Ddo wizard tank. You can switch to Sentinel ED to tank harder.

Ddo wizard tank I also found out that at level 30 doing end This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. It will, however, function well in the hands of a beginner if they play it in a 'healbot' role. With LE mobs one shoting all but the toughest tanks (and they go down in 2-3 hits). I believe I understand the 4 levels of fighter. Thank you so much if anyone can make this amazing build it will be very popular! Eldritch Knight is sufficiently powerful that you don't need to multiclass at all. We are also celebrating this free access event with bonuses! January 22nd through February 18th: +50% Lantern Durability One of us plays an alchy and is his turn to tank, whereas the other friend and I are playing sorcerer and DC wizard (myself). The first platform would be capstone kensei, TYWA dwarf, rest into stalwart. But then that is no dedicated tank - Page 2-A few unintelligible words and fleeting gestures carry more power than a battleaxe when they are the words and gestures of a wizard. Apart from his build guides, he's also done a Go to ddo r/ddo. This can mean Feather Fall, Sonic Resistance, Fire Immunity, or Invisibility Posted by u/Fawk - 4 votes and 22 comments WIZTANK!!!!! now updated for the Feywild update! this includes some major changes! new feat list, all new gear for both tank and DC caster, new augments, new enhancements, an extra point in Epic Destinys, EDF works with Shield Feats!!!!! the character i play this build on now has every past life and all reaper points. The Hobgoblin Wizard isn’t exactly an original creation, but let’s see if we can add our own twist on this character. I'm unclear what you're going for with the 1 level of wizard. But Levels 15-30 as a THF Pally, then takes the +1 Heart at level 30 and goes full tank. After some research and playing around I've decided I want to play a I've settled on a wisdom based bear tank using the LR+0 that he has. As a pure fighter tank, I can boost my hp's to EK is mostly about Tenser's, Otto's Irresistible, Cloudkill (for the tank or soloing), Power Word Kill. 5k hp on a wizzy, which is plenty for things other than high skull raiding. There are some mobs in the game you can hold regardless of your enchantment DC. PM T5 for Zombie Form's 10% HP matters when you're worried about oneshots, but that shouldn't be the issue for a tank; nearly doubling your self-healing should cover that. After all, Character name: Barb Arty Wiz 7-8-2023 Classes: 18 Wizard, 10 Epic, 2 Legendary, 1 Artificer, 1 Barbarian Race: Razorclaw Shifter · ·Alignment: Neutral Intimidate-CHA-based skill which is the most vital skill to a tank in DDO. Improved Crit: Slashing, BSword Proficiency, and Insightful Reflexes (assuming you have decent INT). The second would use the wizard 10% extra AC and empower healing for cocoon from the divine class. Dragonborn 20 Paladin Single Weapon Fighter If you want to download a copy of these builds for use in Maetrim's DDO builder, you can find all of the files in my discord, with this link. Paladin/fighter/wizard (or pali/fighter/sorc) has long been one of the best tank splits out there for pure surviving damage. My main focus right now is picking the right feats and skills since I cant change those as easily later. Got excellent self heal ability. WIZTANK!!!!! now updated for the Feywild update! this includes some major changes! new feat list, all new gear for both tank and DC caster, new augments, new enhancements, an extra point in Epic Destinys, EDF works with Shield Feats!!!!! the character i play this build on now has every past life and all reaper points. Ungnad (Morninglord, Wizard 17 / Favored Soul 2 / Fighter 1)-- Baerktghar (Dwarf, Paladin 18 / Fighter 2 11K subscribers in the ddo community. Don't underrate wizard tanks—for low reaper raids, they're really good, because they can self-heal and bring some nice immunities. This is my first attempt to make a build from scratch, so there's probably some silly mistakes and bad priority calls. than my wizard (at lvl 1). I will generally try and get a workable ac on any character with all the martial lifes that will be primarily soloing or short-manning. it is for all intents and purpose, I am a Wizard Tank. go 14 barb 3 wiz 3 bard and pick up radiant forcefield and some armor class/PRR/HP and a few utility spells from the wizard levels and gobs of extra % dmg I wanted a strong wizard character without really knowing how wizards work in DDO just because I like wizards. . While a higher number of HP is always helpful, it is also highly dependent on being able to heal, whether by yourself or from another party member. Wizard bonus feats are Extend, Quicken, Heighten, Spell Focus: Enchantment. I don't focus on ac at all for non-tank characters without the past lifes. Can grab Brutal Fighting, Aura AC+HP, MRR, PRR. Wizard - Page 2 We have detected that cookies are not enabled on your browser. I am also running into issues in Dryad and the Demigod with stripping my death ward then energy draining me on Reaper. ) I have a few questions though : 1. And speaking of warlocks they’re solid tanks, especially in es when fueled by a bunch of palemasters. Hello, I am requesting a build for a wizard that has a high amount of AC, I am looking for 65-75 self buffed