Calgary court docket list Calgary and Calgary Regional: The Honourable Justice S. Daniel* Calgary and CAC P. Current Hearing Lists Note: All Hearing Lists are subject to change Edmonton Hearing Lists. These are different than court orders which are generally only available directly from the court that issued the order and not usually available online in Alberta. Taux d'intérêt antérieur et postérieur au jugement. Do not use this form for searches in Alberta Court of Justice or Alberta Court of Appeal. OF CALGARY 1503 R v. 601 5 Street SW, Calgary, Alberta T2P 5P7 Telephone: 403-297-7538 Drumheller 511 3 Avenue W 511 3 Avenue W, Drumheller, Alberta T0J 0Y0 Telephone: 403-820-7300 Edmonton Law Courts Building 1A Sir A collection of judgments of the Alberta Court of Justice is available from CanLII. Author: Victoria Turner View Daily Court Hearing List. However, the posting of court lists The Court of King's Bench is the Superior Trial Court for the Province, hearing trials in civil and criminal matters and appeals from decisions of the Court of Justice. John Doe), choose the "Search by Action or Court File Number" option. Regular Family Chambers dates will be scheduled in Family Docket Court after considering whether the matter is appropriate for a dispute resolution process or for a desk application process as announced by the Court here: The Court will accommodate emergency applications that may arise after the booking cut-off. TRUMBLE 1002 EPO Reviews MALIK, J Urgent Chambers Urgent Chambers 904 Applications Judge Chambers 1001 SIDNELL, J Family Law Chambers 1 BAIG v. C. case law and / or list of authorities referred to in court, if Hearing List - Week at a Glance-2025-02-21 Calgary Posting List Time Estimate: Time Estimate: 10:00 a. Home; About Court Of King's Bench. File an application or claim in court . Family Docket Court; Family Law Dispute Resolution Services; Service Outside of Canada (Includes Hague Convention) Adjournment Request - Family Docket Court; Calgary. 00 and will include a list of all documents filed. B. Search Upcoming Hearings. In Edmonton and Calgary, the Applicant should advise the Justice presiding in Family Docket Court of their booking priority so that this can be considered in the Family Docket Court triage process. information on, and booking procedures & availability for, Family Docket Court; Family & Civil Regular Chambers: information on, and booking procedures & availability for, regular Family Chambers and regular Civil Chambers. The Court Calendar and Indigenous Court Worker and Resolution Services Programs booklet contains an overview of the sitting dates for Alberta Courts. The official version of the reasons for judgment is the signed original or handwritten document in the court file. Courtroom 305 – In Custody Docket . If there is a question about the content of a judgment, the original court file takes precedence. Matters in Drumheller, All applications will be booked as either trial or docket matters at their respective Regional locations through the applicable CMO. WILTEN 1003 Family Docket Court 1004 PARKER, J Civil Chambers MOKRZYCKA, et al v. J. MEGID 1002 THOMPSON, J EPO Reviews Urgent Chambers Urgent Chambers Individuals charged with traffic or criminal offenses by the Calgary Police Service will be issued release documentation that will require them to either pay a fine or attend court. Brown* Calgary and Calgary Regional: The Honourable Justice M. Calgary Criminal Division . MACKENZIE, et al 1002 DARIO, J EPO Reviews Urgent Chambers 903 Applications Judge Chambers CRT RM STYLE OF CAUSE CALGARY COURT OF KING'S BENCH - DAILY COURT LIST Tuesday, February 18, 2025 Created On: 2025-02-14 The Court of King's Bench is the Superior Trial Court for the Province, hearing trials in civil and criminal matters and appeals from decisions of the Court of Justice. For criminal matters in the Ontario Court of Justice, the docket number will also be displayed under the Docket Line