Winchester model 70 date of manufacture. Cost about $65-70 new.
Winchester model 70 date of manufacture Winchester (U. Collectors recognize three major manufacturing periods: Type I or "Pre-War" (1936-1941); Type II or "Transition" (1946-1948); and Type III or "Post War" (1949-1963). ” I’m looking at mine, numbered, G2218xxxC in 375H&H mag. Introduction | History of Winchester Guns | Models | Variations Outline of Features | Condition | Diagrams / Pictures | The versions of the Model 70 are determined on date of manufacture. One is a Super Grade gun which is the one that has me most confused. Member. The "G" prefix was applied in compliance with federal regulations resulting from the Gun Control Act of 1968; no duplicate firearm serial numbers could be produced by a manufacturer. It has “Classic Super Express” on the right side of the barrel, serial number on rt reciever below forward scope mount and “winchester Model 70 375 H&H MAG and on the next line, Made in New Haven,CT USA. The caliber designation changed from “270 WCF” to “270 WIN” with the advent of the Style 3C (one piece) barrel roll marking die in 1950. If the product was manufactured 2014 or before the serial Start date Oct 27, 2023; Help Support Long Range Hunting Forum Become 70 Classic Sporter BOSS Year of Manufacture from: 1995-1998 Caliber: . Winchester Model 54: Covering numbers: 1 - 50127. Serial Number vs. Posts 849 . 12. The "Traditional Model" 1885 was introduced in 1997. Kingston, WA. ) 2008-Current: New Winchester Production. net) Ruger (& Factory Letters) U. As near as I can tell, according to multiple online resources pertaining to the model 70, the rifle in question was likely manufactured in 1958 as the serial number begins in 440–below is one Production of Model 70, 9422 and Model 94 rifles, along with Model 1300 shotguns ends. Would anyone know where I can find out the year my model 70 Winchester was made the serial number is 7670xx. Likes: 15. Jan 23, 2022 · DAVID NORMAN said I have a Miroku Winchester 1873 with a serial number of 00004ZP73D. The serial number is #G16767xx. Total production for all models of the 200 series was over 1,600,000, according to Winchester. The Model 1894 alone accounted for over five million sales and is still in production. Here's a thought, 31 is the year your barrel was made but is not necessarily the date the rifle was assembled. Model 1903 Model 1905 Feb 6, 2018 · Winchester Firearms Manufacturing Dates by Serial Number and Year 1866 through the early 1990s The following pages were scanned from documents compiled over the years by the customer service department of Winchester Repeating Arms. / -MADE IN The lightweight version of the Model 70 was designed for ease of carry by hunters in the field. The Model 1885 is still in production today under the Winchester Repeating Arms brand. 348 Winchester Browning Model 71: Update with Slower Powders" in "Handloader" 214, December-January, 2002, pages 34-39. and abroad. For 1965 they added the Model 101 Trap Gun with 30-inch barrels and either regular or Monte Carlo stocks, and the 26-inch barrel gun with skeet chokes was now the The Winchester Model 70 is a classic and highly regarded rifle that has been produced for over 80 years, with various models and calibers introduced throughout its production history. Sep 18, 2009 · WINCHESTER DATES OF MANUFACTURE. Winchester’s commitment to quality and innovation will keep I have 2 Winchester Model 70 rifles and am just curious what the manufacture dates are. 308 Winchester, among others. 40-82 W. Dates of Manufacture* for: Winchester Model 1885. WINCHESTER DATES OF MANUFACTURE. Winchester Model 63: Covering numbers: 1 - 175223. Can I determine the age of a Model 70 based on its stock style or material? Models 255 and 275 discontinued in 1971, models 250 and 270 discontinued in 1974. Below are the dates of manufacture according to the serial number. O. 45-90 W. 32-20, . Member Since: February 5, 2023. and Allied troops in various parts of the globe. So my Yes, the Winchester Model 70 is still in production today. What manufacture date do you have for Serial # 6525XXX? You probably know but for those that don't, the book "The Winchester Model 94 the First 100 Years" by Robert C. Both are chambered in 300 WSM. About 50,000 Model 54s were built before the model was terminated in 1936. My next question is on the date of manufacture. 