Ck2 male concubines. Paradox doesn't restrict technical features like that.

Ck2 male concubines 01. A nubile concubine is a nubile concubine, regardless of who bows to them in a distant realm. A concubine tab cannot be added to women, nor men can be made concubines, so you just need to use the lovers' tab and a specific trait used to disable any lover events. . Limit legitimate heirs: Marry an older spouse. You could marry 60 old granny and get heirs with concubines. Vassals of your direct vassal will automatically adapt to the harem laws of their liege. I could have edited that out but it would have made it incompatible with any marriage interaction mod. Both may have concubines in an equal dominated religion. In these religions, is it possible for a male ruler to adopt concubines while a female ruler cannot? Oct 5, 2020 · I am currently playing as a male ruler under female preference law. Child of Concubine is a Dynasty trait. Costs prestige and faith, costs increase when vassal needs to divorce partners. An eligible concubine must be: Adult. This character is woman. after downloading this mod and unrar it 1) make a copy of the following address Crusader Kings II Holy Fury\common and save it as a backup Aug 5, 2013 · Optional Consort Mod for CK2+-Compatible with CK2+ 2. we talk about how murdering children and pregnant women is a valid strategy and boast about castrating 8 eyar olds. taking a landed women as concubine really isnt that strange. The instant male concubines were introduced to the game we'd get complaints abut the lack of historicity. Oct 14, 2017 · The actual concubine system is indeed hardcoded. In Zoroastrianism,slavery is against the religion as a whole, so they are going to probably enjoy higher status than a son of a Norse concubine born one. 0 unless otherwise noted. Gender domination is more of a hidden requirement in the game. Despite this, I have a concubine. Like "Concubine training hall" Once constructed, by intrigue option you recruit character. Your main spouse might lose opinion of a Grand Consort; after all, they're only one rank apart. Nov 29, 2014 · I believe an Amazon mod incorporated it with honorary titles and modding events to make those 'male concubines' not give bastards. Once you have a suitable heir, set all concubines aside. There is (and can exist) no religious head Rulers may select a lesser deity to honor. In addition, she is a ruler herself and thus should not be able to be a concubine. Yes, you could theoretically marry a woman to another woman and give her concubines, but would a lesbian take male concubines if she's going to marry a woman in the first place? Sep 18, 2022 · Title. Feb 15, 2016 · I had sheer luck in my last game and captured two female primary heir. Jun 10, 2022 · Ruler will divorce secondary spouses or concubines depending on your selection. com Dec 3, 2020 · But the real question is if the game code will allow for male concubines - consorts, I guess. I can't say these sources are authoritative, but whatever, this is 2020, so I am sure they are all true. Sep 23, 2021 · And if they are your courtiers you can take them as concubine. However, up to 4 Muslim women may be matrilineally married to the same Muslim man. Content is available under Attribution-ShareAlike 3. Least with concubines, I can cast my women aside the moment they're no longer useful, and can maintain a fresh and young harem of nubile cattle. Mechanics would be as follows: Ability to become Sayoshant Concubines (Male rulers can take up to three concubines) Khurmazta rulers may intermarry with Dharmic religions. Dec 12, 2020 · Changes the concubine limit in 'Consorts and Concubines' doctrine to a maximum of 512 Changes spouse limit in 'Polygamy' doctrine to a maximum of 512 (511 + 1). Nov 20, 2018 · This has just become a major setback in my plans: I'm trying to get some merovingian blood on my dinasty so I first tried snatching the dude that is generated on the early middle ages, he eludes my raiding/kidnaps attempts and becomes the king of france instead. [Disinherited] Child of Concubine trait is automatically assigned, depending on the culture/faith of the parent. Jul 31, 2023 · Concubine trait is automatically assigned upon concubinage [Elevated] Concubine trait, only automatically assigned for offered concubines if they're of the same dynasty as the ruler offering them. Jan 14, 2017 · Male concubines for male characters can't be done directly! But! But! You can bypass this! Well, skilled modders can. Nov 19, 2023 · If pagan, Zoroastrian or following the Eastern religions, marry only women past childbearing age and use concubines for children. Unlanded; Not a concubine of someone other than sender; If married or betrothed, must be a prisoner of the sender. Male "concubines" would make more sense for female ATM (not from historicity, but in a breeding purpose); it's easy to hit what seems to be a hard cap of 10 child as a male. Any woman that is landed beforehand will become your concubine. As a female, you would either need RNG to be with you or lustful/hedonist and lovers to give a hand (alone, it's almost 10 years worth of pregnancy while being fertile for Apr 10, 2023 · By default apart from the bugfixes everything works as it does in the Base Game. 1. Sep 2, 2020 · If that's the case I don't know how else to get concubines for religions that have them - had a short run as Cao Yijin as the vassal of Guiyi (cut short because my liege somehow got attacked by several neighbors at once), but I found it difficult to get even one concubine because invite to court is no longer an option. Does not have concubines themselves; Cannot have been previously offered as concubine to sender. I play as the king of scottland. Meaning that you'd have to alter the game engine. The Bon religion says it allows concubines for both men and women. Nov 29, 2014 · Male "concubines" would make more sense for female ATM (not from historicity, but in a breeding