My ex reached out to me. If he wants to, you'll know.
My ex reached out to me my ex is doing the same thing, but it’s not bothering me anymore because i know it’s going to fail. We still have deep conversations and he likes to get close whenever we hang out. He was showing ever sign towards wanting to be with me again. Feel free to reach out Ok what she is doing is called bread crumbing. She was my rebound after my kids mom and I split and I never had the same feelings for her more like I settled but it still hurts me. We were texting for awhile and he asked me how am i doing. So now I plan on just leaving her alone completely and honestly I still do hope one day she does reach out to me but I've learned my lesson by reaching Out of nowhere when he previously told me he didn’t love me anymore (which I knew wasn’t true at the time), and he said he said it because he didn’t want to love me. Jan 9, 2021 · What does my ex want with me? There’s such a thing as intermittent reinforcement. The time I broke up with him was final. They either reach out to ask for closure if there wasn’t one. Or both. Most likely, she dumped you so she could explore other sexual partners, but she misses the emotional intimacy, so she's trying to exploit you for that, i. Don’t engage. It’s so hard to not respond when I want to jump into his arms right away but that’s clearly a sign that I’m not detached yet and need to stay away. I believe they always come back. Give your ex space. He suddenly brought up a lot of issues and it felt like punch after punch in my stomach. Period. Perhaps I’ll be another “crazy ex” in his books (he called his previous ex crazy and cheated on her), but it’s not my concern anymore. Have you noticed your ex-partner sneakily keeping tabs on your life through your social media accounts? Watching your Facebook and Instagram stories I’ve been the dumper 2 times. But we’ve been broken up for 10 years… this is the first time she’s ever reached out. My first ex reached out to me 2 years after we broke up to check in. Jun 6, 2022 · A reason why your ex may contact you is that they’ve been trying so hard not to that they are full of repressed emotion and feel driven to reach out again. It hurts as hell but life goes on. a guy she never disclosed to me at any point in our relationship. He didn't really take it. Honestly, that didn’t make me feel any better. Cheating happened on 1/28 breakup on 2/14 (over text and hooked up again with the guy she cheated on me with) and NC since 3/10. The breakup wasn't too bad, nothing out of the blue, handled it „okay, of course I cried, but I didn't beg and pleed. all my relationships and I still care about them to some extent. Go for what you believe and take chances, never know what might happen! THIS IS A REPOST SUB - I AM NOT THE OOP Nov 18, 2022 · RELATED: 11 Little Habits Of The Strongest, Most Resilient People Here are five things that you can do if your ex reaches out to not sabotage your recovery. She was very happy and told me she had missed me. We met several times since then and talk and text regularly. She had texted to say she recently saw how much my drawing had improved since we were together (I had put up a drawing a few days prior as my cover photo on fb, which she had long deleted me from) she had a I told my now ex boyfriend that the previous ex had reached out & I wasn’t going to reply until he persisted ways to try contact me even though I had blocked him on most platforms never met my family friended them on FB I didn’t eve use, LinkedIn you name it & my partner said isn’t it great you’ve 2 guys fighting for you I wasn’t I was the dumper. In his avoidant mind, he didn't reach out to me not because he didn't care - he just couldn't understand that I wanted/needed support for him. Jun 13, 2023 · Your ex might have had mixed feelings or second thoughts about the breakup, prompting them to reach out and get caught up, at least for the moment. My ex reached out at the one month mark asking me how I was. It was on and off, then she finally had enough. I won’t feel any type of way. Although the reason why we broke up was completely my fault, him apologizing for not So at the end of the day, I can move forward in my life knowing that I gave it my all and learned from this experience. They might need to pull back to maintain control over the situation if they sense that you’re still emotionally invested. Yes enjoy it! I was the dumpee and despite all advice in this thread, I reached out to my dumper 2 1/2 months post breakup in August (b/u was mid/late May. Why does my ex still want to be friends and hang out with me? He was the one who broke up with me (5 months ago). Make sure you remain honest if you decide to speak. But now he feels that we should give it another shot. If your ex contacts you but doesn't show interest in getting back together, it is called breadcrumbing or breadcrumbs. Cry it out if you’re feeling like it. Most of my ex’s who contacted me I no longer wanted to hear from them. For example, my ex admitted to me multiple times that she was kinda nervous that eventually I’d lose interest in her, and in the 3 or 4 weeks before she dumped me I had started to do certain behaviors that made her feel like I WAS losing interest (she even said that she felt