column. P: 403-297-7538 F: 403-297-8617 Manager: Lisa Lindquist. It is a procedural court within the Court of King’s Bench where the justice justice The title for judges in Family Docket Court; Family Law Dispute Resolution Services; Service Outside of Canada (Includes Hague Convention) Adjournment Request - Family Docket Court; Calgary. The Chief Justice and other Justices of the Court are also judges of Surrogate Matters, which has jurisdiction over probate and administration of estate matters. Materials and Filing Deadlines. MACGREGOR AKA SURRIDGE 1402 R v. Booking Procedures in Calgary and Edmonton for the Commercial Duty List This website publishes the daily court lists for the Superior Court of Justice (Ontario) and the Ontario Court of Justice. assignments and availability for Calgary and Edmonton. Robert Rigo Hearing List - Week at a Glance-2025-02-28 Calgary Posting List No Hearings Scheduled No Hearings Scheduled Time Estimate: J. 16-amendments-and-family-docket-court To attend Family Docket Court, you must complete a Notice to Attend Family Docket Court form, select 2 date options, and submit it to the Clerk with a copy by email to the other party. ARNOLD 1501 R v. Calgary Courts Centre 601 5th Street SW Calgary AB T2P 5P7. 45+ Minutes Calgary Courtroom 2 2401-0200AC Hentosz Hearing List - Week at a Glance-2025-02-21 Calgary Posting List Time Estimate: 10:00 a. Time Estimate: 1. Current Single Judge (Chambers) Hearing List; Current Civil Panel Applications Hearing List; Court Reporter Required FROESE, J 08:45 2401 04341 Webex VC88 JUGNAUTH, J 11:15 4801 202084 HO, J 10:00/14:00 1801 14045 Gowning Required CALGARY COURT Hearing List - Week at a Glance-2025-02-21 Calgary Posting List Time Estimate: Time Estimate: 10:00 a. Golf Properties of Florida, LLC (R) E. BILSKI KONOVALOVA v. Note If you know the action or court file number, or are searching for a specific action or court file (example Jane Doe vs. 57 KB: 11 Feb, 2025: Download: 2024 Edmonton Criminal Division Courtroom Assignment List: PDF: 107. BAIG 903 Applications Judge Chambers CERATO v. It includes a listing of Judges, Justices, Masters, and Alberta Court personnel, as well as information on the numerous Court Services Programs available. If your case is in the Court of King’s Bench in Edmonton or Calgary, Family Docket Court is the first stop for all family law issues. Individuals charged with traffic or criminal offenses by the Calgary Police Service will be issued release documentation that will require them to either pay a fine or attend court. 6148 Toll-free: 866. learn more Alberta Court of Justice. There is nothing private about being charged with a criminal offence in Canada. Certain fines can be paid online via the e-registry online ticket and fine payment system. Court Information Access Guide for Alberta While the courts now mostly operate virtually/remotely via Zoom, prior to the pandemic any member of the public was free to attend at the courthouse and see the docket. COVID-19 Measures: All other scheduled docket and disposition court proceedings will be conducted by way of remote appearance by Webex or telephone, in accordance with existing Practice Notes. ca or 403-297-4396. Sentencing of negligent parents, cat killer and ex-Calgary councillor among important 2025 court cases. Alberta Court of Justice . 5 Hours 10:00 a. All matters that are set for trial or Regional CMO at RegionalCMO. LIST HOLLINS, J 10:00/14:00 240498626Q2 KACHUR, J 09:30 Webex VC04 YAMAUCHI, J 09:00 240477356U1 CALGARY COURT OF KING'S BENCH - DAILY Alberta court locations, procedures and fees, and courtroom etiquette and jury duty. (A) and others v. Juridical Days. Filing Counter Hours: When ordering transcripts for docket court and the matter is spoken to several times in one day and in one courtroom, the client must: (or ordering party) must select the appropriate hearing office (Edmonton or Calgary) and courtroom where the justice of the peace resides. Grosse