Forfiles delete directory older than. The script deletes the hello folder which it should not do.
Forfiles delete directory older than.
We have a directory structure like this.
Forfiles delete directory older than Either by Machine Name or IP for deleting the files. If just one file is modified in Ansys folder for the past 3 However I need to code it to only delete things that are older than 3 years, which would be this code: forfiles /P "Y: How to delete all *. In my folder I have an excel file that is created every Open a command prompt, run forfiles /? and read the output help. They wanted to keep the macro files (. But I recently discovered that within the Snapshots folder there are folders organized by date "1-10-2014, 12-20-2014, 10-15-2014 etc. Threats include any threat of violence, or harm to another. files older than 3 years or files added before a certain date but for some reason it ends up deleting both new and old files. Not a valid mask in : /m *%%t The %%t is a complete path, it is a resultant and 100% qualified element from the previous loop, but not a mask for use by forfiles, even if added to *, it will not be treated as a mask. But, I don't want to delete the *. * /D -01/01/2007 /C "cmd /c echo @file is outdated. I have searched the internet and found one But it deletes the files from current directory. The command is as follows; REM Remove text files older than 5 days forfiles -p "E:\Backups" -s -m *. Delete all files older than X minutes (e. I've found this script , but need to adapt it to delete files in multiple directories The batch will create a temporary trash folder named TrashMe. The code is like this: forfiles -p "E:\folder" -m *. forfiles /p %TESTTEMP% /s /d -30 /c "cmd /c IF @ISDIR==FALSE del @FILE /q" forfiles /p %TESTTEMP% /s /c "cmd /c IF @ISDIR==TRUE rmdir @FILE" My logic behind this is that the process should first delete all files within the TESTTEMP directory if the file is older than 30 days, and to check in all the subdirectories. B:/Backups also contains many . What am I doing wrong? Ken it still seems to not work. cmd) to perform a task on files in specific folder. FORFILES path returning invalid directory name on valid directory. bak) and 365 is the number of days (the minus sign means delete anything older than 365 days). exe /p D:\Files /s /m . svn in which a file is currently opened by a process (program/application) with using shared access permissions to deny all other processes to delete the file as long as being opened by this process is not deleted by this command and of course also no directory above the directory containing the file which cannot be deleted at the moment. It is possible to delete all the files older than a If I wanted to just automatically delete the files and the folder, the command would be a much simpler: FORFILES /P “F:\ftp” /S /D -60 /C “cmd /c del @file” You could also Using forfiles, we can setup a batch or command file (*. This script will be set as a scheduled tas I want to use the forfile command to delete all . Using forfiles I can delete subfolder2 but not delete up to parent folder (C:\folder) : @echo off forfiles. The tricky solution would be working with "delete older than X days". 4. ; forfiles returns files and directories by default, so you need to filter for files by if@isdir==FALSE within the command line after /C. Batch file contains a Without much delay, let me show you the steps to use task scheduler to delete files older than a number of days in Windows 10. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. I am having issues making this syntax work correctly. You can quickly delete files older than X days with ForFiles Command. I'd like to delete the . Just to be clear: I am looking for files that are older than 90 days, in other words files created less than 90 Using forfiles, we can setup a batch or command file (*. * -d <number of days> -c "cmd /c del @path" That you can delete older than X days but how do I add the condition above and have it leave a minimum of Z files behind before it does the delete? Example: Lets say I want to delete files older than 14 days but keep a minimum of 5 files with the files below: The given answers will only delete files (which admittedly is what is in the title of this post), but here's some code that will first delete all of the files older than 15 days, and then recursively delete any empty directories that may have been left behind. The forfiles command allows to select files and run another command on I n this tutorial, we are going to see how to delete all files in a folder older than N days in a batch file by using FORFILES command, which allows you to execute a command on each file selected. For example, you can name the task as Delete Old Files in the Downloads Folder. . Robocopy will than move (not copy!) all desired files (correct extension and modified time stamp older than 365 days) to that trash folder. for /f useback^tokens^=* %i in (`2^>nul forfiles /p "C:\Program Files\Apache Software Stack Exchange Network. exe "C:\Path\To\TempFiles" ! -mmin -5 -type f -delete If you have a lot of files in several directories and wish to clean them up by removing those that are older than a certain number of days, you can use the ForFiles command. I am still green at writing my own batch files so bear with me . Provide details and share your research! But avoid . Cfinley. Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks. The code below works to delete all files ending in . Say from \\folder1\ to \\folder1\archive\ The files have the extensions of . * /s /d -45 /c "cmd /c move @file >NUL" It will remove all Here is how you can delete files older than certain days using three different methods. 2 days on a win7 machine. 1,435 3 3 Using FORFILES to delete Folders older than 2 days. Feb 23, 2012 • Jonathan - Removing files / folders older than X days. DateCreated)) > 7 Then folder. I am in need of a script preferably a vbscript for a Windows Server which will archive files in a folder to another folder. Finally, iterate over the resulting list and Just to let you know, if you haven't already seen the usage information for the del command, or understood how the forfiles utility works, that you definitely do not need to use the /q option. These sub-folders contain different internal structuring of files but I don't think this should affect the script as I only need it to look through every file in the Backup2 directory, and if it is older than x days then delete that file. I am using forfiles to delete files older than 7 days from a specific directory using the following script found elsewhere on this forum:. tmp, . any idea would be greatly helpful. frm files in some directories. :: The value must be a path without a file name or file wild cards. This post contains a batch file, and a Powershell script that will do this. Follow edited Jul 14, 2014 at 20:14. forfiles -p "H:\E-drev" -m *. I am able to delete files, but it leaves behind the sub-directories in which those files resided. 6. I just brought it up because the delete example forfiles syntax did not match your test case example forfiles syntax I have got this far: FORFILES /p N:\ /m *. Fix 2. Commented Jan 31, 2012 at 15:54. bak /p "Z:\Logs" /S /D -5 /C "cmd /c del @file : date >= 5 days >NUL" But when the task runs at midnight, it does not delete the files older than 5 days. I want to write another script that deletes the backup files created a week earlier. As said, there are mainly two ways to delete files older than X days in Windows 11/10: using Storage Sense and ForFiles command. frm files under a specific directory. 3 names like "c:\path too long" becomes c:\pathto∼1 . For each file or folder matching this criterion the Windows command interpreter is executed with option /C to close after finishing execution of specified command. using UNC path in a For Loop in a batch file. " To list the file name extensions of all the files in the current directory in column format, and add a tab before the extension, type: If you need to deal with space limit issue on a very large file tree (in my case many perforce branches), that sometimes being hanged while running the find and delete process -. exe /c IF @isdir == TRUE rd /s /q @path" exit This script also adds the current date once it makes a copy and moves it this file into a backup folder. There's one big problem with your script that I have noticed in testing, is that it doesn't seem to count files in the subfolders of a FORFILES in /Path “F:\ftp” including /Subdirectories /Dated more than -60 days ago, run the following /Command “cmd /c if this is NOT a DIRECTORY move the@file to F:\_ToBeDeleted” If I wanted to just automatically delete the files and the folder, the command would be a much simpler: There are many questions on how to delete files older than x minutes/hours/days on linux, but no one get to the seconds resolution. The script deletes the hello folder which it should not do. My code also uses the -Force option to delete hidden and read-only files as well. * /D -7 /C "cmd /c del @path" This Works fine except I have some files with no extension eg. Without it the files older than <NoDaysSinceModified> will be listed. Change If you want to delete files older than X days automatically in Windows 11 and Windows 10, here is how you can do that. So what I need is a script that removes the folders older than 7 days. txt'. Hi Iam new to batch scripting I want to create batch script which deletes the files older than 20 minutes. Batch File: It can be backup files, log files, and other temporary files. exe /p Y:\ErrorFolder/d -%max_days% /c "cmd /c IF @isdir == TRUE rd /S /Q @mutia keyza " net use Y: /delete /Yes. Explanation of commands. Delete (True Using FORFILES to delete Folders older than 2 days. The FORFILES option /S does not make sense in this case and should not be used here. I'm really new to batch scripting so I'm just hoping that someone can help me out on this. The command is: ForFiles /p “C:\path\to\folder” /s /d -30 /c “cmd /c del /q @file” . * -d -3 -c "Cmd /C del @FILE" or you can do the same thing with powershell : Are "private" folders possible with folder redirection and offline files synchronization? 