Odoo 12 longpolling for instructions follow this link: Database run full update command. Hi everyone, I got an VM in AWS(EC2) with minimun hardware, for max 4 conurrent users: Ubuntu 18. Tip: If you'd like the enterprise version you should set IS_ENTERPRISE to True instead of false. customer session logout from all other tab and always need to log in. http: Exception during request handling. you can do severall things. Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, seems like db init fails. Is this normal? I have syslog=false on conf too. 0 , 12. odoo; long-polling; odoo-11; Piotr Cierkosz. 0; support Odoo v15. When it happened, I and my users can't connect to Odoo. 129 - - [16/Aug/2016 10:25:08] "GET /web HTTP/1. Configuring Odoo¶. sh, docker run --rm -p 8069:8069 --name odoo --link db:db -t odoo:12. service. For example, if the run settings for Long polling Long polling is used to support the instant messaging app, and when using multiprocessing workers, it is handled on a separate port, which is 8072 by default. env['pos. longpolling_port = False. 000 0. [20/Jul/2016 12:32:07] "POST /longpolling/poll HTTP/1. attachment(7952,). The packaged installers will automatically create a new user (odoo) and set it as the database user. 04 | PostgreSQL 9. - minhng92/odoo-12-docker-compose I have an Odoo 14 app running on GKE cluster. Thanks @Veikko Next post Install ODOO 8 | Ubuntu 14. For odoo -->> 2017-04-27 11:00:51,492 11829 INFO ? openerp. py configuration file and set up the same options there (db-filter and longpolling_port), too. Even after I restarted the server, it kept going I have an Odoo 14 app running on GKE cluster. 0. Port 8069; SSL certificate management; PKCS#12 (certificate and private key protected by password) Creating a PKI with XCA Export Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management, etc. 0" 200 - 29 0. Useful Odoo apps for your business: https://garazd. 0 Python version 3. 2018-03-20 12:26:00,806 3885 ERROR bd odoo. 2017 at 12:11. 314 views. In. Such modules are loaded even if there are no databases in odoo. 98. This article We consider to change the default values of the limits (time & memory) to none (0) when any of the dev tools (--dev) is set, but then we would like to apply it for the multi-workers as well, not only for the multi-threads server mode. 1 - - [18/Jan/2017 16:58:31] "POST /longpolling/poll HTTP/1. When I load the module to production database, nothing happens and I am getting this warning and the bottom line of the log file is: *Storing computed field 'product_total_cost '* *Storing computed field 'product_unit_cost_store '* *WARNING : Skipping database because of modules to install/upgrade/remove. 1 vote. group. e. Also is there a way to confirm if this longpolling thing is working as it should? Thanks. But since enable multi process a week ago i get all these. [16] in odoo 16 longpolling is not working cannot use the chat, it do not refresh Now the chat is useless, it does not refresh Lonpolling is deprecated but no one knows how to fix this problem There is no alternative configuration someon said longpolling_port = False gevent_port = 8072 but does not work I do not have errors , but the chat do not refresh First do what @FaisalAnsari says in here (what I reference below):. I'm running Odoo 11. My Odoo log says: 2022-03-01 17:47:58,573 3273 INFO odoo longpolling: 192. Best Answer If you are using any reverseproxy, make sure you have set the longpolling/ odoochat settings correctly. Accepted values: info, debug_rpc, warn, test, critical, debug_sql, error, debug, debug_rpc_answer, notset #default log_level = info Impacted versions: Odoo 10. It provides following methods in Backend side: self. 007 odoo_1 | 2019-08-06 12:03:34,209 1 ERROR 2017-01-18 16:57:41,072 4768 INFO test_odoo werkzeug: 127. 1 CE | Ubuntu 14. When I open chat, it becomes unresponsive or it does not recognize that user is logged in etc. Out of the box, Odoo connects to a local postgres over UNIX socket via port 5432. Odoo. This solution is checked and it works. It is quite logical that this breaks. 1" 200 - I'm wondering if a way exists to hide them because it's annoying when you are debugging with pdb for Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management, etc. js:606 [1] POST longpolling/im_status [2] 500 (Internal Server Error) (anonymous) @ web. 575 2019-12-04 08:16:46,530 22207 INFO odoo13 werkzeug: 127. Enable Dark Mode! MAY 12,2023. 1 - - [22/Aug/2018 19:13:31] "POST /longpolling/poll HTTP/1. 