Bl3 zane cryo build 2020.
ASA 200% and SNTNL cryo.
Bl3 zane cryo build 2020 Outside of that, it could be because there only a few enemies that resist radiation and it is equally effective on flesh, shields, and armor so you don't have to keep switching weapons Brainstormer, Sntnl Cryo. Violent Momentum. Rowan’s Call is good. Clone/Sent trees to capstones and green tree with leftovers. This build focuses on the Zane’s action skill uptime. Kill o the wisp, non Sntnl Cryo. Radiation Lob with Sntnl Cryo. Once you level up those two, you can carry the shield bubble, trigger your clone to appear with the cryo gun. LOADOUT Action Skill MNTIS Cannon Proliferation No Way Out Barrier Allrounder Charged Relay Weapons Light Show Tizzy Boogeyman Recursion Artifact Ice Breaker Victory Rush Class Mod Seein’ Dead Grenade Mod Hot Spring Shield Frozen Snowshoe SKILL TREE #Borderlands #Borderlands3 #ZaneHey folks! Here is Kinetic Knives Zane! The Blade Fury goes OFF with this melee/gun hybrid zane! Save file is in Discord!Soci This is one of my FAVORITE gun Zane builds to run because of how much fun it is to hit crits and have big explosions with hollowpoints from your guns or acti [ Zane Build ] 🥂 Yeah, it's really hard to overcome this. OPERATIVE - DIGI-CLONE: Top posts of January 15, 2020. Kill Skill. Very early. Even the Guardian Takedown is a piece of cake with this build. Also ran the dlc for a little bit just to get a low level seeing dead mod. It's insane even if Zane is missing all the melee bonuses. This Zane build makes you invincible, it basically allows you to kill everything and run the raid with ease. Zane has multiple skills that buff Zane when action skills are Ok, I get Cold Bore, that first shot makes sense. This is his BEST Zane build yet, it can solo everything in the game with minimal effort. ASA 200% and SNTNL cryo. Once the majority of the skills here are learned, switch on to the Hitman skill tree and get Violent Momentum. Contains: skill Effect Details, boosting Class Mods, ranked Stats Table, and more Mar 31, 2020 @ 9:50am They're both very solid tbh. Base Game Items in Borderlands 3 are often obtainable from many sources, including those in DLCs. Swapping Weapons adds Bonus Cryo Damage* to your next shot. No competition. Additionally, you’ll want to move around the May 14, 2020 · Build Tips . Additional Cryo Damage. Clone/drone is still good, but gimped too much by the anoint bug for my taste. Not only does Zane become extremely versitile in respect of gear, but with an optimised build you can walk through mobs like they're not even there. All other class mods pale in comparison except maybe for some niche builds. The Zanestorm build uses the MNTIS Cannon and the Clone to Borderlands 3 Zane Build Shield. Zane's best class mod by far is the Seeing Dead. Could probably be better if I spec'd for a more cryo based build, but it still works. I use a revolter and a pearl of knowledge, and a seeing dead. Zane is the fastest character in Borderlands 3, and his agility is one of the reasons he’s usually the first pick for many new players. Passive Skill. Try shooting for an Ice Breaker variant since Zane will be dishing out lots of Cryo damage. The build focuses heavily on the Apr 7, 2021 · Important! All the items are perfect rolls. Freezing targets makes them vulnerable and allows you to reset your Action Skill cooldowns and refill your shield and health pools. Handsome Jack. x2 No element SNTNL Cryo Anoint Sandhawk. CCC Zane. This build has great survivability, as well as respectable damage, and offers utility with freezing enemies. shield and clone is really tankiy. Reddit . Calm, Cool, Collected —the other key trait, which will refill our shield, then our health, and then reset every action skill cooldown whenever we freeze a target. The frozen heart shield with the activate on action skill Anointment, MNTS cannon, the perk that gives cryo damage when you’re not being targeted, and a grenade that gives you bonus cryo damage after your action skill ends make it unnecessary Yeah there's currently an event going on with shops selling legendaries and increased drop rates for badass and heavy enemies. As far as how soon you can find a cryo gun, that would be as soon as any other elemental gun drop. Any build that takes advantage of Zane’s Cool, Calm, Collected and Brain Freeze to keep up his action skills forever. depends on what you mean by best. Borderlands 3 Zane Build Shield. ) This is an up-to-date Borderlands 3 Eraser – Zane Passive Skill Guide. Debuffs are most effective on difficult targets that you can't kill easily. Description. Purple tree will make the hellwalker basically a sniper with the accuracy bonuses and will increase your crit damage so much that one shot to the face will kill an enemy and ricochet to kill surrounding enemies. Make sure to complete any required quests and be aware of Source Restrictions. reReddit: Top