JA A. Family Docket Court will be scheduled on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday of each sitting week. Some cases do not appear in the Daily Court Lists. If you have a Court of King’s Bench family law or divorce file in locations outside Calgary or Edmonton, you can file a Regular Chambers application without going to Family Docket Court. It hears: civil trials, including all claims over $100,000; criminal trials for serious Criminal Code offences; jury trials; appeals of Court of Justice decisions; The Court also: deals with foreclosure, bankruptcy, insolvency and other civil matters; CALGARY CRIMINAL COURTS. View Available Court Dates. Author: Ileen Moore Created Date: Once Court and Justice Services confirms your application is satisfactory, you may file your application with Court and Justice Services using Interac, Visa or Mastercard. MASOOD, et al 1002 MALIK, J EPO Reviews Urgent Chambers GRESSER v. Title: Microsoft Word - None at this time. Judges, lawyers and justices of the peace, complaints Deals with various hearings such as motions, special hearings, trials, and other relevant hearings related to civil and criminal matters; hears appeals from decisions of the Alberta Court of Justice. 8:15 am to 4:00 pm Open Monday - Friday Closed on Statutory Holidays. 10 You may have to go back to Family Docket Court if the assigned 11 option does not resolve the issue. m. D. 1102 LABRENZ, J Criminal Appearance Court R v. 7 %âãÏÓ 31 0 obj > endobj 56 0 obj >/Encrypt 32 0 R/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[9BB3BCE5124AE24C8022C00749BA2736>]/Index[31 49]/Info 30 0 R/Length 123/Prev Family Docket Court - 2025 Schedule Dec 18, 2024 Effective January 2, 2025, the Court will schedule one additional Family Docket Court date per week, in Calgary and Edmonton. The Court of Justice Criminal Division handles first appearances, entry of pleas, bail hearings, preliminary inquiries, the trials and the sentencing of all prosecutions where the Crown proceeded by summary conviction and the majority of those where the proceedings were by Indictment. there is no CMO location in the region then it will return to the docket court of that location. PD 2022-02 . All criminal court appearances start in the Alberta Court of Justice. Use this form to search for criminal matters in the Court of King's Bench of Alberta. For JDR/EICC availability in all other Judicial Centres, please Email Filing Procedures & Naming Conventions . It is not necessary for you to have started an action or filed an Calgary King's Bench main number: (403) 297-7538. Hearing List - Week at a Glance-2025-02-21 Calgary Posting List Time Estimate: 10:00 a. Tarrabain (A) Self Rep (A) - Self Represented Self Rep (R) - Self Represented Fast Track Parties/Rep. All Courts Consolidated Corner Brook (General: 637-2224 / Family: 637-2227) Gander (256-1115) Grand Bank (832-1720) Grand Falls – Windsor (292-4261) Happy Valley-Goose Bay (896-7892) St. You must include the document name to be certified. Calgary . Hawkes JA Calgary Courtroom 3 Hearing List - Week at a Glance-2025-01-29 Calgary Posting List Time Estimate: Time Estimate: 10:00 a. Court of Appeal of Alberta Hearing List – Single Judge (Chambers) Calgary There are no Single Judge (Chambers) applications scheduled at this time. Calgary & Edmonton Regular Family Chambers. POMERLEAU, et al 1002 LABRENZ, J EPO Reviews Urgent Chambers CALGARY COURT OF KING'S BENCH - DAILY COURT LIST Wednesday, February 26, 2025 Created On: 2025-02-25 02:00. 45+ Minutes Calgary Courtroom 2 2401-0200AC Hentosz Resources Ltd. CALGARY (CRIMINAL DIVISION) COURTS, CALGARY REGIONAL COURTS, DRUMHELLER COURTS Effective: May 10, 2021 . "Though the opportunity sometimes seems daunting, today I publicly promise that I will commit all of the effort, energy and skill to the solemn duties required of me as Chief Justice of If you know the action or file number, or are searching for a specific action or file (example Jane Doe vs. A. CHEEMA, MOHAMMAD R v. Grosse JA Calgary CAC P. It is not necessary for you to have started an action or filed an family-law-dispute-resolution-processes-rule-4. 