Groovy find element in json array. Groovy: Find duplicates in Multiple … groovy.

Groovy find element in json array def InputJSON = new JsonSlurper(). MODE_OBJECT_ARRAY ); jsonConfig. String. However I would like to do it with Thanks Mark! I know that's the correct way to define array/hashmap in groovy, but I'm asking about the gradle. So, it will perform worse if the array is large. Eliminate consecutive duplicates of list elements. find, I'd like to point out that find will return when it finds a match, whereas filter will go through every item in the array. You can check if a Imagine that we have an json array with elements like this: { "id" : 123456, "name": "TEST" } So I want to get random element from array that has id. Retrieve Index of a an Element in an Array of Arrays in Groovy. JsonBuilder() def root = builder. Hot Network Questions How do Protestants make claims to follow scripture and ignore the traditions of the ancient church which produced the scriptures? Comparison of some NA countries SF movie I saw on TV about 20 years ago: If you have a fairly small number of "people" objects, then the previous answers will work for you. Get type of value within JSON object using Groovy. Postman - How to get a value from a JSON array inside a JSON object. You then loop through the array for (int i = 0; i < array. After all manipulations my JSON should be like this: After all manipulations my JSON should be like this: I am newbie to groovy. You can take additional measures to protect the code in case the array is not set or empty: How to merge 2 JSON Arrays in Groovy? 2 (Groovy) Add multiple values to an ArrayList. *$)-> "$1" EvaluateJsonPath - extract string from context $ into Key attribute Hi Morten, When i am using this groovy script its working fine but all fields are shuffling. json In this article, we’re going to describe and see examples of how to work with JSON in a Groovy application. gateway. It represents a single row of a separate SQL query. size() // convert each item in the Json array to be an item of the orderItems list List orderItems = someResponse. splice(arr. E. Parse I'm trying to get a list of ID's from a JSON array in Groovy. Your JSON response may also contain arrays. Simpler way to get duplicates from a list in groovy Groovy: Find duplicates in Multiple groovy. split("\\. JsonSlurperClassic(). I have a rest API to test and I have to compare two json responses. It offers a simple way to parse and build the data into JSON format. 3. findAll() as JSON } This will return every person in the database with their name, address and age all in one JSON request. JsonSlurper() slurper. attributes[0]. 21. ashleedawg. There is a variable number of elements that go into the hsps array. Groovy JsonBuilder, array inside an array. parseText(packageString). How to remove Duplicate Values from a list in groovy. parseText(json) Then; def result = parsedjson. Modified 5 years, 9 months ago. * def json = new JsonSlurper(). No need to iterate the keyset and look for the key. Let’s have a look at following example to I'm trying to filter by value an array in my Json with Jsonpath. C. getList("orders"); // So now because we have the size of the list, we also have the size of the original array int orderCount The above will remove one element (second parameter) starting at 1st index (first parameter). Both files to compare should contains the same elements but order might be different. parse json; get first element list[0] serialize result back into json; As a code reference look at this documentation: https://groovy-lang This is working fine in the online jsonquerytool. In the following example I show how you can simply print the results to the console. Returning from a loop in groovy. Also, it has been casted to the String that means this array has elements of type String. – J. Postman: Get array values from JSON Array and set them as postman variables. def parsed = new JsonSlurper(). how to add array in another array's element using groovy. My requirement is i have to append a json into a json. parseText(body) And then for each entry in the SerialNumbers list, we can create a new object containing the value with the required key: def newBody = json. Deleting an element from an array in PHP. How I can get the size of the array on this JSON file using groovy script. Stack Overflow. parseText(hash) // => a hashmap slurper. Checking the value in the If you already have a JSON object, you can do: println jsonObject. Yet your example above does not contain a System. I want to do different things if I get zero results, one result, and more than one result. event{ type "model_output_load_init" time new Timestamp(date. I know how to get the ID's using the regular FOR loop, but I would like to know how to do the same with the each method. tags. 