like she wasnt good enough for me anymore in my eyes, and that any When an avoidant reaches out for your attention, how you respond can either increase emotional connection, undermine it or further damage your chance of getting them back. So, go away and find yourself another man whose life you can ruin. This never happened to me. We hit it off she blocked him on all social media, but he emailed her. Feelings were still there for both of us, it felt the exact same as when we were together, and it was so nice and familiar. Probably just broke up with his current partner or is going through a sad time in his life. Here are 10 unmistakable signs that your ex will eventually reach out. As you're finishing up your makeup and double-checking your tresses, you hear a text Recently my ex’s mom reached out. She broke up with me because she developed some feelings for her bestfriend. Apr 5, 2021 · From what my team and I have seen there are generally three reasons for an ex to initiate conversation: Reason #1: They missed you. We were got together when I was 18, he was 24. Be careful about getting back together too soon, though. e. They may be your ex’s friends more than […] Usually nothing good. This was the worst thing for me too. He' reached out despite knowing how salty I was. It’s hard to get over being thrown away like that, but on the other hand you still care for them. " I told him to fuck off and never contact me again and he acted so shocked/offended. Mutual-ish breakup but with bad blood. he recently messaged me on Instagram apologizing for how he treated me. This is perhaps the most obvious reason, especially if the breakup is still fresh because your ex misses the patterns and routines their life had with you in it. Mar 8, 2021 · Yesterday, I was rejected by my ex. I thought her feelings were genuine and so we ended up getting back together. What it doesn’t necessarily mean, is that they want to get back together. you absolutely cannot hop out of one relationship and into the I actually prefer if my ex blocks me cause it keeps me from looking at it. But then part of me knows we would be miserable now if we had stayed together back then, and everything happens for a reason. I’m noticing a lot of people in this forum end up more harmed when their ex does reach out or when they remain in contact. I said to him we need to talk about what he said and he said yeah but he needs time to process. I haven’t spoken to my ex since then. This isn’t always an honest response. Depending on what they had to say depended on if I answered them at all. May 17, 2024 · Let’s get real: you’re dying to know if your ex will reach out. Don’t immediately reply and take some time to think it over to figure out what you ultimately want out of this interaction. *I know there is no point to wait for your ex to reach out, but we are humans and at some point it will mean a lot that the person who dumped us for no reasons is finally feeling guilty and reaching out! Hey, so my ex boyfriend reached out today after month of no contact. Jul 9, 2022 · If your ex girlfriend has just reached out to you and you are nearing the end of your no contact period, then it stands to reason that its probably a good time to try and make that connection. We ended up having an argument, and in my anger, I ended up saying he was a pathetic loser for being on government payment (recieving money from the government as an income - that's the best way to translate it). I told her that he hurt me badly and to be careful with him since he'll probably do the same thing. Mar 5, 2018 · What your ex will do probably depends on how long after the breakup your ex reached out to apologize and what made your ex apologize. Unfortunately it didn’t last very long at all due to her inability to commit (to me, at least). But they also might do so if they value you, and don’t want to lose you, I reached out to my avoidant ex a few times post breakup and it went poorly. I would say don’t reach out. Even though your ex broke up with you, the reaching out is an indication there’s a part of them that misses you - even if they don’t say that in their message or call. They slowly turn and experience curiosity and then concern. Just work on moving on and let things happen in their own time. You need to cut off contact. I haven’t reached out to him first since we were together, or shortly there after. Me relying on him was a strange concept. He was going through the program and wanted to make amends. Jan 7, 2022 · An ex might reach out and take responsibility for their role in your breakup as a way of moving on. This happens even if you’ve both set a “No Contact rule” after a break-up. Pretty much she’ll reach out and we will start texting pretty much everyday for about 2 weeks or more and start seeing each other and then she will pull away or ghost me out of nowhere. I still think about him and hope we can one day reconcile as did love him. I have been in no contact since 6 weeks now. For one second, it felt good. What are the chances my ex will When he would reach out weeks or months after the break up (he dumped me a few times) I would still be coming back to him… Then finally when I dumped him for good because was exhausted with that emotional rollercoaster he was giving me he