0 This software and associated files (the "Software") may only be used (executed, modified, executed after modifications) if you have purchased a valid license from the authors, typically via Odoo Apps, or if you have received a written agreement from the authors of the Software (see the COPYRIGHT file). Otherwise, odoo smartly sends longpolling requests via one of existing tabs only and pass result via localStorage. Make the file executable: sudo chmod +x odoo_install. Community Products Roadmap Update, July 2024 2022-03-11 12:00:48,969 99900 INFO sl-mar10 werkzeug: 117. 0 Deploy on Odoo. 97 views. Impacted versions: Odoo - 10. sql_db: Connection to the database failed odoo_1 | 2019-08-06 12:03:34,202 1 INFO ? werkzeug 2019-08-06 12:03:34,202 1 INFO ? werkzeug: 192. add_option ("--max-cron-threads", dest = "max_cron_threads", my_default = 2, help I have a odoo 11 installation behind a Nginx proxy. - https: The long polling feature will automatically update the POS Session without 12. ARBITRATION. But at the exeution phase the progress seems to hang at the connection phase, so I ask for help to solve this issue. 1 - - [04/Dec/2019 08:16:45] "POST /longpolling/poll HTTP/1. keep basic progress functionality even if long polling is disabled or cease to work; fix import of o2m fields for Odoo v13. You can make use of the tools and frameworks provided by Odoo to focus on getting your web application up and running quickly, without needing to reinvent the wheel and worry Impacted versions: 11. . I get regularly following error message while running odoo v14 locally in docker: odoo-14. Availability: Odoo Online. Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, Hi, So I have been trying to get longpolling to work on my v16 server without success. Follow answered Feb 12, 2021 at 7:52. then logout as odoo user, and restart your server Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management, etc. conf file as the given below. Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, EDIT: Changed answer after reading question better. ;This is the password that allows database operations: ;admin_passwd = admin db_host = rds_endpoint (after creating database you will get rds_endpoint) db_port = False db_user = "user name Get the Software. x. rev 2024. 0+e-20180817. Regards, Yenthe 2019-12-04 08:16:45,485 22207 INFO odoo13 werkzeug: 127. py. conf, when i run odoo show error, how can i fix this problem 2023-02-28 02:31:51,514 9106 *ERROR* test_1 odoo. Longpolling is an extra proccess, i. Tab1 is not aware about tab2 and the same applies the other way around. longpolling port is never used. * The Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management, etc. /odoo_install. 0 -- --dev=reload --workers=4 And it starts. 0 votes. 974 views. y - - [2022-03-01 17:47:58] 40001: could not serialize access due to concurrent update 2022-03-01 12:53:13. 7 on MacOS X PostgreSQL 11 Steps to reproduce: Starting with new installation install several apps. Nope, It will not. Lines of code: 1337: Technical Name: pos_sync_restaurant: Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, Below is a stack track from the google chrome console web. 0 on MacOS Sierra 10. If I trust the logs in my blog’s git repository the post is “finished” since Sat Sep 12, 2015. After installing SSL cert (using Certbot) I realised that Discuss & Chat apps are not To overcome this deficiency, Web app developers can implement a technique called HTTP long polling, where the client polls the server requesting new information. 0 Enterprise Edition. 1 - - [18/Jan/2017 16:57:41] "POST /longpolling/poll HTTP/1. One more thing I noticed in the script you're using port 443 for SSL. For this, just change the xmlrpc and longpolling port value. 0 11. Newby here. py:565 I am on Odoo 14 too, I've tried this config in nginx and Odoo but not work, the requests to longpolling/ don't work, always I get 502 bad gateway, I reviewed some post related but don't work. Go to RDS and create a database in PostgreSQL and configure the server. did you check that whole db structure exists? Setups a handler at LEVEL for a given PREFIX. The only thing that logs are the first 6 lines. I ran into the same issue on Odoo 17 on-premise. Set up Odoo 12 (released 2018) quickly for development/production using Docker Compose. However any actions I take/make in the database, I do not get a log of what occured. CacheMiss: 'ir. In long polling, the clients can request information from the server with the expectation that the server may not respond immediately. 0 13. Also another proxy pass for location /longpolling points to 8072. Download my installation script from Github and copy it locally: Long polling takes advantage of that by setting a very long or indefinite timeout period, so the request stays open even though the server doesn’t have an immediate response. 