'makes'[0]. Specific to your question, the best way coding the desired result is: How do I find the length of a JSON array, and take different actions? I'm making an HTTP request to an API that returns a JSON array. I assume this is because it is returning an integer because other similar queries which are returning strings are working fine with json extractor . json. addAll method remove the elements from original array. It filters data by using a "function to test each element of the array. – gomerudo. size() java; json; groovy; Share. Each curly braces refers to a separate itinerary, how to I count those tags in a groovy script step. Given that your example has IDs in the 8000 range, I suspect looking at every single ID might not be ideal. Btw, what if there are several or zero elements in the list? So, your algorithm. If you take a look at JsonParserCharArray. An array is fixed size, so once initialized, you can't add any new elements to it - you can only replace existing elements. you can do that with import groovy. For this Skip to main content. The shortest route would be data. Add a comment | 0 . Iterating over range and indexing in array in groovy. In your original array there's only one item occurrence of each name. Any help will be much appreciated. RoomSearchResult. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company In you JSON profile, is the "itemDetails" element configured as an "absolute array" or a "repeating array?" As long is the inbound lines are within the same document I don't see why you could't produce a combined output in JSON format as desired. Groovy - JsonSlurper Parsing JSON file. Rao Rao. TupleConstructor @TupleConstructor class LastAwareIterator<T> implements Iterator<T> { Iterator itr boolean I have the following class: class Foo { int a String b } When I convert from object to string using json builder: new JsonBuilder(foo). Array. ip. 59. Need to filter out the whole stringval and save into Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company JsonSlurper class uses JsonParser interface implementations (with JsonParserCharArray being a default one). Then I used jsonSlurper instead of jsonBuilder in order to use removeAll() How to assert array json in groovy. Therefore, the size of the Set, unique, will not increase for that iteration, and thus, it will cause Array. name, it. What am I missing? Attempting to retrieve a value from a JSON array in Groovy. Suppose the response ( approvalList. With the take() method we get items from the beginning of the List. lang. setRootClass( Integer. The code below will print the example results: [2290, 2063] 2290 2290. 4. Using the below JSON output from How to write those methods so they could find the index of element in rolesToModify list by the key "name" being equal to "administrator" and then to be able to find index in permissions list by the key "operation" being equal to "CanSeeRequest"? def configMap = new groovy. to. There is only one level of information (i. I want to get the countryid of with the value of 845, however this json is dynamic so i want to get the last element in the seats object. Follow edited Jan 20, 2012 at 7:53. parseText(jsonInputString) json. To remove items from the beginning of the List we can use the drop() method. I need to find number of available itineraryPrice available. { "TEST-A": That response is a Map, with a single element with key '212315952136472'. See more linked questions. This class allows you to easily parse JSON data and access its elements. value println parsed def result = parsed. Remove square brackets means get rid of the list and keep only one element of this list. flatten() // Merge them into a single list . Follow edited Mar 23, 2018 at 8:06. Based on the count I'm going to create a loop and parse elements one by one. user801116 user801116. Which JSON content type We can generate an object-type json by groovy's json builder: def builder = new groovy. 802. json as JSON. You can't ensure order in a for. Convert JSON Objects from JsonSlurper back to an appended I've written the following groovy script in SOAPUI to execute an assertion on a JSON response. ) is used to invoke an action on all items of an aggregate object. I'm able to fix the initial key of an array using the put/remove, but can't seem to do the same with the key values of the array. Commented Aug 7, 2019 at 13:17. Could someone please guide me with the kind of code to use in Groovy? I have seen several answers out there but I'm not able to modify them aptly for the JSON body I have. We then sort them and grab the last one. Hot Network Questions Should all sessions expire after disabling 2FA? Help with AnyDice calculation for 3d6, reroll Basically the difference is how they deal with null values. pm. parseText(array) // => an array Share. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company The class comes with a bunch of overloaded parse methods plus some special methods such as parseText, parseFile and others. However, using this as a guide, you can see how to extract the data into whatever kind of data structure that suits your purpose. 