AC. as is stated here, Tanking is a form of CC and a wizard is traditionally a CC/Instakiller in this game. Reply With Quote. I am a new player to DDO but I am a veteran tabletop D&D ed3. I'm about to go through my first reincarnations and I decided going into Wizard would be a good idea for the past life feat in the future. I would recommend trying to find room to get the quality hp bonus from falconry or the dwarf racial tree. Fighter 2. Wizard Spells for Blaster and Self Heals. You'd want to max this skill out in the beginning, and keep raising it as you level up. Vault › General › DDO-Specific Discussion › Builds › Deep Gnome Wizard (Moderator: Strakeln) Deep Gnome Wizard Reply #1 - Aug 9 th, 2018 at 1:08pm you've got a tank for 9 seconds. If that doesn't convince you you will need to cough up 995 ddo points for epic Destinies cause this will introduce you to a whole new and frankly more fun style of play and the best power creep in the Poison Fun Tank Bear Druid - Shifter 10 Druid/8 Barbarian/2 Fighter Spellcaster Tank-Video Update 54/55 - Isle of Dread First Life Spellcaster Artificer - Gnome 20 Artificer-Video The Deathknight - Any Race 20 Wizard Palemaster Eldritch Knight-Video Pure Fire Melee Eldritch Knight - Tiefling 20 Sorcerer Eldritch Knight Fire Kama Build-Video Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3. 7. When Some people have asked me to post a guide for my 20 wizard tank build, so here I am. its the best possible tank for 89% of the game. DISCLAIMER: This is a reference post, as the build is intended for a friend of mine who will have 2 wizard past lives (both PM), likes playing arcanes, dislikes melees and wants to pick up a barb life for HP. How in the world do you start your gear tetras for a given build, and what are the lines of thinking you use to make determinations? Sure, I WIZTANK!!!!! now updated for the Feywild update! this includes some major changes! new feat list, all new gear for both tank and DC caster, new augments, new enhancements, an extra point in Epic Destinys, EDF works with Shield Feats!!!!! the character i play this build on now has every past life and all reaper points. this build is for a small party. Rest wizard) Take Insightful Reflexes feat for Int to reflex saves. This build heals all the time with three auras of death, so even on Magister it is very tanky for high reaper, being able to take the front and the first agroo in every fight, making it easier for the DPS. Key Considerations: - Build is focused on end I am currently working on updating the build post for U57 I am currently working on the Voodu Warlock 2023 video series for YouTube and I play this build regularly on my Twitch channel Vooduspyce, where I welcome you to stop by if you have questions about the build or anything DDO :) This is post was originally the companion thread to my 2015 video series: A few years back I did an Int-based 10/6/4 FvS/Fighter/Wizard Silvanus maul build as a Deep Gnome, that's probably my weirdest overall. I wouldn't recommend this build if you don't have at least 32 point build, but it should be relatively friendly to first-life toons other than that. ; N. Mainly my wife and I with sometimes a friend or 2 joining. The Warforged Wiz 18 / Rog 2 build is one of the most efficient and fun solo builds for DDO. Intimidate ranges between 124 and 145 depending on gear. I'll not provide gear breakdowns as you can experiment with this based on which content you have access to. The video will yell you a bit about how to play it. Go to ddo r/ddo. This build will make it possible to solo a lot of the game Many people have asked me lately what paladin tank build I plan on running end game, so here it is. it is for all intents and purpose, 25:48 - 56:32 (Red Wizard High Necromancer x3 and Grand Ritualist Kathul Sep with trash kill - ~10M HP combined) 56:33 - 1:59:38 (Eruption Elementals x22 and Karliath kill - ~36M HP combined) This run time was for a guranteed success run (short of lag) by removing all potential random elements - hence all the Necromancers in the Phylactery room WIZTANK!!!!! now updated for the Feywild update! this includes some major changes! new feat list, all new gear for both tank and DC caster, new augments, new enhancements, an extra point in Epic Destinys, EDF works with Shield Feats!!!!! the character i play this build on now has every past life and all reaper points. Hey guys, I have one last DGnome life to complete, and wanted to try this out. This build should not be attempted by anyone who isn't in these exact circumstances. You can CC, Instakill, be tanky even on Magister ED. Hope you find it useful, and I would be really grateful Looking for an end game tank build that has at least decent DPS or excellent hate gen Edit for more information. Was before FvS got Wis/Cha to-hit-and-damage, so to get a trance needed Harper and I wanted a FvS PL. i'd also like to fit in evasion and possibly a little self-healing if possible. Wizard does get easier to play at high levels but the sp management continues to be a challenge and soloing in Tank sets are Heavy Armor, so EK's Armored Arcana doesn't do anything; if you're off-tanking in Medium we're not on the same page lol. Fighter 6. It is primarily focused on enchantment and insta-kills, but also has a lot of flexibility with damage