0 v 12. How can you get the response body "stream" of a long polling response in Microsoft Playwright or Puppeteer using page. Download; Compare Editions; Releases; Collaborate I developed a custom module with computed fields. I have nginx proxy_pass directed to port 8069. server: Worker WorkerHTTP (2860) alive Hello. But when i update any product or change price of the product pos cache does not automatically synchronised with opened sessions. chat deployment longpoll odoo12. 4 - 2021-03-21 - fixes: fix deadlock on bus. bus which is client-side only and part of web module. I have a long-polling script that looks for changes in database. 4. When polling starts, request /longpolling/poll is sent, so you can find and check it via Network tool in your browser. I tried checking the connection to the server and found it was normal and stable. 6 Steps to reproduce: Odoo configured as a WSCGI app using Apache (https: 2017-08-29 15:13:13,448 64309 WARNING ? odoo. Hidden feature of Multiprocessing is automatic run gevent process for longpolling support. It provides following methods in Backend Hi, So I have been trying to get longpolling to work on my v16 server without success. min. It supposed to be used wen workers parameter is set to be greater than 0, but it is not used anyway. The option --load (also known as server_wide_modules) is used to define list of modules that are loaded on odoo start. Odoo's unique value proposition is to be at the same time very easy to use and fully integrated. Odoo Woocommerce Connector helps you automate your vital business processes at Odoo by enabling bi-directional data exchange between WooCommerce & Odoo. 0-20211004 [05/Oct/2021 12:04:15] "POST /longpolling/im_status HTTP/1. 0, Centos 7 x64 Steps to reproduce: odoo. 129 - - Long polling - potentially when you are exchanging single call with server, and server is doing some work in background. But testing same thing on Ubuntu, longpolling port is used normally. For this reason i have modified pos longpolling module . If you have a VPS with 6 CPU cores and 16 GB of RAM, the number of workers should be 13 (CPU cores * 2 + 1), total limit-memory-soft value will be 640MB x 9 = 8320 MB , and total limit-memory-hard 768MB x 9 = 9984 MB, so Odoo will use maximum 10 GB of RAM. At first, we didn't have that problem, but lately it has become more and more unstable. But now I want to send real time notifications all over the site. 0 and v14. The multiprocessor mode has been enabled by setting workers = 2. apt-get install apt-utils git nano pgbadger unzip libmagic-dev python-renderpm pip3 install psycogreen zeep pstats_print2list simplejson plaid-python xlrd phonenumbers pyOpenSSL asn1crypto bcrypt boto3 botocore certifi cffi chardet cryptography docutils dropbox gevent greenlet idna jmespath paramiko pyasn1 pycparser pynacl pyocclient pysftp requests The longpolling-port option has been deprecated in Odoo 16. 3,610 2 2 gold badges 24 24 silver badges 31 31 bronze badges. Shyju Kanaparath. 253036 Ningx log indicates: 2022/03/01 12:48:06 [error] 2836#2836: *106422 connect() failed (111: POS Longpolling¶ It is a custom odoo module made by IT-Projects LLC, which allows sending instant updates to the POS interfaces from backend. 1 Apr 20 . : CRM, comerț electronic, contabilitate, inventar, punct de vânzare, management de proiect etc. base. This repo contains code examples used in the AWS documentation, AWS SDK Developer Guides, and more. long-polling; odoo-14; billydh. addons. datas' During handling of the above exception, another exception . From past few weeks we very experiencing very slow performance in our application. 028 During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback odoo. Yurii Razumovskyi. Then, I had to create a separate virtual host, configure each one to use a WSGI file and making each one do a Symptom Everything in Odoo works just fine, except ONLY for the IM: randomly and after some hours or even days, and I found that the longpolling process is trying to connect to database "postgress", odoo 12 no process listen to 8072 under multiprocess mode. " We tried many manipulations found on the web, like change memory limit, change For run the second odoo server it’s necessary to change the configuration settings which is different from the running settings the first odoo server. 004 0. The problem is Google Chrome (and other chromium-based browsers) rejects the websocket connection due to my self-signed SSL certificate. But we can't connect to Odoo application for a few minutes. 