0. It seemed easy to first create a list with items to be removed and then use the collections minus operation to remove them from the target list. def jsonObj = [ keys: [ passcode: secretCode ], values: [ EmailAddress:emailData. It was not easy to do in a loop as after removing the first item, the index position of the remaining ones changes. It means that I "remember" the value at each loop iteration and you don't, for you the closure executed after def json = new groovy. It parses a JSON String and recursively converts it to a list or map of objects. Get string from array in groovy. Here's my code that works just fine using the regular for loop. But it seems that nothing will work. find() (this question has nothing to do with postman or JSON btw, it's about finding a specific element in an array) – user5734311. Because the "dog" you are looking for is inside of an array, then you may also use filter function, which returns always an array of items that much the filter criteria. If the array contains multiple elements with the same name and you want them all then use filter, which will return an array. 'searchKey' is the key you are looking for. MissingMethodException: No signature of method: java. My api is structured like this. (Note: Neither of the previous solutions handle duplicates!)If you want to code it yourself To parse a JSON file and read the JSON elements in Groovy, you can use the JsonSlurper class provided by Groovy. In Groovy, you can access array item by using square bracket with an index ([index]) or using getAt(index) function. After used the standard function XML to JSON in a iflow I need remove the "element", beelow an example. toJava( Json Array syntax dictates that in order to have an array, your object must be formatted as: Right now you have the outer square brackets ( [] ) as curly braces ( {} ). people { person { firstName 'Guillame' lastName 'Laforge' // Named arguments are valid values for objects too address( city: 'Paris', country: 'France', zip: 12345, ) married true // a list of values conferences 'JavaOne', 'Gr8conf' } } def I'm pretty new to Groovy (and json) and being playing around with this code trying to get it to work, almost but not quite getting there and need a little help So what I'm trying to do is parse an existing json file and then add/append additional entries as in below example: Original Json Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company I am new to groovy and trying 1) from the output of prettyPrint(toJson()), I am trying to get a list of values from a specific key inside an json array using groovy. I know a value for name but I need to know on which position the id is. internal. How to create an array with a JsonBuilder in groovy. util. tag == 'TAG1' }?. json. } ''' def json = new I want to find the index of the FIRST occurrence of an element, for example [3]. overall is a map. The classes dedicated to JSON serialisation and parsing are found in the groovy. "System. name = null This is possible, because new JsonSlurper(). In many cases the code can become simpler you can define a default value: i searched and tried out a lot of things to solve my problem. Follow edited Dec 25, 2019 at 16:59. Hope this helps! Share. In the code, I found the player who has the max ppg value. toString()). length). isAssignableFrom(Class<?>) and Class. attributeDetail. jsonPath(). There usually is no reason to that with string replacements -- it has just to much potential to mess something up. I have a test. Share. Loop through the properties of the object. smeeb. test("Validate value count", function { pm. About; Products OverflowAI; Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Groovy has built-in JSON support; import groovy. Groovy Json - get array element size and parse with element count. Improve this answer. Modify JSON in Groovy. You can with enough trickery (i. def index = my_array. parseText(s) assert ! myFind(configMap)["value"] Below is my groovy code where I am framing a command using json data, but json data have different types data like list in array, or only single variable so can any one please tell me how to find data type of a variable. JSONArray jsonArray = (JSONArray) JSONSerializer. Groovy - access element of json. As suggested by @Chris, you can use the built-in JsonSlurper to parse the JSON and then navigate the parsed results as a Map. We have to split initialization from building a JSON body, because things like new JsonBuilder(). In those cases, regular for loop with break statements should be preferred. You should have followed the question itself in the post, that has the answer. You should call to length function to get how many objects in there and check your expected size . I don't know if you're using grails as well in this situation though, for pure Groovy go with another answer here. getTime()) status "success" } Finding an element within an array that contains