
Atrrs school codes. Feb 7, 2025 · Last Updated: 2/7/2025 3:52:31 PM.

Atrrs school codes The Combined Arms Center Commanding General approved the development and implementation of the Army University Course Repository on July 23, 2018 in support of our Soldiers and Veterans as they pursue academic degrees. ** All course correspondence will be sent to the Soldier's . Correct and accurate AEA codes are critical for reenlistment, promotion, awards, and attendance at military schooling. GENERAL Students must first obtain a valid ATRRS reservation through unit channels. To search for Army Medicine specific courses in ATRRS, use the school codes provided below. ATRRS is an online platform that provides soldiers, commanders, and personnel administrators with access to a vast array of Army training courses. Resident Unit Training –blocked seats at school for specific unit All schools tracked in ATRRS have assigned school codes (071 IN; 191 MP; 675 NCOA-Lewis) The School Code for the USUHS is 159, which stands for the University of Foreign Military and Cultural Studies (UFMCS). mil 191 Military Police ATRRS School Code 956. Oct 9, 2024 · 031 (SCHOOL CODE) ATRRS Course Number: 4-3-C32-740A . Your unit ATRRS operator will submit your application. Provide USSOCOM units with the information necessary to prepare students for the Special Operations Military Deception Planners COURSE (SMPC). PURPOSE. Course Registration (ATRRS) Information. 0 Yes 3. Gregg-Adams, VA: This is a TC Proponent Functional Course that focuses on integrating advanced applications in order to enable Sustainment . mil or scan the QR code Do whatever you want with a Army Atrrs School Codes - XpCourse - XpCourse- XpCourse: fill, sign, print and send online instantly. Mobile Training Team (MTT) and Offline TRAP requests may be coordinated with the TIOPC Course Director and submitted through Quota Source Managers (QSMs) to HRC for Compo 1 and 3 and NGB for Compo 2. The resident and virtual resident classes are discontinued. pdf from ED DTS at US Army Armor School. School code K551 Transportation: 831-386-2816 / 2009 ATRRS Information Transportation . 1 SPECIAL OPERATIONS MILITARY DECEPTION PLANNERS COURSE (SMPC) ATRRS SCHOOL code: 331 course code: 2E-F286/011-F119 COURSE Duration 3 weeks 1. It also provides other important information, such as course fill statistics. Dec 1, 2024 · To register for the course submit a DA Form 4187 through your unit (usually your schools or training POC) for ATRRS School Code 012, Course 7K-F22. a. A course catalog is provided in the upper right corner to review course available and prerequisites of same. mbx. If you have any problems accessing ATRRS, consult the following article. b. Resident/MTT Functional and SME Courses: USAMPS Directorate Plans and personnel action (see AR 600–8–2). McCoy, WI use E400 Camp Parks, CA use G400 ATRRS allows you to choose the school code and fiscal year to view available courses, as well as the class prerequisites and seat allocations. May 10, 2023 · ATRRS School code: 701T. army command and general staff college (cgsc) at fort lee, virginia. ) • Additionally, HRC codes Soldiers with certain medical considerations with AEA B in order to centrally manage their assignments. this message does not apply to soldiers attending training under the purview of army training requirements and resources system (atrrs) school codes 145s, 507a, 890b, b091, blol, and b551. (The student is not authorized to request a course slot on their own. Course completion is required for branch qualification. School data is an inbound interface from ATRRS. Phase III: 2 Week Resident. Disclaimer: This website is not associated with the ATRRS Army. WELCOME: On behalf of the U. For additional information on courses go to the Army Training Requirements and Resources System (ATRRS) web site at: https://www. ATRRS course information: RESERVE CAPTAINS CAREER COMMON CORE (RC-CCC) SCHOOL CODE: 701T COURSE NUMBER: 9-00-C23 (DL) Students will receive two emails from ATRRS (AATAM@atrrs. School Code K191 Military Police: 831-386-3972 / 2074 ATRRS Information Military Police. For more information contact the course manager at COM (334) 255-3833 or DSN 558-3833 . This is a privately-owned website and is not affiliated with the u. No software installation. To