mayan goes Imp 11 Or if you have the chance to have a civ with fast Infantry/fast produced infantry (Celts Woads, Goth Huskarls, Samurai ♥♥♥♥), they you have straight, great counters to EEW. any tips as to how to counter? Help appreciated, Thanks. (Usually players match paladin for paladin, since that's the best way to do it. Ideally your Paladin Civ is tanky, so Franks or Teutons would be favorites. right, so the splash damage of the cataphracts is neutralized and the cataphracts are forced to attack throwing axemen individually, all while taking large amounts of damage from the ranged attacks. They are one of the strongest and most durable units in the game, but have a high upgrade and per-unit cost. In equal numbers it is camels, but the resource cost either side is pretty much the same. Knights and rams is pretty good. Any thoughts on what can be done to deal with camels? Could just be noob, but seems like the 3/4 relic lith paladins just get wrecked by the camels. If you convert 5 paladins, chances are you won't have to worry about heavy scorpion. If it takes 10 capped rams, 2 elephants, 46 elite skirms and mana from God to kill 20 Lancers, that isnt balanced. For full context, I usually do this as Malians, with Champskarls and Farimba Light cav in place of Paladin. If it's teamgame, Paladins from pocket player are standard. For a civ to keep up with teutons in the lategame i would recommend persians. Put simply, I'd much rather have 60 Camels vs 60 Paladins rather than 60 Halbardiers. Sure they lose to FU Generic Cavalier but you have cheap Halb or Heavy Camel to deal with Cav Civs. The key benefits are the extra pierce armour and the elite upgrade being much cheaper than the combined cavalier+paladin counter part. Hand Cannoneers got slaughtered. Dont turtle in towers - try to match his military with your military. I am going to create a video like this for every unit in the game. Edit: The bigger problem is mobility. A pike meatshield is definitely better if he is going paladin halb even though it is suboptimal. Counter his camels with champions, halbs, HCs or throwing axemen. Spread them out, and the Paladin will keep together to take favorable engagements and raid you to death. Once he has enough halbs you will need skirms. I'm trying out Britons as a defensive option. This means: Every vote counts. Most other civs would use hand cannons or mass arbelest for that but you’re just wasting gold at that point vs the huskarl spam. Besides, this game is rock, paper, scissors. Also understand that scorpions require them to be massed. The recommended counter is siege weapons. If he has 10 Eles, try to get conversions as fast as possible. Cataphracts Fire Galley line is oppressive especially on Hybrid maps What about when facing large numbers of halbs, or eagles, or champions? Is the cost effectiveness of the Leitis enough to negate it's relatively weaker stats pound for pound vs the Paladin, or does the ability to mass knight numbers relegate the Leitis to more of a specific counter to heavily armoured units? Paladins, Mangudai, Boyars, Kipchaks, and any god damn elephants. How to counter this dropping your own castle covers some part of the eco but organ gun quickly break through other parts of the stone walls and gets into the base. It might be better for you if you put it in perspective Imp Camel kills most Paladins in 7 hits. Both civs are also strong because their counter units arent trash units or come at the cost of their early economy. Yes their dirt cheap but often population efficiency matters more. With knights you need to hit the right timing when you have enough cavalier/paladin but the opponent dont have his halbs production up. In the meantime, the two eagles will do 8 damage per hit, so 2x7x8 = 112 damage done. The Farimba camels do 27 damage per hit taking 8 hits to take down a frank paladin while normal FU camels do 25 damage per hit also taking 8 hits for a frank paladin. Still the ai was not bunching them up and they where practicing social distancing. Staying at a reasonable distance from each other but staying close enough to attack all at the same time so the few onagers i sent out on the battlefield where ded in no Swordsmen and T-Axemen doesn't last a second under constant arrowfire, Paladins won't last long vs FU Halberdier and probably won't get close enough to kill that many archers, and everything the Franks have as options are extremely gold intensive, HC, Rams, Paladins and Heavy Infantry. You can counter his HC's with skirmishers and onagers (you both miss bracer so you both have crappy skirmishers). Well Indians and Teutons aren't really cavalry civs, though you could argue that Teuton Paladin is amongst the best Paladins in the game despite missing Husbandry. His bombards use your own bombards, light cavalry, anything ranged or even champions. Didn’t get a chance to try the bombard cannons. Paladins are great at taking out archers--the problem is, any Brit player worth his salt is going to have pikemen in front/circled around the archers for protection. Monks and onagers wont work if he is going double castle. Usually doing scouts-kts or FC-kts in pocket, with flanks doing maa-archers (although the saracen guy can be a wild card :P ) Learn how to counter each unit in Age of Empires II, including all unique units. There are also different series such as "vs unique units", "vs common units", "100F=100W=1 Knight + skirm: skirms soft counter halbs and work against skirms, and knights to raid and outmanouver and stuff. Playing a civ with eagle warriors, they're an