still reach out after like 4(!) years but this time I did not respond. He reached out 3 or 4 years later, after he'd gotten engaged, to apologize. I reached out to her through social media handles and mails but I got blocked without even a reply (during the first week after my mom passed away). we have had a 12 year relationship and he told me he does not want to get married and he avoids all kinds of closeness when we were together…. She talked to me like that until i had to cut her off. And how we were together a second time at all started with me responding to her guilt texts and calls after the first time we split. If he wants to, you'll know. Guess what? It was simply a cycle. She was with him for 7 years. I hope everything turns out well for you. It's a ploy. We had a short interaction in late December over Text where she was the one reaching out. I know that if I go take a scroll on their page out of curiosity and I see something I’m not gonna spiral. When my ex reached out months later, he sent multiple texts (at 3,4 and 7 months) saying he wanted to talk. My ex, Tim (M30), and I (F28) dated a very short time when I was 16. Dont reply. What […] You were a total bitch to me and there’s no way I’m going to forgive you. If you ignore someone’s texts they’re going to assume there’s no use in texting you even if they are reconsidering. #1 Listen To What They’ve Got To Say. I had moved well and truly on with a great partner. While it is likely good news and suggests the odds are better that you two could get back together, it usually doesn’t mean that you can’t mess it up. Yeah, she reached out to me via Facebook, which she knew I did not use anymore and was set to private (got a notification via mail). I rebuffed everything and kept him blocked. If it’s unsuccessful, it Dec 27, 2018 · What to do if your ex contacts you during no contact. Personally I've never reached out to an ex - but my abusive ex of 5 years reached out to me. Both of us still want each other in our lives even as friends and i’m pretty much over her i’m just not sure what to do and i’m really frustrated. #7 Your game is on. And living with any kind of exploitation means someone else holds the command of your life. He emotionally abused her so much. I was unable to provide the support he needed at the time, as I had not healed and wasn't ready to let go of my trauma (my therapist says I didn't want to relinquish the power he had over me Reminder for myself in 8 years time. After all this time I reached out to her and apologized and just wished her well. Mutual-ish breakup. They can’t stop thinking about you. I can only speak anecdotally but I also just ended things with my ex after 10 months. They like to reach out to you to see if they made the right choice in ending the relationship for closure purposes. Well, take heart. It's our second breakup. Ex contacted me after a month It’s been a roller coaster ever since our breakup, felt like shit for the first 3 weeks but I just kept going day by day and finally felt free for the first time. My one ex who had done this exact thing to me 4 times over (I eventually learned lol) didn’t have diagnosed bpd as far as I know but he would always leave me for his ex and then when things stopped working out with her, he’d send me a text saying sorry and telling me how much he missed me and that we should meet up. put you squarely in the "friendzone", while she pursues other guys. I felt it is courtesy to reach out and inform her about the same. It got better without him. Two days back was my mom's first death anniversary and I messaged her in whatsapp. I go to gym work and aa and out patient because I'm 5 months sober and focusing on that she needs to stop I don't care how happy she is in her new relationship I'm like of course it's fun it's new give it 9 years. And he even explicitly said he misses you. I then posted a picture of my dog since it was his bday. He was sat across from me, confessing he was sorry for the way we ended. They know you and have a connection with you, so they feel curious and sad and want to be as supportive as they can be. Don’t put fake and arbitrary timelines on these things. Suffice it to say, if they had the power to abuse you, they also have the power to convince themselves that YOU caused the abuse, even though it was 100% their fault. My ex did the same thing, and in hindsight there are really only two reasons they ever come back, they are either bored or now alone because their rebound didn’t work out. Since then spoke on the phone and are texting quite regularly. Hell, if my ex reached out with a sincere apology and acknowledgement of what she did that hurt me, I'd speak to her again. Nobody knows for sure and his isn’t a science. I occasionally message to touch base in a friendly way and he always responds positively but never initiates messages with me. He didn't even apologize. My ex (who treated me horribly) just reached out on a new profile (i blocked the old one long ago) after almost 10 yrs of no contact 🙃 sappy message about how he’ll always love me and he’s not actually such an asshole. He said he needed space, we had come to a breaking point after fighting a lot and him pulling away and I told him that either this relationship should move forward or