search for a specific course after logging in, enter your Logon ID, Passport, or Access Code. 2-2. Feb 25, 2025 · 031 (SCHOOL CODE) ATRRS Course Number: 4-3-C23 (NS) (DL) (PH1) / 4-3-C23 (NS) (PH2) (PH3) Purpose: To prepare Reserve Component commissioned officers of the rank of 1LT or higher for branch command and staff duties at battalion through division or comparable level Scope: The This course consists of three phases. School Code: 757 . No paper. It is taught at The Army Acquisition School (TAAS) on the campus of the University of Alabama at Huntsville (UAH) To register for this course Soldiers must see their training section and complete an A1 application. BASIC LEADER COURSE Teaches all MOS's - School Code 652 only. ruble VR E StatusCodes Verification Table (08) QMS/STRAMS-E STATUS CODES test1. SECURITY CLEARANCE. (COURSE# 860-F4; SCHOOL CODE 101) Establish a primary and alternate POC, and contact the Sling Load Office at 804-734-4185/4724. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas 66027 There are a limited number of seats and all attendees must be registered in ATRRS. mil): First Email: Feb 7, 2019 · Classroom attendance normally commences at 9"30 a. TJAG’s Legal Center and School Course Registration Information Page 1 . 0 Yes 4. The United States Army's official website provides information and resources for soldiers and their families. If IPPS-A is reflecting a Soldier as enrolled, please check ATRRS to ensure the school has been closed out as graduated. You can search for courses in the ATRRS course catalog by topic area and school code. Search ATRRS for information on courses available. Expert Classroom Instruction; NIMS, NRF, HICS; Multi-Station Practical Exercise; Jul 1, 2024 · ** Edit ** - had a typo for the school code for ACCP course (it's 553, not 533) - updated. s. Completion of Pre-WOC is a prerequisite for any VaARNG Soldier to attend Warrant Officer Candidate School (WOCS). Apply For Training Application Management o Prtvacy_POUCY Contact Us SALUTE For Official Use Only CHRTAS - Department oftheARMY UNCLA SSIFlEOjj CONTROLLED UNCLA SSIFIEO INFORMATION 10-01 AM 6/30/2021 atrrs. There is no excuse for not knowing to which assignment category you belong. The Advanced CLPM Workshop can be found in ATRRS school code 215, course 00ZZ-A (Zero Zero Zulu Zulu- Alpha). (See ATRRS for full description. History of the 640th RTI. (This code will not be awarded to Soldiers whose suspension will end within 90 days. Mar 9, 2024 · View ATRRS Codes. SPECIAL OPERATIONS MILITARY DECEPTION PLANNERS COURSE (SMPC) ATRRS SCHOOL CODE: 331 COURSE CODE: 2E-F286/011-F119 Course Duration 3 weeks 1. Classroom location varies amongst the various courses offered, and students should ask their Schools NCO or Training Manger to check the ATRRS C3 screen for the comments on locations or the POC to contact for directions to the class location. Soldiers will be a graduate of either SSD1 or DLC1. Contact your Major Command CLPM or Service Program Manager to verify seat allocation prior to making travel plans. What's your looking for are specifically Army Correspondence Course Programs (ACCP) courses. December 15, 1941. army transportation school (tcs), the u. Verification Table (01) SCHOOL CODES test1. Fiscal Year runs from October - September. atrrs. See the ATRRS SLR screen for course specific instructions. This foundational course prepares Command Language Program Managers to: This is an ATRRS select course for both Resident and Distributed Learning . Do not process, store, or transmit any Personally Identifiable Information (PII), UNCLASSIFIED/CUI or CLASSIFIED information on this system. How do I register for Atrrs classes? Jul 19, 2023 · ATRRS Course Catalog Features. ATRRS course information: School Code: 701T School Name: Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence Course #: 9-00-C23 (DL) Course Title: RESERVE CAPTAINS CAREER COMMON CORE (RC-CCC) Class: 001 01 October 2019 to 30 September 2020 Once the unit has submitted an ATRRS request, within approximately 24 hours, the Mar 6, 2025 · ATTENTION SERVICE MEMBERS AND ATRRS MANAGERS - Please coordinate directly with The Sabalauski Air Assault School (TSAAS) via phone or email on class availability and ATRRS reservations. HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DRIVERS TRAINING COURSE DLIFLC’s CLPM Course (ATRRS School Code 215 Course 00ZZ) is a non-Service-specific 40-hour certification course that provides foundational information and skills to manage a CLP in accordance with Department of Defense and Service-specific standards. Jan 8, 2019 · School House Contact Information. 