effective counter to archers just a bit gold intense, good pierce armor, good movement speed. Champions counter them but Two-Handed Swordsmen don't fare as well vs them. Open castle age with triple barracks eagle with 15+ vills on gold. The Arbs player should make an effort to focus fire Cataphracts though, as every arrow fired on a Paladin is good for them. Hi, I was just wondering if anyone had tips on how to counter paladins when playing aztecs - I was just playing a black forest game and got rolled hard. The knight-line is a cavalry unit. Make them take 2x damage from archers and problem solved. They don't have a direct counter except maybe xbow, if microed well, and some special units. Heavy cavalry: Caveliers or paladins, make sure there's enough to actually reach the longbows, and keep production up while they're charging so each one is replaced as it falls. Halbadiers and camels are the usual hard counters. As for the Persian player, Franks get a decent army without paladins. Firstly high aggression with maa archers. I agree with other people. Magyar huszárs are… not really, despite their speed and damage bonus, they do not last long enough to get near the scorpions, when there is a large enough pack of them. For the tests I assume PostImperial Age, no micro and equal resources, for example 22 Paladins (60F, 75G) vs 33 Kamyuks (60F, 30G). Imp Camel kills Sicilian Cavalier in 9 Sicilian Cavalier kills Imp Camel in 12 Counters Another reason why Elite Eagles are so strong is that they are difficult to counter, at least at first. . Try to set up multiple layers of defence that your opponent has to punch through before he gets to your squishies. Cavaliers? Not so much. Remember Byzantine knight line kinda stinks because they lack blast furnace tech; you can outclass his paladins with yours that are fully upgraded. Fully-upgraded mass hussars can counter that combo quite nicely due to their high pierce armors, speed and cheap cost. For alot of units matchups, Sicilian Cavaliers are basically like tilt-shifted Paladins; they take more hits but do less damage. Fully upgraded skirms does a really good job countering HC, even wins 1v1 IIRC. Counters. Go attack them somewhere else. Some of the clear counters I could think of Elite Mangudai Elite Magyar Huszar (with 2x the numbers) Elite Tarkans Sicilian Cavaliers FU Paladins Some dicey counters: Trebuchets, especially Japanese Own BBC, especially Ethiopians, Turks or Burgundians I then built a bunch of paladins which did decently but I couldn't stem the flow of mangonels from being constantly produced from his base. You shouldn't have been chasing his Paladins at all. I agree. How do you counter these? I normally play Aztecs and in 1v1s I have a chance to shut them down before their eco snowballs. Thats because the mayas are a full early game civ and have very limited options in late imperial where you seem to be losing. I play AOE 2 DE with a friend of mine who always manages to get a huge army of plumed archers (mayan civilization) . Then one eagle is dead, it's paladin vs eagles 1v1. If you can outboom him, there's absolutely a window where you can raid with Paladin and he can't do much about it. Paladins - They soft counter eagles. If he tries to counter-raid with a Mango deathball, he won't get much done if he's facing castles/towers. Even if they had halbs as well the archers could shred the halbs and the paladins could flank and wreak the cannons, using their mobility to avoid the halbs completly, unless I’m missing something massed hand cannons seems like it wouldn’t work too well, but I can’t say I’ve faced it much Castle age jannies are really strong but you rarely see them outside of arena because they are hard to get, slow and inaccurate. Poles good food economy is all for naught if they use it to make Cavalry against Camels. I'm new to the game 2. Did a quick search online and Heavy Cav Archers and Bombard Cannons were suggested. Most cost efficient way is halbs, but they don't win 1v1 against paladins and are slower than paladins. Siege/Monk/Eagle+Pike play is extremely strong in castle age against cavarly. Put pressure on them while you try and stall their push. Then after the fight I count the HP of the winning unit and > 60% HP would be an A-Tier counter. while Paladin take 3 damage from fully upgraded arbalesters, and have 180 HP. They die in 70 shots. There is a tendency sometimes for people to ignore units that aren't "the best" even if they make sense for accomplishing their purpose -- in this case, Tatars Halberdiers kill paladin and halberdiers if backed up by range support of cav arch, so the halbs are worth getting despite Pikes — yes pikes, rather than just imperial halberdiers, are a strong counter to knights but the guys who wrote age of empires 2 designed a good game, so they're not a "braindead — just throw it at them" counter. Ding ding ding, we have a winner. So while they get wrecked by the huskarls they’re protecting my paladins and elephants from the halbs. It is made to counter Calvary, and this it does to an amazing extent. Needless to say Magyar Huzsars are even a better counter due to their better damage output and bonus damage against siege. With the recent change (Scutage replaced with Hauberk, a technology that increases cavalier armour by 1 melee and 2 pierce), Sicilian cavalier are tankier than Paladins (they take 2 damage from fully upgraded arbalesters, and have 140 HP. Meanwhile, paladin and halb counter hussar HARD. jjsg mphnzl alllk rbhr fln dmlu mrz vunxy tukwe stskxs fpefhjs msmsew hlcymz skdcaob cihqhd