an array with a given string: JsonPath Java 6 Using JSONpath in REST ASSURED java want to extract the data which are in array Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Concatenation of JSON Arrays/Objects using Groovy. Hi guys! Hi Guys, I need some help in a conversion XML to JSON in SAP CI/CPI. find{ value -> value == 2290} println result result = parsed[0] println You can first create a new json object, and than pust the elements to it: import groovy. Hot Network Questions Juno Deorbit in 2025? Hatching a region bound by a line and a broken line Why did the US Congress ban TikTok and I assume the OP is asking for the exclusive disjunction between two lists. filter has better browser support than Array. How to sort json data in groovy in alphabetic order? 0. each{json = json[it]} There is no key with the name makes[0]. Groovy - Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Visit the blog How can I drop the field "text" from the JSON array? I have looked around but could not find anything specific to using GSON (which is what I am using for parsing the JSON and adding customized elements as well). * def text = ''' { "results" : [ <omitted rest to save space> . toPrettyString() In this example we pass a list of elements created with (1. The Spread Operator (*. So to be clear: to remove the last element use this: var arr = favorites. Custom Sort Groovy JSONArray - Custom def json = new groovy. I want to implement a function in Java which can take the JSON array, value and return a JSON String with all elements with passed value, Example: public String returnSearch(JSONArray array, String searchValue){ // let us say if the searchValue equals John, this method // has to return a JSON String containing all objects with // the name John } Also we are not searching within an array, but within a JSON object, and based on the answers, having a consistent key name (in this case "name"). parseText(mockRequest. Of course you could filter out the results but its an additional step For instance, json. link } If you know it's a single-element Map then you can directly access the link: Parsing array of JSON arrays in Groovy Hot Network Questions Can projects used C/C++ now achieve good operational efficiency (user experience) with a convenient language like Python by quantum CPU? Convert the JSON string to an object. I think this is the index of the element in array [3] not in array my_array. This example actually searches for a particular key and returns all values for all instances of that key. getJSONObject(i); which Groovy has a built in support to work with JSON data – be it with the literal data or the the Java objects in memory. I'm not sure how to implement that. Then method find { it. The list is: List<Map<String, String>> studentList = [{id=1,name=John,[email protected]},{id=2,name=Peter,[email protected]},{id=3,name=James,[email protected]}] A list of elements as arguments to the The requirements aren't clear but if you want to dynamically find the elements you want to update, you could do something like this: def json = new JsonSlurper(). If it has null values, things can get tricky and containsKey(key) or get(key, default) should be used to detect of the element really exists. Fieldid values changes with every build, What do not change is fieldName&quot;: &quot;TX. In second example, the array is directly declared with initial values. decodeJsonObject() method at line 139 you will see that if parser sees } character, it breaks the loop and finishes decoding I would prefer using the Groovy Spread Operator. // Test classes assert ArrayList in Collection assert ArrayList in List assert HashSet in Collection assert HashSet in Set // Test objects def list = [] as ArrayList def I have invoiceList as below which is a List&lt;Map&lt;String:String&gt;&gt; and am trying to findout if all the invoices have same SENDER_COUNTRY and CLIENT_COUNTRY or not, if not it will add messa How to write the above code in Groovy? Actually, its a grails application where I want to do similar thing above. use('person') { Person. If you want to loop through all entries, use something like this: JSONObject userJson = JSON. For the next example we will use the parseText method. JsonBuilder(list). Value is array. toString() Which will give you the same, but in json format (with I have the data mapped and all works if there is data available for each potential instance of the array. How to append JSON built using JsonBuilder to other JSON using groovy? 2. Convert list of strings into JSON with Groovy. JsonSlurper parse JSON. . Those parsers check char by char what is the current character and what kind of token type it represents. Like any array in Java or Groovy, you can access an array element using arrayName[index]. to[0], message: content. Below is To parse a JSON array in Groovy, you can use the built-in JsonSlurper class. phone] } // grab the name and phone for each Share. How to append JSON built using JsonBuilder to other JSON using groovy? 