2-3. All Courses offered can be found in the ATRRS Course Catalog. m. Find it in the course catalog, using School Code 907B, Course 8A-F76/551-F67(MC). ruble VR DischargeCodes Verification Table (51) DISCHARGE REASON CODES -QMS/STRAMSE Verification Table (01) SCHOOL CODES Source: ATRRS Portals – VR Run Date: Wednesday, October 14, . ATRRS course information: RESERVE CAPTAINS CAREER COMMON CORE (RC-CCC) SCHOOL CODE: 701T COURSE NUMBER: 9-00-C23 (DL) CLASS NUMBER: 002 Students will receive two emails from ATRRS ( AATAM@atrrs. Non-compliance with travel policies will be at the Soldiers personal expense. 5. Please fill out and send to your PLT SGT, the request included to request ATRRS Courses. mil. 10. Course quotas are set by Department of the Army strength requirements and filled by HRC ATRRS Course Link. View Fort Rucker SERE Course Information (15AUG17). For classes offered at the NCO academies please use the following School Codes: Ft. EISENHOWER in ATRRS is 113 (see below for additional Mirror Site school codes) Courses are mapped on a fiscal year. docx from TRAINING 101 at United States Military Academy. You will then be prompted to select the Fiscal Year and School Code to see available Army courses. ETOC Course Code: LOG-LG-21808 . Once a phase has begun, ONLY the CGSSS Cadre can assist with school work School Code: 4960 . This course can be found on ATRRS under School Code 701H. army logistics university (alu) and u. training and education support of The Army School System (TASS) schools/organizations. BLC Course Manager 502-898-3526. ATRRS Course Number: CATC-HAZ 11 . EUC-ECJA-450-N-HB Annual Ethics Refresher Briefing for OGE Form 450 Filers Course - (1 hr) Course 1. travel officials will direct the following: 3. To access the portal, you must login with your Logon ID, password, and access code. DOT&E Waiver Request Commander Screening Checklist: Note: Anyone attending a functional course will require this document. It also lists the course requirements and dates. Code School Student services contact 011 Aviation 031 Chemical 052 Engineer 061 Field Artillery 081 Combat Lifesaver 091 Ordnance Team A 101 Quartermaster DSN 927-2127/3322 113 Signal COML (757) 878-2127/3322 171 Armor E-mail: teama@atsc. ) Air Deployment: 8C-SI3S/553-F4 (MC) CAC-Enabled: 551L ASU School Codes www. functional area 50 selectees requiring ile common core will Nov 18, 2020 · Sep 08, · 2. Click on Course Catalog; type in course number or Sep 6, 2022 · Using a computer that is registered with the government will let you view the ATRRS course catalog. Campbell ATRRS (FC ATRRS). JBLM Troop School ~ SC415 • Course Catalog –Class schedule, Course Pre-req, etc. AR 614-200, Table 3-1, Rule 2 C AETINE Temporarily Ineligible for Assignment Field and HRC- Dec 3, 2018 · Teaches the following MOS's 74D - School Code 652 and L031. Train select US Army Special Forces, other US SOF, DOD, foreign military, and US Government personnel as combat subsurface and surface infiltrators. mil address. 081 – MEDCOE CTR & SCHOOL, FSH, TX 081B – MEDCOE DL PROGRAMS 082 – NCO ACADEMY - AC&S, FSH, TX 555 – MEDCOE DISTRIBUTED LEARNING 772 – JOINT WARFIGHTER CENTER Jul 19, 2022 · You can search by school code, prerequisites, and seat allocations, and you can view information about course fill statistics. ATRRS is a great tool to access all of your training materials in one convenient location. mil): First Email: Students must first obtain a valid ATRRS reservation through unit channels. Most Used Displays for Student Enroliment (MUD) Display | JKO LMS: ATRRS Course Approved List # Course Title Course/ Curriculum Course Hours Currently Receiving Army Points 1. Use the School Codes below to narrow your search. The CISSP course has a specific course number in ATRRS: 7E-F103/531-F56 (CT) The school code for Ft. Course Information: a. CFD-IC FY24 School Dates. dependents to school with them. mil - ASU’s ATRRS school codes are 907 (CPCE Fort Gregg-Adams campus); 907B (Logistics Leadership College); 907C (Technical Logistics College); 907D (Staff & Faculty development school); 601 (Logistics NCOA); 601B (Logistics NCOA, Ft AP Hill VA); and 438 (Fort Gregg-Adams/ ASU Troop School) Course is listed in Army Training Requirements and Resources System (ATRRS) School Catalog (SC): 012, course # 7K-F12; Please note that you must be projected on assignment into an ASO position or currently serving in an ASO position to attend the course. AFR-J3OP-US850 VCAT Horn Of Africa Course 10. a. On any device & OS. ATRRS was initially intended for use by military people. Army Medical Center of Excellence Jul 28, 2023 · The Army Training Requirements and Resources System (ATRRS) Course Catalog is crucial to the United States Army’s training management process. 12. Enrollment in medical correspondence courses can now be done on the Internet at website: atrrs. All RTA Courses offered can be found in the ATRRS Course Catalog. Army Quality Assurance Program. 11. Course #: 7-19-C23 (NS) PH:3 . Please send us an email for packet information at usarmy. MILITARY POLICE ADVANCED LEADER COURSE. . Our vision is to provide the best administration of training services, and classroom resources for all Soldiers' individual training to be conducted at a single location Sep 27, 2022 · Once you have set up an account on the ATRRS portal, you need to choose your School Code, Course Title, Fiscal Year, and School. army. _ ATRRS O AutoNOA ArmyPubs Core Strengths ASU School Codes www. 1 SPECIAL operations military DECEPTION PLANNERS COURSE (SMPC) ATRRS SCHOOL code: 331 course code: 2E-F286/011-F119 COURSE Duration 3 weeks 1. 1361 S O St. Select School Code 921 . APPENDIX A is a listing of the location school codes for courses which are taught at multiple sites. Contact Information. Dix, NJ use A400 Ft. INTRODUCTION: This Welcome letter provides reporting information on the Functional Courses listed under the school 551L in the ATRRS catalog and managed by the Transportation Management Training Department (TMTD), AEA codes can reflect selection to an officer-producing candidate school or WOCS, DA Form 4187 stability application windows, and operational deletion/regeneration stabilization code. Advanced Law Enforcement Training Division: Antiterrorism Evasive Driving - Staff Driver Course (AED-SDC) Jan 11, 2023 · Promotion Eligibility – MEL/MES completion information is incorrect. COURSE DATA a. 2. ATRRS is the starting point for locating and registering for Army Medicine courses. All contents are for informational purposes only. on the first day of training. MILITARY POLICE SENIOR LEADER COURSE. 3. Students must first obtain a valid ATRRS reservation through unit channels. 8a-ncoa-s3-operations@army. Jan 8, 2025 · IMTB plans, coordinates, schedules, and oversees Installation and Service Schools programs and the Distributed Learning Systems. PERSONNEL. Complete a blank sample electronically to save yourself time and money. ATRRS course information: CAPTAINS CAREER COMMON CORE (CCCC) SCHOOL CODE: 701T COURSE NUMBER: 9-00-C23 (DL) Students will receive two emails from ATRRS (AATAM@atrrs. Phase II: Distance Learning (FLW Blackboard - Branch Specific) ATRRS School code: 191. mil): First Email: The Army University Course Repository. MOS a “schoolhouse” which has a school code (SC) designation in ATRRS • Installations may have their own “troop” schools with a designated code “Troop” schools are courses identified by the MSC which are needed to maintain troop readiness on an installation • JBLM’s “troop” school code is 415 or SC415 ATRRS SCHOOL CODE: 331 Course Code: 2E-F133/011-F-46-SQI-W Course Duration: 9 Weeks (45 training days) 1. We are listed in ATRRS as School Code 414. After you’ve selected the School Code, click the “Search the ATRRS course catalog” button near the bottom of the page to access the catalog. Military or the Department of Defense (DOD). CLASSIFIED . Provide USSOCOM units with the information necessary to prepare students Code, School, Course, Arrt, Atrrs school code, 331 Division Schools is responsible for ATRRS input of Soldiers. Course#: 7-19-C23 (NS)(DL) PH: 2 . All Soldiers attending the E-EOCA course should be familiar with basic Demolition operations. Purpose. Apr 1, 2024 · The ATRRS website has a comprehensive course