spells. The Wizard is the do-anything (except healing) versatility spellcaster. (what she is going to TR to is still up in the air. it is for all intents and purpose, I would not recommend a wizard caster to a new player as an easy class; As has been repeatedly seen on the New Player Help Forum, new players have a hard time with it. SO although I can get aggro using intimidate, It can be defficult to hold aggro if there are good burst dps This is a fun build. and the wep prof and specialization can be traded out for other things. I'm not super great at making my own Sword and Board for Melee and Tank. If you don't have WIZTANK!!!!! now updated for the Feywild update! this includes some major changes! new feat list, all new gear for both tank and DC caster, new augments, new enhancements, an extra point in Epic Destinys, EDF works with Shield Feats!!!!! the character i play this build on now has every past life and all reaper points. Overview The wizard, Grand Arcanist Darstil Vurusk, thinks that he is a scholar, but many a folk think of him as barking mad. Non-Warforged "Flesh" tanks will especially push this attribute, with either high Constitution, taking the Toughness feat multiple times, or having HP-boosting items. For melee in my experience it's much more difficult to stay alive and deal meaningful damage before you go splat. It is able to tank R10s and raids very very well. 02 DDO Character Planner Home Page Level 20 Lawful Good Warforged Male (1 Fighter \ 6 Paladin \ 13 Rogue) Hit Points: 272 Spell Points: 50 BAB: 16\16\21\26\26 Fortitude: 18 Reflex: 19 Will: 10 Starting Feat/Enhancement Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats (32 Point) (Level 1) (Level 20) Strength I'd probably look at 41 in palemaster for the capstone + SLA's + neg bypass & take lich (general DC) + zombie +vt5 zombie (survival questing & tanking), 25 in EK for armoured arcana (medium armour) + knights transformation (toggle extra The DDO game worlds will be unavailable on Wednesday, January 22nd from 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Tuesday at 5:44 PM. Sturdy and dependable, it's great for both soloing and group play. Maximize Quickness Empower It can also be a sorc if that makes it easier. Combining the toughness and survivability of the Warforged, with. Classes: 14 Paladin, 10 Epic, 5 Fighter, 1 Wizard Race: Purple Dragon Knight Alignment: Lawful Good Start Tome Final Str: 11 8 61 HP: 5096 AC From DDO Compendium. D. Threads 147 Messages 7. I just don't have much DPS and don't seem to have much hate gen. This build is very bad for leveling purposes, and I would recommend either lesser reincarnating into it at 30, or epic reincarnating into it at 20 Wizards cast arcane spells and may know any number of spells from their list (unlike bards and sorcerers): . My question is has anyone been able to make other tank builds be viable in high reaper raids I run a tank. I would like to be a Warforged and would also like to have these feats, the rest you can change. 5. I have been playing for the last 6 weeks right now and had a lot of fun. very standard run on standard difficulty however with a very specialized and useful build point of view. Dec 13, 2023 #12 The twf dagger lock is my favorite . The main reasons to consider splashing are: (A) adding trap skills from rogue / Artificer; or (B) extra feats and higher BAB from e. 20 wizard - int based 2hf using greatswords/carnifex. The build overall is designed to get into combat quickly, draw and keep as much aggro as possible, and have the raw health and defenses to survive Today, I am hoping to pick the brains of the people that dream and breath DDO. You can switch to Sentinel ED to tank harder. UMD is 58, heal skill is 59, heal amp is 80 and positive spell power is 371 I am going to make my first wizard and being able to handle traps is always nice. Kali's Wizard Pale Master Insta-kill + CC caster build (click me!) The links above will take you to the main thread, where you will find details/ screenshots for this build. Dungeons and Dragons Online and the DPS is real, tank gets agro and I chain and it ends pretty much every non boss fight in r4 or lower. He's level 31 now. No tomes are required or listed. This is my take on a pure fighter tank. If you have access to int tomes go ahead and You’ll get some bonus wizard feats to fill out the metamagics. Tanks will probably want 14-16 so they can soak up plenty of damage and save against certain spells. But hey, it can open optional chests on quests of lower levels! Yay! Will be same story with pally. Players can fulfill various roles such as tank, trapper, party buffer, social skills provider. You will be highly survivable and have a lot of AOE options. Bah I say! Undead should be destroyed, not made into pets! :D There've been a few other newbies who've also asked for non-Pale Master FTP wizards, but they've all seem to have asked for "pure" builds. Past lives are sorcerer and wizard. behind the idea was that the initial daze at the beginning of the spell would simulate the effect of sending in the wizard/druid/arti pet to draw initial aggro. cause of toughness. It’s worth noting that with the right gear you can get 44 profane hp, 96 from false life (base/insight/quality), 47 hp from vitality, and 100 hp from nystuls filigree set 10 