posts of Because we are using this anointment we are knew the best character to spam this would be Zane with his Mantis Cannon. Mar 31, 2020 @ 9:55am The Zane eraser build is the most specific gear requirement heavy build in the game. Shield: Infernal Wish [always comes in non-elemental variant] Anointment: When Barrier is Deployed, instantly start recharging your shields. It's special ability is that it puts bullets into the mag on a crit, and ricochets bullets to nearby enemies on a crit. Use Brawler Ward for shield to add melee and which will synergize well with the purple shield break skill. Mar 31, 2020 @ 9:53am I play for Fl4K and don't have any trouble killing bosses and regular enemies in late game. Long story short, I had taken a break since DLC 1, I just came back about a week ago, and I’ve been grinding hard, having an absolute blast. Grenade: The swap speed is nice, but at 5pts you get +200% bonus cryo damage on your next shot after swapping. If you're a Zane main, you've got to try playing with a Clone Drone setup. Radiation lightshow with STNL cryo annoint + clone with a cryo Sandhawk is just silly. In case you are not very attracted to the Zane builds that we presented above, do not worry. If you get a cryo kill with full shield, it will fully replenish health. Ahhh nostalgia. 05 May 2020 12:15PM. Whenever Zane kills an enemy with a Critical Hit, there is a chance for 1 ammo to be added to his magazine. By equipping a Stinger Shield with the Melee Nova component and the on Action Skill start triggers Shield Other interesting Zane builds in Borderlands 3 . Under Cover is the main skill tree used for this build, so it should be prioritized first. As far as I can tell, she doesn't benefit at all from no shield. Tier: 0. Trigger kill Sep 19, 2020 · This is a Zane Build by Ki11erSix. I personally run cannon drone and use the SNTNL anoint on most things, but if you’re using cannon it’s also interchangeable with ASE cryo. Uploaded by Goku0124. there is super speed zane using shield and drone. Since the shield is always full/empty it will always do that. It has a large magazine, high fire rate, and it's cryo element. Shield: Frozen Heart [always drops in Cryo form] Anointment: On Action Skill Start, activate any effects that trigger on shield break or fill. For the annointment, 100% stnl cryo is the best for this build. So it sucks against both squishy AND tanky targets. Some sort of shield that isn't junk, like a Transformer or a revolter or an ol god or one of the frozen ones with an Action skill active anoint Clone and stnl. Level 5ish. Using the Augment to make his charges max out at 5 we were able to spam any nova we’d want as much as possible. A broken smile Feb 17, 2020 · Borderlands 3. But this class mod does all you could possibly wish for. However, Cryo gets worse the tankier the target is. Then move on to 6 days ago · All the items are perfect rolls. This setup doesn’t use the skill ‘Fractal Feb 26, 2024 · The Legendary Zane Class Mod Executor comes from the Borderlands 3 Base Game. Skill descriptions were adjusted to reflect their real effect. I have a level 53 that is still my go-to for single target weapon. #2. They didn't really consider Cryo from a game design/rpg perspective. These are a collection of endgame builds made by members of the community, some of which also maintain the above resources. The build contains gear from all the DLCs to Borderlands 3. Mine has 3, which increases this to +64% gun damage. For the best Borderlands 3 Zane build, you’re going to want guns with a high rate of fire and big clip sizes like assault rifles and SMGs. The other 2 pages are the build overview and the skills, which you can access by clicking the buttons below. You won’t be able to use grenades because Aug 21, 2022 · Check out this guide for Zane the Operative's best builds in Borderlands 3. A lot of Zane builds are most effective with cryo and there is a specific FL4K build that capitalizes on radiation damage. Get yourself a Transformer or StopGap with 15% movement speed bonus when SNTNL is active. Every other shot though? Should not be dealing Cryo damage to himself. That and his excellent voice-acting. Snipers probably aren’t the way to go since you need to May 14, 2020 · The main focus of this build is Zane’s cryo ability. ; Locate the Source: Make sure you have Zane can be very fast and can do extra damage the faster he's moving. Community Maintained Builds. Additionally, Zane gains Increased Cryo Freeze Rate. This ability will freeze enemies, making them easy targets for players. Zane because of his Swiss Army Knife build is the easiest to do a run of on the more basic manufacturers like Dahl, Hyperion, and Vladof and those are the ones most people are going to gravitate towards for allegiance runs but some of the lesser used manufacturers that are built around specific play styles and game mechanics become almost