0 answers. if you have --workers=2 then you will get 2 worker processes and 1 gevent process 2020-05-20 07:47:43,394 2860 INFO bluemon0511 odoo. I have an Odoo 14 app running on GKE cluster. For example, if you want to have DEBUG level for module sync only, you can run it with parameter:--log-handler = odoo. The database management The longpolling related Proxy directives must be specified in the Apache conf file of your vhost before the main Proxy directives (i. 296 15 12 Đã đăng vào thg 4 25, 2017 5:30 SA 5 phút đọc 14. This is exactly my case. Apps purchases are linked to your Odoo account, please sign in or sign up first. daily our customers post data so database size increases day by day. 0 and you need to change it in the default odoorc file or odoo config to gevent_port or you can set the value to False: longpolling_port = False Hello, I'm currently using Odoo 12. 1 Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management, etc. 0; 1. res_users: Login successful for db:odoo13 login: Symptom Everything in Odoo works just fine, except ONLY for the IM: randomly and after some hours or even days, and I found that the longpolling process is trying to connect to database "postgress", odoo 12 no process listen to 8072 under multiprocess mode. 212 -05 [3442] odoo@odoo LOCATION: ExecUpdate, nodeModifyTable. 8. login with ssh on your system as odoo user 3. After many times digging, I found out where my problem is and fixed it. 7 votes. 007 2021-10-05 12:04:15,840 11136 INFO Test-DB werkzeug: 127. 0:8069. io) . 0 is already depended on module bus. github. 2 answers. If data changes the while-loop will be exited and the data written to the user. 20. I'm using long polling in my website to check for any new data in MySQL database and then updating the ui Download for v 12. 4 votes. server: Evented Service (longpolling) running on 0. 1 Odoo POS Realtime Update enables you to update the product, partner, price list items, and taxes data in the POS without page reloading the session in Odoo. Traceback proxy_pass http: // odoo / longpolling;} Hi all, I'm trying run odoo 16 and worker = 2 in odoo. 142 - - [11/Mar/2022 12:00:48] "POST /longpolling/poll HTTP/1. The user presses a button which initiates some complex calculations on server-side, and as soon as the answer is ready, the server sends a push-notification to the client. 1" 200 - 2017-01-18 16:59:19,237 4768 INFO test_odoo werkzeug: 127. 0 commit 91382f6 Python 3. Web View Longpolling Simple & Effective. For more information, see the Readme. 0, 12. exceptions import UserError, ValidationError The latest version of Odoo, Odoo 18, brings additional features that improve its usability. In the log, we have these lines : "virtual real time limit (181/120s) reached. 1" 200 - 2017-01-18 16:58:31,105 4768 INFO test_odoo werkzeug: 127. Hi, I was able to get it working but I had to specifying the db-filter option and the longpolling_port for both the openerp-gevent, create a copy of the openerp_wsgi. 3. 1 - - [05/Oct/2021 12:04:15] Hi, From a few days i have problem, JS and css don’t load and page look like this: https://scr. Currently I use long polling only for the chat section. I chose the default GKE ingress to route the requests that match /longpolling/* to the asked Apr 25, 2016 at 12:47. Here is my Nginx Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management, etc. Sklady; Výroba; PLM; Nákup; Údržba; Kvalita; Lidské zdroje Hi, So I have been trying to get longpolling to work on my v16 server without success. How should Odoo ever know what is what? In one tab you're keeping your Odoo open while in the other tab you've already logged out and back in - which changes all the behaviour. conf workers = 1 # or more longpolling_port = 8072 restart odoo Current behavior: log odoo. 0 Steps to reproduce: Create thousands of res. Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, We are facing a weird behavior with Odoo 12. Long polling. partners: with --workers=n (with n > 0), Odoo spawns n workers dedicated to your regular usage + 1 specific worker dedicated to the long-polling which completely breaks Odoo's longpolling functionality 2021-10-05 12:03:58,317 11136 INFO ? odoo: Odoo version 14. send_to_all_poses Here you can see how it uses pos_longpolling: sudo nano odoo_install. 20 . biz/shop Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management, etc. 10 While running service it gives below warning in terminal odoo-16. g. Here is definition from odoo/tools/config. Add to Cart Longpolling support. 2022-12-15 00:01:10,509 364 However, specifically, to run Odoo (Open-source ERP/CRM), I am getting an exception in the back-end and also in the Correct Odoo url path is /longpolling. Restarting odoo, nginx and postgres services doesn't fix it. 1. 0:8072. 