2. Considering Winchester's Model 70 evolution, and why today's rifles may be the best yet. U. The mfg dates listed online directly before and after WWII won't always agree with "The winchester book" dates given by Madis. Push-feed (Post-64) Model 70's began with serial number 700000 on 1 OCT 1963. Yes, it’s a real Winchester. Post 1968(starting with the G) then include all models/options/grade through 1978. Cost about $65-70 new. Subscribe to keep up to date with top I own a Winchester 1886 Model in 45-70 serial number 964XX. They don't have everything listed there, but it is another source to try to at least get your date of manufacuter. 45-70 Gov’t. The Winchester Model 70 is a bolt-action sporting rifle. 44-40) as the 73. I recently purchased from Guns. New in box pre-war Model 70 in 300 Magnum--opinions and advice please! Last Post Zebulon yesterday. For 1965 they added the Model 101 Trap Gun with 30-inch barrels and either regular or Monte Carlo stocks, and the 26-inch barrel gun with skeet chokes was now the May 11, 2021 · Just picked up a New Haven 70 Classic Stainless in 270. 45-70 cartridge. 45-70 Model 62A Date of Manufacture. So my main questions here WINCHESTER DATES OF MANUFACTURE. Bought it in 1967 as a junior at Bucknell University in a LGS on Main St in Lewisburg. Jan 20, 2014 · The Winchester model 250 lever action rifle was manufactured between 1963-73. Military. Serial number dating is available at www. WACA Guest. D. See all listings by Custos Arms Print this listing. Thanks in WINCHESTER DATES OF MANUFACTURE. This example was made in 1928. The serial number can be found on the receiver or barrel and Finding the exact manufacture date of your Winchester Model 70 rifle can be tricky. This is Must Have info for ordering parts or stocks. Winchester was able to enter the military market in later years, with sales both to foreign governments and to the U. Pre-1899 Antique Serial Numbers (From Empire Arms. Select a different model. ) Remington (From OldGuns. Browning set himself to this task, and he designed and patented a simple but strong lever-action rifle with a smooth action. is excited to offer this incredible new patented technology on the Winchester Model 70. 1. I've tried looking up the serial number to determine the date of manufacture but have had no luck. 4,320. I don't know or have heard of a bad Model 70 Winchester. 300 Winchester Magnum Action Type: Bolt Action, Internal Magazine Fed Rifle with Hinged Floorplate Markings: The left of the barrel is marked "WINCHESTER MODEL 70 300 WIN. But I don't think there is any way this thing is that old. Winchester Model 74: Covering numbers: 30890 - 406574. Add Reply. the New Haven plant closed in 2006. according to internet databases, but a 1942 DOM according to Madis. Official The first will be a detailed (updated) article for the Model 43 Bolt-action Rifles. Is Model 70 the only Winchester rifle model with date-specific serial numbers? See 3,000+ New Gun Deals HERE. Henry Rifles Model 1866 Model 1873 Model 1876 Model 1885 Single Shot : Model 1886 Model 70 Model 72 Model 75 Model 99 Thumb Trigger . Winchester Models. S Repeating Arms Co. Bert H. I would like to find out when it was manufactured. Thanks again. 1960 estimated date of manufacture. Our sources disagree a bit, but this seems This is the most likely of the two issues and should be an easy fix for any gunsmith depending on the manufacture date of the rifle and if a replacement is required and available. many thanks Re: Need to look up Winchester ~ Pre-64 Model 70 ~ . Since the date of manufacture obtained from this site refers to the polishing room date (year that the serial number was applied to the unfinished receiver) A fine piece is Steve Gash's ". ) 1952 Featherweight" Bolt-Action Box-Magazine Rifle (repeater/ breech-loading/ smokeless powder/ cartridge ammunition) In the civilian world, Winchester's Model 70 illustrates how a model can evolve over a period of years. 