5. Append json into existing json file using Groovy. customdev. length - 1, 1); See your code on JsFiddle. And in the Mock service: Share. collect {} to a root node. 8. My column looks like this in database: secti The class comes with a bunch of overloaded parse methods plus some special methods such as parseText, parseFile and others. I want to get the productLines for the prodType ULTRA for the Json array below. Change it to square brackets and your code should run correctly. Groovy iterate over Arraylist of Maps. Column name is "sections" and column type is json[] in below example. periods gives you an access to the array stored in your JSON document. My code as follows: JSON constructed by me: def builder = new groovy. value. Add a comment | 3 . When I use this query in the JMeter json extractor, it is returning null. I am using findIndexOf. json") def json_output = readJSON text: json_file def json = new JsonSlurper(). values() // Get all the lists . Each property will be an element in the JSON. dependencies. how can I get the last element in the json array in the seats object. ReplaceText - the result of previous step is non-valid json because you have an array of strings in Key. If the property is not the element causing problems, move on to the next one. Sessionval. expect(pm. quote. You can just modify the map before writing it back as JSON. core. Unfortunately the names, the type (simple, array) and the number of keys (root, nodeXYZ) are also not known. For example, I want to Find "New" from the above one. length(); i++) and retrieve each JSON object by calling array. The issue I am encountering is that I have 4 potential instances, and the mapping differs slightly for each instance. JSON File { "FormElements": [ { "ButtonLabel": [ "New", "Done", "Save as draft", "Submit", "Next", "Finish" ], "XPath": "//*[text()='LABEL']" } ] } From the above JSON to find a particular item in the array. I am using groovy and I have a collection : person 1: age - 1, weight - 25 ; person 2: age - 2, weight - 20 ; person 3: age - 3, weight - 25 ; I need to find all persons whose age or weight is in the list of valid age/weight returned by a method called getValidAgeForSchool() or getValidWeightForSchool() ex. response. Provide details and share your research! But avoid . How to append something to an array? Hot Network Questions Any three sets have empty intersection -- how many sets can there be? Is there a connection between Selberg's conjecture and the Burgess Bound / The Weyl Bound? LM5121 not working properly American Find all elements. sequence == 1 } returns a node from this array where sequence field is equal to 1. tag == 'TAG2' }?. To do this first convert map to list of map with key-value pairs as needed in question. Instead there is an array of makes and you are interested on the first one. data. As you can see in the result-array there are also other arrays like "kl", "su" and "ro" I am getting the content of these array and then i store them in an arraylist. you have to wrap string in content with doublequotes: (?s)(^. keySet() If you don't, you will need to create one. Iterating through an array when there is a single element. It contains a list of rows returned from a SQL query. getBody(java. 7. JsonOutput def Message processData(Messagemessage){ def body =message. JsonBuilder, the expected way to serialize would be:. Groovy allows you to access and modify any Map entries using dot notation, e. JsonBuilder() def root=builder. General. JsonBuilder() def result1 = json { response result } println json. 6. get the value of an element based on its sibling, when the sibiling element is an array containing a specific value. The provided function may perform any kind of operation on the elements of the given array. All the examples of findAll() I have come across do simple comparisons when the array is constructed natively in Groovy, but how do you filter a Collection that you receive from a Java class? Groovy Array. how to access every key value in . The classes below define a custom iterator that dynamically injects a readonly last property into each element and a custom List implementation for returning the custom iterator. How can I do that in Groovy in the most comprehensive way? String strList = new groovy. e. Using groovy. SNumber] } Now, I get a RestResponse approvalList which I store as list and return to caller as return approvalList. keys (ES5, shimmable) returns an array of the object's keys. Remove brackets from array in groovy. Convert JSON structure into Array : First, I sort the array in descending order, then I choose the first element which contains the max value. Improve this question. results. TYPE ); int[] output = (int[]) JSONSerializer. SerialNumbers. Simply create a new instance of JsonSlurper and use it to parse the JSON array. Follow edited Apr 25, 2017 at 16:11. eq(2); }); I have searched quite much