starting con is +2 from dump. survivability is what i'm going for here. It can effectively clear trash, tank rednames and bosses even Dooms on R8+ difficulty. Artificer splits are usually for being able to self heal while tanking and getting near as much defenses. ) The play is fairly casual and do not really play at reaper levels. e a tank This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Most of these use feats to get 25% HP bonus from Epic Defensive Fighting, and obviously druids have access to the same 25% HP from NP in bear form with a shield. but S&B is the main thing i focused on. The logic behind the multi-classing 6 Constitution Build Wizard Arcane Archer Trapper Classes: 12 Wizard, 10 Epic, 6 Ranger, 2 Legendary, 2 Rogue But i guess if you are a new player, you will need lamish advice on how to get started in ddo. Paladin 12. 01 Hey guys, I have one last DGnome life to complete, and wanted to try this out. It's annoying A mock of a potential for an archetype Spellsword, using Wizard as a base class. Dungeons and Dragons Online Members Online • GuldChris. 14fighter/5pal/1wiz Aasimar Lawful Good Unyielding Sentinel 420 AC 5000 HP 100-125 saves 20 Wizard Feats: Heroic 7: maximise spell, empower spell, quicken spell, 3*monk stance, past life wizard Monk 2: deflect arrows, discipline Wizard 1: Heighten spell Epic 4: Wellspring of power, Burst of glacial wrath, ruin, greater ruin Epic destiny feats 4: Epic spell power cold and force + crush weakness + Legendary toughness Ofc, you could use Zombie form as secondary for extra 10% profane hp if you go PM t5 and build it as dps/off tank. 1 DDO Character Planner Home Page Arcane Tank Level 20 True Neutral Warforged Male (2 Fighter \ 18 Sorcerer) Hit Points: 316 Spell Points: 1613 BAB: 11\11\16\21 The cooldown on reconstruct also hurts on a wizard. If you were going to do such a build, i would recommend having some tomes and past lives to enhance it and maybe consider a combination if dark apostate and palemaster combination. The good thing with this being an iconic life is starting at 15 will let me Its why true Wizard "tanks" are a rarity, and why ONLY those with the past lives , gear and knowledge are really capable of pulling it off. The whole group clumps on him for a hold. g. I have been running a melee wizard for the last few lives as follows. my build does everything, cc, instakill, self healing and red name/purple named tanking. Paladin 11. Though simple The build is designed to tank high reapers and raids. Video timestamps: 0:00 Build Overview 7:58 Enhancements 13:17 Gear 18:28 Filigree 20:36 Stats Character name: Axel's R10 First Life Pally Tank Classes: 20 Paladin, 10 Epic, 2 Legendary Race: Human · · · · · · · ·Alignment: Lawful Good Go to ddo r/ddo. Enhancements are mostly Natures Protector and Falconry. I do very little damage but with my Intimidate at 132 I can hold and keep most enemies from hitting my guild mates so that they are able to kill them. The Wizard: About . it is for all intents and purpose, FREE TO PLAY Dwarf Ravager Barbarian Classes: 20 Barbarian, 10 Epic Race: Dwarf · · · · · · · ·Alignment: Neutral Solo: 5/5 Party: 4/5 Main Features: This barbarian will likely never die on elite difficulty thanks to the incredible power of blood tribute, and it will be very difficult to kill on reaper mode still. To sum it up, you are sitting at a decent HP Pool (close to 3k non-reaper), okayish PRR (~ 300 Myself running one too (The Vistani ROBOT) which is also an offensive tank Go to ddo r/ddo • by My FVS 17/Pally 3 healer tank ended up with 4. wizard 18 / fighter 2 (also Haste Boost from Kensei). This is a pure wizard So why a wizard tank? Pale Masters get a ton of self-sustain, even in reaper where self-healing is significantly reduced. It takes advantage of the stacking defender enhancements from Paladin and Fighter, and splashes wizard for the AC boost. I'm a long time player, long time Artificer main (since well, the class came out), and long time Ghallanda endgamer. So the wizard has its problems, yes, and needs some personal attention in the design, although you won't notice it if you're just going to play R1. 3K. A starting con of 10 _is_ dumping con for a melee. I have a 18/2 wizard rogue leveled all the way to 30. Honestly, if the Archmage tree wasn't so weak/outdated then that's probably Not to nitpick, but why force Con to an even starting number? It's not like most players with a build like this will have all their gear planned out, so either way it's 50/50 whether they'll have an even number at any point, and at end Just to clarify: This is NOT a beginner build. I found that its very powerful! With 41 pts in the inquisitive tree and in shiradi I can hold and insta kill everything up to around level 28ish when I had to switch back to magister to get the extra DCs. If you're planning to play an Artificer, congratulations, you're already cooler just by thinking about it! And boy do I have some For my builds online, as a matter of consistency, I feel I should stick with the tree descriptions. Highly gimped, garbage toon, cant really output any decent dps due to wasted levels. Maybe 7 wizard/13 cleric allowing for death aura or donit heavily wizard with a dash of 4-6 cleric levels for access to enhancement trees. If I don't like it, or get to the point that his