let me go. So figure out what your ex expects to gain from the apology and take it from there. Especially on multiple platforms. This is the most common reason he or she checks up on you. My ex reached out because my mother For now, it may not seem a very big deal for you, but trust me, it is gonna affect you in the long term. Even though there's been 2 years of NC where he doesn't know if you're single or still in love with him, he reached out. we’ve dated briefly around feb to march 2023, and I noticed a few red flags such as not having a lot of emotional depth, embarrassed me in front of his family (made a p*rn joke), and i broke up with him due to me feeling that he’s emotionally cheating on me (planned to meet an 18F It was harmless enough and I could help bring closure and a little solace, so we stayed in touch for a while (about a year) and then things naturally faded out. After I moved out of our place, he immediately went into dating apps. So she either: Deleted/lost my number and took some effort to track me down and message me; Wanted to go behind her fiance's back, so did not reach out to me via phone/whatsapp etc. Apr 5, 2021 · I used my private Facebook support group for this. When he reached out it reiterated why I left…it was such a “small” attempt …. It’s also weird she messaged me on fb. If she never reaches out, well, you’ll reach a point where you’ll laugh about it. I kind of forgot I wrote it and just went on with my life. Jan 12, 2024 · Why is my ex ignoring me after reaching out? Your ex could ignore you after reaching out because they may be testing the waters and gauging your reaction. I said im pretty fine and asked him how he is doing. I wrote, “He went out of his way to contact me and expressed his feelings to me”. He reached out to me over two years after leaving me and getting engaged 3 months later (surprise - they didn't work out) He didn't even apologize, just wanted to "check up on me. Once they reconnected with you, they might have realized they were still unsure or not ready to commit, prompting them to exit again. Hi all, as the title suggests my ex girlfriend of over 4 years (broke up 4 years ago as well) reached out to me out of the blue last week to say “I hope you and [dog’s name] are doing okay :(” I responded 2 days later telling her that I don’t think her current boyfriend of 8 months would appreciate her reaching out to me and she lashed Mar 5, 2018 · My ex (dumper) reached out after a few months to ask me to return something I have that he lent me 8 months ago. From what I have seen from many people it takes on average between 3-6 months, in some cases it did take more than a year. It's not like some weird breadcrumb of like "hey". I felt his resentment in his question and instantly that made me guarded and afraid of rejection. Often, you find yourself asking, “Why did my ex contact me after 20 years?” or “What does it mean when my ex contacted me after 10 years of zero contact? The avoidant ex (32 M) who had dumped me reached out to me this week. I'm convinced it was him trying to wish me a happy birthday. I’ve had exes reach out well over six months later- sometimes even years later. It hurt deeply to find this out. So when you don’t chase and you don’t reach out, they stop running. I did it to my ex and he asked me why I contacted him. Mar 5, 2018 · Hi, Me and my ex broke up 2 months ago. My life no longer revolved around him. You need to give your ex more time and continue to focus on yourself. It feels really shady and weird, I have a vibe it’s my ex. Mar 5, 2018 · If you don’t hear from your ex in the first 6 months, however, then your ex hasn’t found a reason to reach out yet. My ex reached out to me within 1 month of no contact. So, learn to be vocal. Now, when I unblock, it’s because I’m completely over the person. They might as well be addicted to you. It was all I needed to hear but I was no longer hurt. It’s important for you to do what’s best for yourself, and you don’t owe it to your ex to text him back. 1. I would never reach out but I would respond every time she contacted me. My ex hasn’t done that so i literally had to remove all of his stuff so i wouldn’t get the urge to text him. We were inseparable for 5 months, talked every single day, sometimes for hours on the phone when we couldn't see each other, and then on my 30th birthday she broke up with me completely out of the blue. One time, I had an ex I blocked who used a mutual friend to try to reconnect with me. At first I didn’t really mind it, we just kinda caught up and shot the shit. A few weeks later he finally reached out with just a fucking hey and I fell for it hook line and sinker Just leave it. In a nutshell, it’s someone getting unpredictable rewards for random behaviour. Eventually she texted my phone one night before bed just asking how I’ve been? This also reminded me of a series of events where he bullied me into being his girlfriend in the first place (I was a 14 year old lesbian and he was a 17-18 year old man) then tried to blackmail me into having sex with him by telling our friends I had raped him and then telling my mom I was gay, later leading to her kicking me out and all other He even told me he doesn’t see himself happy with me in the future. I had the same experience