meta Its nice but as the one guy pointed out radiation is better. Because zane can keep his action skills up all the time you get the extra 100% cryo dmg on every single shot. Just saying that it ruins the whole point of a Max Would love recommendations on some guns for Zane that aren’t part of DLC 2 or 3. Which is kind of dumb when you're targetting yourself, and grenades freeze everything. Zane is good with practically any gun. Cannon Damage:-10% If you have a Zane, try a mntis, face puncher, ASS frozen heart, ice breaker build. brainstormer shotgun, Redistributor smg, cutsman smg, Maggie Pistol, Craps pistol, Quickie Rocket Launcher, Lump rocket launcher to name a few are all super powerful and become insaine with the sntl cryo anointment. With these builds, you can also one-shot smaller enemies with your Action Skill. Cryo is a powerful element in Borderlands 3 as it universally affects all enemies unless otherwise stated to May 5, 2020 · A Zane build ready for whenever the upcoming Guardian Takedown comes out. Cryo rings a bell though. reReddit: Top posts of January 2020. If I had my pick, I would have health on kill or the extra damage and speed from Badass kills as the second part Aug 26, 2024 · This is an up-to-date Borderlands 3 Eraser – Zane Passive Skill Guide. So any LVL65 content on Mayhem 10 or 11 can be done with this build. Original upload 05 May 2020 12:15PM. Contains: skill Effect Details, boosting Class Mods, ranked Stats Table, and more PLAYSTYLE. On a frozen enemy their head doesn't move, allowing you to target one enemy and freeze everyone in Urad requires Zane to be below health gate; good to have one to get out of ffyl but not something you want to build around given Zane has the most powerful life steal ability. Very viable for Mayhem 3 TVHM mobbing and badass farming. A Seein Dead with cryo or shotgun or Jacobs or crit. ASA 200% is shit on Zane since the numbers just stack with the already insane gun damage numbers that Zane has, so you get massive diminishing returns. Your best bet is to have one cryo weapon in your arsenal. Gearbox. In the past week I’ve gotten: Kaoson. Borderlands 3 Zane Build Grenade. You'll find the creators credited on each build inside. I actually lost my god-roll vladof company man and was gearless when i switched from ps4 to ps5, so i got whatever what was in my bank (i still was level 72), i got a hellwalker a action skill start re-volter a jakobs company man and a hunter seeker with 50% rad damage as annoint, honestly this build shreds so hard, the hellwalker with the revolter on the clone is absolutely crazy. When you shoot a target, you will notice the cryo dmg is much higher in most cases. And a Stop-Gap with low recharge delay means never needing another shield ever. Borderlands 3 Zane Build Grenades. and out of everything the only thing that really matters is the Seein' Dead class mod because it makes literally every possible skill combo on zane This is a Zane Build by RestAssured that focuses on Melee damage and dealing as much damage with Novas. I like zane though because his cryo build is super fun and utilizes his abilities nearly all the time. When bossing with Amara switch to the orb and punch it with a psycho stabber. Using an infinite with drone active +100% cryo with zane on m10 does pretty well. Zane, of course, is Aug 21, 2022 · It's a high survivability build that will work especially well against multiple enemies. I included Cryo weapons because you will get shock damage from the shield and radiation from the anointment. I have zanes mag boosting skill in orange tree, mag size on my class mod and artifact. Cutsman is Dec 10, 2023 · This Borderlands 3 Zane Guns guide will teach players the 5 best guns for Zane in Borderlands 3. HDGamers brings you a couple of good options that are setting trends in No problem. You need to have each and every item with the correct rolls, and in some cases, the rolls need to be in specific line items on the item cards. Moze Endgame Builds Compilation maintained by Glenny and Ramen FL4K Endgame Builds Compilation maintained by Quag Bc Sntnl cryo was 100% cryo of the total dmg. Vanilla alternatives are Night Hawkin, cryo Kaos, better Oct 4, 2020 · Welcome to our Sub Zero build guide for Zane the Operative in Borderlands 3. Love the movement on it as well. My Cryo LS is around 17k. Upon switching to the Nova Berner our damage increased to 30M per nova with a gun ASE increase splash damage by 125%. This build is a brief telling of Moxsy's Double-0 Build for Zane, it uses the 4th skill tree and the 'Spy' Class Mod to create a build with high mobility and ridiculous survivability, leaving your weapons to deal with the DPS. Chance to add ammo: +14%; TIER 2 SKILLS. Grenade: Any Grenade [only anointment matters] Anointment: On Action Skill End, gain 50% bonus Cryo Damage with Weapons for 10 seconds Went down the red tree. Being a cryo based