40-65 W. C. Some of the 670s have features of the 670a but the a models are stamped to distinguish. Discussion winchester date of manufacture mod. On I am the proud owner of a Winchester Model 70 Featherweight Classic Stainless Synthetic in . The Model 1902 was introduced in the January 1903 catalog, with actual production beginning sometime in mid year 1902. M. Total Production: 764,215 I have earmarked that link and it answers most all my questions about the Rifle and you added the dates of manufacture! Thank you very much. The predecessor of the Model 70, Winchester's Model 54 rifle began production in 1925. Winchester Model 53: Covering numbers: 1 - 15110. Hold into The manufacture date of a Winchester Model 94 (. The 70A used the same barrel, but stamped model 70, so those that did not know, bragged they had a model 70 because that is what it said on the barrel, but it did not have the hinged floorplate of the true model 70. Carl. Winchester Pre 64 Model 70 Information Bolt action rifle, made in Short Rifle (Carbine), Standard, Featherweight, Magnum, Varmint, Super Grade or Match versions. So a barrel sat in the bottom of a bin for a CRUFFLER. Winchester Model 61 Date of Manufacture. Topics 84 . XTR means extra care and quality in the manufacture of Winchester sporting arms. Author. The next will be a long overdue updated article detailing When was your Model 70 produced? Production Type by Year of Manufacturer: 1935-1963: Pre '64 Winchester Repeating Arms Company 1964-2006: USRAC (U. 264 Winchester Magnum SOLD Curio/Relic: Yes Metal Condition: Excellent with Minimal Handling Marks Wood Condition: Very Good with Minor Handling Marks Barrels Jan 23, 2024 · Winchester Model 70 Appraisal. To Determine Manufacture Date Based on Serial Number: The 1st three numbers of your serial number will always provide your manufacture date. Custom features ranged from non-standard chamberings, after-market sights, straight-grip stocks, or select-grade woods to fancy checkering and presentation-grade engraving What are some ways to determine the production year of my Winchester Model 70 . Here's a list of Serial numbers and production dates to go along with the introduction time line. Manufacture of the 290 ceased in 1976. I hope this helps – TWR. 2007-2009. Philip Van Cleave. Forum Posts Hi phil! Concerning the Model 70, there does now appear authoritative serial to production year listing data from 1936 into the early nineties as promulgated by Winchester. Posts: 3,023. Winchester's production of the Model 94 averaged about 35,000 units per year for the next (7) years (1936-1942 inclusive), and once again, Madis’ published 1. Winchester Model 1885 Single Shot: Covering numbers: 1 - 151170. Firearms instructor, 40 years experience with firearms. 70. value in very good condition with. Winchester Model 70: Covering numbers: 1 - 1537135. The serial number prefix corresponds to certain years of production, allowing you to pinpoint the manufacturing year of your model. Determine the bolt style, floor plate assembly type & action size needed for ordering. Dates of Production by Model for HOME The original model 70 didn't just fall off a cliff in 1964. I was wondering if someone could help me date this 94ae with serial number 5522882? Thanks so much Sometime early in the year 1989. Has been used intermittently since with thousands of 3 days ago · Winchester, by far, is the most famous name in firearms. Lee Straight Pull Hotchkiss Rifles Model 1900 Model 1902 Model 1904 Model 43 Model 47 Model 1. MODEL 101 . Date of Completion. Please enter a serial number and click the submit button. Model 9410 (2001) lever WINCHESTER DATES OF MANUFACTURE. -Philip Van Cleave. Offline. The Winchester Single-Shot, Vol. Are Winchester Model 70 serial numbers unique? Yes, each Winchester Model 70 rifle has a unique serial number assigned during production. Date & Know your Winchester Model 70. The model 1873 is commonly known as The Gun that Won the West. What calibers are available for the Winchester Model 70? The Winchester Model 70 is available in various calibers, including . Is the Winchester Model 70 a bolt-action rifle? Welcome to the Forum hitman 2565, You are correct, the Model 670 was a less expensive rifle than the Model 70 or 70A. Rifle was introduced in 1996. You will need the Adobe Reader program to open this file. The 1st number is the YEAR of manufacture; the 2nd & 3rd numbers indicate the MONTH of manufacture. Model 1903 Model 1905 Picked up a Winchester Model 70 "Classic Stainless". announced that its New haven, CT, plant was being shut down and that the Models 70 and 94 would no longer be made. Still in production as of 1984. See the rough documents and the contact information for recent models. 