with my ex after I reached out to her after months of NC. It just made be so so pleased that I had moved on. It was so uncomfortable on my end as he was the one who My (27F) dismissive avoidant ex (39M) broke up with me in beginning of aug after 2. My ex boyfriend from also 10 years ago reached out to me in the meantime. You might be wondering, "When will my ex reach out if I am using the No Contact Rule?" In this video, My ex left me in a similar way (went out with friends, broke up with me suddenly after). This seems to explain so much of why my ex has reached out to me several times over the past few years but immediately once I would reply would go right back into taking 24-48 hours to reply and usually with low effort messages. I found if they didn’t block me I’ll hear from them at some point. He reached out through a friend several years later and apologized and it did help give some closure on the wounds. Same thing happened to me 3 months ago. **Disclaimer - This post doesn’t mean you should reach out to your ex lol. He sent a “funny” meme, nothing more. Aye that’s happened to me too, fool me once shame on you , fool me twice can’t put the blame on you, my ex did ghosted me before we were even together to run back to her ex, shit fucking hurt not gonna lie , having them ignore you etc, one day six months after we broke up I just went nc, karma can be a bitch Month 5 she starts making room in her bedroom so I can leave some of my stuff and wants me to meet her parents for Christmas. Oct 11, 2022 · Here are five things to do when your ex reaches out after years. I knew he wouldn’t reach out to me first). May 26, 2022 · People often ask when their ex will reach out to them. Having me come over and telling other women who he texts daily that he was with me, which they know I am his ex. I broke up because I wasn’t happy. The last contact we had was me asking how he was in response to a message he sent me. My ex fiancé left me 30 days before our wedding, in Lake Tahoe California. I’ve had my shot with you and I’ve learned my lesson, thank you very much. Reaching out to apologize to an ex for your hurtful actions can be really meaningful to them, as long as it's about making them feel validated and not just about Mar 5, 2018 · What your ex will do probably depends on how long after the breakup your ex reached out to apologize and what made your ex apologize. He never responded. He explained to me why he acted the way he acted before and during the breakup. If my recent ex reached out just to apologize, I would forgive him. I wouldn’t make the mistake of taking you back after everything you put me through. My ex used to break up with me before and then would say that he loved and we would get back. Apr 26, 2023 · Your ex reached out and then disappeared? 10 reasons why It’s normal for an ex to contact you after a break-up and then leave the conversation with loose ends. As much as it hurts, I have to accept it and I have no choice. When you've been together for so long, you never forget about those people, I have fond memories from. Will he ever reach out again? I want to move on but i dont want to lose him completely. I watch coach Lee's videos on YouTube and he always says to not ignore your ex and not to be hostile when they reach out so that's what I've been doing. It felt nice to hear her voice and to feel wanted by her again in some capacity. Nov 30, 2018 · When an ex suddenly gets in touch with you out of the blue, it can be a confusing and frustrating situation. It is important that you respond this way when your ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend Yes my ex loves me so much and he cares about me but he said he’s not a good partner for me that’s why he let me go. A dumpee will reach out to you when they are already past the breakup. When I turned around, he gave me a dirty look & turned and kept walking. Mar 1, 2021 · What do you do when your ex breaks no contact and reaches out? Do you ignore your ex? If you should respond, what should you say? Coach Lee explains and guid There are 2 things you need after a break up, time and her reaching out. If she doesn't reach out, she never cared all that much for you, everyone cracks at some point if they care for you. Making excuses for me to stay longer at his house. I love my husband now but I’ve learned independence. I reached out 5 years after to extend an olive branch. That's why I didn't reach out. I’d be mad to find out a friend or family member withheld that opportunity from me. So after we ended things for good, she sent me a "how are you, I hope you're doing well" text in January. She realised if she can develop any kind of feeling for some other person then maybe something is wrong in the relationship. Had another ex reach out this past year, but he is different. Found out 4 months later I was unblocked. No one continues to reach out to someone who won’t respond at all. Even though I push myself to be the best version of myself, not looking at the pictures of the two of us, doing nice stuff with friends, looking after my own physical and mental health. So rather than telling him the truth, that I fucked up and missed him. He still had my number and randomly texted me at like 2am one night asking me how I was. I was seething