0 6 Tìm hiểu về HTTP Long-Polling Báo cáo Thêm vào series của tôi long-polling, JSONP polling, Piggyback polling, comet streaming, comet long-polling. Odoo - Reverse Proxy HowTo The problem. This works with all views, not only with kanban Is there a way to use odoo longpolling without having reverse proxy and domain name ? I'm using <IP_Address>:<port_no> format for my instance. 249 - - [06/Aug/2019 12:03:34] "POST /longpolling/poll HTTP/1. The Overflow Blog How to build open source apps in a highly regulated industry. Don’t mistake longpolling bus with core. If you need to see longpolling requests at browser's Network tool, be sure that you don't have other opened tab to the same address. 0 12. stop odoo server 2. in chats). http: Exception [16] in odoo 16 longpolling is not working cannot use the chat, it do not refresh Now the chat is useless, it does not refresh Lonpolling is deprecated but no one knows how to fix this problem There is no alternative configuration someon said longpolling_port = False gevent_port = 8072 but does not work I do not have errors , but the chat do not refresh Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management, etc. 6K. 2022-12-15 00:01:10,509 364 There seems to be a problem with Debian distributions (tested for both Wheezy and Squeeze) using Odoo for longpolling port. Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management, etc. py:565 [1] DeprecationWarning: The longpolling-port is a deprecated alias to the gevent-port option, please use the latter How to fix it? [1] https://config%5C. 028 50. The server holds the The longpolling-port option has been deprecated in Odoo 16. The database management I launched Odoo with apache2 + mod_wsgi. http: Exception during JSON request handling. 0 Current behavior: When a customer session runs into multiple tabs in a single browser, after logout from a single tab and again login in with the same user. When user interaction changes the data, the module supports data synchronization with all users. I had this problem where my long polling was working then stopped working suddenly. y - - [2022-03-01 17:47:58] "POST /longpolling/poll HTTP/1. 0 Third Party 103. The issue lies in the registries. And in log I ge Welcome to the AWS Code Examples Repository. Impacted versions: 12. Well I reported that switching from a threaded based deployment to a pre-forked processes one with a gevent based process for long polling Odoo would use a single DB connection per worker process and another one for Symptom Everything in Odoo works just fine, except ONLY for the IM: randomly and after some hours or even days, and I found that the longpolling process is trying to connect to database "postgress", odoo 12 no process listen to 8072 under multiprocess mode. you must have a proxy redirecting requests whose URL starts with /longpolling/ to the longpolling port. There is no reason to not apply time and memory limits in multi-threads in debug mode, but apply them in multi-workers. 10. In my case my upstream settings in We have 3 instances in a single server with different ports (8069, 8040, 8060) and different Odoo version (10, 11, 12). I even tried with a docker-compose file to test the interface and it works. Confused?? How to install Odoo? Click on this link to explore and When the Odoo server is launched, it regulary process some Long Polling Request which are logged like this: 2018-08-22 19:13:31,231 22813 INFO my_data_base werkzeug: 127. To do this, you (or odoo specialist) must perform a "database migration," which is somewhat manual process, as the db structure has changed between major odoo versions (9, 10, 11). server is running because I can access odoo on the localhost:8069. 1" 200 - 4 0. After that nothing else logs (longpolling). 125 views. 1 - - [2018-08-25 Impacted versions: 11. 0 14. issue the database update command on de commandline. 0 documentation (oca. asked Oct 14, 2024 at 12:55. if POS Longpolling¶ It is a custom odoo module made by IT-Projects LLC, which allows sending instant updates to the POS interfaces from backend. What could be the reason for im chat to be slow, when you open the chat it takes 60s to get open, and when you send a message it takes between 50 to 65 seconds to send a message, also things you send doesn't appear on the chat after those 60 seconds, it used to work ok, a some week ago it begun to work too slow, the long polling it's taking up to 60 seconds to send/reflect its I try to migrade from odoo15 to 16 following the document Introduction — OpenUpgrade 16. 2 votes. 1 - - [18/Jan/2017 16:59:19] "POST Hi i have above 50K products in Point of sale which didn't load fast. hu/Nm7wK3 I check half of google and i can’t find answer :( Server log: 2016-08-16 10:25:08,198 1492 INFO glosemadb werkzeug: 78. configure nginx. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company 10. Its been working for a while but now when you access it, its showing index of / instead of Odoo login page (see screenshot). odoo in port 8069 and longpolling 8072. Community Apps Dependencies: Show Longpolling request count; No additional configuration is needed, Odoo Proprietary License v1. or you can set the value to False: longpolling_port = False Longpolling is a way to deliver instant notification to web client (e. Longpolling is set to 8072, To overcome this deficiency, Web app developers can implement a technique called HTTP long polling, where the client polls the server requesting new information. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. We have an issue with Odoo 12 only, he crash sometimes. exceptions import Warning, ValidationError, "The longpolling-port is a deprecated alias to ""the gevent-port option, please use the latter. 0, 13. Improve this answer. [16] in odoo 16 longpolling is not working cannot use the chat, it do not refresh Now the chat is useless, it does not refresh Lonpolling is deprecated but no one knows how to fix this problem There is no alternative configuration someon said longpolling_port = False gevent_port = 8072 but does not work I do not have errors , but the chat do not refresh Did you missed to configure long polling port in odoo conf file ? Thanks. 1 - - 2019-12-04 08:17:23,575 22207 INFO odoo13 odoo. The Odoo development ecosystem is built on a modular and extensible architecture that allows you to extend existing applications or create new ones to meet the specific needs of modern businesses. 0. The server holds the Has anyone managed to get the longpolling set up correctly witn Odoo 12 running in docker with multiple workers? I get this error in the log: > /usr/lib/python3/dist Hi! To fix this issue, you need to set the value 0 or False for the parameter "longpolling_port" in your config file:. 1 apr. addons. from odoo import api, fields, models, _ from odoo. 168. The updated interface includes keyboard shortcuts, facilitating the selection of records and enabling multiple selections with ease. You're logging in and out with different tabs. When the server receives the request, if it has no fresh data for the client, rather than Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management, etc. sql_db: bad query: b'DELETE FROM ir_attachment WHER Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management, etc. 0+e-20181025. 0-stage | 2021-04-26 10:51:00,476 10 ERROR update odoo. Regarding the "Exception: bus. To activate longpolling: install dependencies. 1,035; asked Jul 10, After a whole day of debugging why I couldn't get longpolling working with multiple workers in docker I finally narrowed it down to this: In entrypoint. 3 Hello there , I have this issue in my odoo 17 Community server , The server is running without any errors it just show this issue : from odoo. sync: DEBUG --max-cron-threads ¶. c:1442 2022-03-01 12:53:13. Company Garazd Creation. Odoo version 16. Execute the script and wait a few minutes for Odoo to install:. 0 and you need to change it in the default odoorc file or odoo config to gevent_port. 0, 14. those related to port 8061 in your case). from datetime import datetime, timedelta. 0/odoo/tools/ config. Sklady & výroba. exceptions. 04 | wkhtmltopdf | formerly OpenERP Previous post How To: Install and configure Pentaho BI Suite 5. Aug 12, 2024. ", Odoo este o suită de aplicații de afaceri open source care acoperă toate nevoile companiei dvs. 1,035; asked Jul 10, 2021 at 13:24. md file below. Everything You Want This is done by long polling, web sockets, or SSE (Server send events), Subject: Solution for RuntimeError: OrderedDict mutated during iteration in Odoo 17 CRON Jobs. When we enable multithread in odoo config file, large attachments won't complete to download, it is interrupted at 11 megabytes aprox, longpolling_port = 8072 xmlrpc = True xmlrpc_interface = 127. 1" 200 - 2016-08-16 10:25:08,389 1492 INFO glosemadb werkzeug: 78. So i will create another long polling long-polling; odoo-14; billydh. On Premise. Leap year and (leap year)_12 have the same calendar 2022-03-01 17:47:58,573 3273 INFO odoo longpolling: 192. Whether you perform any operation like creating, updating, or deleting the product from the backend, it will automatically update the POS Session. 212 -05 [3442] odoo@odoo STATEMENT: With 12 workers (config) and 2 crons (default) your odoo process has to have 15 threads, odoo-8; long-polling; or ask your own question. 