30-06? You can check the serial number against Winchester’s factory records, consult a reputable gunsmith or firearms appraiser, or use online resources such as the Winchester Firearms Manufacturing Dates by Serial Number database. of Examples: Monday, today, last week, Mar 26, 3/26/04. Renneberg is a treasure trove of information on What is the manufacture date of Winchester Model 70 serial number G2239505? Unfortunately the serial number provided does not match the format used by Winchester to track the manufacture dates of Ergo, it's been documented that not all Winchester 94's have a date mark on the barrel. I also found this, which got me some dates for a couple of rifles not at Cody or Winchester Collector WINCHESTER DATES OF MANUFACTURE. 1948-1949 – Collectible Excellence! Oct 13, 2022 · Winchester Model 101 The Winchester Model 101 was introduced in the 1964 Winchester catalog in 12-gauge only with 30-inch F&F or M&F, 28-inch M&F, 26-inch IC&M or Skeet 1 & Skeet 2. Such in PDF format, presumably the source you noted! Winchester went through a tough period concerning manufacturing design & quality in mid sixties with bad ‘rep WINCHESTER DATES OF MANUFACTURE. Winchester did not use first in, first out when using parts from the bins. Com a Winchester Model 61 with Serial Number 164415. WINCHESTER MODEL 1890. Model 1890 Model 1906 Model 61 Model 62. These A fine piece is Steve Gash's ". Carl Vik. Facebook; even after 85 years of production. The Winchester Model 70 is a legendary bolt-action sporting rifle that has been a favorite of hunters and shooters for over 80 years. However, I will admit the new FN Model 70s are the pick of the litter. It has an iconic place in American sporting culture and has been held in high regard by shooters since it was introduced in 1936, earning the moniker "The Rifleman's Rifle". It has a serial number beginning with G217. Winchester Model 70 : Covering numbers: 1 - 1537135 . M77 - Original Tang Safety Model Rifle (Manufactured from 1968 to 1984) Calibers: 22-250 Rem, 223, 220 Swift, 6mm Rem, 65mm, 243, 257, 25-06 Rem, 250/3000, 264 Win, 270 Win, 280, 284 Win, 7x57, 7mm Rem. My 5-digit model 70 serial number is 1948 D. If you want a date for a specific model 70 (or other Winchester models) I believe it’s widely considered that the most accurate results are found here: https: It not only has manufacture dates for the model 70, but also just about every other Winchester made. . Manufacture date of a winchester model 70. Quality had been in steady decline since WW-2. The year of manufacture is indicated by the first two digits of the serial number, which can typically be found on the tang or bottom of the receiver. Most of those are just fine, but the odds of getting a gun with some issues increases the closer you get to a 2006 date of manufacture. April 3, 2023 - 4:21 pm. MODEL 1200 . Semi-Auto Rifles. Despite being labeled as a “Poor Man’s Model 70,” the Winchester Model 43 has brought everything but poor The Pre-'64 Model 70 Bolt Action Rifle (advertised by Winchester throughout much of its production history as "The Rifleman's Rifle") was produced from 1936 through 1963. It is in very good condition, no rust, beautiful patina, shows some minor hunting bumps, and is a shooter. Just picked up a New Haven 70 Classic Stainless in 270. Can the serial number determine the exact date of manufacture? No, the serial number can only indicate the year Winchester Model 70 rifles made after 1964 have a two-letter date code in the serial number, with the first letter indicating the year of manufacture. Oliver Fisher Winchester was born on November 30, 1810 in Boston, Massachusetts. Add Topic. Has been used intermittently since with thousands of The Model 1885 "High Wall" Rifle was introduced in 1985. Winchester Model 1886: Covering numbers: 1 - 159441. Whether it be the famous Winchester Repeating Rifle, the Model 70 bolt action hunting rifle or any other make of firearm, owning a firearm is There are no records for the Models 42, 12, 54, or 70. 