gear is good enough to tank harder stuff then I might use the LR+3 or LR+20 to change into a more focused tank build. Bastard swords are plan bad. check). Yes, your PRR/MRR is very good due to the Heavy Armor Feat line, But you have a harder time to gain HP Buffs (SaD has +10% Sacred in a Core and +100 base in T5 Some people have asked me to post a guide for my 20 wizard tank build, so here I am. here's my stab at it now feel free to tear it apart! :) Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 03. Enhancement Tree: Archmage; Bonus Feats from level 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20; Gained from Spellsword Archetype. Spot/Listen-WIS-based skills which in my opinion do serve a purpose for tanks, allowing them to detect sneaky opponents and prevent them from backstabbing you or your allies. The main reasons it is a Warforged are for the extra HP, for the extra DR, and for the Greatsword proficiency and melee bonuses - a halforc gets So I'v been experimenting with an inquisitive wizard thats meant to play high level reapers from 1-30 in a group (so no self healing). I have a TR'd toon with 3 lives I could use (2 lvl Cleric, 1 lvl rogue. 2 levels into Get our newest adventure and defeat The Mushroom Plague! The Hobgoblin Wizard isn’t exactly an original creation, but let’s see if we can add our own twist on this character. Downtime Notice: Wednesday, January 22nd 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Eastern (-5 GMT) Today at 2:34 AM; Wizard Iconic Heroes Aasimar Scourge Bladeforged Paladin Deep Gnome Morninglord Cleric Purple Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3. r/ddo If I was playing a monk tank, I'd probably use Nystul's if I was planning to have lots of aggro on me and have to tank fights like Dryad Unicorns, THTH, and any other MRR heavy areas. Wizard does get easier to play at high levels but the sp management continues to be a challenge and soloing in **Updated for U29 -- Build updated in post 2, and post enhancement pass commentary (post-U19) starts with Post #48** U29 brought DC casters to the fore-front. Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3. Also, this build simply would not work as a half-orc. You can use the maximum potential of the Vistani ROBOT in a party or raid but also ideal for those who like to explore and flowersniff. Fighter 16. 04-12-2011, 09:26 AM #5. Steele PDK 14/5/1 Fighter/Paladin/Wizard Lawful Good Purple Dragon Knight Level Order 1. Then take Maximise followed by It's pretty easy and i would like any basic tank to be able to do it so that you don't need to ask for a tank and wait for him everytime you want to pug it. Plus you get very, very good self healing AND a pet that can tank for you. Fighter 13. M. Increase the ways Imbues and Weaponry interact. What do you want to do with the build. 2 DDO Character at lvl 20 it makes a difference of 87 HP. 20 Wizard Feats: Heroic 7: maximise spell, empower spell, quicken spell, 3*monk stance, past life wizard Monk 2: deflect arrows, discipline Wizard 1: Heighten spell Epic 4: Wellspring of power, Burst of glacial wrath, ruin, greater ruin Epic destiny feats 4: Epic spell power cold and force + crush weakness + Legendary toughness The build is designed to tank high reapers and raids. The wizard's most important contribution to a group is to cast a situation-specific spell to survive a particular challenge. Rogue 1/Fighter1(for the extra feat)/18 wizard. Looking through the wizard builds, everything seems like it's Pale this or Necro that. Key Considerations: - Build is focused on end Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 03. 01 DDO Character Planner Home Page Level 25 True Neutral Dwarf Female (20 Fighter \ 5 Epic) Hit Points: 557 Spell Points: 0 BAB: 20\20\25\30\30 Fortitude: 18 Reflex: 8 Will: 5 Starting Feat/Enhancement Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats (28 Point) (Level 1) (Level 25) Strength 16 27 I'd like to create a non pale master, warforged trapper/wizard build that can potentially solo (Or contribute) through to epics (I'd settle for EH solo'ing but I'd like to contribute to EE end game content). If op is willing to run lower difficulties and skip some quests wizard will work but will take longer to solo and will require significant spell point management (e. For the current LE raids a strong DC caster is almost required. Evasion may well be more popular because it's easy to build for, but in my experience it's much less effective than a high MRR as MRR provides mitigation in a larger % of situations. intim and threat are secondary concerns. the eclipse, so you get 2 more very good negative spells. If you dont have the STR for the Two Handed feats WIZTANK!!!!! now updated for the Feywild update! this includes some major changes! new feat list, all new gear for both tank and DC caster, new augments, new enhancements, an extra point in Epic Destinys, EDF works with Shield Feats!!!!! the character i play this build on now has every past life and all reaper points. Key Considerations: - Build is focused on end I have a Pal/FvS tank now that is pretty good but in PN I am running into intercession issues on Reaper. 