0. Thanks for providing this script which is exactly what I am looking for. " Hey. set "folderPath=d: How to delete files older than x days with FORFILES? 0. @echo off forfiles /p "rest of copy commands" >>logfile. You'll have to use old style short 8. xls. What is wrong or do I need to do something different to make this work? EDIT: To delete files older than 10 days on Windows 11, use the “ForFiles” tool. Replace For to For /F loop:. Command Prompt output to CSV. I'm a bit more partial to Python, Perl, (the *nix/Linux) varieties and something like that would be pretty easy in Python (). /MIN:n :: MINimum file size - exclude files smaller than n bytes. forfiles /p "C:\Backup" /s /m *. With it set as D it will delete files older than <NoDaysSinceModified> Example. 25. You can use this tool to delete files that are older than 30 days from a given directory Zip files in the archive directory that are older than 1 week and delete files from this directory that are older than 6 months. TempFiles) gnu_find. FORFILES /P "D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10. \Document Name_archive\YYYY\MonthName. And if not it should be not deleted. sql files older than 90 days using batch file and I wrote following command. exe /s /d -30 /p "C:\folder" /c "cmd. Right-click the result and select the "Run as administrator" option. And also deletes the 30 days old files from the source folder after copying to the destination folder. Step 2. I have a batch file that deletes log files over 30 days old, but I don't think it's a safe way to delete important files. The last action is to remove the trash folder containing all found old files which. Delete Files that are Older than ‘N’ days Using File Explorer. Here is an excerpt of the File Selection Options shown when robocopy /? is typed into the command prompt window: /MAX:n :: MAXimum file size - exclude files bigger than n bytes. How can delete all files older than 6 hours: set month=%%j set day=%%k set year=%%l i want to create the batch script which could copy the 30 days older files from one folder to another. Batch to delete all files. Batch file "delete anything older than 5 days, but ALWAYS keep the most recent 5 files, EVEN if they themselves are older than 5 days" We can use forfiles. Follow the given steps below to use CMD delete files older than x days: Step 1. forfiles /p "C:\mypath" /d -30 /c "cmd /c del @path However it is not exactly doing what I wish it would do. You may save space and keep things ordered by removing files in any folder that are more than a certain number of days old. This will delete files older than 3 days but how to modify that so it will delete the oldest files more than 3 in that directory. The problem I am experiencing is that the forfiles batch file acts as it should for 5 days (does not delete any files as I am using /D -5), but once a single file gets to 5 days old, all the files in the directory are deleted – including those only 1, 2, 3 or 4 days old at the time. find /home/user/uploads -maxdepth 1 -type f ! -newermt "2018-10-14 00:00:00" -exec rm -v {} \; Check for the name of the directory to be omitted. The script need to check a path recursively for all files and retain file for 90 days if *pattern. If I double click on the batch file and run it manually, it does delete the files older than 5 days. bat, *. 2014 I am attempting to purge a public directory, so when an item is older than 30 days it should be deleted. How to delete files older than X hours or minutes? 1. From there, scroll down and select the Once you execute the batch file, all the files in the specified folder that are older than the specified number of days will be deleted. Both of those examples came from Googling powershell delete files older than or python delete files older So in the work of doing backups, I need a batch script that would allow me to delete files in a specified directory, that are older than lets say, 3 days. Use. This is needed for a simple backup mechanic I've implemented, that saves a certain file every hour and I don't want to delete old files manually. txt setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion set You could use forfiles in Windows 2003, Vista and Seven, for example for deleting files older than 3 days : Forfiles -p "<path>" -s -m *. Method 1 - CMD. zip that are in the current active directory":You don't need to use the /P option because as stated in the usage I'm using a batch file now to delete all files ending in . You can replace /m *%%t to: /m "*. ) for /f %%i IN ('forfiles I want to delete *. My script is: forfiles /P \\servername\\foldername /S /D -30 /C “cmd /C del @file” forfiles /P \\servername\\foldername How do I create a batch file to delete files older than a specified date? This does not seem to work; :: print all file names, older than 180 days. The basic structure of the file tree I am trying to negotiate is: C:\Backups\Subfolder1 C:\Backups\Subfolder2 C:\Backups\Subfolder3. bat It will move all the files from the folder located at C:\Processing, older than 360 days, to the destination folder located at D:\Result. Use the following command to delete files older than X days: forfiles /D -X /C "cmd /c del @file" Replace X with the number of days: forfiles /D -30 /C "cmd /c del @file" This command will delete all files older than 30 days in the specified directory. 