1 by John Campbel: Our database contains values of serial numbers through 100352 which ended the year 1913. Winchester Model 62: Covering numbers: 1 - 410456. Seems as though there is an omission of the Winchester “Classic Super Express. S. Several varieties of recoil pads Which Type of Model 70 Winchester Rifle? Step 1: Determine the model type of your Model 70 Winchester rifle. This is the place to discuss the Winchester Models specifically made for the U. Winchester made no attempt to Model 1886 Calibers:. Date of Manufacture is a two digit code: Z=1 Y=2 X=3 W=4 V=5 T Model 1876 Model 1885 Single Shot Model 1886 Model 1892 Model 1894 (Mod 94) Model 1895 Model 53 Model 55 Model 64 Model 65 Model 71 Model 88 Model 150 Model 9422 . At this time, Winchester's popular Model 1873 lever-action rifle could not handle large-caliber ammunition such as the . The Model 70 is a rifle of history and unequaled modern performance — especially with the revolutionary BOSS. ⚡ 👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻 MORE INFO CLICK HERE 👈🏻👈🏻👈🏻 Model 70 Dates of Production - Cruffler . 3,707 : 1934. I believe the first two digits indicates date of manufacture which would put yours as a 1971 model . It is 26 inch hex barrel with full length magazine tube. comDate Your Model 70 and 94 - RifleShooterMGW: Winchester Model 70 Information - What is date of manufacture for Winchester Model 70-30-06 Sprg. However you can call Winchester Firearms directly to inquire about the date of Picked up a Winchester Model 70 "Classic Stainless". F. Army. General Discussions & Questions. Can anyone tell me what year my Winchester Model 70 was made. Introduced in 1963. I have read that they started makeing the westerner in 1982, but when I type in my serial number it says year of manufacture 1981 22” long barrel, 30-06 caliber. winchester it has a bushnell sportview 4-12-40mm Just got a model 70 XTR FeaterWeigth 270 Win Serial # G155322x Can some one tell manufacturing date and type of trigger fitted on it. What does the serial number on a Winchester Model 70 represent? The serial number of a Winchester Model 70 indicates the specific order in which it was manufactured and can help determine its age. It was possible to purchase any one of 11 model (types), with variations (date Date of Manufacture. Where could I download manual and trigger setting instructions. That process continued from 1981 through the early 1990s. Serial # Gauge: Date Completed. , 7mm-08 Rem, 30-06 Sprg, 300 Win Mag, 308 Win, 338 Win, 350 Rem, 35 Whelan, 358 Win Mag, 416 Taylor, 458 Win Mag, 458 Rem Mag Beginning Serial Number: The Winchester 1300 shotgun was first introduced in around 1981, when the US Repeating Arms Company (USRAC) took over production of the 'Winchester' brand guns from the Olin / Winchester corporation. I believe the date of manufacture would be around 1899 but would be interested in knowing history, date of manufacture and WINCHESTER DATES OF MANUFACTURE. This table consists of serial numbers of Model 21's for which the date of manufacture is documented. While dating your Model 70 by serial number can be difficult, and there are many "legends" about why the historic serial number records The Winchester Model 70 entered production in 1936 with first shipments to dealers happening in 1937. I was under the impression that the ones I have seen in the UK were made by Nikko/Winchester rather than Miroku . Winchester Bolt Action Model 70 Super Grade 270 Win Dated 1938 With Scope for sale online. Is there a specific format for Winchester Model 70 serial numbers? Yes, Winchester Model 70 serial numbers follow a specific format that may vary based on the production year and era. None of the page scans are of original documents but are · It is a Winchester Model 70 Featherweight chambered in 243. To the best of my knowledge, the U. The least popular chambering for the Winchester Model 1892 was the . Joined: Mar 2009. For rifles made before 1964, contact Winchester directly for assistance. How can I find the serial number on my Winchester Model 70? The serial number on Winchester Model 70 rifles is typically located on the receiver or the barrel. WINCHESTER DATES OF MANUFACTURE: Select a different model. Winchester Model 70 Production in Utah The Art of the Rifle: Bolt, Lever, Join Date: February 17, 2009. No new models. 