5 Hours Calgary Courtroom 1404 2401-0121AC Loretta Michelle Nitschmann (A) v. GRESSER CALGARY COURT OF KING'S BENCH - DAILY COURT LIST Friday, February 07, 2025 Created On: 2025-02-06 The Daily Court Lists online service provides information about upcoming criminal and family proceedings in the Ontario Court of Justice. KBJCalgary@albertacourts. Court of Appeal of Alberta . In-Custody matters: For Calgary matters the following Courts will be open at the Calgary Courts Centre: 305 Court: • In-custody docket from 305 and 505; • Consent releases; bail hearings under 20 minutes in length; • Brief guilty pleas; Court of Appeal of Alberta . Family Docket Court; Family Law Dispute Resolution Services; Service Outside of Canada (Includes Hague Convention) The Court of King's Bench of Alberta is a superior court of criminal jurisdiction, with the power to try any indictable offence under the Criminal Code of Canada. MEGID 1002 THOMPSON, J EPO Reviews Urgent Chambers Urgent Chambers Calgary Calgary Courts Centre 601 5th Street SW Calgary AB T2P 5P7 Calgary Courts Parkade 515 6th Ave SW Calgary AB T2P 0Y3. Court decisions may also be referred to as judgments, reasons for judgment, reasons for decision or memorandum of judgment. Achtymichuk (R) Calgary Courtroom 2 2401-0244AC If you know the action or court file number, or are searching for a specific action or court file (example Jane Doe vs. Additional fees may be assessed by court offices, including photocopy 1202 Criminal Duty Bail List 1201 R v. 6148 E Contact and Hours; For information relating to Family and Civil matters please call 1-855-738-4747; For information on Traffic, please use the Traffic Contact Information sheet; For information on Criminal matters, please use the Contact List for CMO Appearances; Or select a location from the list below to obtain further information about that court location: The Court of King's Bench is the superior trial court of Alberta. Hearing List – Sentence Speak To List . DAWES, et al KOESTER v. Alberta T5K 2B6 Telephone: 1-855-738-4747 (Court and Justice Services) The map does not show the actual location of this Organization or Service. 5 Hours Calgary Courtroom The Court Calendar and Indigenous Court Worker and Resolution Services Programs booklet contains an overview of the sitting dates for Alberta Courts. The daily court lists include the case name, time, room number and reason for the court appearance. Effective: September 21, 2022 . Family Docket Court Endorsement: KB157: KB157: N/A: Download: Notice to Hearing List - Week at a Glance-2025-02-21 Calgary Posting List Time Estimate: Time Estimate: 10:00 a. If you need to file using cash payment, you may attend thereafter at the Court of King’s Bench. 0 0 Assistance with Preparing Court Forms. The fee is $10. Author: Ileen Moore Created Date: OF CALGARY 1503 R v. Apply to bring an issue or complaint before a judge in court for legal judgment. The materials and filing deadlines included in Family Practice Note 2 continue to apply to newly scheduled Family When ordering transcripts for docket court and the matter is spoken to several times in one day and in one courtroom, the client must: (or ordering party) must select the appropriate hearing office (Edmonton or Calgary) and courtroom where the justice of the peace resides. Court forms information coordinators are available to assist with locating court forms and providing information on when to use them and how to fill them out. Crowshoe: Calgary and Calgary Regional: The Honourable Justice C. Probate Calculator. The Court of King's Bench of Alberta values the open court principle and its policies enhance access by members of the public and media. Further information on this service and locations can be found on the Court and Justice Services (CJS) website. 