purpose); it's easy to hit what seems to be a hard cap of 10 child as a male. )You already cannot make a landed person a concubine. The console is opened by pressing § + Shift. I'm currently doing a shattered world with Germanic Bons in Denmark, but I'm still on my first (male) ruler, so I can't confirm. Ck2 ConcubinesCk2 ConsortsCrusader Kings 3 Concubines Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ Crusader Kings II Wiki Active Wikis Empire of Sin AoW: Planetfall Cities: Skylines Crusader Kin Oct 20, 2020 · Female rulers that are pagan should get to force males into a concubine service! While I'm not sure if it was a historical precedent but we shouldn't leave our femal counterparts out of the fun! I see no reason why a strong queen wouldn't force Oct 5, 2018 · Consorts (male concubines) should be freely available to modders. so i am a christian tribal leader. This means it wouldn't be an addon, people would need to download your modified CK2 which can be argued as pirating. Jan 8, 2019 · Here's the thing: If you reform a religion in such a way that women can have concubines (called consorts), although the female can pass bloodlines through matrilineal marriage, they *cannot* pass them through consorts. But she has dick trait. then he has a son and a daughter, the son dies with no sons of his own, I managed to snatch the daughter who is now 28 years old and Nov 14, 2024 · Can offer a character as a concubine to any neighboring ruler or vassal. You can just invite them to your court, then make them concubines by right clicking on them and choosing the option, or just going to your player screen and hitting a plus. Just right click on their portrait and click 'Take Concubine'. Into the console, then pressing Enter. The REAL issue with polyandry as a strategy is that a woman can only have so many (generally, one and sometimes two) children at once, and even when there is more than one child, it is hardly ever from a different See full list on ck2. As for "taking concubine," what happens when you click the plus button on the secondary wives' slots at the bottom? Do you have one? I'm playing a culture that allows multiple wives, so the slots are available and operate just like the "arrange marriage" function. You never need to marry anyone. Paradox doesn't restrict technical features like that. Spouses and concubines that get divorced will dislike you. 103)-Will be tailored for use with future iterations of CK2+ Description This mod has two parts; first of all, events no longer interpret a lover who is a concubine as an illegitimate mistress. Mar 30, 2016 · As far as I know, using the regular concubine and polygamy systems is impossible, or to complex to be practical. Male concubines did exist historically. Sep 9, 2020 · That was actually a viable option in CK2, so I assume it would work here too. See description for details. Dynasty traits can be either given or removed by members of the same Dynasty. So I think either Han culture or Taoist religion (or both) should be able to take same-sex concubines. Apr 14, 2019 · Unless they changed it with the updates for HF you can have multiples of both but they will all be placed in the same box used for Secondary Wives/Concubines so keeping track of your large harem could become a chore unless you use another mod to give you more room for all the extra stuff. You don't even need to befriend or seduce them. were all sick here. Looking forward to it though Female rulers concubines are called consorts, but mechanics are same. paradoxwikis. You can also look for concubines from other rulers, provided they are tribal and/or pagan. I mean, if the concubine are traditionally slaves, than no. 0 fertility Female rulers that are pagan should get to force males into a concubine service! While I'm not sure if it was a historical precedent but we shouldn't leave our femal counterparts out of the fun! I see no reason why a strong queen wouldn't force Jul 19, 2024 · I have a question about the game mechanics in Crusader Kings 3, specifically regarding religions that have equal rulers (both male and female). Aug 7, 2017 · Male concubines did exist historically. Apr 23, 2024 · Before Holy Fury, matrilineal marriages are always monogamous; a woman can never take multiple husbands or have male concubines. You can steal the Queen of England if she's a queen consort (and doesn't hold any other titles, like Duchess of Kent), but if the Queen of England is a queen regent (ruling queen), she cannot be forced to become a concubine. Retinues, trade posts, hospitals, poligamy, and a bunch of other "technical features" beg to disagree. There were no male concubines, and plenty of female ones. Oct 3, 2020 · The ones that were male preference will have a male ruler, or a female but not as a concubine. The trick between a consort and a concubine lies within the legal rights granted. Jul 31, 2023 · You can request concubines from other rulers, using the Request Concubine interaction; You can offer a truce in exchange for a concubine, using the Request Truce Concubine interaction; You can negotiate a truce by offering a concubine, using the Offer Truce Concubine interaction; You can legitimize concubines with the Elevate Concubine interaction This character was fathered by a concubine. That way you can have concubines of both genders for rulers of both genders. Build a building for enabling recruiting special characters. This game has a lot of story weaving elements in it, and some Norse Jarl pushing his claim on a English throne by right of the blood of his poor mother and her unfortunate circumstances seems like a fitting story for this game. Also, you can force female prisoners to become concubines. Monogamy (1 spouse + Celebration) / Polygamy (4 Spouses) / Concubines (3 Concubines) are available and you may only choose one. Polygamy is nice for marrying into non-aggression pacts, but I'll have a billion concubine-spawn for that anyway. Please explain how to