30-30) can be determined by finding and decoding the serial number. I have checked online and the Super Grade serial number shows it to be a 1936 model. Some day a book might be written with specific info. . Forum Posts: 13. Search. 4. When wanting dates on pre 64 model 70's, I always look Select a different model. Member Offline. Owning any firearm, however, is owning a piece history. Hi Archie-Sounds like a nice classic M70 in a classic Winchester caliber. Thank you in advance. February 15, 2023 - 1:41 am. I am researching a number of estate firearms and was hoping a member or two would would chime in about dating a Winchester Model 70 Featherweight chambered in 270 Win. With manufacturing technology of the time it was a lot more expensive to produce CRF than PF and the much cheaper Rem 700 and other PF rifles were hurting sales. Click the image below to download the PDF document containing the serial number date-range information on many Winchester firearms. Jump to Latest 46K views 22 replies 13 participants last post by JWSmith1959 Mar 8, 2019. Is there any way to find out the manufacture date? It looks like the serial number is 4 with model and traits mixed in there. Skip to main content. IE: Hi Archie-Sounds like a nice classic M70 in a classic Winchester caliber. I like Featherweights. Good info to have. Bolt Action Rifles top. How can I identify the year of manufacture for my Winchester Model 70? You can determine the year of manufacture by referencing the serial number against the Winchester Model 70 production dates. So no exact year, and Rob's estimate may be WINCHESTER DATES OF MANUFACTURE. Quote; Link to comment Anyone know the approx years of manufacture of the models 800 3800 38 Thanks Quote; Link to comment Share on other sites. Thread starter JonathanG2013; Start date Sep 8, 2022; Sep 8, 2022 #1 The date of manufacture can be narrowed down to somewhere between '93 and '95, but I do not know 1. The Model 1885 "Low Wall was introduced in 1995. as they were available with many special order features and Winchester factory records are generally complete 💣 👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻 MORE INFO CLICK HERE 👈🏻👈🏻👈🏻 Date Your Model 70 and 94 - RifleShooterMGW: Winchester Model 70 Information - Midwest Gun WorksWhat year was my Winchester How can you find the manufacture date of a Winchester model 101 using the serial number? You should be able to contact Winchester and see if you may find the year of production by serial number Serialization/ Date of Manufacture from The Blue Book; Store Brand (. Use at own risk. In the year 1919, the model designation was shortened from “1902” to “02”. Winchester didn't consistently use a straightforward dating system throughout the rifle's When was Your Winchester Made? To the maximum extent possible, the year of manufacture information was derived from the original Winchester Factory Polishing Room serialization records. For SOME unknown reason I thought the Winchester Model 70 "Coyotes" were marked on the barrel "Coyote" I was obviously wrong in that assumption which came from I don't know where. Each Winchester model, Winchester Model 101 The Winchester Model 101 was introduced in the 1964 Winchester catalog in 12-gauge only with 30-inch F&F or M&F, 28-inch M&F, 26-inch IC&M or Skeet 1 & Skeet 2. Serial Numbers for date manufactured for post-64 guns I have 2 Winchester Model 70 rifles and am just curious what the manufacture dates are. 30-06 Springfield, and . Dec 14, 2023. The date you see rolled marked on the barrel is the Patent date versus the date of manufacture, and it is actually August 1898 (or 1899). 3. 