1. It can only show the records the Court has about an individual’s interactions with the Courts of King's Bench of Alberta Family Docket Court - 2025 Schedule Dec 18, 2024 Effective January 2, 2025, the Court will schedule one additional Family Docket Court date per week, in Calgary and Edmonton. 2025 Edmonton Criminal Division Courtroom Assignment List: PDF: 122. There are no sittings scheduled at this time. Bagg: Calgary and Calgary Regional: The Honourable Justice A. 5 Hours Calgary Courtroom Calgary Courts Centre Suite 705-N. CAC P. BEVILACQUA, ALISASIS 1003 Family Docket Court TOWLER, et al v. MONAT GLOBAL CANADA ULC 1002 JONES, J EPO Reviews Urgent Chambers If you are going to the courthouse in Edmonton or Calgary, you will need to go to the right clerk to have your request processed (such as criminal matters, family matters, Alberta Court of Justice civil claims matters). 27 KB: 12 Dec, 2024: Download: 2025 Edmonton Family & Youth Division Courtroom Court lists may be used without permission for public information and research, provided the materials is accurately reproduced and an acknowledgement made of the source. For further information on the Commercial Duty List, include matters that can be heard on this list, please see the Commercial page. Calgary Courtroom 1 2401-0232AC Hayley Elise Tolman (A) Hearing List - Week at a Glance-2024-09-04 Calgary Posting List No Hearings Scheduled No Hearings Scheduled Time Estimate: Time Estimate: A. P: 1-855-738-4747 Manager Kyle Pistawka, Manager SITTINGS: Monday through Friday 9:00 You must go to Family Docket Court before you can schedule a formal hearing for a family matter, if your file is in Edmonton or Calgary. docx Author: NatividadJ Created Date: High-profile cases to be resolved in Calgary courts as calendar to remain busy in 2025. Select Court Location: Brandon-KB: Court of Appeal: Dauphin-KB: Flin Flon-KB: Minnedosa-KB: Court of Appeal of Alberta Hearing List – Single Judge (Chambers) Calgary There are no Single Judge (Chambers) applications scheduled at this time. HIRBAYE CALGARY COURT OF KING'S BENCH - DAILY COURT LIST Wednesday, January 08, 2025 "The opportunity to serve the courts and the people of Alberta, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut is a responsibility and enormous privilege," she said. ab. Family Specials Coordinator 1003 KACHUR, J Family Docket Court MACINNIS v. Author: Victoria Turner The Criminal Rules of Court (Rules) come into effect September 1, 2021. In-Custody matters: For Calgary matters the following Courts will be open at the Calgary Courts Centre: 305 Court: • In-custody docket from 305 and 505; • Consent releases; bail hearings under 20 minutes in length; • Brief guilty pleas; family-law-dispute-resolution-processes-rule-4. 448. Calgary Phone: 403. Except where restricted by law or a judge’s order, courtrooms are open to the public and media, and court records and exhibits are available to view or copy. Christopher: Calgary and Calgary Regional: The Honourable Justice K. L. M. 297. 38 KB: 26 Feb, 2025: Download: 2025 Calgary Criminal Divison Courtroom Assignment List: PDF: 118. Please note that this document only refers to materials that are required to be filed through email filing. For more information, visit the Court’s website: • Family Docket Court info page (including the court calendar, Family Docket Court - 2025 Schedule Dec 18, 2024 Effective January 2, 2025, the Court will schedule one additional Family Docket Court date per week, in Calgary and Edmonton. ZHANG, et al; CALGARY COURT OF KING'S BENCH - DAILY COURT LIST Monday, January 27, 2025 Created On: 2025-01-24 02:00. 