build, it's not realy suited for unfreezable enemies such as bosses or anointed (although with the right weapons you can burn through them anyway. This passive ability is what makes the build Sep 19, 2020 · This is a Zane Build by Ki11erSix. Cryo weapons usually have higher damage values. Though I’ve had luck with urad on Zane. Non redundant preferably. Still the best mobbing tool imo. Grenade spammed for the majority of my run while speccing into the blue tree for kill skills. With this build, you’ll be calling in the SNTNL a lot, who is essentially your best friend who plays alongside you. Oct 8, 2020 · This Double Trouble Zane build guide is split in 3 different pages. Also, 100%, my friend who I played BL3 with played a This build just does silly damage. My favourite build revolves around the 30% mag regen anoint. It can only be obtained from Kritchy located in Cursehaven. Need any help? Check out our General Jul 28, 2021 · Build Description This Zane Build by ThiccFilA utilizes the Digi-clone and 30% ammo regeneration anointment. #1. Colder Shoulder: [Action Skill Augment] Converts Zane’s MNTIS Shoulder Cannon damage to Cryo Damage but deals reduced damage. Cryo assault rifles and shotguns are good choices. These builds are Chain Zane or Clone/Drone build (with level 57, the extra points makes each build crazy good). From memory it was either 50% cryo or rad for 2 mag's, I was having such a blast at the time I cant remember. The build contains gear from all the DLCs to Jan 23, 2021 · Weapons – Best Borderlands 3 Zane Build. If you’re playing Borderlands 3 as Zane, you’re going to want to know what the best Borderlands 3 Zane guns are. Sazzouu. This would result in your Digi-clone constantly throwing As long as they don't fix the cryo sntl anoint I've switched to mnts/barrier as well. Zane's other Passive Skills. After that is 200% action skill active (note that if you swap weapon you lose this bonus) the best gun for clone is the shock backburner as it wil destroye A cryo build works well with the Lucians Call in cryo element. turtle beskar shield So I haven't particularly min-maxed my build, but I've relied heavily on my cryo Lob to do plenty of damage, and then I've just hunted for Shield annoints to add cryo damage, as well as artifact that increase cryo efficiency (the Icebreaker is my favorite), although I do enjoy the Snowdrift that increases slide speed and shoots put a snowball just because it's fun to zip around sliding. ASA200 is a x3 gun dmg which has diminished returns for Zane bc he boosts gun damage so much already. Build Description This Zane Build by ThiccFilA utilizes the Digi-clone and 30% ammo regeneration anointment. A Corrosive or Cryo weapon to deal with armor (yellow health bars) 08 Oct. Best Weapons for this Build. It is a nice change to see a Phasecast build instead of melee all the time. Seein Dead mod with Action skill damage (affects clone) and a cryo Old God shield, Its Piss grenade, and +mag size Pearl or an Icebreaker victory rush is M10 ez mode. Aug 8, 2024 · Zane the Operative is the most flexible and versatile of the four Borderlands 3 characters, thanks to his unique ability to equip two Action Skills at once. When action skill is active, +fire rate helps, and just got a pearl for him as well which boosts it even more. Here’s your quick start guide:. 2020: Guide added. On enemy kill you'll be granted this buff for 8s: +20% Cryo Damage & Elemental Effect Any ol Otto idol can work, or a victory rush. I have not played Zane yet so from what I can gather the cryo build is more of an end game build and not meant for leveling. Cryo based weapons are best, along with a decent shield. I'm not sure about siren, I haven't played her but Zane can benefit a lot from rough rider with his cryo build. Best paired with fast-firing guns. This build can use anything, as long as it has the anoint. If you do not want to download the file, you can just gather inspiration for the build and try to replicate something similar in the game. Calm, Cool, Collected —the other key trait, which Zane is a great character for solo play because he has access to two action skills. While there are a bunch of guns that are universally good on every character, some guns are especially good on certain Vault Hunters. Grenade This is a Zane Build by Ki11erSix . Zane excels at cryo damage. Zane makes nearly every gun really strong. Cold Bore - Advanced Details. The build focuses heavily on the Nov 20, 2022 · The best legendary for Cryo build Zane in Borderlands 3 is the Queen’s Call. Dec 11, 2019 · DLC3 Light Show takes the spot as the most effective short range fast-firing weapon, sporting massive damage. I think this is coming from Trick of the Light, where he deals bonus Cryo to enemies not targetting him. Again, more survivability with Last Stand here. The MNTIS Canon is great for triggering action skill anointments. Whereas on Zane, it’s