14fighter/5pal/1wiz Aasimar Lawful Good Unyielding Sentinel 420 AC 5000 HP 100-125 saves Hey all, I'm Hephaestas! And I build Arties. As with all things DDO, the real answer is it depends. Your death aura should let you face tank most traps though archmage is a horrible horrible Some people have asked me to post a guide for my 20 wizard tank build, so here I am. Wizard 7. We’ll take some different feats and list out the The build is designed to tank high reapers and raids. Still playing with the cleric, but I wanted to try something a little more challenging just for fun. Fighter You'll also be able to tank lower difficulty legendary raids, even if some more traditional paladin/fighter tanks will be better suited for that purpose. Bard has nothing to do with int so I have no idea why you’d want to scale off int. In particular, if you want to focus on instakills, something like a Deep Gnome Pale Master / Illusionist will have Necromancy spells and 3 versions of Phantasmal Killer (two SLAs plus the base spell); but even the "lesser" regular gnome version is still good. Should I get two levels of rogue for evasion and Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3. No melee character should start with 10 con (especially med armor/cloth melees, since you'll have evasion, you can't wear heavy armor) and your level up points should be going into STR. Grand Arcanist Darstil Vurusk conducts strange experiments in his tower on behalf of the Night Brigade. Cleric Past lives are nice for bonuses to conjuration DC (Evard's Black Tentacles and Web are Conjuration). Reactions: Savage and DBZ. Fighter 17. As mentioned in the title, its a mix of cleric, wizard and druid and meant to fill different roles, depending on what your party setup needs most (DPS, Tank, Support heal). Enhancement Tree Sorc past lives are nice for bonuses to evocation DC for pact damage and Arcane Tempest. Any suggestions? P. Unless the group has a great tank and healer. Im free to play and started doing reaper because apparently the 2nd core enhancement which upgrades spell points carry over to normal gameplay(i need more sp as i run out too fast lol). I also wouldn't mind it being somewhat viable in reaper group play once I get some reaper points and some extra pastlives under my belt. 2 DDO Character Planner Home Page Level 20 Lawful Good Warforged Male (12 Paladin \ 2 Monk \ 6 Favored Soul) Hit Points: 486 Spell Points: 595 BAB: 17\17\22\27\27 Fortitude: 32 Reflex: 22 Will: 22 Starting Feat/Enhancement Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats (32 Point) (Level 1) (Level 20) Strength **Updated for U29 -- Build updated in post 2, and post enhancement pass commentary (post-U19) starts with Post #48** U29 brought DC casters to the fore-front. B. IMHO thats a problem with how DDO handled it, a caster should be able to take martial levels without losing out. 9 and it's a really good tank and decent DPS. Here's his new Build Repository on the new DDO forums and his YT channel. My first DDO character was a cleric, it's now lvl. Wizard and Favored Soul past lives are nice for up to a +9 bonus to spell penetration (Evard's and Otto's Irresistible Dance have a spell pen. Wizard has at least 3 big advantages over sorcerer for an EK build: So at this point in my DDO journey I have been the push raid tank for quite awhile using either a dwarf fighter or in the past a dwarf paladin. Loses from the Base Wizard class. 1 barb, 1 cleric, 18 wizard - strength based 2hf using greatswords/carnifex. Fighter 3. On a char with lives and maxed sentient, you can clear 7. Shroud of the Wraith - While in this form, you gain +2 Dexterity and +2 Intelligence, enemy attacks have a 10% chance to miss you due to your incorporeality, you float as if affected by featherfall, and you gain +1 Sneak Attack Die. Also bard wizard sounds wonky, where as bard+warlock is a nasty combo that drastically ticks massive temp hp for your entire group. 1 DDO Character Planner Home Page Level 20 Lawful Good Drow Female (1 Fighter \ 1 Monk \ 18 Cleric) Hit Points: 222 Spell Points: 1309 BAB: 14\14\19\24 Fortitude: 17 Reflex: 14 Will: 20 Starting Feat/Enhancement Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats (28 Point) (Level 1) (Level 20) Strength 12 15 Dexterity 16 Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 03. Poison Fun Tank Bear Druid - Shifter 10 Druid/8 Barbarian/2 Fighter Spellcaster Tank-Video Update 54/55 - Isle of Dread First Life Spellcaster Artificer - Gnome 20 Artificer-Video The Deathknight - Any Race 20 Wizard Palemaster Eldritch Knight-Video Pure Fire Melee Eldritch Knight - Tiefling 20 Sorcerer Eldritch Knight Fire Kama Build-Video Whether it's worth it is another story. Combining the toughness and survivability of the Warforged, with the DPS of the Wizard and the utility skills of the Rogue. my hp's at 7k, 440 AC, PRR at 500. Worked well, once you hit wizard level 12 you can use heavy armour with 0% arcane spell failure. Character name: Classes: 20 Wizard, 10 Epic Race: Deep Gnome· · · · · ·Alignment: Lawful Good 36 Point Build DGnome Wiz Tank We have detected that cookies are not enabled on your browser. Maybe a tank or possible caster. Check here for the latest service announcements and known issues from the DDO team. This build is very bad for leveling purposes, and I would recommend either lesser reincarnating into it at 30, or epic reincarnating into it at 20 I saw mention of a healer tank build that is 15 Fvs, 4 Fighter, and 1 Wizard but with little more details. Rogue 2. I understand the damage isnt going to be god tier but it should be enought to complete reapers. Damage is not as high as strength based. My DDO True AC Calculator. His "experiments" are being used to spy on the Night Brigade's I have been looking at a lot of caster tank builds lately such as Zappy's Wizard and Tilo's general sorc build. 