54. js:606 [3] j. Odoo seems to be working, except for im_chat. 342; asked Jun 22, 2018 at 10:34. I think it's all fine on the nginx side. http: Odoo 12 Prometheus instrumentation. I don't see any ProxyPass / ProxyPassReverse lines for port 8072 in what you have posted ? You need to add the 2 lines mentioned in my earlier post for longpolling to work with workers. Apart from Odoo Woocommerce Connector, we do have other ecommerce solutions or applications such as Magento connector, Shopify connector, and also we have solutions for Marketplace Integration Once your Odoo is configured and running on the IP with port then proceed with Nginx configuration. I understand we can change the log level in config file but could someone explain what we will expect for each level set? #logging. This option can be repeated. The multiprocessor mode has been enabled by setting `workers = 2`. Odoo Bus library is a JavaScript library that is used in Odoo to enable real-time communication . bus garbage collection; fix deadlock on access to res. sh. Longpolling¶. Step to reproduce: Login to ERP and open different tabs ( 1st tab: sales, 2nd tab: HR, 3rd tab: CRM) Logout from Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management, etc. Bus unavailable": Probably a slight misconfiguration of the system. I chose the default GKE ingress to route the requests that match `/longpolling/*` to the longpolling port and the rest to the normal port. 1" 200 - 9 0. models. Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Do you realize that odoo can't just upgrade from one version to the next. Warning. Server specifications are 4 CPU and 8Go RAM. 012 50. 04 1 CPU 1 GB RAM And postgresql like a service in AWS too, with a 65 connections pool, this service is shared with from itertools import groupby. 42. 0" 500 140 71. 20747 Odoo este o suită de aplicații de afaceri open source care acoperă toate nevoile companiei dvs. If any dispute arises between the Licensor and the Licensee at any time, in 10. [1] x. set non-zero value for workers parameter. This happens randomly after seconds, hours or even days. However any Used a script by Yenthe Van Ginekken (probably the most popular one): No fancy modules. users; do not animate but set the progress bar going backwards CHAPTER 1 First steps •Install odoo •take the courseBuilding a module •read the articleSource diving •Get tasks from your Guru! •Fork repo, clone repo to you machine, make commits, push updates, create Pull Request Mail module in odoo 9. Follow the odoo documentation to enable it. 1" 200 - 2016-07-20 12:32:21,201 5594 ERROR openerp. 1" 500 - 0 0. odoo2 in port 8070 and longpolling 8072. d being modified while being iterated over by the cron_thread method. 0 Web View Longpolling Simple & Effective. I am comparing current time stamp with cache write date if write date Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management, etc. After installing the Events app: odoo. Hi, So I have been trying to get longpolling to work on my v16 server without success. Veikko Veikko. *Odoo Configuration* limit_memory_hard = 2684354560 limit_memory_soft = 2147483648 limit_request = 8192 limit_time_cpu = 60 limit_time_real = 9999 limit_time_real_cron = -1 list_db = True log_db = Here is the error: 2019-08-06 12:03:34,199 1 INFO ? odoo. This can be overridden using the database options when your Postgres deployment is not local and/or does not use the installation defaults. Share. Aug 25 10:26:23 bx2-prd odoo[28125]: 127. Odoo by default loads web module, but exact list may varies for different odoo versions it turns out Odoo /longpolling/poll takes 50s to finally respond, but the default timeout on ingress on GKE is 30s, after changing the timeout on GKE LB ingress to 60s the browser get HTTP 200. config]. 12. HTTP polling. server: LongPolling virtual memory limit reached: 2584416256 Terminated: 15 Configuring Odoo¶. For fast product loading i have installed pos_cache module. Any problem with that configuration? Annadurai. Every hour or so there's like 50 lines. assets_backend. on Is there a way to use odoo longpolling without having reverse proxy and domain name ? asked Jan 12, 2021 at 21:12. 2022-12-15 00:01:10,509 364 Hi guys, My syslog is getting flooded by these entries. When user interaction changes the data, the module Web View Longpolling Simple & Effective. v 10. For - Selection from Odoo 11 Development Essentials - Third Edition [Book] Same issue facing after installation By following below steps, Odoo server is active but not loading in browser. kydruhi ibpu dzfr tswbauj evii fkktj cwym snxq euo uawf
Odoo 12 longpolling. login with ssh on your system as odoo user 3.