but tried to be mature and respectful because, high road and also because he has mental health and addiction issues. So, we basically have a private Facebook group for people who purchase the ex-boyfriend recovery program – my flagship course on getting your ex back or getting over your ex – so they can help and hear each other out. 5 years. Nov 23, 2022 · You also probably shouldn't reach out just to reiterate your point of view about what went wrong in the relationship, unless you really believe it'll help your ex feel better or grow. Unless your ex-partner was an abuser, listen to what they’ve got to say before deciding how to handle the situation. e. 5 months of breakup. Nov 11, 2019 · He wanted to reach out to me to tell me he had heard of my recent achievements and wanted to congratulate me, that he was proud of me and wishing me well. We've never been "finished business" with each other- even during the years we didn't talk. Lol. I had an ex (also my first) who really screwed me around and broke my heart. On the other hand, they might want to have a final conversation that may either reconcile things Nov 29, 2018 · If they've reached out and seem intent on getting back together, think about why your initial relationship failed. She It hit me that I had been putting my ex on a pedestal for so long! So I wrote down how I assumed my ex feels about me. He said that he just doesn't have the energy to be in a relationship right now. It was so painful for me, because he removed me in his Instagram yet followed a lot of girls. She completely blamed me for making her unhappy, a few days later, she start officially dating a guy from her past. If your ex continues to reach out, block their number so he can’t reach you anymore. It’s not a signal that I want the other person to reach out or that I’m going to reach out. And I am still missing him. She ended up calling from a random phone and left a voicemail asking to talk. I’ve mixed feelings about it. My ex (23M) and I (24F) have been on and off for almost two years now. We don't even listen to the same type of music and for 4 years never did she ask me about a song. I'm going to go against the grain and say something. If you do decide to reach out, do so with realistic expectations and an understanding that you cannot control the outcome. But say, you reached out, she came for coffee and you guys patch things, how long you think that relationship would last? One day they may reach out, but it's only right for you both to be fully healed before that happens. If your ex texts you during no contact this is what you should say to them in order to preserve your power and keep them missing you. 5 years and fiancee cheated on me and then dumped me and after trying to save it for a week and went back to the person she cheated on me with. But he won't reach out first if he is trying to respect your boundaries. g. You must be prepared to move on either way. In this article, I’ll introduce you to the concept of “bids for connection”, one of the quickest and best ways to strengthen emotional connection with your ex. Yeah would really like to know, I deeply love my ex we've been broken up for 4 months and the longest I went without reach out to her was 2 weeks and she said she wasn't ready to hangout yet. This isn’t a pitch, but I want to give you more context. I don’t think it’s possible for us to talk until their nervous system is more regulated and they are ready. If you need to apologize about anything, do it, and tell him you'd like to speak again. As mentioned, they may just contact you to see how you are. I wish I can tell him that we can still work it out because I still do love him but we tried it before and it didn’t work out. It instantly messed with my head. I reached out to my ex to confront him on abusive things he did to me. Went out with a few of my friends, glanced at my phone around 11:30pm to see my ex fiancee had texted me. She broke up with me in late November. Cut her off my ex-wife to text me she would just text me every once in a while out of the blue. My ex messaged me and greeted happy bday to my dog and I responded by just saying “thank you”. My last ex, I missed him the day after I broke up. A day before I promised to reach out, I found out that she already found another dance partner for the dance. When I hear from people who are No Contact after a breakup and the ex still keeps attempting contact anyway and the person eventually caves, this is Jan 14, 2019 · My boyfriend lives in England and I live in the USA…. I believe that if someone breaks up with you it’s because they are not happy. They wanted to avoid or feared confrontation. I found out through facebook that he met someone 2 weeks after he dumped me and he's still seeing her. Same I understand the confusion something similar happened to me 2 weeks ago. Lol Reply reply Jan 29, 2024 · Here are a few situations when your ex will reach out: ~ Your ex will contact you when they’re able to forgive. He was not ready to settle down with anyone and I (27M) being the anxious, caused him to feel claustrophobic. I read it a few times before I went to bed. It sorta reset me to square one for a couple of days. However, I did not and will not respond. About 6 years after that, he reached out to