2014 next folder 24. @ext” The You can quickly delete files older than 7, 30, 45, 60 days, etc. We'd prefer to just use a batch file 1. Thanks in advance Hi AnthonyBartolo . C: forfiles /p "C: Batch file to recursively delete files in a folder older than N number of days. txt"), and then Sort all directories found that are older than 2 days, and Remove the first matched REM Remove files older than 1 day forfiles /p %1 /s /m * /c "cmd /c del @path /q" /d -1 Then open Windows Task Scheduler. And i also need/want to make that deleted Folder are written in a Log. To delete files older than 10 days on Type in ForFiles /p "C:\path\to\folder"/s /d -X /c "cmd /c del /q @file" to delete files on Windows that haven't been modified in the last X days and press Enter. tmp /c "cmd /c Del @path" /d -180 but I want to pass number of month instead of number of days. There are other commands you can use alongside ForFiles. Method 1. Note: I am not Hi, I created a script to delete files and folders that are older than 2 days. bak files older than X`` days from B:/Backups while completely ignoring those subfolders AND their Windows has a built-in command-line tool, forfiles, to find and manage files based on certain criteria. I'm planning to have this bat file run by a windows scheduler task every day. To add some more complexity, ideally I need to check the date on the files within a folder rather than the folders date properties. Deletes everything rather deleting files older than 24 hourr or 1 day old. Left-click the Windows main menu and search for Command Prompt. forfiles /p C:\Processing /m *. log is matched and for all others retain for only 30 days. Using Windows Search, you can easily get the list of files based on a selected date range, or files older I would like to know (using C#) how I can delete files in a certain directory older than 3 months, but I guess the date period could be flexible. for %G in (. /path/to/base/dir: the directory to start your search in. An example to batch delete all files older than seven days in C:\Windows\Temp: ForFiles /S /P C:\Windows\Temp /D -7 ` /C "cmd /c if @isdir==FALSE del /F /Q @file" /S : Instructs forfiles to recurse into Specify the task name in the "Name" box. Then after running my backups I wanted to delete the old files that were older than five days by using the below example. Obviously using *. exe on their computer. bak) do forfiles -p "C:\test\cad projects" -s -m *%G -d -7 I would like to create a batch file that deletes files (only files, not folders neither subfolders) from different directories (100+ different directories) older than 1 day and have this batch run everyday on task scheduler. @echo off It deletes all the files older than X days from a specific repertory. ForFiles /P "C: \Batch test" /D -4 so the move command is displayed rather than executed; to avoid that, simply remove echo; there is a second move command after forfiles, as it appears behind the closing quotation mark of the forfiles /C part, Batch script to move file from scource to destination folder for files older than I have the below script which deletes files with retention one day. Reference article for forfiles command, which selects and runs a command on a file or set of files. The below deletes all folders from c:temp older than 10 days: FORFILES /p “c:temp” /S /D -10 /C “cmd /c IF @isdir == TRUE rd /S /Q @path” This works for you if you are using Win2003 or WinXP and have forfiles. I'm trying to create a batch script that will delete all sub directories which are older than 30 days. vbs "c:\Log Files" 8 will list all files in c:\Log Files older than 8 days old. bak files older, than, say, 7 days in remote file share. REM is a comment. For example, here's a PowerShell example. C:\Program Files\Snapshots. * -d -5 -c "cmd /c del E:\Backups\*. How can I find all folders with a specific name and delete all contents except for two files with a batch script? 0. g. I have a few network drives that have files and subfolders older than a specific date cleared out routinely. bak files being newer or in a directory where second directory in file I also want to delete files in specific sub-directories of the source that are over a certain date, for example 30 days, but I want to be absolutely sure that they've successfully been archived to the SFTP server. forfiles will run a command for each file. net framework which make the task far more Related: Batch file to delete files older than N days; query whether @isdir is TRUE within the command line after the /C switch of forfiles to operate on directories rather than files, and use rmdir rather than del to actually delete directories – aschipfl. Here's a script that I schedule daily to find all directories with specific file ("ChangesLog. I am able to list directory names using: The following command forfiles /p "C:\source_folder" /s /m *. We can then sort the list by mtime, and take all but the 20 most recent 1. txt outputs the result