1003 Family Docket Court 1004 Civil Chambers MINISTER OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND EMERGENCY SERVICES v. Jury duty . John’s (729-1137) Please note: The cases scheduled for hearing, as well as the assigned judges and courtrooms, may change up to the time scheduled for cases to proceed due to [] 1003 Family Docket Court 1004 Civil Chambers Adult Guardianship and Trustee Act Applications 1001 Family Law Chambers 1 1002 LABRENZ, J EPO Reviews Urgent Chambers Applications Judge Chambers CRT RM STYLE OF CAUSE CALGARY COURT OF KING'S BENCH - DAILY COURT LIST Monday, January 13, 2025 Created On: 2025-01-10 01:57. ca. WHEATLAND COUNTY 1102 RM CORP, et al v. The court will email the parties a copy within one to two business days of your appearance in Family Docket Court. learn more Hearing List - Week at a Glance-2025-02-21 Calgary Posting List Time Estimate: 10:00 a. It is a procedural court within the Court of King’s Bench where the justice justice The title for judges in both the Alberta Court of Justice and the Court of King’s Bench of Alberta. Robert Rigo Nitschmann (R) E. 45 Minutes 2:00 p. All documents that are required by the court to be submitted through the King's Bench Filing Digital Service must be submitted there. Every effort is made to ensure the court lists are, or remain consistent with, statutory and court-ordered publication and disclosure bans. case law and / or list of authorities referred to in court, if you should use. CJS staff work to: help find solutions for legal issues; Family Docket Court Coordinator CaseConferenceCoordinator. Bodnar (A) J. Calgary@gov. CLARKE 1104 CARBONE, et al v. decides the best next step to meet your family’s needs. W. View Daily Court Hearing List. You may find it here: Daily Court Lists. The Court of Justice handles the vast majority of criminal and regulatory offences in Alberta and also hears Civil cases up to $100,000, Family, Youth and Traffic cases. Courtroom 305 is a continuous service court starting at 9:00 a. Calgary Courts Centre 601 5th Street SW Calgary AB T2P %PDF-1. 00 per document. The materials and filing deadlines included in Family Practice Note 2 continue to apply to newly scheduled Family Court of Appeal of Alberta . LIST HOLLINS, J 10:00/14:00 240498626Q2 KACHUR, J 09:30 Webex VC04 YAMAUCHI, J 09:00 240477356U1 10:00 CALGARY COURT OF KING'S BENCH - DAILY COURT LIST Friday, February 21, 2025 J Family Docket Court MAHMOUD v. Achtymichuk (R) Calgary Courtroom 2 2401-0244AC Mental Health Court; Calgary Indigenous Court; E-File Notice of Application for Publication Ban In-Custody docket (courtroom 101) Every Thursday at 9:30 A. For a list of documents accepted by King's Bench Filing Digital Services can be found here: CALGARY COURT OF KING'S BENCH - DAILY COURT LIST. Consent If your case is in the Court of King’s Bench in Edmonton or Calgary, Family Docket Court is the first stop for all family law issues. Certification fee is $10. Prejudgment and Postjudgment Interest Table. (courtroom 101 - Federal, Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault docket) SITTINGS: For information on Civil Claims contact the Provincial Court Criminal office. The Calgary Courts Centre is located at: 601 - 5 Street S. Family Docket Court is only available in Calgary and Edmonton. There will be signs indicating where you should go or you can ask at the information desk at the courthouse for directions. 1202 Criminal Duty Bail List 1201 R v. Find your nearest location and its sitting dates. Author: Victoria Court of Appeal of Alberta Hearing List – Sentence Appeals Calgary There are no Sentence Appeals scheduled at this time. John Doe), choose the "Search by Action/File number" option. They still can attend court now in person, but they can also use the daily court list online. In criminal matters, this search of the Court’s information is not a criminal record check. Calgary: Jul 11, 2024, 09:55 AM Court Reporter Required 11:15 4801 188900 14:00 Webex VC05 08:15 4801 171919 Webex VC02 09:00 CALGARY COURT OF KING'S BENCH - DAILY COURT LIST Monday, February 24, 2025 Child Support List 1003 CAMPBELL, J Family Docket Court GAHLOT v. See available court dates for Family Docket Court. kwtlfkbvgyhstktwbuhqartwyumxlzpkhcpxjjixsjuyhgtjqtohauzraqdifuivktnihqsxdsd