me. when men get a rebound, it’s normally to fill a void, because they cannot handle their emotions of not being in the relationship with you anymore by themselves and they need a distraction. In this article, we talk about the reasons dumpers apologize after the breakup and what to do when an ex reaches out to apologize. It sucks. After weeks of viewing my IG stories and I could just slowly get the feeling that she would reach out. Dec 21, 2024 · The possible motivations behind your ex's contact People rarely reach out after long periods of silence without reason. We didnt even speak. I met her a year after she was done with him. Context - Me and my girlfriend broke up at august , 2019 after 4 years of being in a relationship. Messy breakup. Why Am I Suddenly Dreaming About My Ex? Out of the blue, there they are—featuring front and center in your dreams like they just got a starring role. It was kinda mutual, in that he cheated on me but begged to stay and i left. We were young but it definitely stayed with me. yes, it did mean something to him. He was my first proper boyfriend and we were together for 2 years. My ex has blocked me and unblocked me at least three times in the past five years since we broke up. Hasn’t reached out in 2 months, but if I were in your situation I’d be conflicted also. "If an ex reaches out, If they reached out first/initiated I think it’s best to reply, just don’t say a lot and don’t respond like the minute you get the text. he even made it a big deal to say hello to my nieces which adore him beyond measure. It takes some amount of courage to reach out. We live together but he’s out of town this weekend and won’t be back til Tuesday. So my ex gf reached out to me pretty unexpectedly after 4 months of NC. Mar 13, 2022 · If you think talking to your ex is a bad idea and might bring up negative emotions, it’s okay if you don’t want to respond at all. My ex reached out to me last year on my honeymoon after 12 years of not being together or speaking to each other (horrible relationship followed by a god awful break up). With my ex, I was solely dependent on him. If you didn’t want the breakup and are wanting to reunite with your ex, when they reach out, it seems like all your dreams have come true. It seemed sincere & not like he is trying to comeback into my life, he just said how he treated me was shameful and has always weighed on his May 4, 2024 · When individuals reach out to an ex without informing or seeking consent from their current partner, they risk breaching trust and destabilising the foundation upon which their relationship is built. We ended up having an honest conversation and she said she missed me “desperately,” but still wanted to move forward. My ex from 6 years ago STILL reaches out. As a result, if/when we ever are able to talk again (about anything) will be up to them, my job as the dumpee/AP is to heal, fix my attachment style for Your ex may reach out, or he may not. Apr 7, 2023 · Maybe you’re wondering, “Is my ex-girlfriend testing me or ex-boyfriend?” If so, the following reasons will help you better understand your ex’s behavior: Your ex is trying to get back with you. We have been back together since end of Aug and I couldn’t be happier! After close to 20 years, my ex wife reached out to apologize. To say I'm still scarred after she left and apparently felt like picking my bones is an understatement. Backstory, my ex spouse of 9 years with whom I share two young children left me 9 months ago. It's been almost 8 months since I last heard from her which is the longest we've gone with no contact since breaking up. I’m indifferent at that point. It’s Hi M/26 my girlfriend F/27 told and showed me this morning that her ex reached out to her. You need not wait until the very last official day of no contact to talk with her if she is right there for the taking. Turns out she was in a 12 step program and got to the step where she was supposed to make up with those Yeah, so my ex returned after three months too. Ex reached out after going on 3. TLDR: Ex reached out after 10 years, broke it off with my current who was fine with it more than I was, ex and I got back together, dream of having a child came true, didn’t lose anyone in my life and honestly couldn’t be happier. In past relationships when an ex reached out it was always a few months later. My first ex I only started missing him after 2 months when he initiated NC on his terms, and I could no longer access him as I wished. Fast forward two years! Over the years my ex would reach out every couple of months through various platforms or people to apologize to me. I was over him. 5 yrs into the NC, during the pandemic, he spotted me on the street & tried to get my attention by yelling something. Me and my ex were separated before and he blocked me because I was begging. I broke up with him cause he would say nasty things to me when we fought. She text me on holidays until I stop texting back at all and she was with someone else and getting my things money even have been engaged or getting married, after a while of not replying to any of her messages not with you not sending any email not 1 day ago · Deciding whether to reach out to an ex requires careful consideration of your motivations, the nature of the