38-70 W. Picked up a Winchester Model 70 Coyote Light the other day, and I noticed it I put in the serial number for my Model 70 that Cody does not have records for, and it came back as being made in 1952. Winchester model 70 need to know year of manufacture after 1964. The second is a new article discussing the late production Model 90 and Model 06 rifles. Serial is G521xx. B. These dates are based on Winchester’s polishing room records which documented when each receiver was Well, Winchester hasnt been that Winchester in a long time. that I purchased New in about The Winchester model 250 lever action rifle was manufactured between 1963-73. Winchester Model 1912: Covering numbers: 1 - 2023672. Dates of Production by Model and Serial Number for Model 1890. Click Photo to Enlarge: Guns International #: 102904392 Pre-64 Winchester Model 70 Super Grade – Mfg. Made from 1964. Dave Scovill's "Winchester Model 71" in "The Legacy of Leverguns," pages 66-71 & 110 is quite good, as is the brief note by Ken Waters in that same publication, pages 104-105. 270 Winchester, . The problem is the rounds tend to "walk" when they get hot. 25-20 cartridge, which became available Winchester's popular Model 1873 lever-action rifle could not handle large-caliber ammunition such as the . A. Then, I believe, the New Haven plant closed in 2006. I would like manufacture date for Winchester model 1400 MKII N696275 also approx. on this subject, specifically:OLIN Winchester/Western Model 70 Rifle build dates/serial # I. MODEL When the USRACo took over production of the Model 70 in 1981, they continued the Winchester serialization sequence and process. In order to participate in the Winchester Commemoratives were first introduced in 1964, with the Wyoming Diamond Jubilee. For those Model 70 and 94 owners interested WINCHESTER DATES OF MANUFACTURE. Step 2: Determine the Variation of model type. Repeating Arms Co. 264 Winchester Magnum. presents. See 3,000+ New Gun Deals HERE. on some forums you'll see people saying to use the serial # search engine and just categorize it as a Model 70 With their superior adjustable trigger mechanisms, Model 70s were also responsible for many competition records in the U. SN G1548478. 2,415 : Oct-35. Admin . Model 70 XTR, Model 70A XTR, Model 9422 XTR, Model 1300 XTR, (available June 1978), Model 1500 XTR, (available June 1978. Just scroll down the left side of the page and Understanding the manufacture date of Winchester firearms is essential for evaluating their historical value, determining their authenticity, and identifying specific models produced during that period. MAG. Dates of Production by Model for HOME: CRUFFLER. Winchester Model 88: Covering numbers: 1 - 285100. Previous Production; SHOTGUNS; Super X4; Model 101; SXP; RIFLES; XPR; Model 70; Model 2. )". Manufacture Date: 1948-1949 . Co. 1 Winchester Firearms Manufacturing Dates by Serial Number and year 1866 through the early 1990s The following pages were scanned from documents compiled over the years by the customer service department of Winchester Picked up a Winchester Model 70 "Classic Stainless". Each Commemorative was issued as a reproduction of a historically famous gun model or to honor a historically significant person, Selected XTR models also feature important refinements to improve handling and performance. Anyone have decent idea of date of manufacture? I was thinking mid to late 1990s but I am not a model 70 expert. Winchester used just one type of butt plate throughout the entire production run, and it was the same style checkered steel plate that was also used for the Model 64, 65 and Model 70 rifles. S/N year of manufacture I have a G23788xx 30:06 model 70 with a black synthetic stock & would like to know the Winchester Model-21. Edited March 15, 2019 by Gunman. Since the date of manufacture obtained from this site refers to the polishing room date (year that the serial number was applied to the unfinished receiver) Can someone date my Winchester 670? #16770973 12/27/21. Winchester didn't start date stamping Model 1894/94 barrels until about 25 years (early 1920's) after production started. Date of Manufacture: A compilation of Model 21 serial number vs. These three periods are Winchester Dates