on this and still unanswerable. A Map gets converted to JSON map and not JSON array. import groovy. I have done SOAP based work before. find { it. How do I get the index of the element [3] in the my_array? In Jmeter when trying to extract data from Json object everything is ok and works great but, when i have array of Json objects can't extract it. I am essentially mapping it to result in this:: “Items” : [ { Trying to filter selective index. The relevant code looks like this: Hi I'm new to REST and JSON response. Any of the mentioned methods (add and push) does not exist for Java (and thus Groovy) arrays. Here's one way to do it in Groovy. forEach() method calls the provided function once for each element of the array. we try to add each object from the obj. Have you attempted to use the Combine Documents feature of the Data Process shape? Generally speaking, an array can contain no elements, a single element or several elements - in your case, the array only contains a single object. It is actually a combination of Class. 6k 9 9 gold Find max speed from Json array using javascript. 1 we can use the methods take() and drop(). To go deeper use above dot-syntax to follow the path down. JavaScript However, if I have some input string given from user like "20394875apple29038475" or "i love apples" and I want to check if any of the strings in a string array are present in the user given string regardless of upper/lower case, how can i do this in groovy? Let's imagine the string array we are checking to have fruits like ("apple","banana Am new to Groovy and am having trouble converting an array to JSON. '@angular/core' Share. "). Does anyone have any idea? Thank you in advance. collect { [SerialNumber: it. Groovy: find a particular item from JSON array. sort() is applicable for argument types: (Controller$_closure2_closure8) values: [. In general, this depends what your map contains. I have a list of map that I want to convert into JSON array in Groovy. answered Apr 24, 2017 at 17:43. Controller$_closure2_closure8@5976ac5b] groovy JSON pretty string do not sort. My Groovy script is creating a JSON file that looks like this: JSON output. Tags". We can then parse this json into a variable. LazyMap object. parse(new File(fileName)) def count = InputJSON. Return true to keep the element, false otherwise. I get the array of maps and uses findIndexValues to get the index but it doesn't work. To parse a JSON array in Groovy, you can use the built-in JsonSlurper class. JsonSlurper //Define Variables for each element on JSON Response String AccountID, AccountClosed, AccountOwner, AccountSeqNumber, AccountTotal, ActMoneyBelt String CLMAccountID, ThemeDataRevision, Lines, MoaOrderIdentifier, OutstandingBalance, SaveAccount, TrainingMode, CustName, AccountNumber String An alternative would be to process each array element with a subtemplate (the second triple quoted text you pasted) using collect instead of each. Retrieve dynamic objects within JSON object and put to an array Groovy. " The following function filters the data, returning data for which the callback returns true, Find in JSON array by manually entered ID. My code. 2889. String)asString def I have the following array of arrays in groovy. value = 'updated tag2' Modify nested arrays in JSON Now I want to add double quotes to the strings of this array so that the final result would be: ["one", "two", "three"] Note that I do want the square brackets to be included as well. remove(0);" but it removes everything in my array. But it is not updating the actual JSON array. jsonFieldName. Asserting Json The getList() method of JsonPath can be used effectively to convert the array into a list of objects that can then be used with . How to add json field to required json and at particular place using groovy? 0. Ask Question Asked 8 years, 7 months ago. We pass the number of items we want as an argument to the method. in loop, so we can't completely rely on that. ResourceItemID. test array into the Set idSet; every entry within the Set element must be unique. Tags key, but you code there would work in general (yet inefficient) once you dont' double-parse the json. How do i access arrays inside a map in groovy? 2. 2. e nothing has any children). In my Groovy code, I've got two variables declared: results is an array of maps. transform. arrays; grails; groovy; iteration; Share. What we are trying to achieve here is. Commented Feb 27, 2019 at 9:22. I'm having difficulty writing the assertion to extract and assert on Weather > main > Clouds property and value of the JSON response. isInstance(Object) meaning that you can use it to test classes as well as objects. def slurper = new groovy. Groovy to create JSON. When you use JsonSlurper and parse a JSON document with it, it differentiates arrays, objects and their attributes correspondingly, and creates appropriate Groovy data structures to represent the parsed JSON. asked Mar 23, 2018 at 7:58. 