relationship, and your emotional state. It may not feel like it, but if he doesn’t reach out, he’s doing you a favor. My dumb ass sent him a request and he immediately accepted it and said nothing. . My ex reached out to me for a good 5 months after we broke up. Last week my ex (41M) liked me on a dating app. May 9, 2022 · I essentially argue that, Avoidants are free to long for an ex once that person is unavailable out of the relationship, and typically out of contact so they are untouched by actual engagement and their deactivation systems aren’t triggered, revealing their long-suppressed attachment and switching their operating attachment wound from the fear of engulfment to fear of abandonment. The last breakup was so awful I knew I HAD TO keep him out of my life forever and miraculously that NC lasted 3 YEARS. Part of me has regrets, especially when the ex / bio mum is making my life as a stepmum difficult. Between the two of us, there was a lot of built up and unresolved tension, seemed like we needed closure (Even though you're the only person that can TRULY give yourself closure). He said good and blocked me. When your ex is coming back after months of no contact, it must be your discretion how you handle the It’s been two months since my BU. He reached out saying he missed me/ wanted to see me, but they were all (I think) drunk texts so I stopped responding after the last time (we never actually met up since our BU). As someone who recently blocked their ex, I can say there is a reason they blocked you, probably so that they can heal on their own from the breakup. he will not hold hands and does not like sex and told me he just wants to live alone…his other excuse is that I am too far away and that his Jan 21, 2024 · Scientists say dreams help us process emotions, so an ex appearing in them allows you to work through unresolved feelings. Edit: should actually clarify, my most recent ex has actually reached out 4 times since our break up 5 months ago, but not to reconcile. Dated him for 4 years, he was my first love and broke my heart countless times. Unfortunately my AP tendencies got the best of me and I kept telling him how disappointed I felt, that he needed therapy and he needed to change - which naturally My avoidant ex reached out about 9 months after I broke it off due to lack of intimacy and stonewalling. Concern is when they are turned back at you almost 100% and they are beginning to doubt the breakup. He or she could still be resentful, happy in the new relationship, or not convinced that talking to you is a good idea. i got out of a mentally, emotionally, and physically abusive relationship over 6 years ago. She was nice and all, but we weren’t that close. I wish in a way that the kids were mine as I love them so much. When he messaged me, he never even said sorry but rather, he wanted to gain sympathy from me for his past behavior and to change the image I had of him. Feb 1, 2021 · I’ve reached out to my ex multiple times since we broke up 1 and a half years ago. My 3rd ex reached out to me off and on for about a year and half after she broke up with me. This is why an ex is an ex. Who cares if he is ignoring you. The last ex that reached out to me was my high school boyfriend, who I dated for three weeks back in like, 2007 lmao. The most My ex reached out after 2 weeks and 6 days of no contact. My ex reached out last night so I really needed this. Not me reaching out, but my ex reaching out to me. They might be in that place when trying to forget you. I think it’s best to stay away from each other and focus on feeling your grief and healing. I lied I told him I was just curious how he was doing and wanted to be his friend. Mar 5, 2018 · If your ex’s friends are contacting you, asking you questions, and being nice to you, they’re probably surprised by what has happened. My gf of 3. We briefly chatted but it didn't go anywhere. hi redditors, i could use some advice. Mind you I was also in high school at this time, he’s reached out to me a few times over the past few years. Don’t get comfortable and slide back into old habits. But through an instagram account. ” So I've been doing no contact for a while, he first reached out to me within 3 weeks of me doing no contact, it was positive. 1) He keeps checking your social media. I reached out to her and she is kind of scummy. 100%. My ex reached out to me, although upong confronting her about it, it was supposed to be a "Her breaking ties" and finally moving on. So, after being in no contact for 3 months. After the breakup, she asked me through my mutual friend whether I would still dance with her, I didn't give an answer to that friends. Your ex seems like she’s testing the waters. Nah don't. I miss her. Exactly one year ago, my mom passed away. I got a new boyfriend and when my ex found out, he tried to fight my new partner, and my new partner didn’t back down which scared my ex off. 3 weeks after I told her not to talk to me again, she texted asking if she could call and ask me about a song. Aug 14, 2016 · It's almost the weekend and you're getting ready to head out and meet the girls for dinner and a few cocktails. Never replied, never heard from her again. About 2. Thank you. obwosw ocjks zkzbx sgrtm syemz arko gkrf mey gnnqlv nygbhw