to a The above command lets you delete all files that are folder than 180 days or six months and available in the mentioned folder. Follow This will do it recursively for you: find /path/to/base/dir/* -type d -ctime +10 -exec rm -rf {} \; Explanation: find: the unix command for finding files / directories / links etc. Note that the rd /s /q command will remove the directory and all its contents, including subdirectories and files. I have a batch file setup with the following command: forfiles /p The following example deletes all folders from “C:\Users\StackHowTo\myFolders” older than 30 days: @echo off FORFILES /p "C:\Users\StackHowTo\myFiles" /S /D -30 /C "cmd /c IF @isdir == TRUE rd /S Delete older than 7 days. If anyone can help me out that would be great in my learning of this. Forfiles batch process and delete files older than 'n' days. bak files. Its an old tool and i wouldnt advise to continue to make use of it. Besides usage of forfiles which is very slow (but inevitable for this script, I think), the main decelerating part of your script is the modification of the archive in every single loop iteration. * /c "cmd /c Del @path" /d -30 will erase files in c:\source_folder older than 30 days. * /c "cmd /c for /d %%i in (C: Using FORFILES to I have to delete tmp files that are older than 6 months. snp that are older than 180 days. forfiles /p "c:/temp" /s /m . How to delete contents of the folder older then x days in Talend job? I have thought about retrieving that attribute from rFilesList (could not find) or passing unix command to a system (less preferable way as you have less control). * /c “cmd /c Del /F /Q @path” /d -10 /s. I have written a simple batch job for copying the files from one folder to another that are older than x-number of days using forfiles. Based on your questions criteria, "delete all files ending in . I was able to find a script that delete all sub directories in specified location. In the example, change “10” for the number of days you want How to delete all directories (and contents) older than N days without usage of forfiles? 1. @ext” The command above will scan the folder C:\Backup for files Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Visit the blog A directory matched by the wildcard pattern *. * /D -10 /C "cmd /c del @path" However, I'm not able to figure out how to get a log file populated everytime it's run. FORFILES /S /D -30 /C ^ "cmd /c IF @isdir == TRUE (IF /I @file NEQ DoNotDelete (echo rd /S /Q @path))" Delete Files Older Than X Days with ForFiles Command. exe installed on your machine forfiles -p "C:\path_of_your_bat" -s -m rmdownload. Batch to delete files older than based on the extension. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. cmd script to delete folders from a specified path that are older than e. Here are the commands I tried so far. config files to a backup folder. With help from @Magoo, who pointed out I can use sort /r to reverse a list, I managed to get to a solution. This tutorial shows how to delete files older than X days on Windows. Batch Script Doesnt Delete Folders in a Folder . SIMS2008\MSSQL\Backup" /S /M *. Create a basic task to run a program, and as the argument give the path to the folder in quotes. Advertisеment. I think I am getting close to what I am trying to do but I am getting a invalid switch - “d” as a result of my following code. * /s /c "cmd /c echo @path@file" /D -3 >> c:\temp\output. I am trying to use forfiles to delete files that are older than 7 days. I’ve tried with “forfiles” but I can’t get it to work Using forfiles, you can easily batch delete files older than 7 days in Windows. * does not return /L only outputs the output of the command but doesn't move anything /V enables verbose mode, which allows the filenames to be printed /MINAGE:30 only returns files and folders older than 30 days /NJH prevents the job header from being printed /NJS prevents the job summary from being printed /LOG:C:\Users\Desktop\DirContents. , using Command Prompt and PowerShell, and here's how on Windows 11. To remove subfolders I tend to use something like this (after mapping the network share to R:): forfiles /P "R:" /D -200 /C "cmd /c IF @isdir == TRUE rd /S /Q @path" >> %backuplog% 2>&1 However, I have a folder structure that now fills with folders with names I huge uploads folder and tried to delete the old files eg. – I believe this command will delete a folder that's older than 90 but again because the /D it is based off of the modified date. I'm not sure how FORFILES behaves on other versions of Windows. But my scenario is to delete the files from specific location. forfiles -p “C:\Users\user\Google Drive\Backup” -s -m . I have tried various examples but they are not doing what I expect. FORFILES /S /P "E:\" /M "*" /D -365 /C "CMD /C DEL @path" Where E:\ is the top level directory, * is the wildcard you want to match (e. doc and . For more information about the forfiles documention, see Batch file to delete files older than N days. * -d 14 -c "cmd /c del @path"` The same I would like to do on FTP, once the newest backup files are dumped into FTP server running on Windows