sent cryo for any build. Zane isn’t as complex as someone like FL4K, but he Our Borderlands 3 Zane Leveling Build Guide features a complete step-by-step leveling guide, focusing on acting skills and defense while constantly freezing enemies. It’s broken be Sntnl cryo AND ASA200 turn off when swapping weapons. speedrun zane is fun to play. Created by Goku0124 . I used one of the shields with “0”. Identify the Best Source: The Sources below are generally ranked from best to worst. By landing critical hits, you can freeze a target even when not using a cryo weapon. You know how it is when you are constantly changing builds looking for that one that really works and they all just merge into one. This guide includes detailed build breakdowns, recommended skills, leveling up guide, & more!!! Freeze enemies in place with the Freeze Dec 28, 2024 · For the Cryo King build, you'll want weapons that can apply cryo damage. You can make this even better by getting a class mod with points in Synchronicity. The 3 main are a cryo light show with the ammo regen anointment. . Cryo, like Radiation, is primarily a debuff than an immediate damage effect. The digicone weapon anointment options don't hold a candle to the gain 50% of damage as bonus cryo damage combined with banjo and redistributor. I've been replaying BL3 on the PS5 and running sntl, clone with the seeing dead classmod (drops in the moxi heist DLC). But all that choice can also make things difficult as you try to decide how Dec 11, 2019 · Brain Freeze —the cornerstone for the whole build. Borderlands 3 Amara Build Skill Tree Drone/clone zane. Brainstormer, Sntnl Cryo. Too op. When it's fixed I'll probably run a drone/mnts I tried a lot of different Zane builds and cryo sentinel + barrier is my number one favourite. Shock, Full Auto Borderlands 3 Zane Cryo Build. A good build is probably blue tree / purple tree combo. This Zane Build by Triple G is able to melt Hemivorous the Invisible within a few minutes. Anyway there's no solution for bosses, they just don't freeze. This setup doesn’t use the skill ‘Fractal Frags’ because with the Seein’ Dead class mod you will constantly be triggering this kill skill. Also, damage can be quite a bit higher on these. Max Points: 5. Show more. If you guys, enjoyed the video, be sure to like comment and subscribe! To download the sa Use fire or shock for your action skill element (shock gets biggest bonus from Tempest), and make sure you have a cryo ASE on grenade so that you’ll be doing cryo damage with all weapons. Show less. Maggie with 100% cryo Kaoson in all elements with 100% cryo Monarch x8 Fire & Rad with 100 cryo Aug 1, 2021 · This is a Zane Build by Moxsy is featured around the skill; Eraser and splash damage weapons. Artifact. In my experience with ice breaker Zane though, you don’t really need to stick to cryo guns to freeze enemies though. N2m is good but the only two ways to use them effectively is doppelbang the clone or tossing the barrier off a ledge. clone and drone is probably the best dps build. By combining these 2 with the Hustler class mod, your explosions will trigger new explosions that stack bonus damage. 4 days ago · Clairvoyance is a legendary assault rifle in Borderlands 3 manufactured by Jakobs and is exclusive to the Guns, Love, and Tentacles DLC. Zane is the only vault hunter capable of equipping two action skills at Feb 1, 2020 · This is a Zane Build by Ki11erSix that utilizes the Barrier/Drone setup with the Seein’d Class Mod. Maybe a On the rest of the hunters, unlike Zane, anoints are more on a per build-type basis. and lots of damage. I am pairing this with a transformer shield. Get yourself a redistributor with SNTNL cryo anointment, preferably Radiation and/or Cryo. Get used to a quick swap off then back to your weapon and you'll wreck. If you guys, enjoyed the video, be sure to like comment and subscribe! To download the savefile join the discord and dow Trying my hardest to survive on Mayhem 11😭😭I have a good solo zane build at 72 but maybe I need those guardian rank skills and guardian rank more beefy lol [ Discussion ] 🎤 Share Add a Comment using dp shredded laser sploder cause i focus cryo, hellwalker, plasma coil, engulfing light show but its just random. Virus scan. Farming Preparations. Look for anointments that boost cryo damage or Dec 11, 2019 · By landing critical hits, you can freeze a target even when not using a cryo weapon. Cryo sandhawk, annointment does not matter since I've been a Zane stan for quite a longtime so I wanted to make a solid setup for everyone to use!#borderlands3 #borderlands4 #borderlands3zane #borderlandsbu Cryo lightshow with shield and clone is what I ran. On my rakk Fl4k it’s ASE 100 damage, got the best results on my build with that anoint (in terms of consistent damage and synergy with my other gear. Executor - Unique Ability. hlmzmnrcppkkdgbjijtwaqirmnakvvrlonsvwvzrqsjdxpuvrbfqe