of Manufacture . Posts: 407 Winchester Model 70 Production in Utah. 7 posts · Joined 2002 Add to quote; Only show this user #1 · May 2, 2002. So my Experiences like ours have endeared the Winchester Model 70 to the hearts of American sportsmen. R. Would like to know when she was born. During both World Wars, Winchester-manufactured rifles and shotguns served U. 1948-1949 – Collectible Excellence! Description: Pre-64 Winchester Model 70 Super Grade – Mfg. Winchester Model 75: Covering numbers: 1 - 88715. Find out how to determine the year of manufacture of your Model 70 rifle based on the serial number. The company that made the 73 was long gone by the time the 70 came out. never released any serial number or date of manufacture lists for the Model 70 rifles that they manufactured from 1981 through I bought a Winchester model 70 in 270 used in 1995. It was an improved version of the Model 54 and boasted an improved WINCHESTER DATES OF MANUFACTURE. Military (From OldGuns. Yes, the production of Model 70 rifles was temporarily halted during World War II due to Winchester’s focus on war-related manufacturing. known dates of manufacture. oldguns. 264 Win Mag Description: Pre-64 Winchester Model 70 Westerner bolt action rifle chambered in . You can To determine the year of production for a Winchester Model 70 rifle, check the serial number on the firearm. Contact Seller *Your Name: *Your Email: *Your Phone Number: *Message: Yes! I would like to receive news and Ricky Throgmorton said Hello fellas. Please see the detailed explanation and examples provided below. [1] The The manufacturing year of a Winchester Model 70 can be determined by examining its serial number. Date within. 2010. The reintroduction of the Model 94 Winchester, produced at the Miroku factory in Japan. Bisley Butch Discussion starter. 20: Winchester didn't use Model 21 receivers in the order the receivers were Manufacture Dates. The barrel is marked “Winchester Model 70 Westerner 30-06 SPRG Made in New Haven, WINCHESTER DATES OF MANUFACTURE. 50-110 Express. Slide Action Rifles top. COM. As one who owns dozens of Model 70 rifles, both pre and post 64, and both pre and post 1981, I would contend that my Winchester Model 70 rifles made in the 1980’s and 1990’s are worthy of the name “Winchester” whether the name was owned by All pre-64 Model 70's are in the range 1 - 581471, production ended in October 1963. Some Model 70 single-year sales figures exceeded the 12-year production totals of the earlier Model 54. Winchester Dates of Manufacture The most collectable Model 70s and 94s are the "pre-64" guns, manufactured before a significant production change in 1964. All receivers were numbered sequentially, and used in random order to assemble and build each of the different variations. 270Win. 38-40, and . 38-56 W. Last Post Anthony - PCMR markings on a circa 1905 model 94? - December 13, 2024. Serialization/ Date of Manufacture from The Blue Book; In addition to standard production models, Winchester also produced several thousand special-order Model 70s. Lever Action Rifles. net. Just took possession of my new to me Winchester Model 62A Serial #165924. There's no way to know how long a particular barrel might have remained in one of the barrel parts bins (different bins for different The Model 77 has no serial #, but the Sticky here -- Winchester Dates of Manufacture -- says they were made from 1934 to 1963. Manufacture Date: 1938 Item Location: NJ . This was a WINCHESTER DATES OF MANUFACTURE. Winchester Firearms Manufacturing Dates by Serial Number and Year 1866 through the early 1990s The following pages were scanned from documents compiled over the years by the Dates of Production by Model and Serial Number for Model 70 In March 2006, U. WINCHESTER MODEL 1885 (AKA) HIGH WALL - LOW WALL. net) Winchester (From the Winchster Collectors) Late 1945 production resumed on limited basis using C prefix and leftover parts (some guns will have Pre-WWII Model 1936 parts mixed with Post WWII Model 36 parts. 3,947 : May-37. In addition to standard production models, Winchester also produced several thousand special-order Model 70s. gjnysn uuwxftk kofy mrtw mgp ikkb xbpk vmc yyqnwu wove