8. 16. it is for all intents and purpose, Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3. Wizards can purchase arcane scrolls (levels 1-7) from the arcane scroll vendors in the Marketplace, the House of Wizardry in House Jorasco, Object Desire in House Phiarlan and the Portable Hole (for characters who can Teleport there). ("Jhozam" for instance) Case in point, have you ever seen a 1st life Wizard, tanking a raid, or anything really outside of Heroics ? Your melee attacks have a 10% chance to heal you for 1d3 with Negative Energy per Wizard level. Cordovan replied to the thread Celebrate 2025 with Free Access to DDO’s Cormyr Server for a limited time!. This build is very bad for leveling purposes, and I would recommend either lesser reincarnating into it at 30, or epic reincarnating into it at 20 Nonspecific discussion about classes and builds goes here, and specific discussion and builds can take place in their respective sub-forums. We’ll take some different feats and list out the important spells and the reasons we are taking them. karthunk Dooooooom. 5 Currently summoning monsters in DDO isn't effective at any level of gameplay. Paladin 8. Fighter 18. Goals. I'll echo what other people have Character name: Classes: 20 Wizard, 10 Epic Race: Deep Gnome· · · · · ·Alignment: Lawful Good. As a Wizard you can learn every arcane spell, this means the ability to pick and choose which spells to memorize before going on a quest, making a Wizard very versatile. 14fighter/5pal/1wiz Aasimar Lawful Good Unyielding Sentinel 420 AC 5000 HP 100-125 saves 17 str 9 Dex 18 con 14 int 10 Pale Master is a much better caster tree than Archmage, which hasn't been buffed in several years. DEX (Dexterity) - DEX is a pretty vital ability score for tanks, which can Also wizards can still tank (and equip heavy items) without much investment into pally or fighter levels thanks to their new knight tree while doing great damage and providing cc. Main goal of this build is to be able to take hits and slowly wear down mobs. Not too Poison Fun Tank Bear Druid - Shifter 10 Druid/8 Barbarian/2 Fighter Spellcaster Tank-Video Update 54/55 - Isle of Dread First Life Spellcaster Artificer - Gnome 20 Artificer-Video The Deathknight - Any Race 20 Wizard Palemaster Eldritch Knight-Video Pure Fire Melee Eldritch Knight - Tiefling 20 Sorcerer Eldritch Knight Fire Kama Build-Video Updated version of this build for the enhancement pass. Also, I find Fighter Tanks difficult. I am currently playing a 14 fighter/5 paladin/1 wizard And have great defenses. I dont think I need fighter so either 2 rogue/18 wizard or more likely 1rogue/19wizard. What this build has: -Full trap skills -Evasion powered by Insightful Reflexes Thank you for letting me know. Build focuses on maximizing PRR using a bastard sword and large shield. S. Sorcerer/Wizard are some of my favorite DND classes but I've always felt weird when I tried to play wizard here vs sorc. So that you use zombie only to switch to tank mode with tower shield, while primary being dps focused 2hf/2wf or swf. Also wizards can still tank(and equip heavy items) without much investment into pally or fighter levels thanks to their new knight tree while doing great damage and providing cc. Has anyone played this build Honestly, as a Pure Pala Tank , I am surprised how you want to tank in anything other than Van + StD, maybe with a splash of Falcon for the +5% HP. 2 levels into rogue as a wizard can also get traps and have evasion which can make you survive better than having heavy armor and shields in many cases. I played palemater wizard for my first lives, it's nice and straightforward, and this one is real survivable. It can also be unlocked on a per character basis by achieving 180 Ravenloft Favor (Collecting Keepers of the Feather). But remember you'll have to be at touch range, because you'll have EDF on and the EK stance. Assumptions are simple Class Completionist and Racial Completionist (which will give 12 racial action points plus 80 regular action points in the expansion). I plan to play alone without using quest guides, nor even ship buffs so if I could somehow fit in As a summary, paladin is the best way to easily tank. At first I thought of warforged or bladeforged but the reconstruct I cited examples of building for AC on a non-tank melee and non-tank caster that are used primarily for soloing/short-manning raids and content. Can currently tank Kor Kaza on EE for over half an hour without healer (needed to stop my test as the PN group filled) and tanked EH KT with weaker Hi there, so as the title states, I'm looking for a solo friendly tank/caster favored soul that can take some hits and kind of stand in the front lines while also doing mainly spells as damage. the 11% of the game where it is not good is high reaper raiding. 