Server 2008 R2. I need to have a windows batch file which deletes all files which are older than 7 days in a folder and its sub folders without deleting any folders. txt" 3. I need this to run on a main server PC. But I need to count the number of files it will echo the count and you delete the file. When you are confident that only the correct directories will be removed, delete the echo from the rd command. Use the forfiles Command in a . I am wondering if anyone knows how i can use a batch file to remotely access around 10 PCs and clear files older than 7 days from c\\programdata\\Oci\\Temp I have been trying to use ForFiles, but it never seems to work. Is there a way to delete files in a given directory if they are a certain number of days old without using forfiles? Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. This runs every day, but we just need 7 days. 5 minutes) in a given directory (e. bak files older than 3 years anywhere in directory tree if second directory in file path is masters and keep all other *. remove sub directories from %dump_path% forfiles. /d -7 /c "cmd /c del @file" But there's no way of making an exception with "forfiles" Batch file to recursively delete files in a folder older than N number of days. PurgeOldFiles. * /c "cmd /c Del @path" /d -1 Here is a batch file not using command forfiles to delete all folders in C:\Temp recursive which have a date older than 7 days. config /D -7 /C "cmd /c del @file" Locally, I am using forfiles to delete files older than 14 days: forfiles -p "C:\whatever" -s -m *. Use option /M with the file name to match just the file you want to delete if older than X days. To achieve this goal, you don't even need any third-party tools. exe or another solution (although anything that is a slick one-liner is ALWAYS preferable to a script file). Is there any option like 3 recent files or modified? Remember to replace the folder path with the actual folder location path. On a windows machine (win 7 or Win server 2008 R2) I have a batch script that copies some . In the hello folder every file is older than 3 days. /D -1 /C “cmd /c del @path ”. Example: forfiles /p “C:\Backup” /D -60 /C “cmd /c del @fname. – dbenham. How to use if else statement in forfiles to match a filename pattern and keep files for 90 days deleting older files, and if pattern not matched then keep for 30 days. I already have this 2 commands: forfiles -p “H:\\Downloads” -d -5 -c “cmd /c IF @isdir == TRUE rd /S /Q @path” But this command are only deleting subfolders and are not deleting files. The command FORFILES searches in directory C:\Users for files and directories older than 30 days. As suggested in my comment, your problem could easily be solved by reading the usage information for your command, (available when entering FORFILES /? at the Command Prompt). This is the script I use for deleting SIMS and FMS backups older than 7 days. vbs "c:\Log Files" 8 D will delete all files in c:\Log Files older than 8 days old But, I can't check for dates greater than X using 'dir'. Follow the given steps below to I want to delete all files older than 1 day / 24 hours using a timed task in the OS and a batch file. a It seems that you want to check all log directories starting with log_ only and delete them if they are older than a day, or at least have a date of yesterday, if so, I believe that this is what you want to to: forfiles /P "D:\Programmi Installati" /M "log_*" /D -1 /C "cmd /c if @isdir==TRUE echo rd /s /q @path" Note! I'm looking to automatically delete files older than 7 days old with forfiles. forfiles /p "D:\Daily Backups\myfiles" /s /d -3 /c "cmd /c del @file" batch-file; Share. But also I only want to move I have archive folder so in that soo many folder are there, I have to delete those folders automatically which are older than 90 days using batch file or CMD. Use task scheduler to delete files older than X days. 0. Command 1. It should only delete Ansys if EVERY file in the folder is older than 3 days. I've looked at using 'forfiles' but this won't produce the list as I need it which my dir attempt produces. We have a directory structure like this. Open I would like to check if all files within "subfolder2" are over 30 days old and if so delete C:\folder path (not only subfolder2). change to *. Thank you! P. The code used is as follows: @echo off cd /d "C:\MyPath" :: remove files that are older than 31 days (retention period) forfiles /s /d -31 /c "cmd /c if @isdir==FALSE del @relpath") :: attempt to remove folders (will fail if the folder is not empty. * /D -7 /C "CMD /C del /Q @FILE" Scripting – Delete Files and Folders Older Than X Days. Feel free to rename/place the Binaries folder however you wish. REM Remove files older than 1 day forfiles /p "C:\Users\Username\Downloads" /s /m *. bat -d -90 -c "cmd /c del C:\user folder\Downloads" Later versions of Windows and Windows Server have it installed by default. ; Use this command: ForFiles /p “FOLDER-PATH” /s /d -10 /c “cmd /c del /q @file”. batch; Share. Therefore I should add an extra argument to my current script: forfiles /p I'd say that would be dependent on your