reproduce the issue Started as Daurama. Female rulers that are pagan should get to force males into a concubine service! While I'm not sure if it was a historical precedent but we shouldn't leave Jun 12, 2017 · Male rulers may take up to three concubines Priests (temple holders) may inherit titles. Click to expand Ah well, thanks for the answer You'd think it would be a relatively simple switch, just adding an is_female = yes somewhere in the code, but it is what is. Change the harem laws of your ruling Jun 14, 2013 · Female rulers that are pagan should get to force males into a concubine service! While I'm not sure if it was a historical precedent but we shouldn't leave our femal counterparts out of the fun! I see no reason why a strong queen wouldn't force Jan 11, 2023 · Craven concubines will gain stress if you marry a sadistic character, and craven spouses and concubines will be tense if you appoint an evil Grand Consort. It's the religion that normally starts in Tibet. She is not displayed on my character panel (as I can't have concubines, so that UI element is blank). Oct 3, 2014 · This page was last edited on 3 October 2014, at 03:28. 4 (also requires patch v1. However, Male Harem and Return of the Amazons are good substitutes. EDIT: I have found some discussion about male concubines. As a female, you would either need RNG to be with you or lustful/hedonist and lovers to give a hand (alone, it's almost 10 years worth of pregnancy while being fertile for Aug 5, 2013 · duh. Which to prefer? Concubinage seem to be the better choice since you can just dismiss concubines and more wives means more alliances to honor, when even a single alliance to an ai making dumb wars means a huge loss of income or fame and prestige, but my ultimate intent is to have divine marriage and form some perfect circles, which I'm not sure if it allows for the concubines or only the Female rulers that are pagan should get to force males into a concubine service! While I'm not sure if it was a historical precedent but we shouldn't leave our femal counterparts out of the fun! I see no reason why a strong queen wouldn't force Jun 29, 2020 · is there a way through which you can reform a religion so Women can have 3 consort and men can have 3 concubines or wifes Crusader Kings 2 Concubine 145 rows To open the console in Crusader Kings 2, press the ` (grave) key on your keyboard. Men, however, do pass them through all kinds of marriage, and *also* through concubines. The sexism in CK2 is a reflection of the sexism in the period portrayed. I just wanted to put dynasts in foreign Oct 13, 2018 · Concubinage all the way. I should be able to take concubines right? but HOW? Oct 13, 2020 · @Asellus_Magnus nah they probably did it because players playing female rulers would hate being deposed and disinherited just bc they got imprisoned, same would apply if they allowed male rulers be deposed and disinherited bc of that too so that's the more likely reason why they decided to just not deal with it. I hate it but it's the case, and pretending otherwise does no-one any favours. --Game rules allow the combining of Polygamy / Concubines , and the selection of Celebration for non-Monogamous doctrine combinations. Some Romans took a concubinus, a slave in a subservient relationship with his master before he married. A woman in a male dominated religion will not be able to have concubines, and vice versa for a man in a female dominated religion. Depends on the status of Concubine in the society in question. i love ck2, and i stalk these forums. This version is made available because spouse sometimes get wrongful penalty. Sep 13, 2019 · To make someone in your own court concubine, just right click on your own portrait, click 'Take Concubine' and pick a suitable person from the list. First of all. Or you could marry same sex and make bastards with concubines. But since the ancient Roman civilization is long gone and also considering medieval attitudes towards homosexuality this would not be accurate for this time period (except if Roman culture somehow gets resurrected). I tried the concubines for all in the previous Ck2 patches before Holy fury, it was very easy, but one way or another I found a solution to finally done it. Cheats are activated by typing the relevant command. Sep 24, 2020 · If concubine was previously married then it shows an icon that she has a man but doesn't show who the man is and the grey/dead character beside her is her previous husband (screenshot 1 and 2). Oct 1, 2016 · I am new to CK2 and just getting into this wonderful game. So I made them into concubines, but it seems that they can't inherit anymore even though I did not notice a change in inheritance laws. ##edit2 After a few tries - here's the final verdict: If on Equal, any male preference title gets set to equal and one ruler gets deposed. Before paradox puts development and expansions for CK2 to their final rest, is there chance we can finally get male concubinage for female rulers? Are at the very least, the ability to mod it into the game, like we can do with Enatic succession Dec 10, 2017 · During this time period (particularly the early bookmarks), there was little stigma in China against homosexual activity, and it was a common custom for powerful men to take male concubines. ; About Crusader Kings II Wiki; Mobile view Dec 7, 2020 · Crusader Kings III. I could find theanswers to most of my questions with google and the wiki, but i can't find good information about the following two problems: 1. If a concubine wasn't previously married its doesn't even show the icon, in both cases the tooltip says she is unmarried (screenshot 3) . Do you know of any mods that disable same-sex marriage but still keep same-sex concubines? Queen Lizzy Nov 22, 2022 @ 3:49pm The marriage type doctrine is self-explanatory, as it needs to be set to concubines. depmmpej qauit ivshygn healywg dsnjt hgb tgy qwyevmb hox udnw ylsu pbtsvbs fzcbu usz tixobtv