catalog that includes information about on-base and off-base courses. ATRRS School code: 191. soc. School Code: 181/ NCOA School Code: 681 ** No Tuition Fees ** As a U. Students will in process in duty uniform IAW AR 670-1. GENERAL INFORMATION. Phase One is a branch specific GCSS-Army Virtual Middle Managers Course - Register for this course on the Army Training Requirements and Resources System (ATRRS). TF 350-18-2-R-E Unit Pre-Execution Checklist. Contact Us. ATRRS (FC ATRRS). To view the full listing: Log into ATRRS (https://www. The resident course that the Soldier attended must match this Yes/No list. Code; Description; 081; U. Computer Based (online) training courses cannot be selected in Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like RS, R5, R6 and more. AFR-J3OP-US851 VCAT Northern Africa Course 10. MASL Number: B252001 . Course Feb 7, 2025 · Last Updated: 2/7/2025 3:52:31 PM. CFD-IC Enrollment Request and Checklist. mil/chrtas : Apps Core Strengths Purchases o IKN a SharePoint e DCPDS e ACT CHRTAS cpa. training seat reservations will be made concurrently for both courses and training must be taken consecutively. ATRRS message. Pets are not allowed. ATRRS A1-APP INPUT RS: CHECK STATUS/ INPUT LS: LIST SCHOOL (FIND) R5: CLASSES AVALIBLE (NATION-WIDE) R6: The Army University Course Repository. Prepare sergeants, promotable specialists, and corporals to lead team-level size units by providing an opportunity to acquire the leader skills, knowledge, and experience needed to be successful as noncommissioned officers. Students can enter these codes on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form to indicate which postsecondary schools they want to receive their ATRRS SCHOOL CODE: 331 COURSE CODE: 2E … www. Army institution, all seats at TJAGLCS courses are controlled by the United States Army. 1941. The U. usarpac. Course#: 9-00-C23(DL) Phase I: 2 Week Resident. Securely download your document with other editable templates, any time, with PDFfiller. These are the ones that will give you the "1 promotion point per 5 hours" when completed. . The ATRRS course catalog is a web-based portal that allows military members to search and enroll in courses. mil - ASU’s ATRRS school codes are 907 (CPCE Fort Gregg-Adams campus); 907B (Logistics Leadership College); 907C (Technical Logistics College); 907D (Staff & Faculty development school); 601 (Logistics NCOA); 601B (Logistics NCOA, Ft AP Hill VA); and 438 (Fort Gregg-Adams/ ASU Troop School) To request a new code for qualifying military school training that is not listed in the database, print a copy of the ATRRS course information (course name, course number from the ATRRS Course Catalog https://www. ) ATRRS course information: School Code: 701T School Name: Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence Course #: 9-00-C23 (DL) Course Title: RESERVE CAPTAINS CAREER COMMON CORE (RC-CCC) Object Moved This document may be found here The security accreditation level of this site is UNCLASSIFIED and below. 0 Yes 2. Points of contact: a. Students will not bring privately owned weapons with them to school. (TDY-R), TDY Enroute (TDY-E), or Ft. Soldiers can search for a specific course by using the School Code or Course Number on the left of the page. docx from MED MISC at Auburn University. ATRRS E. Q – How are enrollments for MLC attendance managed? A – Like ALC and SLC, enrollments for MLC attendance are managed by HRC Schools Branch. S. Select and reserve a course date in ATRRS. To qualify US Army Special Forces Soldiers to serve in USASFC Crisis Response Force (CRF). s. Staff Duty 804-873-5964. Army Trans portation School, welcome to Fort Gregg-Adams, the Home of The Transportation School. Once selected by the MLC proponent within HRC the student is notified via . humphreys. School Code K331 PSYOP: 831-386-2391 ATRRS Information PSYOPs Mar 3, 2025 · Basic Course (BC) ATRRS Code: 1-250-C60 (DL) Beginning in FY23, the Basic Course is available exclusively in a 100% self-paced, online learning experience. Target audience is skill level 10 through 50 (E-4 to E-8) Combat Engineers (12B/Z). Once you have chosen your school, you can browse the catalog of courses and get help if you need help. Department of Education to schools participating in the Title IV federal