familiarity and comfort with programming/scripting languages. S. so for example we have many sub-folders (within different document name folders) called \2014\January etc. 3. forfiles /S /D -180 /C "cmd /C Echo @Path" >olderthan180days. forfiles /M *. forfiles /p “H:\\Downloads” /s /d -0 /c “cmd /c del /s /q @path” But this command are only deleting files and not deleting subfolders. txt File :(0. To test it first, use this: Forfiles -pC: The all-uppercase requirement is not so clear but verified during testing. Confirm Deletion: Ensure you review which files will be deleted. I have a directory with many temp files. I have a script that takes backup of a folder and names it with the date of the day. This will delete all files in my backup directory older than 5 days. You exclude multiple folders with the /XD switch. -type d: only find directories-ctime +10: only consider the ones with modification time older than 10 days This command searches for files and directories (including subdirectories) modified more than 30 days ago (-30) and then remove directories and files using the rd /s /q command. In the command, @echo off setlocal disableDelayedExpansion :: Define the folder to delete from. Here is a different approach using robocopy and its filter capabilities. We'd like to remove all the folders and their contents that have a created date older than 180 days. That option is only used when deleting multiple files, however your command would be deleting one file at a time. One way to do that is to construct a list of files along with their modification times and a flag indicating whether the file is mtime +7 or not. Before inserting the command into SqlServerAgent job, I tried to execute it from Windows command line: using forfiles: forfiles /P I need to delete files in a certain directory if they are more than 10 days old. So it deletes on 2015-02-08 all folders with a date up to 2015-01-31 while keeping all folders with a date starting from 2015-02-01. How to delete files older than X hours or minutes? I have a batch file that delete files in a directory which is older than 1 day, but I need for minutes and hours. Edit: The Situation is the following under the path X:\backups are folders which contain daily backups e. Step 7: Now, simply double click on the batch There are some caveats: forfiles only checks the modification date (not creation, no time); so it depends on what you mean by older than (I would understand created on or before date). batch Forfiles command to delete 12 hours old files in . frm /c "cmd /c IF NOT DESIRE_DIR del @PATH" Some help, please ! Harassment is any behavior intended to disturb or upset a person or group of people. txt /S /D -2 /C "cmd /c move @file D: It removes ALL files older than X days and removes any empty \TEST\ set drive=E: ::Delete files forfiles -p %folderpath% -s -d -%days% -c "cmd /c del /q @path " ::Delete folders cd %folderpath /Q - Quiet mode, do not ask if ok to remove a directory tree with /S /S - Removes all directories and files in the specified The below deletes all files from c:temp older than 10 days: FORFILES /p “c:temp” /m *. The wildcard expression *_C selects any files which end with _C , regardless of whether it has an extension. Remember to replace the date with the date you want to delete files older than. Batch Script to delete older folders with yyyymm as folder name. bak to delete only files with the extension . How do you run a command with a full path from the Windows forfiles command? 0. /c "cmd /c Del @path" /d -90 The problem is someone could modify the file at 89 days and the script would then move everything but that file likely creating a large mess. dqy) but recursively delete everything else older than 14 days. I was able to run it but when there are no files the job fails. It deletes all the text files from the folder if it found any of the file older than specific date, whereas it doesn't do anything if it doesn't found any text file older than specific date which is correct. g. 06. forfiles /p "c:\sourceFolder" /S /D -30 /C "cmd /c robocopy "C:\DestinationFolder" "C:\sourceFolder" /mir @file : date>=30 days=nul" So we want to get the (regular) files that have mtime more than 7 days ago AND are not within the 20 newest files. snp under the root folder . I have a backup directory E:\Backup2 that contains a number of sub-folders Alresco, Postgres and Sybase. ; Specifying mask /M *. In this example, we will To delete files older than 30 days on Windows 10, use the “ForFiles” command. I've found this solution: How to delete files and directories older than n days in linux. Runs in the current directory (be careful when testing). Drive letter is also fine. What I would like to do is remove all tmp and bak files from the specified directory and all subdirectories if the modified date is older than 7 days. To display the text file is outdated for each of the files in the current directory that are older than January 1, 2007, type: forfiles /S /M *. I suppose you have installed . Batch file to recursively delete files in a folder older than N number of days. Both methods have some advantages and