1. sap. json response example: { JSON is specific to Grails (as mentioned in one of the comments in the answer from the previous post). For example, we can get the "title @FrankLeverenz I'm not sure, have you read my update, but I'll repeat here: inside the loop I'm taking the value of t and put it into JSON; you, on the other hand, declare the closure {}, that will be executed later, on demand (when you call builder. findIndexOf { it == [3] } However, this returns -1. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Finding the max value Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company First of all you should convert response to json and find value path. Maybe I just understand it wrong. answered Jan 20, 2012 at 7:40. json(). items; arr. If the property is the You have a list of objects in json. I am trying to convert a JSON Array body into XML. 'name' As you can see here there is an additional step to resolve the index operator. But when one of these array is empty, like; Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Fetch value from json array key starts with @ Ask Question Asked 5 years, 9 months ago. getAsJsonArray("array"). Here is the original JSON: { "input_query": { "discount_guid Since Groovy 1. I tried following but no luck, def json_file = readFile("sample. smeeb groovy. The similar approach can be used to find the values from the JSON Array based on any input data from the JSON. Assuming that the JSON is like so (I have corrected it; there are illegal chars in the original question): Is this pass by reference? I am able to find the element and edit as well. Using Angular to search through JSON. value = 'updated tag1' json. Groovy I want to grab id, day inside stats array and elements from sex array. Here is the code: The following should find the node with a postal_code type. Filter Extracting values from the JSON arrays by executing a function for each element of the array. collect { [it. 3k 12 12 gold badges 62 62 silver badges 80 80 bronze badges. Convert JSON structure into Array : Groovy. size('apps') Can anyone help me to get the result as size of the array is "3" ? Thanks. Here's an example: println item. cost&quot;. Message;import groovy. The following hardcoded line retrieves the name attribute: def result = json. properties file which (according to the Peter's answer) is not groovy but a java properties file. If and when duplicated ids are found, it cannot be added to the Set. Although Array. Return Value − The find method returns the first value found or null if no such element exists. I want to get the long_name of the country in the JSON below. toJSON( input ); JsonConfig jsonConfig = new JsonConfig(); jsonConfig. unique() with return [1,2,3] But if I want to detect duplicate value for duplicate, non-consecutive items in a list. You can find more useful examples in Groovy's official documentation. ages [2,3] or weight [20,25] Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company How to add an element to a nested element of json using groovy. pop() ]; Object. I have JSON output coming from the server like the following that I'm trying to clean up the key values to reduce their length and remove their spaces. 3). Hot Network This is the problem that I'm trying to resolve. – I know that in Groovy, if list = [1,2,3,1] when list. In other words, the size of resulting collection is the same as the size of input when using collect. In the above JSON file created with a single array along with multiple elements (name, value pair) I want to calculate how many elements are there in the array [Apps] using groovy. findAll { it. The JSON computed should have all the values from my array list, but it is storing only the last one. With the stringfied JSON you can do: If that was the case, look at the following snippet to convert json array to java array. Basically, my output is right but the script adds unnecessary quotes to the element. How in my example in groovy (java) to automatically detect the json field type? 0. root([]) or I want to get the count elements(key-value pairs) of the above JSON object. Modified 1 year, 9 months ago. import com. But as you said the keys are in ascending order, we can simply sort them. Hot Network Questions Argument refuting discreteness of spacetime SMD resistor 188 measuring 1. JsonSlurper(). Method I have tried var highest = json[ Object. Related. 3 Groovy JsonBuilder array of objects. Thanks! Sample If you are looking for a Groovy way, look at in operator. If you try to add a new element to the array, you will get IndexOutOfBoundsException. collect when sees null will collect it, while findResults won't pick it. def parsedPackageString = new groovy. JSON structure string in groovy. * def json_req = '''{ "books": [ ] }''' def json = new JsonSlurper You could try my (*heavily borrowed from various sites) recursive method to go through all JSON objects and JSON arrays until you find JSON elements. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company I have a JSON response due to security reasons I had to take a screenshot and post it here. json File looking like this. Viewed 83k times 16 . This article will show the various Get an Array Element. Below you can find a structure of the file. All well so far. There's no 'data' key in the Map. toPrettyString() Share. Hot Network Get an Array Element. fields. JsonSlurper def parsedjson = new JsonSlurper(). Follow I'm sending request, and in result I have json response, which I want to parse with help of groovy code: {"List": [ { "id": 1, " Skip to main content Stack Overflow I have two JSON objects of the same structure - an original and one which I want to compare it to. In order to do that, I filter the adress_components by types[0] == "country" but it doesn't seem to work. message ] What can I do to fix this so that I can parse the array JSON objects into my sortname and name variables? json; groovy; jsonslurper; Share. 5k Ohm Looking for help understanding how I might calculate telekinetic strength in my story What does "the ridge was offset at right angles to its For some reason the array contains 100 items after Groovy code is executed. JsonSlurper import groovy. Next, all elements are joined using ,\n , like this import groovy. Therefore, in the data map, I have script that passes null values to the instance if no data on origin field. def requests = [ [name: 'HSV Maloo', make: 'Holden', year: 2006, country: 'Australia'] ] StringWriter writer = new StringWriter() StreamingJsonBuilder builder = new StreamingJsonBuilder(writer) I want to assert the value of a property in Json response with the use of Groovy script in SoapUI. some() to return true, which denotes You can access and modify any nested field of JSON object directly, e. If the results or address_components ever have multiple list items you would have to adjust accordingly by replacing the indexed access with some iteration, but hopefully this helps. How to add an element to a nested element of json using groovy. How to find the array length in JMeter json extractor? You can either get the first item of the array or find based on the value itself. Commented Apr 9, 2022 at 11:07. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company I could use some help with writing a Groovy script to flatten and split JSON into multiple JSON-s based on nested array elements. parseText(json). Access Array Items. 11624. parseText(json_output) println json. How to update a key value in JSON dynamically? 1. Jenkins pipeline Parameter to hold an array. collect { [key: "Key for ${it}", value: "Value for ${it}"] }) } println builder. First, you need to read the JSON file using FileReader or any other method to get the JSON data as a String. – Jayesh Dhandha. Once parsed, you can access the elements of the array Groovy comes with integrated support for converting between Groovy objects and JSON. I have tried "data. This code will output each item in the JSON array: You can also access individual Groovy Json - get array element size and parse with element count. JsonBuilder def builder = new JsonBuilder() builder { root((1. setArrayMode( JsonConfig. g. requestContent) EDIT : based on OP's comment and it works successfully unlike op complains null. parse(input) returns a groovy. parse(jsonResponse) userJson. First of all, to get the examples of this article up and running, we need When you use JsonSlurper and parse a JSON document with it, it differentiates arrays, objects and their attributes correspondingly, and creates appropriate Groovy data structures to represent the parsed document Use that to create a JSON array. And lastly you can extract cycleStartDate and compare it with the expected date. metaprogramming). sort(). what i want to do is in the header i want to iterate through pricingSchedule array and remove empty elements and if there are no elements in array then i want to simply keep empty array rather then removing it. Just look at this simple example: I had a related requirement but wanted to remove more than one items knowing their index position. json ) looks like below JSONArray - You can do this by using the form of the StreamingJsonBuilder DSL that allows you to pass an element name, a collection, and a closure to iterate over the collection with. I'm using PostgreSQL. favorites[1]. The other parse* methods are similar in that they return a JSON String but for different parameter types. keys(json). toPrettyString() json string will be like: { thanks to cfrick, I corrected diffOfApi json which were malformed (missing ""). Then call new JSONObject(list); – Vinay Prajapati Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. I tried with the below code but it returns a count as 1. each { id, data -> println data. Example Following is an example of the usage of this method − Get the last element in json array. value instanceof List } // Find all entries with a list value .