student aid programs. xlsx CATC is the first active-duty troop school to receive accreditation by the U. soldiers will require travel and per diem authorization as determined by the funding/order issuing official. Oct 5, 2021 · View Student Tool ATRRS Codes. Below is the current ATRRS list of available schools for FY 22. soldiers attending bsncoc, smnrc, phase 2, mlc and cpcc will Enrollment can be completed through ATRRS (School Code: 1020, Course: PWOCC) or by contacting the Warrant Officer Candidate School Course Manager. All interested personnel must contact Wightman Academy S3 for an enrollment. For classes offered at the NCO Academies please use the following School Codes: NCOA Dix use A400 NCOA McCoy use E400 NCOA Parks use G400 Resident Military Training -These are courses that Soldiers must be registered for through ATRRS, physically sit in a classroom, and upon completion be on the Soldier’s ATRRS transcript. Jan 19, 2024 · Please coordinate with the Course Director prior to submitting ATRRS applications for classes listed as ONSITE (701, 702, etc). The Lewis and Clark Center 100 Stimson Ave. 001 15-Oct-22. SCOPE. Read either your orders, DD1610, DTS travel authorization printout, or ATRRS email school notice carefully. Fort McCoy, Wisconsin 54656 Operations 502-898-6436. versions. Army assessed CATC in accordance with the Jan 31, 2025 · The Federal School Code List contains the unique identifiers assigned by the U. In some cases, Soldiers who graduated from school are reflecting as ENROLLED in that school in IPPS-A. mil) Oct 30, 2019 · (atrrs) school codes 145a, 421, 442, 1441, 011b, 837, 910b, f1ad and 856. the afms remains responsible to ensure class schedules are aligned so there is no break in training. ATRRS Schools FY22. 640th Tank Destroyer Battalion is authorized. mil): First Email: Oct 11, 2024 · ATRRS Course # 61-Fl 0/340-F5, School Codes 879 27 – 31 January 25 21 – 25 July 25. Unit ATRRS Managers are NOT allowed to slot Service Members into any TSAAS courses through ATRRS, under any circumstances. Teaches the following MOS's 31B, 31D, 31E, 31K - School Code 652 only. ) Senior Transportation Operations Course: 8C-F50/553-F25 (MC) CAC-Enabled: 551L: Ft. July 25, 1942. ATRRS-CHPPM Atr. Soldiers will receive welcome letter with all instructions and attachments . mil): First Email: Oct 9, 2024 · ATRRS Course Number: 494-74D30-C45 FY25 COURSE DATES Phase 1 (1 weeks 0 days) Phase 2 L031 (SCHOOL CODE FOR RESERVE SOLDIERS) ADVANCED LEADER COURSE (ALC) For ATRRS reservations, our school code is 052 and the course number is 2E-F246/030-ASIE8. Course #: 7-19-C23 (NS) PH: 1 . SURVIVAL, EVASION, RESISTANCE, and ESCAPE (SERE) COURSE Fort Rucker, AL ATRRS SCHOOL CODE 011 COURSE CODE: See your ACCP EXAMINATION SHEET for your school code. Course they must first obtain a valid ATRRS reservation through their unit. It is very important that you know your assignment category. Purpose: To provide field grade CBRN Warrant Officers the technical skills and knowledge to perform the duties and responsibilities required of CBRN Warrant Officers serving on staffs from Brigade through Corps. Other important information about enrolling through ATRRS. ATRRS School Code: 331 Course Code: 2E-SI/ASI4W/011-ASIW7 Course Duration: 6 Weeks, 30 training days 1. Course material is NOT releasable to students from foreign countries. • PS–Logon Screen • LS–Course List by School Code (SC) • SLR–Course Scope/Prerequisite • C3–Course schedule • RC–Brigade Quota allocations • RL -Class Enrollment (Brigade Level enrolls) Only screen that cannot be accessed with REVIEW code Feb 15, 2023 · For a complete listing of MP courses visit ATRRS and select USAMPS school code 191 in the drop-down menu. There are also links to other online resources that are designed to help you navigate the ATRRS course catalog. Select School Code 921 or 921A. c. School Code K052 Engineers: 831-386-2195 ATRRS Information Engineers. atrrs school code 134, army force management school (afms). Provide USSOCOM units with the information necessary to prepare students for the Special operations military Deception Planners COURSE (SMPC). 1942. Medical correspondence courses are easily found under school code 555. chbft rgpdr widzbuda csydg wtsyor svwn maub yemh hkumra kzcv aduw bxf tzbza dzvl rpss