FORFILES /S /D -10 /C "cmd /c IF @isdir == TRUE rd /S /Q @path" So your task is to delete older backup directories no longer needed. See more examples and explications here. This is not a tool just for myself but for many, so I can never say for sure if someone has the forfiles. I've found several posts that are close to my question, but wanted to run it by you guys just to be 100% clear. I have this, but i don't know how to put the name of the dir where i don't want to delete files: forfiles /p D:\myfolder\ /s /m *. I want to delete all folders, subfolders and files older than ome day in a specific directory and leave one folder untouched with the forfiles like the command below: forfiles /p "C:\path\tocheck" /s /m *. REM move files older than 2 days to an archive directory forfiles /P D:\Agentrics\integration\incoming\Jason /M *. @echo off cd /d "C:\Windows\Temp" rd /s /q "C:\Windows\Temp" No option in the task scheduler to delete the files and folders older than X hours. All files older than 5 days can be deleted except one file 'DoNotDelete. For example: forfiles /P "path" /M "file name" /D -1 /C "%ComSpec% /C del /A /F @file". Visit Stack Exchange I have few folders where I want to use a CMD file to delete files older than X days. forfiles /s /c "cmd /c (if NOT @ext==\"dqy\" del /s /q @path)" /D -14 This is about as simple as I could get this script. FORFILES /p "X:\Supervisors Log\Backups\Attendance Bak\" /d -5 /c "cmd /c del @path " But what happens is it creates the backups but never deletes the old ones. We will explain two methods: Batch script to remove files older than based on the extension of the file. Delete Files Older Than X Days with ForFiles Command. Now i have to make, if a folder was created 2 days ago and its empty it should be deleted with the other empty folders that are older than 2 Days. My question: Is there a way to add into this script to also delete all I need to delete (. I have a folder: B:/Backups it has two subfolders B:/Backups/Cust1 and B:/Backups/Cust2. I'm trying to use bat file as a command for deleting files older than 10 days in a folder. I have this command runing in the batch file which delete files older than 180 days. This is an I am working on writing a batch file for deleting . So your version with the /P option and @FILE will not work on Vista unless the specified path matches the current directory. * will delete any files in the given directory older than 7 days. txt delete all PDF files, In the target directory, Hi Can anyone help me edit this command for Delete files older than 30 minutes . Instead, you should do the archiving once only, perhaps using a list file, then let the archiving tool delete files it successfully compressed on its own: If you just want to delete files older than 30 days in C:\FullDir (and all subdirectories), then consider using forfiles instead: forfiles /p "C:\FullDir" /s /d -30 /c "cmd /c del @path" (I would recommend first testing that it does what you want it I've searched all around and have found a way to remove older files/folders: forfiles. rvt files older than 30 days from user documents folder. The code below works when I do it manually and respond yes to ("H:\SHARED\Scans") Set folders = parent. The issue solved I am attempting to create a simple script to delete files and folders within a directory that are older than a certain amount of days for cleanup purposes. Do you know a CMD command where I can I am trying to delete directories older than one month from a batch file. but using the drive letter I have made a batch file to robocopy /MOVE files with xxxx* in the file name to a temp folder, then a second command using forfiles to delete any files in the original directory older than -xx days old, then using the robocopy /move to move all the other files back to I make a Script which deletes all empty Folders with Subfolders in a Path. 2. I've tried this below, that works with robocopy, however doesn't work with forfiles. The simple solution is following: I'm trying to create a batch script that will delete all sub directories which are older than 30 days. and I am using the following code: Its challenging to do this (independent of time date settings) even with WSH\Jscript\VBscript as WSH does not return date object when you request the date/time properties of a file ,but a string that depends on time settings (wmi could be used but this will hit the performance). Improve this question. txt The issue is in the directory and the children directories are many files that are more than 3 days old which are to be kept for archival purposes, however they are reported in the output file which makes it very difficult to see which files are 'genuinely' 3 days old or older I am trying to delete all files in subfolders of a given folder without deleting the subfolders themselves. txt" forfiles -p "C:\what\ever" -s -m *. SubFolders ' delete any folder older than 7 days For Each folder in folders If Abs(DateDiff("d",Date, folder. There are plenty of suggestions on how to use FORFILES (as example): FORFILES /P "D:\Configs_Backup" /M *.
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