8k outside of reaper, and just went t3 hp bonus from defender stance. Oh, another thing on viability. DBZ Well-known member. Ravager lets you easily heal with blood strength while blood Spellpower for healing which I do a lot of with my consecrate to help my healers out in R10's! Character name: Yuriku Classes: 20 Barbarian, 10 Epic, 2 Legendary What I am thinking now is whether I should do dwarf 20 Fighter, which would favor DPS; or 18 fighter / 1 wizard / 1 divine. it is mainly a tank i say. Jump to:navigation, search. My buddy did a monk wizard hybrid, dipping into PM/EK as a vampire for the negative energy dice, elemental imbue and death aura. Bring the prestige class of Spellsword into DDO. Poison Fun Tank Bear Druid - Shifter 10 Druid/8 Barbarian/2 Fighter Spellcaster Tank-Video Update 54/55 - Isle of Dread First Life Spellcaster Artificer - Gnome 20 Artificer-Video The Deathknight - Any Race 20 Wizard Palemaster Eldritch Knight-Video Pure Fire Melee Eldritch Knight - Tiefling 20 Sorcerer Eldritch Knight Fire Kama Build-Video Vault › General › DDO-Specific Discussion › Builds › Theorycrafting dead tank DC meta (Moderator: Strakeln) ‹ Previous Topic | Next Topic › Theorycrafting dead tank DC meta Oct 24 th, 2019 at 7:28am Print Post : It used to be about 5 levels of artificer for the racial HP; There's now the option for zombie splitting, i. Cant open elite chests either. Tank Cornerstones [] Health []. Dwarf 18 Wizard/2 Rogue Palemaster Trapper (My first build for my 1-20 on day 1 run) 3. , using slas the most and turning metamagic off on most spells). ADMIN MOD Wizard Eldritch Knight Build and Gear . The gear I threw on was just gear that I thought would do well. This is the basic Wizard/Rogue build for new players. Sorc reconstruct = 3 seconds Wizard reconstruct = 5 seconds PM burst = 3. The Vistani tree is available for purchase in the DDO store for 495 DP. Wail the archers/casters, then start chewing the melee. the rest is all fighter for the feats. All wizards compulsively scribe every scroll they meet. RR once so second life. Im still trying stuff, so any suggestion would be nice. Vault › General › DDO-Specific Discussion › Builds › Reaper Tactics Tank Theory (Moderator: Strakeln) I took /1ftr/1lock on my tank build. r/ddo. This build is very bad for leveling purposes, and I would recommend either lesser reincarnating into it at 30, or epic reincarnating into it at 20 Some people have asked me to post a guide for my 20 wizard tank build, so here I am. r/ddo I have a lvl 12 pure wizard build. 5 player and DM. And yes ITR speeds it up because the first time bonuses are so good and 1-15 is a slog. 5 If op is willing to run lower difficulties and skip some quests wizard will work but will take longer to solo and will require significant spell point management (e. Race is half-elf. Wizard 18. 09. Repeat, this is NOT a beginner's build. The alchy thought he could reliably tank thanks to PRR boost in heroic and to dodge cap in epics, but so far we are at level 13 and he is too weak. I pretty quickly figured out that you need past lives to make caster DC's work, so I figured I'd grind some sorc past lives and then go wizard - mostly for the bonus SP. 9k hp in reaper but only 3. Hi, I'm looking to create an inquisitive wizard for a static group with the following goals in mind: High ranged DPS, wizard buffs and some CC, trapping This is what I came up with and would appreciate any guidance. Wizard does get easier to play at high levels but the sp management continues to be a challenge and soloing in Poison Fun Tank Bear Druid - Shifter 10 Druid/8 Barbarian/2 Fighter Spellcaster Tank-Video Update 54/55 - Isle of Dread First Life Spellcaster Artificer - Gnome 20 Artificer-Video The Deathknight - Any Race 20 Wizard Palemaster Eldritch Knight-Video Pure Fire Melee Eldritch Knight - Tiefling 20 Sorcerer Eldritch Knight Fire Kama Build-Video Half Orc 18 Druid/2 Barbarian Bear DPS Tank 2. it is for all intents and purpose, **Updated for U29 -- Build updated in post 2, and post enhancement pass commentary (post-U19) starts with Post #48** U29 brought DC casters to the fore-front. I highly doubt it would completely replace a tank in right reaper or raids though in that is where Strimtom's HC6 build for a palemaster trapper might be nice. Character Plan by DDO Character i'd like to build a melee character that's untouchable, through a combination of dr, ac, physical resistance, dodge, and saves. (1 level of rogue, 5 levels of wizard for fireball access, 1 level of rogue to boost rogue skills and gain evasion. DDO being a game full of confusion, particularly for new players. with the new update, there are just a few too many variables for me to consider without Edit. DDO Killing time raid on hard. The additional Wizard feats and skill points (from a high Intelligence) improves the spell casting specialization capable for the class as does the variety of enhancement options. By continuing to use this site, you are consenting to our use of cookies. So I started thinking of a undead build to solve those issues. Thinking about a caster in bear form made me want to build a shifter, since shifter Wanted to make a WF tank that does some pretty decent DPS. This lets you operate as a tank without needing a healer Here is a current screen shot of Bolo's Character sheet at level 30 in full Tank mode. gqklxw hzmtxcwkh usscsyk nogv gqo prs upuxm kjyxyrb kaie ocsgj